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Serve & Protect

Page 12

by Kayla Carson

  “I'm sorry.” Mr. Pratt said. “Most of the resident's don't remember their names, let alone their family.” He took a few steps towards Sarah then, and held her hands in his. “Sarah.” He said calmly. “This is Sandra, you must have her confused with someone else.”

  “No.” She shook her head adamantly. “I would know those eyes anywhere! You have your daddy's eyes Haylee.” She gushed. “Where is he? Is he coming today? He promised he would bring lunch from Vinny's.”

  “I think you should go to your room, Sarah.” Pratt said with concern.

  “Don't tell me what to do!” She yelled. “I'm not a child! Haylee! Tell him I'm not a child!”

  Clearly I was exacerbating the situation so I took it upon myself to head back to the common room. I waited there for a few moments for Pratt to return, trying to process everything that I had just learned. Sarah Elizabeth Cross, was indeed Sarah Shaw. I know that Alzheimer's affects the memory, but could it be possible that my dad came to visit her here? She seemed to genuinely recognize me, even though she's never seen me as an adult, and she also mentioned Vinny's diner.

  “Ms. McCall?” Pratt asked, snapping me from my thoughts. “I'm sorry about that. I've never seen her worked up so much.”

  “No need to apologize, I think that I've seen all that I need to.”

  “Are you sure? We haven't gone to the men's wing yet.”

  “I am. Thank you Mr. Pratt, the facility seems to be running great. If I have any follow up questions I'll be sure to call you directly.”

  After shaking his hand, I slowly made my way back to my car and slipped inside. It wasn't until I'd made it a mile down the road that my erratic heartbeat finally settled. Seeing Sarah was like seeing a ghost. The police couldn't track her down, and she's been living right under our noses. I wanted to talk to her. To ask her about my dad, about Ben. But I had no right. She wasn't my mother, and I didn't want a repeat of what had just happened. Would she even know anything about what happened that night? Could she remember? Was she there? Every single truth that I uncovered just seemed to keep pushing me backwards, and I had no idea how to go forward again.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  As I sat in my apartment watching the clock on the wall, a part of me wanted to confront Ben, but another part of me.. the part that broke his trust still felt guilty. He had to have a good reason for keeping his mom's identity, and whereabouts a secret, I just wish that he trusted me enough to share it with me. He was my brother after all. I should have put the pieces together sooner. He was raised by a single mom, and his dad was a cop who died around the same time as mine. His willingness to help me find my mom.. it was clear that he cared about me. I just needed to speak to him, reason with him. I needed to show him that he could truly trust me.

  The sound of Noah's key in the lock shook me from my thoughts, and I stood, eager to meet him. I ran to him before he had the chance to shut the door, and I threw my arms around his neck. “As happy as I am to see you Sugar, what's this all about?” He teased.

  “I have so much to tell you.”


  I nodded. “Shower.”

  So while Noah washed my hair, I filled him in on everything that happened at Silver-leaf, along with my concerns. He listened, without interruption until we finished our shower, and then after we dressed he pulled me into bed with him, tucking us both beneath the comforter. “I think we need to consider going to the chief.” He said, pressing his lips to my forehead. “He's been trying to find Sarah Ryan for years.”

  “I thought about that too.” I sighed, snuggling deeper into Noah's side. “But... I think I owe it to Ben to talk to him first.”

  “You don't owe him anything, Sugar. He lied to you.”

  A tear escaped my eye then, falling down my cheek, and onto his chest. “He's my brother.” I whispered.

  “I know baby.” He whispered back. “What can I do?”

  “Just.. this.” I said, closing my eyes.

  I had never felt depressed before, but the more that I dug into my dad's past, I could imagine what it must feel like. Hopeless. Lonely. Scared. Emotions that I wasn't familiar with. From a young age my dad always taught me to face things head on, I just wish that he would have taken his own advice. Maybe things could have been different if he had told me the truth. Maybe I could have grown up with my brother. The sadness I felt over missing him, was beginning to be replaced with anger.

