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Back in the Game

Page 13

by Caz Finlay

  She slipped back behind the wall she’d just rounded as she tried to catch her breath. Dear God. Had she just seen that? It couldn’t be. Not her Jake. No way. He was a real hard man. As tough as they came. There was no way. And with Paul Carter? No. It wasn’t possible.

  Except that she’d seen it with her own eyes. As clear as anything, she had seen her boyfriend kissing another man. What the hell was she going to do? Confront him? Pretend she hadn’t seen him and carry on as normal? God, no. She couldn’t do that. Could she? What she did know was that she had to get away from there, and she needed some time and space to think.

  Taking out her mobile phone, Siobhan sent a text message to Mel telling her not to bother cleaning the club today. Jake would turn up and open up soon enough. Then she tapped out a message to Jake telling him she wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be in to work for her shift that evening. As she got into the lift she started to cry. Why had Jake gone and ruined everything? The bastard. He was just like his father after all.

  Chapter 44

  Vinnie Black walked into Jake’s office with a black holdall and placed it on the desk in front of his boss.

  ‘That’s fifty so far, boss,’ he smiled weakly.

  ‘Fifty?’ Jake shouted. ‘You lost me two hundred grand four weeks ago, Vinnie, and you come in here today with fifty. Are you fucking serious?’

  Vinnie stared at him open-mouthed as Jake stood up from his chair. ‘It’s all I could get, boss. I’ll get you the rest as soon as I can.’

  ‘And just how do you fucking plan on doing that, Vinnie?’ he snapped as he drew closer to him.

  Vinnie shook his head. ‘I don’t know yet. But I will. I promise.’

  Jake pushed his face into Vinnie’s. He was so close he could feel Vinnie trembling through his tracksuit. ‘Do you think I’m some sort of soft touch or something, Vinnie?’ he yelled in his face. ‘Do I look like I’m a pushover or something? Do you look at me and see some pansy who won’t take back what I’m owed?’

  Vinnie shook his head furiously. ‘No, boss. Of course not,’ he stuttered.

  Placing one of his large hands around Vinnie’s throat, Jake started to squeeze. ‘If you don’t get me my money back by Friday, you useless piece of shit, I will pull out every one of your teeth and fingernails and feed them to you for fucking breakfast. Do you understand me?’

  ‘Yes, boss,’ he wheezed before gasping for air as Jake let go of his throat.

  ‘Good,’ Jake said before slapping Vinnie hard across the back of his head. ‘Now get out of my fucking sight.’

  Vinnie stumbled out of the open door of Jake’s office as Paul Carter stepped aside to let him past.

  ‘What the fuck was that about?’ Paul asked as he took a seat and started to pour himself a brandy.

  Jake glared at him. ‘That useless knobhead lost me a fuckload of money, and he comes in here with fifty grand thinking I’ll be grateful or something. Do people think I’m fucking soft or something?’

  Paul laughed. ‘I don’t think they do, mate.’

  ‘It’s not fucking funny,’ Jake snarled.

  ‘It is a bit funny, seeing you all worked up like this,’ said Paul with a smirk. ‘Reminds me of this morning.’

  ‘Keep your fucking voice down,’ Jake muttered as he closed the door to his office.

  ‘Oh, calm the fuck down, Jake,’ Paul said. ‘It’s only Vinnie. Everyone knows he’s not a full shilling. You need to cut him some slack. Even your dad was easy on him.’

  ‘Yeah, well. I can’t afford to have people thinking I’m a soft touch.’

  ‘Why? Coz you’re really a fag?’ Paul winked at him.

  ‘Fuck off,’ Jake snarled at him. ‘Don’t fucking say that.’ He’d been doing his best to avoid Paul but he couldn’t help himself. He was like a drug. And every time Jake gave in to his urges, he hated himself a little bit more.

  Paul stood up from his chair. ‘Why not?’ he said as walked over to where Jake stood. ‘It’s true, isn’t it?’

  Jake shook his head. ‘Fuck you,’ he said, with less conviction in his voice.

