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Serve & Protect

Page 13

by Kayla Carson

  You mean sister? I thought to myself. I had to be careful about how I played this. I needed him to be the one to tell me who he really was. And, I hoped that confiding in him, and trusting in him was the right way to do it.

  “You're my friend too, Ben, and I'm grateful to have you. I know this is asking a lot, but do you think you could come over later and we could talk about Noah? I'd really like to know what you've come up with, especially if I'm still living with him. Should I be afraid of him?”

  “Won't he be home?”

  “No, he's staying with Donovan for a while.”

  “Wow. This break is pretty serious then.”

  “I told you, I'm concerned.”

  “Don't worry Hales, I'm here for you.” He said, just as we pulled into the station. “I just wish I could have met you sooner.”

  I wanted to press him, to ask him what he meant, but he had already exited the car, and began to pull the man we'd arrested from the backseat. That was the thing with Ben. The way that he said things always kept you wondering. He could sound both sincere, and sinister all at the same time, and honestly it was a bit unnerving. I only hoped that over the next week I'd be able to get him to open up, and maybe I'd be able to read him better.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  To say that Noah wasn't too pleased about being kicked out of our apartment for the night.. was an understatement. To be fair, I did tell him that he could sneak back later.. but he pointed out the fact that his car would be parked out front, meaning he'd actually have to stay with Donovan tonight to sell the story, especially if Ben felt the need to actually ask Donovan.

  I waited for a good thirty minutes after Noah left, before I called Ben to come over. Giving me enough time to take a quick shower, and change into a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top. I only had to wait a few seconds before Ben was knocking on the door, the perks of living across the hall I suppose. “Come in.” I said, motioning for him to have a seat at the kitchen table.

  He set a stack of file folders about a foot thick down, before shrugging out of his sweater and tossing it onto the back of the chair. “Ready to get started?” He asked, as he sat.

  I took the seat beside him, turning to face him. “We're diving right in, huh?” I asked in an attempt to appear nervous. I couldn't turn on Noah completely so quickly, because it wouldn't look natural.

  “There's a lot to go over. Maybe we should order some takeout?”

  “Sure.” I agreed. “Chinese?”


  So, while Ben began sorting through his files I placed our order, and also sent Noah a quick text to let him know that Ben had made it. I promised to keep him informed as much as I could, but I didn't want Ben to get suspicious, so after sending the text I deleted it.. and placed my phone on top of the refrigerator. “Delivery will be in about an hour.” I said, reclaiming the seat beside his. My eyes scanned over some of the open folders, stopping at a photo of Noah leaning against his car.

  “You have pictures?” I asked, picking it up to examine it. “Have you been following him?”

  “Not me, no. I hired a PI.”

  “Wait? So does that mean you've been following me to?” I asked. Anger, and fear rose in me. If he had been following the both of us, that meant that he knew I went to Silver-leaf.

  “Of course not.” He laughed. “Why would I have you followed?”

  “I don't know.” I laughed, trying to make fun of myself for even having the thought. “I just thought about private moments.. and-”

  “Oh God!” He laughed back. “I would never invade your privacy like that. I promise.” He said gripping my hand in his. “Here, look at this.”

  I took the folder he slid to me with his free hand, and was able to slip my hand from his to open it. It looked like the same folder that I had taken pictures of in his apartment. His theory was that my dad didn't approve of Noah, and I dating, and because of his obsession with me he needed to find a way to get my dad out of the picture. It was what I already knew. I closed it then, as he passed me another folder. This one contained photos of Noah. Most were just candid shots of him walking down the road, or standing near his car... but then there was a photo of him talking with a man I didn't recognize.

  “Who's this man?” I asked, turning the photo towards Ben.

  “Judge Gerald Harmon.”

  “Why would Noah be meeting with a judge?”

  “My theory? He's looking for someone to help him with his cover up. He knows I'm getting close, and if he can get a judge in his pocket.. he's golden.”

  I thumbed my way through the rest of the photos, and noticed he'd visited the court house at least two more times since his conversation with the judge. I knew the reason had nothing to do with covering up a crime, but still I wondered.. what was the real reason behind his visits? “Is there anything else?”

  Ben smiled, grabbing another folder and handing it to me. “I may have made some copies of the files from your dad's case.”

  “What? Ben you shouldn't-”

  “When another cop is involved, you have to be sure. I couldn't just come at Noah full force without something concrete, especially being a newbie. Of course the entire PD would support him. So, I did what I had to do.”

  I opened the folder then, needing to know what exactly he thought he had on my fiance. It was a copy of the statement that Noah gave to Chief Craig that night. I already knew what happened. Noah told me that very same night, laying in his hospital bed. He told me about my dad breaking protocol, and everything that happened after. Starting a string of events that ultimately resulted in my dad's death. But something about this report was different.