  Noah, and I lay in bed for the rest of the day, only leaving when our takeout arrived. We didn't talk about my dad, or Ben, we just enjoyed each other's company. It was nice to take my mind of things even if it was only for a little while. We had just finished watching a movie, when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen, and crinkled my nose in surprise. “It's chief Craig.” I said.

  “Answer it!” Noah urged, giving me a little shove towards my bedside table.

  I sprawled across the bed on my stomach so that I was able to reach for it, and when I answered, it I put it on speaker. “Hello?”

  “How are you kiddo?” He asked cheerfully.

  “Fine?” I said with skepticism, thinking his mood was probably a trap.

  He laughed. “How do you feel about coming back to work tomorrow?”

  “What? Really!?” I asked excitedly.

  “Really. As long as you can promise me there's nothing else you're keeping from me about your dad's case.”

  I hit the mute button on my phone, turning to face Noah. “Ben being my brother technically has nothing to do with the case.. right?”


  I rolled my eyes, pressing un mute before the chief realized I'd even done it. “I may have done a thing.” I said warily.

  “Haylee?” He asked in a stern parental like voice. “Please tell me whatever it was wasn't illegal.”

  “I would really like to explain everything to you in person. In fact, I can tell you everything when I return to work tomorrow!”

  “I think you better tell me now.. just in case your suspension needs to be longer.”

  He was back to using his angry parent voice again. I knew I was in trouble. Noah reached for my hand, giving it a little squeeze, and I took a deep breath. “Alright.” I sighed. “I'll tell you everything.” I started with the visit that Noah, and I made to my mother in Florida, and ended with my unauthorized undercover stunt at Silver-leaf. Chief Craig was quiet for a long time after I finished, but I could still hear him breathing on the line. “Chief?” I asked cautiously. “How bad is it?”

  “I don't even know where to begin.” He said, sounding defeated. “You've broken so many laws that there is no way I could even begin to help you. I can't use any of the information you've given me to help with your dad's case either. You of all people know that things have to go through the proper channels. Everything is just hear say.”

  “Let me come back. I really think that Ben will open to me, and he may be the only one who can help us get real answers.”

  “I don't know-”

  “Partner us up. We'll go out on a few calls, strengthen our bond, it could work chief. I promise.”

  He grew quiet again, and Noah rubbed his thumb over my hand reassuringly. I was waiting on pins and needles. Chief Craig held my career in his hands, and I knew that it was my own fault that I was even in this position in the first place, but dammit I was determined to prove myself.

  “One week.” He finally said. “I'll pair you up for a week, and if he doesn't admit why he was hiding his mom's identity.. I'm stepping in.”

  “Thank you chief! You won't regret this!”

  “I better not, Haylee.” And with that, he hung up the phone.

  I fell back onto the bed, and felt Noah lay down beside me. “Welcome back, Sugar.” He said kissing the crook of my neck, and making me smile. “You up for a little celebrating?”

  I laughed, turning to face him. I placed my hands on either side of his face, and pressed my lips to his. “With you? Always.”

  Seconds late
r, I was pinned beneath him, staring up into his wicked blue eyes. He smirked, before lifting my hands above my head, and pinning them there. I could feel his erection pressing against me, so I wriggled my hips suggestively, making him laugh before capturing my lips in a heated kiss. I tried to reach for him, but he held my wrists above my head with one hand, while lifting the hem of my tee shirt with the other.

  Goosebumps covered my skin, when his lips left mine, and dipped to my neck, and then over the soft material of my shirt to tease my breasts. I let out a soft moan, and felt him smile around my hardened nipple. He released my wrists just long enough to pull my shirt over my head and give it a toss. “Much better.” He said with a carnal gleam in his eyes. I lay beneath him stark naked, the only thing between us, his low hung sweat pants. My eyes darted to his waist band, and I unknowingly licked my lips.

