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Serve & Protect

Page 11

by Kayla Carson

  Amelia stood to shaky legs then, and began to clap her hands slowly. “Bravo, Mr. Steele.” She slurred. “If you're finished, I'd really like for you to leave now.”

  “How did you know my last name?”

  Her pupils dilated for a moment, but she quickly tried to compose herself. Although in her inebriated state, it wasn't so easy. “Haylee must've mentioned it when she introduced you.”

  “No. She didn't.” I countered.

  “She's still my daughter.” She snapped. “I have a friend back home watching her for me, that's all you need to know.”

  “What friend?”

  “It doesn't matter. You need to leave, before I call the police.”

  “I am the police.”

  “Not here you're not. Now.. leave!” She said, turning on her heel towards the door. She nearly stumbled on her way through, and I shook my head as I followed her.

  I had barely made it out the door before she slammed it behind me, making me jump. If only I could have pressed her a little more. It was clear that she was hiding something else. Who in the hell could she have watching Haylee? The chief? Erin? But, they would have told her right? The more we dig into Aaron's death, the more questions we have. I can only hope that when I make it back to the motel Haylee's feeling a bit more like herself.

  *****Haylee's POV *****

  I had been laying on the bed in one of Noah's shirts for the past thirty minutes. I wasn't sure of the exact time he left, but I knew he'd been gone for a while. I had just reached for my phone, intending to call him, when I heard the door handle jiggle. I sat up in the bed, bringing the comforter up to my chest. “Where have you been?” I asked.

  Noah held up two bags smiling wide, before setting them down on the table. From the first, he pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels, and the second he dumped directly onto the table. I laughed, taking in the vast array of all my favorite things. White chocolate flips, snickers, rolos, munchos, the list went on. “Did my man deliver, or what?” I teased, patting the space beside me. “Now.. where did you really go.”

  He sidled up beside me, wrapping his arm around me, and kissing the side of my head. “I love when you wear my shirts.”

  “Out with it Steele.” I said, giving him a little nudge.

  “I went back to your mom's.”

  I turned to face him then. “You did what?”

  “Don't be mad, Sugar. I may have found something.”

  I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath. “What is it?”

  “She has someone from back home keeping tabs on you.”

  “What? Who?”

  “I couldn't get it out of her, but when I went back.. she was three sheets to the wind. She'd managed to polish off an entire bottle of wine, and it looked like she had been crying.”

  “So she knew. She knew dad died, she knew we were engaged, she knew when I graduated... Noah! She said she thought that dad and Sarah would raise me, along with my brother. She seemed surprised when I mentioned that he didn't survive. What if my brother is alive? What if Sarah just wanted my dad to think that he died?”

  “I don't know Hales..”

  “Think about it! Every letter that Sarah sent, went unanswered. My dad never responded, and from the sounds of it, they never met up to talk. Maybe she thought that telling him their son died would be easier? Maybe it would hurt less? Women have hidden children for far more sinister reasons.”

  “If what you're saying is true.. we have another problem.”


  “We ruled out the fact that Ben's mom, and Sarah Ryan were one in the same because of the baby's death-”

  “But if the baby survived..”

  “It's a possibility that Ben could be your brother.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Our trip to Sarasota wasn't at all what I was expecting it to be. I may have found answers about why my mom left me, but I was still no closer to finding the man who killed my dad. I spent the entire day Sunday questioning every conversation that I ever had with Ben. He was always kind, ready, and willing to offer his help in any way that he could, until I told him about my break in of course. I wanted to believe that a series of coincidences had lead us to meet, but the cop in me was telling me other wise.

  If I stood back, and looked at things objectively.. it seemed more, and more likely that Ben knew exactly who I was when he moved into the apartment across from mine. Whatever reasons he had for keeping quiet, were his alone. I didn't want to press him, especially if he wasn't ready. It was possible he didn't even find out who his father was until he died.

  This is what I knew. Ben became a police officer because his father was one. So was mine. His mom is in a care facility, due to her early onset Alzheimer's. If Sarah Ryan is his mother, that means that he already knew that coming into the investigation. Did he purposely choose the precinct because I was working there? And what about the fact that he moved in directly across the hall from me? Or the fact that he was born, the same year Sarah seemed to vanish. He also dropped Noah's nickname for me without even knowing it.

  I had two options here. I could either go to Silver-leaf Memory Care to see Sarah Elizabeth Cross for myself, or I could go directly to Ben and tell him everything I found. I felt like, as his friend I at least owed him that much. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to catch him before his run. I ran into the bedroom, quickly changing into my jogging clothes, and racing out the door just as quick. Noah was still asleep, and I didn't want to bother him.

  I spotted Ben just as soon as I exited our building, and I quickly sidled up beside him before he had the chance to take off. “Morning Stranger.” I said, politely.

  “Haylee!” He said with surprise. “I didn't expect to see you here.”

  “I didn't expect to be here.” I said honestly. “Can we talk?”

  “As long as we do it while we jog, I need the distraction.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Fine.” He smiled assuredly, before starting to run in place. “Ready?”

