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Page 23

by Marcia Bjornerud

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  N O T E S

  1 . A C A L L F O R T I M E F U L N E S S

  1. Descartes, R., 1641, translated by Michael Moriarty, 2008. Meditations on First Philosophy, with Selections from the Objections and Replies. Oxford: Oxford World’s Classics, p. 16.

  2. Haldane is supposed to have said this when asked what could cause him to aban-

  don his certitude about evolution. The memorable quote has been cited many

  times, but its origin is not clear.

  3. Barker, D., and Bearce, D., 2012. End- times theology, the shadow of the future, and public resistance to addressing climate change. Political Research Quarterly, 66, 267– 279. doi:0.1177/1065912912442243.

  4. Baumol, W., and Bowen, W., 1966. Performing Arts— The Economic Dilemma:

  A Study of Problems Common to Theater, Opera, Music, and Dance. New York:

  Twentieth Century Fund, 582 pp.

  5. Theoretical physicist Lee Smolin is a minority voice chiding his discipline for

  what he calls the systematic “expulsion of time.” Smolin, L., 2013, Time Reborn, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 352 pp.

  6. Including Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner in Chapter 5 of Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life

  Insurance. 2010. New York: William Morrow, 320 pp.

  2 . A N AT L A S O F T I M E

  1. McPhee, J., 1981. Basin and Range. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, p. 20.

  2. It should be noted that some non- Western cultures had prescientific concepts

  of “Deep Time.” For example, Hinduism and Buddhism share the concept of

  kalpa, a Sanskrit word for a cosmological eon— an interval of time far longer than human experience and memory. Other cultures outside the Abrahamic

  traditions likely had similar ideas about the antiquity of the Universe. But in

  Europe, where modern geologic thinking began, biblical doctrine was long a

  barrier to scientific understanding.

  3. While this number was not an accurate determination of the age of the Earth,

  it is not without meaning; it is close to the modern estimate of the average time

  an atom of sodium remains in the sea (its residence time) before being removed via sea spray or precipitation of rock salt. See Appendix II for characteristic residence times of other geologic “commodities.”

  4. Thomson, W., (Lord Kelvin) 1872. President’s Address. Report of the Forty- First Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Edinburgh,

  194 Notes to ch a pter 2

  pp. lxxiv- cv. Reprinted in Kelvin, 1894, Popular Lectures and Addresses, vol. 2.

  London: Macmillan, pp. 132– 205.

  5. For a lively, readable biography of Arthur Holmes, see Cherry Lewis, 2000, The Dating Game: One Man’s Search for the Age of the Earth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  6. The Rutherford- Soddy law, the mathematical description of radioactive decay, is dP/ dt = −λ P, where P is the number of atoms of the parent isotope at any given time, dP/ dt is the rate of decay, and λ is the decay constant for that isotope. The relationship between the half- life t 1/2 and the decay constant is t 1/2 = ln 2/λ, or 0.693/λ. In about 10 mathematical steps, it is possible to derive from Rutherford’s law an equation— the Age Equation— that expresses the age of a mineral (time

  elapsed since crystallization, t) as a function of the daughter/parent ratio D/ P

  and the decay constant λ. It is simply: t = 1/λ [ln ( D/ P +1)].

  7. International Commission on Stratigraphy: http:// www .stratigraphy .org /index

  .php /ics -gssps.

  8. An audio interview with Nier about his work before and during the Manhattan

  Project can be heard at http:// manhattanprojectvoices .org /oral -histories /alfred

  -niers -interview -part -1.

  9. It should be acknowledged that a Russian geochemist, E. K. Gerling, carried out a very similar calculation at virtually the same time as Holmes and obtained an age

  of 3.1 billion years. But his work was not known in the West until much later. See

  Dalrymple, G. B., 2001. The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: A problem

  (mostly) solved. In Lewis, C. and Knell, S., The Age of the Earth from 4004 BC to AD 2002. Geological Society of London Special Publication 190, 205– 221.

