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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 18

by Fiona Murphy

  Che sighs. “Does Alicia think I’m not putting her first by saying no?”

  “It’s more like we live our lives differently, and our women are prepared for that. We don’t say no twice to anyone, we aren’t going to just turn that off when we come home. For us, we’re thinking and preparing weeks into the future, not just in our business, in our everyday lives. While we can never account for everything we are planning with her in mind, we keep her needs and her happiness at the top of that. She knows this because we make sure she knows this,” Dominic explains.

  “Damn, I’m so lucky Bethany is only one step away from being a submissive. She has her moments but she admits she’s happiest when I’m in control. And even when she’s having a moment, after a spanking she deep down loves, she’s content.”

  “That’s how Alicia is, usually. It’s just on this. She’s always had issues with her body. I’ve gone out of my way constantly to show her how much I love all her curves. I really thought for a few years there she was good.”

  Enzo shakes his head. “Chloe is usually extremely confident in her body, but she told me she’s planning on getting the works, breasts done, tummy tuck and liposuction. I’m stealing your advice, Tony. With Chloe I might need to do both.”

  Dante nods at me. “You ready for this?”

  “I can’t wait,” I admit. “Bella wants a house out here, close to Pop. I don’t see any signs down the block. Is there anything within a few blocks?”

  “Really?” Pop asks.

  I nod. “She likes it here, especially with everyone close by. In a few months us staying here when we visit won’t work. It makes sense. I would have thought she told you today.”

  “No.” Pop shakes his head. “Although she did commit to learning Italian so you both can raise your children speaking Italian. I was surprised by how easily she agreed. The couple in the house across the street sent their youngest off to college last year. Joe, the guy jokes about moving to Arizona for the heat. One of their daughters lives in Flagstaff.”

  “Really? It’s a lot like this one, isn’t it? Do you think it would have the same number of rooms?” I wonder.

  “It has more bedrooms but that’s because there aren’t two bedrooms with an attached bath and walk-in closet like I have, my bedroom and yours. You’d have to do updates in that though. They moved in over thirty years ago and they only updated the kitchen and one bathroom about fifteen years ago,” Pop warns.

  Dante shrugs as he looks at his phone. “That’s a good thing for the price and Bella—women love making a house their own. And with you guys not living here you won’t have to live through an update. With Dom and Tony doing updates on their properties, they can run your reno for you. Looking here and it sold thirty-three years ago for three hundred and twenty thousand. Taking a look at three comps I can see right now, market price for square feet in this neighborhood is about four hundred per square feet, which would put that house at two million and a quarter. With the need to update I think we could get it for two million even.”

  I consider his suggestion. “That sounds like low-balling. I don’t want to do it if it will insult them and they say no.”

  “It’s not a low-ball. With the need for updates it’s going to cost you, and that’s taken into the purchase price. It’s a fair price. Also you coming to them without them listing it will save them so much money, we’re talking seven percent of the purchase price. That alone at a hundred and forty thousand is a huge inducement to sell. They walk away with two million in the bank,” Dante explains.

  “I’ll talk to Bella about it tonight and give you a call tomorrow.”



  “The guys have the kids and the babies.” I can’t believe it.

  Bethany laughs. “Right? It’s awesome having men who are involved with home and baby life. Well, okay, it is nice having outside help who does the cleaning and some cooking covering most of the home life. I’m so grateful for never having to argue about taking out the trash or picking up dry cleaning and doing grocery shopping. With that off our shoulders it allows us so much more time with each other and the kids.”

  “I’m so grateful Enzo is a Mr. Mom. With him taking care of the kids and Karen taking care of the house, I sometimes feel a little guilty over how easy my life is compared to most moms out there. Get a housekeeper, it will save your marriage, as well as a nanny. The nanny will save your sanity.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Would Luca be okay with that? Wouldn’t it be really expensive?”

  Christy tilts her head as she studies me. “Luca is a multimillionaire. Most of his money is legitimate. I’m surprised he didn’t mention it.”