  I nodded, and we were off. We kept pace in silence for a few minutes, getting used to the rhythm of our labored breathing. “I went to Sarasota.” I finally said.

  “Did you find her?”

  “I did.” The sadness was evident in my voice. “Can we stop at the cafe?”

  “Last time we stopped there, I ended up turning you into the police chief.” He joked. When I didn't respond, he turned to face me. Still jogging in place. “Too soon?”

  “Too soon.” I agreed.

  We found ourselves sitting at the exact same table as last time, and I couldn't help but notice that Ben realized the same. The awkwardness that began to surround us was stifling, and I knew that it was now, or never. “I don't know where to start.” I breathed out nervously.

  “Whatever it is. You can tell me.” He said reaching for my hand, just as he did before.

  I laughed. “That's what you said last time.” He didn't respond, just smiled, and waited for me to continue. “I found out that my dad was having an affair with Sarah Ryan.”

  “That explains why he would have went into her house the way he did. Maybe he thought she was in there? In some kind of danger?”

  “I found letters addressed to my dad. They were only signed 'me,' but I think they were from Sarah... she was pregnant Ben.”

  “Where's the baby then?”

  “In the letters, she says that he was still born. But.. I don't know that I believe her after talking to my mom. According to her, my dad loved Sarah, and my mom fully expected Sarah to raise me after she left.”

  Ben's eyes grew wide for a moment, and he glanced down at our intertwined hands. I could feel his palms getting sweaty, a telltale sign that he was nervous. “If the baby didn't die.. what happened to him?”

  “Ben, why don't you have any pictures of you, and your mom in your house?” I asked. I could tell that my question really threw him off guard, because he pulled his hands away from mine. He wa
s looking at me with confusion, and anger? I couldn't really tell.

  “It hurts.” He whispered. “It hurts to see her the way that she used to be. When I see her now, she barely remembers me.”

  “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked, it's just that... for a second there, I thought that maybe you were my brother?” I said just as softly.

  He stood from the table so abruptly that I nearly fell out of my seat. “What are you even asking me? Are you implying that my mom is Sarah Ryan?” He asked angrily.

  “Ben. Please sit back down.” I begged, as I looked around. “You're making a scene.”

  “I'm making a scene! You've just accused me of I don't even know what! If my mother was Sarah Ryan, wouldn't I have mentioned that at the very beginning of the case? Surely I would have recognized her photo! I can't believe you Haylee! You call yourself a police officer?”

  “You were born the same month, and year as Sarah Ryan's son!” I fired back. “You moved into the same apartment complex as me! You got a job at the station that not only my dad worked at, but that I work at! You've inserted yourself perfectly into my life, and became my friend! If it isn't because you're my brother, than I want to know why!”

  “This conversation is over.” He said, throwing his hands up. “This case has really pushed you off the deep end Haylee.”

  Before I could say another word, he turned and started jogging back towards our apartment complex. I just sat there for a moment, completely perplexed. Was he right? Was I just searching for a connection when there wasn't one? Did I need answers so badly that I was connecting dots by grasping at straws?

  I decided to walk back home, the longer it took the better. My head was all over the place, and once again I was left feeling helpless. When I finally arrived back home, Noah was just getting out of the shower. I plopped down onto the bed, just as he was tossing his tee shirt on. “How was your run?” He asked, towel drying his hair.


  “You usually feel better after a good sweat... unless you need a little more?” He winked.

  “Normally, I would take you up on your offer, but one of has to pay the bills.”

  He laughed, before sitting on the end of the bed to pull his uniform slacks on. “You want to talk about it, Sugar?”

  “I talked to Ben.”

  “I really wish you wouldn't have spoken with him alone, Hales.” He said with annoyance. “I don't trust that guy.”

  “He said that Sarah Ryan isn't his mom, and that if she was he would have came clean the instant he seen her photo.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “I don't know. Every time we speak, he always turns whatever I've said back around on me. He makes me question my instincts. He was mad, telling me that I was letting this case drive me crazy. The thing is, he isn't completely wrong. When it comes to my dad, it's personal. Maybe I pushed him too far? Maybe the connections that I think I'm seeing aren't really there at all.”

  “What do you think. What does your gut say?”

  “He's hiding something.”

  “So, what are we going to do about it?”

  “You, are going to work.” I said rising from the bed, and making my way towards him. “And I.” I whispered against his lips. “Am going to Silver-leaf.” I pressed my lips to his softly, before wrapping my arms around his neck. “Have I mentioned how glad I am that you're back on day shift?”

  “And why is that?” He asked kissing my lips, mirroring my action.

  “So you can keep an eye on Ben for me.” I said reasonably. “I need to know the instant he leaves the station. Or if he receives any odd calls. I'm not sure on the visitation regulations at Silver-leaf.”

  “Do you think he'll be notified?”

  “That's a risk I'm willing to take. I just need to get a glimpse of her Noah. Just one look at her face, and if she and Sarah Ryan aren't one in the same I promise I'll drop this whole thing.”