  10. Brush, S., 2001. Is the Earth too old? The impact of geochronology on cosmol-

  ogy, 1929– 1952. In Lewis, C., and Knell, S., The Age of the Earth from 4004 BC

  to AD 2002. Geological Society of London Special Publication 190, 157– 175.

  11. Patterson, C., 1956. Age of meteorites and the Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 10, 230– 277. doi:10.1016/0016– 7037(56)90036– 9.

  12. Coleman, D., Mills, R., and Zimmerer, M., 2016. The pace of plutonism. Ele-

  ments, 12, 97– 102. doi:10.2113/gselements.12.2.97.

  13. Gebbie, G., and Huybers, P., 2012. The mean age of ocean waters inferred from

  radiocarbon observations: Sensitivity to surface sources and accounting for

  mixing histories. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 291- 305. doi:10.1175/

  JPO- D- 11– 043.1.

  14. Suess H., 1955. Radiocarbon concentration in modern wood. Science, 122, 415– 417.

  15. For a lyrical account of the geology of the Apennines, see Walter Alvarez, 2008.

  In the Mountains of St Francis. New York: WW Norton.

  16. Genge, M., et al., 2016. An urban collection of modern- day large micrometeor-

  ites: Evidence for variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux through the Quater-

  nary. Geology, 45, 119– 121. doi:10.1130/G38352.1.

  17. Swisher et al., 1992. Coeval 40Ar/39Ar ages of 65.0 mil ion years ago from Chicxulub Crater melt rock and Cretaceous- Tertiary boundary tektites, Science, 257, 954– 958.

  notes to chapter 3 195

  18. Wilde, S., Valley, J., Peck, W., and Graham, C., 2001. Evidence from detrital

  zircons for the existence of continental
crust and oceans on the Earth 4.4 Gyr

  ago. Nature, 409, 175– 178. doi:10.1038/35051550.

  3 . T H E PA C E O F T H E E A R T H

  1. The lack of detailed information about seafloor topography was underscored by

  the search for the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared

  somewhere in the Indian Ocean in March 2014. In 2016, an international geo-

  physical team conducted echo soundings along a swath 100 miles wide and 1500

  miles long in an area about 1000 miles west of Australia, revealing many previously unknown fracture zones, escarpments, landslides, and volcanic centers, but no

  trace of the lost aircraft. See Picard, K., Brooke, B., and Coffin, M., 2017. Geo-

  logical insights from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 search. EOS, Transactions

  of the American Geophysical Union, 98. https:// doi .org /10 .1029 /2017EO069015.

  2. A marvelous biography of Marie Tharp is Soundings: The Story of the Remarkable Woman who Mapped the Ocean Floor, by Hali Felt (2012). New York: Henry Holt, 368 pp.

  3. Vine, F., and Matthews, D., 1963. Magnetic anomalies over mid- ocean ridges.

  Nature, 199, 947– 950.

  4. East Pacific Rise Study Group, 1981. Crustal processes of the mid- ocean ridge,

  Science, 213, 31– 40.

  5. Gondwanaland, which included India, Africa, South America, Australia, and

  Antarctica, was first hypothesized and named in the 1880s by the Austrian ge-

  ologist Edward Suess based on similarities in the fossils, rock strata, and ancient mountain ranges of the southern landmasses. The name was later used by the

  German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in his 1915 treatise Origin of Continents

  and Oceans, which made a strong case for continental drift a half- century before the discovery of seafloor spreading and development of plate tectonic theory.

  6. Ruskin, J., 1860. Modern Painters, vol. 4: Of Mountain Beauty, p. 196– 197. Available through Project Gutenberg: http:// www .gutenberg .org /files /31623 /31623

  -h /31623 -h .htm.

  7. Liang, S., et al., 2013. Three- dimensional velocity field of present- day crustal motion of the Tibetan Plateau derived from GPS measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 5722– 5732. doi:10.1002/2013JB010503.

  8. Van der Beek, P., et al., 2006. Late Miocene— Recent exhumation of the central

  Himalaya and recycling in the foreland basin assessed by apatite fission- track

  thermochronology of Siwalik sediments, Nepal. Basin Research, 18, 413– 434.