  ‘If you want,’ Paul chuckled before pulling Jake to him for a kiss.

  Chapter 45

  Michael watched Grace as she served drinks behind the bar. It reminded him of when they’d first met in The Rose and Crown. He used to love watching her work. He’d worked there himself for a short while, when he was trying to go straight. But it wasn’t long before he’d been caught back up in shady dealings. He wasn’t cut out for going legit, not like his brother, Sean, who’d taken to a law-abiding life like a duck to water. His wife, Sophia, and her fiery Italian temper had helped see to that.

  Michael supposed his security firm was as legitimate as he was going to get. The business was, at least, but the means by which he and his employees operated within that business were most definitely not.

  ‘Penny for your thoughts,’ Grace said as she approached him.

  ‘Funnily enough, I was just thinking about you.’ He slipped his arms around her waist.

  ‘Oh, really?’ She grinned at him. ‘And what were you thinking?’

  ‘How much I enjoyed your surprise visit last night. It was very … satisfying.’

  ‘Well, I aim to please, Mr Carter.’

  ‘You certainly do,’ he growled. ‘Are you coming home with me tonight?’

  She shook her head. ‘I can’t. I need to go home soon. Marcus is going out with his new boyfriend, James.’

  ‘Let me stay with you then?’

  ‘You can’t.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘You know I don’t want strange men sleeping in the house when Belle is there.’

  He frowned and pulled away from her. ‘So you’re saying I’m a strange man?’

  ‘To my daughter you are.’

  ‘Well, let her get to know me then.’

  Grace sighed. ‘But there’s no point. We’re going home soon.’

  Michael shook his head in annoyance. ‘That doesn’t mean this has to end, Grace.’

  ‘It does.’ She swallowed. ‘We knew this was a temporary thing.’

  He shook his head and thought about walking away, but then she took his hand and led him to the office they shared. Closing the door behind them, she smiled at him.

  ‘I don’t have to be home for an hour. There’s no reason we can’t make the most of the time we do have,’ she purred as she started to unbutton his shirt.

  Michael groaned. He should tell her to go home. She was going to break his fucking heart and walk away without a backward glance. As she started to plant soft kisses along his throat he felt his resolve weaken. Running his hands through her hair he pulled her face up to meet his, taking any control he could get, and kissed her so hard he hoped she’d change her mind about ever leaving him.


  Grace was zipping up her dress as she watched Michael putting his shirt back on. She loved looking at his body. She loved the feel of it. She loved the way he kissed her. The way he made love to her. The way he looked at her like she was the only woman in the world. She shook her head. Why was she doing this to herself? She had to leave – soon. The longer she let their affair carry on, the harder it would be for all of them. She wondered what it would be like to stay in Liverpool. To stay with him. To enjoy his coffee-and-peppermint kisses whenever she liked. But she couldn’t, as much as she might want to, and it was all her own stupid fault. She had to leave before he discovered the truth. She couldn’t bear to see his face when he did. He would hate her. And she would deserve it. She’d been lying to him, and almost everyone else, for over eighteen months.

  ‘I’d better get back to work,’ Michael said as she continued watching him.

  Grace nodded. ‘People will be wondering where you are. Siobhan told me things have been quiet for the past few nights.’

  ‘It’s the last week before payday. It’s always a bit quieter then. Nothing to worry about. That crank was in here again last night though,’ Michael
said as he put on his jacket.

  ‘The blonde you threw out the other week?’ Grace asked.


  ‘Did she behave herself?’

  ‘I suppose. Just got a bit drunk and tried to cop off with the bar staff and the bouncers. She was asking for Jake again. Nothing we couldn’t handle though. But I think you should bar her.’

  Grace shrugged. ‘She’s no bother really. She seems lonely. And besides, Jake seems to like her.’

  ‘She’s not the type of clientele we want to attract though, is she?’ he said as he walked over to her.

  ‘Michael Carter, you ageist old sod.’ She laughed. ‘I bet if she was thirty years younger and wore miniskirts you wouldn’t have a problem with her.’