  “I don't know why I'm agreeing to this crazy plan of yours, but... OK.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I left my apartment the minute I received Noah's 'all clear' text. Ben was at work, and Noah was keeping a diligent eye on him. From the information I read online, Silver-leaf opened at nine AM, giving me an hour to prepare. I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked in. It was possible that if Ben's mom really was Sarah Ryan that she may recognize me. It was also possible that she was just Sarah Elizabeth Cross, and I was disrupting a sick woman's life for no reason other than my own curiosity. I couldn't let myself feel bad now though. I had to do this.

  I dressed in a long black pencil skirt with a small slit up the back. I paired it with a red tank, and black blazer, and the only pair of pumps that owned. Since I had no family at Silver-leaf, I had to get in another way. I sat in the parking lot for what seemed like forever, my nerves, and guilt getting the better of me. I glanced at myself in the rear view mirror wondering what the hell I was doing, and when I let myself fall so far down the rabbit hole. Before I could contemplate any further, the clock on the dash switched to nine.

  “It's now or never.” I said to myself, reaching for the door handle. I walked confidently up the front walk, and through the large glass door. The woman behind the desk smiled politely. “Can I help you?” She asked, as if she were speaking to a child. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Hello. My name is Sandra McCall, and I'm a health care inspector with the Georgia department of health and human services. I'm here for a drop in inspection.” I said, pulling a card from my front my pocket. I may or may not have used the same card six months ago when Noah and I needed to question a patient in a nearby hospital. Here I was using police resources while I was on probation.. my dad would be so proud.

  The receptionist looked over the card carefully, before placing it on her desk. “One moment please, I'll need to get my supervisor.”

  “Of course.” I said, using the chance to glance around the large lobby. It was beautifully decorated with large plants in almost every corner, and the way the sun shown through the windows made the paintings on the walls seem to come alive. All in all, it seemed like a great facility to live in. I could see the common room just beyond the lobby, and already a few residents were sitting on the sofa watching the morning news.

  “Ms. McCall?” A handsome man in a well tailored suit asked, as he approached me, and extended his hand. “I'm Alexander Pratt.”

  I accepted his hand, shaking it firmly in my own. “Good morning.” I smiled. “I just have a few questions, and would like to do a quick walk through, and then I'll be out of your hair.”

  “Of course.. but do you mind if I call your supervisor first? Just to confirm. Our patients privacy is of utmost importance at Silver-leaf.”

  “I would write you up if you didn't, Mr. Pratt.” I said, in attempt to lighten the mood.

  He laughed, before leaving me to my own devices again. Let's hope that Noah is able to answer the burner phone without drawing suspicion to himself. This was the only part of our plan that I was worried about. The voicemail was set up to reflect the 'company' I worked for, but if he decided to call the one eight hundred number instead of the number on my card.. I'd be leaving in a pair of cuffs.

  A few short minutes later Mr. Pratt returned. “It looks like you check out, Ms. McCall.”

  “Great.” I said, pulling a yellow legal pad from my shoulder bag. “How many patients are living in the facility full time?”

  “Right down to business huh?” He laughed. “I like that in a woman.”

  “Let's keep things professional, shall we Mr. Pratt?”

  “Please, call me Alex.”

  “Mr. Pratt.” I exaggerated. This guy needed to be knocked down a few pegs. “Please answer the question.”


  “Thank you. And, on average how many people per day are using the facility for outpatient purposes.”

  “It varies. Sometimes thirty, sometimes sixty. We offer a variety of different t
herapies, as well as game nights, and mixers if you will. It gives everyone a sense of community.”

  “Perfect.” I said, returning my pad back to my bag. “I would like a tour of the facility next. Let's start with the common room, then the kitchen, and lastly I'd like to see a few of the resident's rooms.”

  “I'm afraid I can't allow you access to any resident rooms. Their families pay a great deal to keep their identities protected.”

  “It is my job to ensure that every resident in this facility is being treated the way that they should be. I cannot report back to my boss without being one hundred percent sure that the residents of Silver-leaf are being given the best care possible. If you will not allow me to do my job, I will be more than happy to report that to my supervisor.”

  “That won't be necessary Ms. McCall.”

  “Great.” I smiled wide. “After you.”

  I followed Pratt through the common room, and then the kitchen, being sure to jot things down on my note pad as we went. If only he knew that I was writing out my grocery list. Do we need eggs? May as well add them. “Everything looks good in here.” I said, slipping my notepad back into my bag once again. “Are the men, and women in separate wings?”

  “Yes. It seems to keep things in order, and we don't have to worry about fraternization. You'd be surprised how many times we've caught people in closets.”

  I couldn't help but laugh to myself. “I'd like to check out the women's wing first.”

  “Of course.”

  So that's what we did. I followed him past room, after room, walking into a few to make sure that the bathrooms, and bedding were clean. There were only six doors left, and I could feel my heart beginning to beat faster, and faster. I hadn't seen anyone who even resembled Sarah Ryan, and I was starting to think that this whole thing was a big waste of my time. But then.. I saw her. Her hair was graying, but she still looked like the same woman from the photo. The same woman holding the baby in her arms. Sarah Ryan... was alive.

  My eyes met hers briefly, and she smiled at me giving me a little wave. “Haylee!” She said, waving me over. “Have you come to take me home? Is Aaron with you?”


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