  9. Clift, P. D., et al., 2001. Development of the Indus Fan and its significance for the erosional history of the Western Himalaya and Karakoram. Geological Society of

  America Bulletin, 113, 1039– 1051.

  10. Einsele, G., Ratschbacher, L., and Wetzel, A., 1996. The Himalaya- Bengal fan

  denudation- accumulation system during the past 20 Ma. Journal of Geology, 104, 163– 184. doi:10.1086/629812.

  196 Notes to ch a pter 3

  11. Curray, J., 1994. Sediment volume and mass beneath the Bay of Bengal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 125, 371– 383.

  12. Based on the Plateau area of 2.6 million km2 and average elevation of 4.5 km.

  13. Seong, Y., et al., 2008. Rates of fluvial bedrock incision within an actively uplifting orogen: Central Karakoram Mountains, northern Pakistan, Geomorphology, 97,

  274– 286. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.08.011.

  14. Davies, N., and Gibling M., 2010. Cambrian to Devonian evolution of alluvial

  systems: The sedimentological impact of the earliest land plants. Earth Science Reviews, 98, 171– 200. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.11.002.

  15. Brown, A. G., et al., 2013. The Anthropocene: Is there a geomorphological case?

  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38, 431– 434. doi:10.1002/esp.3368.

  16. Lim, J., and Marshall, C., 2017. The true tempo of evolutionary radiation and decline revealed on the Hawaiian archipelago. Nature, 543, 710– 713. doi:10.1038/


  17. For a survey of the many feedbacks between topography, climate, and erosion see Brandon, M., and Pinter, N., How erosion builds mountains, Scientific American, July 2005.

  18. In central Sweden, postglacial rebound rates are on the order of 0.6 cm (0.25

  in.) per year— fast enough that settlements that were seaports in Viking times

  now lie on inland lakes. Neighboring Finland has laws governing who owns new

  coastal land that emerges from the sea; these may become moot, however, if sea

  level rise outpaces isostatic uplift.

  19. Champagnac, J., et al., 2009. Erosion- driven uplift of the modern Central Alps.

  Tectonophysics, 474, 236– 249. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.024.

  20. Darwin, C., 1839. Voyage of the Beagle, chap. 14.

  21. Stein, S., and Okal, E., 2005. Speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake. Nature, 434, 581– 582. doi:10.1038/434581a.

  22. Ben- Naim, E., Daub, E., and Johnson, P., 2013. Recurrence statistics of great

  earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3021– 3025, doi:10.1002/grl.50605.

  23. Houston, H., et al., 2011. Rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia generated by

  a weakened plate interface. Nature Geoscience, 4, 404– 408. doi:10.1038/


  24. Brudzinksi, M., and Allen, R., 2007. Segmentation in episodic tremor and slip

  all along Cascadia. Geology, 35, 907– 910. doi:10.1130/G23740A.1.

  25. Yamashita, Y., et al., 2015. Migrating tremor off southern Kyushu as evidence for slow slip of a shallow subduction interface. Science, 348, 676– 679. doi:10.1126/


  26. Booth, A., Roering, J., and Rempel, A., 2013. Topographic signatures and a gen-

  eral transport law for deep- seated landslides in a landscape evolution model.

  Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118, 603– 624. doi:10.1002/


  27. Parker, R., et al., 2011. Mass wasting triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is greater than orogenic growth. Nature Geoscience, 4, 449– 452.

  notes to chapter 4 197

  28. Ramalho, R., et al., 2015. Hazard potential of volcanic flank collapses raised

  by new megatsunami evidence. Science Advances, 1, e1500456. doi:10.1126/


  29. Aranov, E., and Anders, M., 2005. Hot water: A solution to the Heart Moun-

  tain detachment problem? Geology, 34, 165– 168. doi:10.1130/G22027.1; Crad-

  dock, J., Geary, J. and Malone, D., 2012. Vertical injectites of detachment carbon-

  ate ultracataclasite at White Mountain, Heart Mountain detachment, Wyoming.