  As if he had read my mind, he carefully climbed over me to remove them, before reclaiming his position hovering above me. “What am I going to do with you, Sugar?” He tsked, as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I opened my legs wider, cradling him between them, and the feel of his erection brushing against me made me shiver with anticipation. “I can think of a few things.” I said seductively.

  My words were like ammunition, and before I even realized what was happening, he slammed his cock into me. There was nothing gentle about what he was doing to me now. My wrists were still pinned above me, and he was driving into me with such fervor that I feared he may break me. Every time I felt him deep within me I gasped out loud, which only seemed to drive him more. “Am I hurting you, Sugar?” He growled out, as he thrust into me again, and again.

  “So good.” I cried out, as he continued to rock his hips against mine. He was stroking my g spot so expertly that I knew it would only be seconds before I completely lost all control of myself. He must have known it too, because he chose that moment to slow down and look me in the eyes with a devilish grin. “Not yet, Sugar.” He said, slowly entering, and exiting my wanton core. I shuddered, when I felt him brush against the sensitive flesh, and whimpered, wanting more. Needing it.

  “Noah.” I begged, trying to arch my hips up towards his. “Please.”

  “Why didn't you say so?” He winked, before returning to the pace that he knew I craved. I moaned louder, and louder as his thrusts grew faster, and faster. I could feel my impending orgasm, and I fought against his grip on my wrists wanting to touch him, to dig my finger nails into his back, to grip his hair... but he was relentless. His grip only tightened, and then so did my walls. “Cum for me, Sugar.” He gritted out, as we came together in a wave of pleasure.

  When he finally released my wrists, he laid beside me, taking my hands in his and pressing soft kisses on the marks he'd left. “I'm sorry.” He whispered, kissing them again.

  “I'm not.” I beamed.

  “God.” He said in awe. “You're fucking perfect.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I had been suspended for an entire week, so being back at the station today.. felt a bit surreal. I could hear the whispers, and could only image what the gossip mongers had to say. I tried to let it roll of my back though, because now that I was back, I had a mission. Noah, and I had decided that if I was going to get Ben to open up that I needed to convince him that I was starting believe his theory about Noah killing my dad. Meaning, Noah and I were pretending to be on the outs.

  We drove into work separately, and when he tried to speak to me, I made sure to brush him off. I hated treating him this way, but it was only for show. After a half an hour chief Craig finally called Ben, and I into his office. “As of now, the two of you are partners.” He said.

  “What about the cold case?” Ben asked.

  “I've decided that you both need to take a step back. I've noticed that you're close, and it may be affecting your ability to see things objectively, Cross.”

  “Sir, I assure you that-”

  “My decision is final.”

  “Chief?” I said, catching his attention. “I just wanted to inform you that Noah, and I are taking a bit of a break from one another. I promise not to let it affect my work performance.”

  “See that it doesn't. Now, back to work. Both of you.”

  Ben, and I left simultaneously making our way to our prospective desks. I passed Noah on the way to mine, and he reached for my hand. I brushed him off, knowing that Ben had his eyes on me. When I took my seat at my desk, Erin quickly slid her chair from behind hers to mine. “What the hell is going on with you two?” She asked.

  “Nothing. We've just hit a rough patch.”

  “A rough patch?” She asked skeptically.

  “It happens Erin.” I snapped.

  “Oh, I don't doubt that it does.. just not to the two of you.”

  Before I could say anything further I was saved by the literal bell. A call just came through to the station about a domestic disturbance. “Cross!” I yelled. “Let's go!” Without another word to anyone, I dashed out the door, and to my cruiser with Ben on my heels. I switched my lights on the minute we pulled out of the station, and weaved my way expertly through the traffic to reach the destination in time.