  “What?” I gasp. “I was shocked when he said we could buy a house here and a house in Vegas, but he didn’t say anything else about money.”

  “You’re buying a house here?” Regina throws her arms around me. “That is so awesome. I knew he’d say yes. Like Christy says, he’s rich, and he obviously adores you and will do anything to make you happy.”

  “You want to buy a house in Vegas? I would have thought living in a hotel and casino would be kind of neat. To be able to call down to the kitchen at all hours of the night and have whatever you want made and delivered.” Bethany sighs.

  Alicia laughs. “Dante just got up at midnight to make you spaghetti carbonara because you were wanting it. And you aren’t even pregnant.”

  Blushing, Bethany shrugs. “He was still awake. It’s not like I woke him or anything.”

  “It gave Dante bragging rights over Cesare over how much they’re willing to do to keep us happy. The last thing Cesare got to brag over Dante was when I wanted gnocchi from Dominic’s club at just after ten. He got up and drove the hour into the city and I fell asleep before he got home with it at after midnight.” Alicia nudges me. “I can imagine it would be hard to make a space like that into a home.”

  “Everything is so white and shiny. I’m afraid to touch anything. I want a home with a backyard and grass, with space for the kids to run and play like this house. I’m sure it’s going to be hard to find a house like this or the only other craftsman home style that I like. I also really want a home close by you and Tony. Within walking distance would be great,” I tell Christy.

  Christy leans over and hugs me so tight I can’t breathe for a minute. “Tony will be so happy. The only thing that would make him happier is if you managed to talk Luca into taking over his territory and moving here permanently.”

  “What about when your children grow up to take over?” I wonder.

  “We won’t be having any boys for them to take over Dominic’s territory, so their business can be split up among Tony’s children and yours and Luca’s.” Regina shrugs. “Dominic doesn’t want his sons to live a life not of their choosing, so we’re doing in vitro only with female embryos.”

  “Wow,” I murmur. “It doesn’t bother you going through all of that just so you don’t have boys?”

  “Not at all. Dominic at first refused to have children at all. My father was the Don over the Outfit, I didn’t grow up in the world but I did spend more than two years in it up close—seeing and hearing things I wish I hadn’t. Like you, I wouldn’t have had a problem with our sons becoming a part of the life. However, I love that Dominic wants our children to have a choice of what they want their lives to be. Growing up in the boarding school all alone, the only thing I’ve ever wanted was a family. Dominic changed his mind in order to give me one. So we have to work a little harder for it than most couples.”

  She shrugs. “When we started in vitro, they found I had issues that might have meant we needed help becoming pregnant anyway. Not all couples get pregnant easily.”

  “That’s true.” I remember the wife of the guard who lived with us. She was never able to have children, and it was something she cried about often.

  “I’ve heard Luca is already working on you two getting pregnant, with an emphasis on girls.” Chloe laughs. “How many are you re
ally willing to have?”

  Blushing, I nod. “I’d love a large family. Luca was talking four, I’m thinking six.”

  “That’s my number! Enzo wanted three so he’s happy for us to stop whenever I’m ready since we have Allegra, Anthony, and Valentina. But I’m not. I really want more. The only problem is I have issues with my blood pressure and preeclampsia. Thankfully it’s only at the end, and Enzo is on alert throughout. With Allegra and Anthony I was good right up until delivery. For Valentina, I did have to have my cesarean three weeks early.”

  Her sigh is heavy. “She was fine, healthy and at six pounds two ounces a good weight. But I do worry what it means with our next pregnancy.”

  “That does sound scary. It’s too easy to take it all for granted.” I admit, “I’m already hoping I’m pregnant, but there’s no guarantee. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if it took a few months. Especially when it comes to the wedding dress, not needing any alterations. I was wondering if any of you would be able to be bridesmaids and matron of honor,” I ask, a little embarrassed.

  Alicia and Bethany raise their hands then begin giggling as they realize they did it at the same time.