  ‘I never said that,’ he shook his head in exasperation. ‘I just meant—’

  ‘Just for that, I’m not going to bar her,’ Grace said. ‘Unless she’s causing a nuisance, then just leave her be.’

  ‘Whatever you say, boss.’

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow?’ Grace asked as she picked up her handbag.

  ‘Of course. I’ll be here early.’

  ‘So will I then.’ She blew him a kiss as she left.

  Chapter 46

  Jake opened the door to his and Siobhan’s flat and saw the light from the television illuminating the wall in the hallway.

  ‘You still up, babe?’ he shouted as he took off his coat.

  There was no reply and he walked into the lounge to see Siobhan sitting on the sofa surrounded by used tissues.

  ‘Are you okay? You feeling any better?’ he asked as he sat down beside her, placing an arm around her shoulder.

  She shrugged him off. ‘I’m fine,’ she said with a sniff.

  Probably on her period, he thought, as he got up and went to the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge.

  ‘How was your meeting this morning?’ Siobhan asked.

  Jake shrugged. ‘Fine. The usual. Why do you ask?’ He frowned at her.

  ‘Because you never turned up to let Mel in to clean.’

  ‘Oh shit,’ he replied. ‘I forgot she had no keys. Our meeting ran late.’

  ‘We pay her company a lot of money to keep that place clean, Jake.’

  ‘Is that why you’re upset with me?’

  ‘You should have been there.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Siobhan. I was busy elsewhere.’

  ‘Doing what?’

  ‘Doing fucking business,’ he shouted. ‘What the hell has got into you?’

  ‘You, Jake,’ she spat. ‘You just go about your business, doing your thing and forgetting that other people are counting on you. Mel stood in the rain for half an hour waiting for you.’

  ‘Are you kidding me with this?’

  ‘Oh, piss off,’ Siobhan snapped. ‘I knew you wouldn’t care.’

  ‘I don’t need this,’ he shouted. ‘I came home early to see if you were okay and all you’ve done since I walked through the door is have a go at me.’

  ‘Well, why don’t you go somewhere you’re more appreciated then?’ Siobhan said as she threw a cushion at him, which he ducked to avoid. It collided with a vase on the table instead, sending it crashing to the floor.

  ‘Fine by me,’ Jake shouted as he walked out of the room.


  Climbing into his car, Jake shook his head. What the fuck was up with women? He started the engine and dialled Paul’s number. After a few rings, Paul’s voice filled the car.

  ‘All right, mate?’

  Jake sighed. ‘No. Me and Siobhan have had a massive row. Are you in?’

  ‘Sorry, lad. Me and Connor are on our way to Glasgow.’


  ‘Yep. Seeing a man about some cleaning supplies. We’ll be back tomorrow.’

  ‘No worries. Have fun,’ Jake sighed.

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow night. My place at eight?’

  ‘Yeah. See you there.’

  Jake pressed the button to end the call and scrolled down to his mum’s number.

  ‘Hiya, son,’ she answered sleepily.

  ‘Mum, can I stay for a few days?’

  ‘Of course. What’s wrong?’

  ‘I don’t know. Siobhan’s on one. I don’t really feel like talking about it in the car.’

  ‘Okay. See you soon. Give us a bell when you’re near and I’ll put the kettle on.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum.’ Jake floored the accelerator and sped down Dock Road. Twenty-one years old and still running back to his mum. How fucking pathetic! He punched the steering wheel, the horn blaring out into the darkness as he did. He was Jake fucking Conlon – at the top of his game, and he had nowhere to go except his mum’s house. He needed to get himself some new mates, and a flat. Yes, he needed a flat – a bolthole he could go to when Siobhan was in a mood. It would be an investment. His mum was always going on at him to invest his money. So that was exactly what he was going to do.

