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2203 AD (281 AE) An overpopulated and desperate Earth has devised the “Colony Program”. Criminals, agitators and other ‘Undesirables’ supplemented by thousands of ‘Nonproductives’, or ‘Drones’ gathered in sweeps through slums and “squatter areas” worldwide, are crammed aboard a starship manned by a one-way crew, and sent to colonize the stars. This is the epic story of Colony Ship 7N-364, with its cargo of 3500 “Drones”, 1500 “Undies”, and 130 crew. With nearly a third of the colonists made up of street toughs, gangsters, terrorists, political agitators, and other troublemakers, can the crew hope to maintain control? Will they find a home before the ship dissolves into chaos? And if they do find a suitable planet, what then? Can a population of mostly illiterate peasants, political and social misfits, and outright criminals even survive? What kind of world could such a wildly varied group possibly produce? A sweeping adventure spanning generations!