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This is the story of the first computer enhanced human. David Klein was attached to a computer at birth and has amassed all the knowledge of humanity, with the ability to use it. Unfortunately, knowledge and intelligence is different from wisdom.This book tells David's story from college to manhood.From birth, David Klein had been linked to a computer. As an infant, he was oblivious to the external world. When he awoke at age four, he quickly made up for time lost. David was hyper-brilliant in all forms of intelligence, except with how to deal with real people. He knew that if people knew of the illegal operation, or his computer link-up, he’d be branded a monster. He is different! His father had often fled one-step ahead of authorities. David had been hidden away at home for the first sixteen years of his life, where he seldom talked to any human, other than his father. His father decides that it was now time to leave the safety of home and learn to interact with the ‘rabble’ by sending him to a small liberal arts college.David attempts, with occasional success, to hide how much he knows, which includes all the collective knowledge of humanity. The boy’s real focus is how to find women. The first was the wrong one at the right time and the second was the right one at the wrong time. Having escaped the boredom of introductory classes, David unlocks the secrets of gravity, along with many others. He solves humanity’s problems, while avoiding their assassins and defenders of the status quo. He learns the meaning of sharing, love, and helping others. He tries to forget he’s a monster.David and his family usher in the next and final age of mankind.