  Chapter 47

  Connor Carter wiped the spatters of blood from his brow with his T-shirt before removing the rest of his clothes, and watched as Paul did the same. Together, they tossed their bloodstained clothes and trainers into a pile along with the baseball bats and sledge-hammers they’d used for the job. Taking a rag each, they doused them with alcohol gel, the type they always carried on such occasions, and wiped themselves down, checking each other for any traces of blood, before tossing the rags and the bottle onto the pile. The broken, bloodied corpses of Jock McGrath and Phil McCauley lay side by side on the floor nearby.

  Stepping into the hallway of the derelict house, they took clean clothes from the holdall on the floor and dressed in silence. Connor watched his brother closely. He’d had a smile on his face the whole night. It was unnerving. They both enjoyed their work, and took pleasure in being highly skilled at it, and this had been a very lucrative contract for them. But this was not the kind of contentment Connor could currently see plastered across his brother’s countenance.

  Soon they were both dressed in clean clothes and shoes. If they were stopped for any reason, no one would be able to tell that they had recently tortured and beaten two men to death.

  ‘Ready,’ Connor said, and nodded at his brother, who picked up the jerrycan of petrol, walked back into the house’s former sitting room, and proceeded to pour it over the bodies and the discarded clothes. Connor watched from the hallway as Paul struck a match and tossed it into a puddle of petrol before turning around and walking out of the room.

  A few moments later they jumped into the old Range Rover and Connor drove away as the flames started to engulf the house behind them.

  Paul fiddled with the radio, trying to change the channel, no doubt looking for Radio City, but the old car had an ancient analogue radio so he settled on Smooth FM and sat back in his seat with a smile.

  ‘You’re playing a dangerous fucking game,’ Connor said as he turned the car onto the main road.

  Paul looked at him. ‘What are you on about?’

  ‘You know what I’m fucking on about, Paul. Jake fucking Conlon! Of all the people you could fuck around with, you pick him. Why?’

  Paul laughed. ‘He’s gorgeous, and more importantly he’s got a knob like a baby’s arm holding an apple.’

  ‘He’s also our business partner and he’s Jake fucking Conlon.’

  ‘And what?’

  Connor shook his head. ‘I’ve never seen you like this, Paul. I’ve never known you see the same bloke more than twice before. But you’re seeing Jake nearly every night.’

  ‘What are you getting at, Con? You’ve been seeing that Kelly bird for weeks. It’s not like I’m standing you up or anything, is it? I’m just having a bit of fun. Leave me the fuck alone.’

  Connor sighed. ‘That’s just it, bro. I don’t think it is fun.’

  ‘Oh, trust me, it is,’ Paul said with a laugh.

  ‘I mean, I think you’re in deeper than that. I don’t want to see you get hurt. Do you think Jake Conlon would ever admi
t to being gay?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Connor. Chill out. We’re having a bit of a laugh. That’s all. It won’t affect business. It won’t affect me and you. It’s all good.’

  ‘Whatever you say.’ Connor went back to concentrating on the road ahead. Whatever his brother said, Connor was worried about him. He saw how Jake and Paul looked at each other and it was only a matter of time before someone else noticed it too. However much Paul tried to convince himself that this was a bit of fun and no one was going to get hurt, Connor knew that things never quite worked out like that.

  Chapter 48

  Grace opened the door to Michael’s smiling face and her heart sank through her knees and hit the floor. ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked. She was still trying to figure out a way to extricate herself from their casual arrangement, partly because she was enjoying it so much. But the problem was that Michael seemed to view it as anything but casual.

  ‘I was passing, and I thought I’d stop by.’ He leaned in and kissed her. ‘I missed you today.’

  ‘I know, sorry about that. Marcus had a hangover from hell and I couldn’t leave Belle with him in that state. And I figured he deserves some time to himself, he helps me out so much with her.’

  Michael shrugged. ‘No problem. These things can’t be helped. I know you said you didn’t want me staying over, but I can visit, can’t I?’

  Grace felt the heat creeping up her neck. ‘Of course you can.’

  ‘So, can I come in then?’

  ‘What? Yes, come in,’ she said as she opened the door wider, knowing that she couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse to put him off. ‘I was just going to start getting Belle ready for bed though. Why don’t you wait in the living room for me?’


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