  We pulled up to the house in question less than ten minutes later, to find a man banging aggressively on the door. Ben, and I exited the vehicle, our hands on our holstered weapons. “Sir!” I called out. “I'm going to need you to take a step back.”

  “Fuck you!” He yelled, as he turned to face me. “This has nothing to do with you!”

  “Someone called the police, so it actually has a lot to do with me.” I said, as I cautiously made my way towards him. “Can you tell me why you're banging on the door like that?”

  “It's my fucking house! My bitch of a wife locked me out!”

  “OK. Why don't you come down here and talk to my partner? Maybe I can convince your wife to open the door?”

  He thought about what I said for a minute, and then he seemed to agree. He came down the stairs, and started directly for Ben who kept his hand on his hip. “Do you have any weapons on you sir?” He asked.

  “No!” He said stepping back like he had been slapped. “I know what this is! I'm going to put my hands in my pockets and you're going to shoot me because I was 'reaching'.”

  “Sir, I only have to ask you for my safety, and for the safety of my partner. Either I pat you down, or she does? Up to you.”

  “Fine.” He agreed.

  When I was sure that Ben was able to handle the situation, I made my way up to the front porch and knocked on the door lightly. “Ma'am!” I called out. “My name is officer James. Your husband is with my partner on the front lawn! Do you think you could let me in?”

  “What- what if he comes in with you.”

  “Not possible. My partner is cuffing him as we speak.”

  A few seconds later, I heard the familiar clicks of a door being unlocked. I kept my hand on my piece as the door swung open slowly, revealing a petite brunette with visible bruises, and lacerations to her face, and arms. “May I come inside?” I asked gently.

  She nodded rapidly, and when I entered the foyer, she quickly slammed the door shut and locked us both inside. My radio cracked then, making her jump. “Everything alright in there?” Ben asked. I radioed back, asking him to keep the man in cuffs until I could get the story.

  The woman informed me that her neighbor must have called the police. She and her husband got into a pretty serious fight, and he lost his temper. She admitted that he was the one who hit her, but was apprehensive about pressing charges. I never understood the way that battered women think. I get being afraid of the repercussions, but to make excuses and condone the behavior? I guess it just wasn't in my blood. After taking her statement, and convincing her to let us take him to jail, I left her with my card. “Please call me if you need anything.”

  The entire way back to the station the man in the back was cursing both Ben, and I. Calling us every name in the book. I even laughed at a few creative ones, making Ben roll his
eyes. “You have to find entertainment somewhere.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

  “You did good back there.” He said, ignoring my comment. “Getting her to open up. Not a lot of cops can do that.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “Look. I know things have been tense between us, but since we'll be working together.. maybe we can start over?”

  “I'd really like that.” I said, turning to face him momentarily before returning my eyes back to the road.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “About what?” I asked, pretending that I didn't already know exactly what he was talking about.


  I pretended to shiver, and took a deep breath. “I'm starting to think that you were right.”

  “Wait, what?” He asked, with genuine shock.

  “I know, don't get used to it.” I said trying to make light of the conversation. “I've just had a lot of time to think since being suspended. Noah's been distracted lately, and the more that we talk about my dad.. the more distracted he seems to be. You should have seen him the day he found me in the living room with all of my dad's old things spread around. He was furious. I had never seen him that way. Then there are the things that he says. He made a comment about being a criminal mastermind, and needing to marry me so I can't testify against him. At the time, I thought he was just being silly, but now that I think back on it.. I'm not so sure.”

  “You're serious?”

  “I am. He's possessive, and over protective. He's still jealous of you even though he knows you're not a threat to me.”

  “Who says I'm not?”

  “Oh please. Firstly, you already told me that you're gay. Secondly, you've done nothing but try and help me. I could have destroyed my career if you hadn't told the chief about what I was up to. I know I was upset at first, but I understand why you did it now. I was losing site of what was really important.”

  “I'm glad that you understand now. I'd never do anything to hurt you. You're my... friend.”


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