  “I’ll be happy to.” Chloe nods enthusiastically.

  Regina and Christy shake their heads.

  “I’m nine weeks right now. Sorry, but between the twins and not knowing how large I’ll be by then...” Regina shrugs.

  “I’m going to be induced two weeks before your wedding day, which I’m thinking should be enough time for me to be healed enough for the trip and everything. At the same time, I don’t think I’ll be up for more.” Christy sighs.

  “I understand, completely.” I nod at Regina and Christy. Turning to the others, “Thank you so much. I’m going to let you pick out your dress—as long as it’s light pink.”

  “Ooh, I have just the dress. I love weddings, as long as I don’t have to do any of the planning. Our wedding was small, we had a wedding planner, and it was still exhausting.” Bethany finishes her wine and reaches for the bottle to refill hers and Alicia’s glasses.

  I roll my eyes. “It is soo much. Luca is intent on it being big and the wedding I deserve. I would really rather have a small, intimate wedding. But I’m also aware for Luca’s position, a big wedding is expected.”

  “Luca doesn’t care about any of that. If you told him you wanted a smaller wedding, he would give it to you,” Christy assures me.

  “I know. I do. I don’t mind, not really. Please don’t think I’m complaining.” I wonder if I sound like I’m whining.

  Chloe’s hand goes over mine. “If I can give you one piece of advice, it’s that communication is key. Luca wants to know what you’re thinking and feeling. He will do whatever it takes to make you happy, but he won’t know unless you tell him. I made a mess of our marriage because I wouldn’t just talk to Enzo and tell him what I want and need from him. No one is a mind reader, as much as we wish we didn’t have to voice our needs because we want to believe our connection is so strong. And it is—it doesn’t mean it’s not strong because he can’t read your mind. Especially when you guys are still learning each other.”

  “I definitely agree about communication, but also being aware and accepting that there is a give and take in marriage that isn’t always equal. And knowing what you’re okay with and not okay with.” Alicia nods.

  “Like how much time he spends working. I feel guilty because it’s clear he’s trying. And I wonder if maybe I’m too clingy.” I admit.

  “I’m totally clingy. If I could be all up on Cesare every minute of the day I would be. I’m just happiest when I’m with him, and even happier when I’m in his lap or his arms. He gets home and I’m on him, the kids are on him. But he loves it. I thought he was only saying it to make me feel better.” She shakes her head with a grin. “Cesare insists it makes him feel loved and needed.”

  “Enzo wishes I was more clingy—like I used to be in the beginning. I’d been working on not being clingy because I was worried I was being greedy with his time. He’s still working and heading a trillion-dollar hedge fund while being the primary caregiver for our children. Yes, there’s Nonna and the nanny, but it’s a lot and I didn’t want to stress him out. He says he was more stressed out because he was worried I wasn’t as attracted to him.” Laughing, she shakes her head. “What in the ever loving hell is he talking about? He is still the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. I had no idea guys worried about things like that. How could he doubt it? So I’m doing my best to make sure he doesn’t worry ever again.”

  “Dante loves me being clingy too. If he gets home and I’m not there waiting for him and trying to crawl on his lap, he pouts and makes me pay for it the next time we have alone time.” Bethany laughs.

  “They want to take care of us. For them, ensuring we’re happy makes them happy. It’s how they’re built,” Christy explains.

  Everyone nods, and a sense of relief hits me. They are saying what Luca said yet I didn’t dare trust in, afraid he was saying it to be nice. Except as I listen to them, I realize how silly it was to think so. Luca has never once said anything he didn’t mean—starting from the first night we met. I’m so grateful for these women, this new family I always wanted but never thought I would have.



  Lying in Luca’s arms, trying to catch my breath, I fight sleep, wanting to share with him the things the other women said. Luca finds his breath before I do.

  A finger runs over my cheek. “I found us a house here in Chicago.” He reaches for his cell phone. “These pictures are from when it was last sold so they are older but don’t worry, we can gut the inside and make it whatever you want. It’s the house across the street.”