  Geology, 41, 463– 466. doi:10.1130/G32734.1.

  30. Ross, M., McGlynn, B., and Bernhardt, E., 2016. Deep impact: Effects of mountain top mining on surface topography, bedrock structure and downstream waters. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 2064– 2074. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b04532.

  31. Wilkinson, B., 2005. Humans as geologic agents: A deep- time perspective. Geology, 33, 161– 164. doi:10.1130/G21108.1.

  32. Hurst, M., et al., 2016. Recent acceleration in coastal cliff retreat rates on the south coast of Great Britain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 13336– 13341, doi:10.1073/pnas.1613044113.

  33. Stanley, J.- D., and Clemente, P., 2017. Increased land subsidence and sea- level rise are submerging Egypt’s Nile Delta coastal margin. GSA Today, 27, 4– 11.


  34. Morton, R., Bernier, J., and Barras, J., 2006. Evidence of regional subsidence

  and associated interior wetland loss induced by hydrocarbon production, Gulf

  Coast region, USA. Environmental Geology, 50, 261– 274.

  35. According to a U.S. Geological Survey report, seismic risk from human- ind

  earthquakes in Oklahoma in 2017 equaled that of natural earthquakes in Cali-

  fornia: Peterson, M., et al., 2017. One- year seismic- hazard risk forecast for the central and eastern Unites States from induced and natural earthquakes. Seis-mological Research Letters, 88, 772– 783. doi:10.1785/0220170005.

  4 . C H A N G E S I N T H E A I R

  1. Marchis, S., et al., 2016. Widespread mixing and burial of Earth’s Hadean crust

  by asteroid impacts. Nature, 511, 578– 582. doi:10.1038/nature13539.

  2. Williams, G., 2000. Geological constraints on the Precambrian history of

  Earth’s rotation and the Moon’s orbit. Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 37– 59.


  3. Sagan, C., and Mullen, G., 1972. Earth and Mars: Evolution of atmospheres and

  surface temperatures. Science, 177, 52– 56.

  4. Mojzsis, S. J., et al., 1996. Evidence for life on Earth before 3800 million years ago. Nature, 384, 55– 59. doi:10.1038/384055a0.

  5. van Zuilen, M., Lepland, A., and Arrhenius, G, 2002. Reassessing the evidence

  for the earliest traces of life. Nature, 418, 627– 630. doi:10.1038/nature00934.

  6. Whitehouse, M., Myers, J., and Fedo, C., 2009. The Akilia Controversy:

  Field, structural and geochronological evidence questions interpretations of

  198 Notes to ch a pter 4

  >3.8 Ga life in SW Greenland. Journal of the Geological Society, 166, 335– 348.

  doi:10.1144/0016- 76492008- 070.

  7. Westall, F., and Folk, R., 2003. Exogenous carbonaceous microstructures in Early Archean cherts and BIFs from the Isua Greenstone Belt: Implications for the

  search for life in ancient rocks. Precambrian Research 126, 313– 330.

  8. Van Kranendonk, M., Philippot, P., Lepot, K., Bodorkos, S. & Pirajno, F., 2008.

  Geological setting of Earth’s oldest fossils in the c. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation,

  Pilbara craton, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 167, 93– 124.

  9. Nutman, A., Bennett, V., Friend, C., Van Kranendonk, M., and Chivas, A., 2016.

  Nature, 537 http:// dx .doi .org /10 .1038 /nature19355.

  10. Watson, Traci. 3.7 billion year old fossil makes life on Mars less of a long shot, USA Today, 31 August 2016. http:// www .usatoday .com /story /news /2016 /08

  /31 /37 -billion -year -old -fossil -makes -life -mars -less -long -shot /89647646/.

  11. Zerkle, A., et al., 2017. Onset of the aerobic nitrogen cycle during the Great

  Oxidation Event. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature20826.

  12. Kump, L. and Barley, M., 2007. Increased subaerial volcanism and the rise of


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