  I love the way his arm goes around me to hold me close as we look through the pictures. “Across the street? It’s not for sale though.”

  “Pop thinks the guy would be open to selling and moving somewhere warmer. The couple’s children have flown the nest and it’s a big house that is now empty. What do you think?” Luca swipes across his phone.

  “Oh, Luca, I love it. It’s like this house. And there are so many bedrooms.” I sigh over the photos.

  “Dominic and Pop have property they buy and fix up, selling and renting, so they have a lot of experience with running a renovation and they’re happy to run ours while we’re in Vegas.”

  “Thank you.” I press my lips to his.

  His eyebrows go up. “What?”

  I shake my head. “Just thank you. Thank you for loving me and not letting me go.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you finally get that I will never let you go. Say it,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I love you, Luca.”



  I call Dante as soon as I wake up and let him know Bella loves the house and wants it. I tell him to offer two and a half million in cash and give them thirty days to vacate, no inspection necessary. I’m fine paying more for it. I am not fine with losing out on the house. Dante doesn’t argue, he’ll be over in an hour with the paperwork.

  Bella and I get ready and go downstairs. Pop is at the kitchen table with Christy and Santino.

  “I made a spinach and pancetta quiche.” Pop nods at the stove. “It’s still warm.”

  “Sounds good.” I nudge Bella toward the table then move to the stove to make a plate for each of us. “Dante is on his way over.” I check my watch. “Maybe twenty minutes or so. Bella loved the house so I’m going to put in an offer on it. I’m looking at giving them thirty days to get sorted and move out.”

  Pop’s smile is so wide, I wonder if his cheeks hurt. “Thirty days is more than fair.”

  “I can’t wait to get inside and see it.” Bella sighs.

  “You can, after I go over and make the offer and they accept.” I set down her plate in front of her.

  Her bottom lip comes out in a pout. “I don’t get to go with you to make the offer?”

  “No. I’m alr
eady paying more than market price. If they got a look at you and how much you want it, I’ll end up paying even more.” I shake my head as I pour her a glass of orange juice.

  She takes the glass with a huff but doesn’t argue. Good girl. As we’re finishing breakfast Dante arrives. Bella is nearly vibrating with excitement as Dante sits and I go over the contract offer.

  “Two and a half million dollars in cash?” Bella’s eyes are wide. “Is it too much? Are you sure?”

  I laugh. “Mi amore, I make that in a week. It’s not too much.”

  Her eyes go even wider as she whispers, “Wow.”

  Dante’s phone goes off with a text. He checks it. “Okay, let’s move, cousin. I have a paying client in an hour.”

  “What do you mean I’m not paying?” I ask as I lean over and kiss Bella’s cheek before we leave. “I’m paying. That isn’t up for debate.”

  He sighs. “All right, I’m not going to argue. Let’s do this.”

  A pretty older woman with graying red hair opens the door only minutes after I ring the doorbell.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m shaking the seller’s hand. They accepted the offer but asked for forty-five days for them to vacate. The contract is updated, and signed. A few clicks on my bank’s website and I’m wiring the money to their bank account.



  I’m antsy as I wait for Luca to come back from across the street. Dora, one of Rosie’s miniature poodles, pleads for attention and I can’t deny the adorable dog.

  “She’s so cute she looks like a stuffed animal.” I laugh as the dog nuzzles my neck and licks me.

  Christy nods. “They are so cute so you don’t kill them. It took a little while to get them properly trained, as well as us because they are so cute and smart it’s hard not to give in—like kids. Was a part of the reason you wanted a backyard for a dog?”

  I shake my head. “I’ve actually always wanted a cat. My mom was allergic so I never had one growing up. There was a local neighborhood cat my mom let me feed in our backyard, and I got to play with it every day almost like clockwork until one day he just stopped coming. I don’t know if the owners moved or what happened.”


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