  I read through it multiple times, just to be sure that I'd it read it correctly. It his statement Noah told the chief that he, and my dad had a heated discussion before they went out on their call. My dad had questioned the nature of our relationship, and Noah had got defensive. He was worried that my dad wasn't in his right mind, when he went into Sarah Ryan's house. I already knew that he blamed himself.. but now I had a better understanding of why. Why lie to me though? I even asked him if he thought my dad knew about us, and he said that he thought he'd approve.

  “Hales?” Ben asked softly, shaking me from my thoughts.

  “He.. he lied to me.” I said, bewildered.

  A loud knock on my door made me jump, and Ben stood to answer it. He paid for the delivery, and I glanced at the clock on the wall not realizing that an hour had already gone by. I suddenly felt so hurt. Noah, and I didn't keep secrets. Not from each other. I watched in silence, as Ben put everything back into their respective folders, and then placed the takeout on the table. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to eat anymore, but I forced myself. It was clear that he knew I was upset by the way he was watching me.

  After finishing what I could of my meal, I stood and grabbed my bottle of Jack from the kitchen cupboard. Without bothering to find a shot glass, I unscrewed cap, and took a couple of good swigs before returning it to it's place. “Sorry about that.” I said, slumping back down into the kitchen chair.

  “You don't need to apologize to me. I take it something in that statement upset you?”

  “He told me everything that happened that night. So why didn't he tell me about his 'discussion' with my dad?”

  “It makes him look guilty, Hales. Of course he wouldn't want you questioning him. The two of you weren't serious. You were messing around. He used your grief to get closer to you. To make you fall in love with him. He manipulated you.”

  “That's- you don't know him like I do.” I stammered. “He would- he would never-” I took a deep breath, as I heard another knock on my door. Once again, Ben stood to answer it, and when I seen Noah standing on the other side I wasn't quite sure how to react. “What are you doing here?” I asked, as Ben stepped aside.

  “I've been texting you. You didn't answer.. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, Sugar.”

  “We're on a break, Noah!” I snapped
. “What part of 'break' don't you understand?”


  “No! You lied to me.” I said, my voice softening. “We tell each other everything Noah.” I whispered.

  Noah stepped inside then, and squared his shoulders, getting in Ben's face. “I think you should leave now. I need to have a conversation with my fiance.”

  “Don't you see what he's doing?” Ben asked, looking around Noah's tall frame. “He's acting like he owns you! You aren't a possession Haylee. You don't have to put up with this!”

  “I can't deal with either one of you right now.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Ben, please just go back home. Noah.. take what belongs to you, and get out.”

  Noah was in front of me in three strides, and before I knew what was happening he was tossing me over his shoulder cave man style, and walking directly out of our apartment. “Noah!” I squealed, as I swatted his back. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking what belongs to me.” He said, as he continued his descent down the stairs, and into the parking lot, only setting me down once I was in the passenger seat of his car. I could see Ben standing on the front stoop, searching for me as Noah got into the driver's seat, and sped off.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “What the hell, Noah!” I yelled, as he continued to drive us to God knows where.

  “You're mad at me?” He yelled back. “You're the one who texts me and says 'Ben's here' like a cheerful fucking pom pom tosser, and then I don't hear from you for over an hour. I told you, I do not trust that guy! For all I knew you were dead in a ditch somewhere!”

  “Oh that's rich! You don't trust him? Yet you're the one whose been lying to me for the past two years!”

  “I've never lied to you!”

  “Bull shit! I saw the police reports from that night. I read your statement, Noah!” I couldn't stop the tears from forming behind my eyes, but I fought tooth and nail not to let them out. “I trusted you.. and you just lied to my face.” I whispered, before turning to face the window.

  After a few more minutes of driving in silence, Noah pulled the car into a parking lot, and shut off the engine. He turned to face me, reaching for my hand. I pulled away, still not able to look at him. I couldn't help it. I was angry, and I was hurt, and whatever he had to say would only make me more of both. “Please let me explain, Sugar.” He said softly.

  When I didn't respond, he let out a heavy sigh. “Your dad, and I did have an argument that night about our relationship, but it isn't what you think. He asked what my intentions were, and I told him. Even though at the time you only wanted me for my body, I told him that I was all in Haylee. That I loved you, and that I planned on marrying you. Why do you think he told me about the chapel? Sugar, when you asked me if I thought your dad approved of our relationship I told you yes, because he did.”

  “You tossing me over your shoulder, and carrying me out like some kind of possession isn't helping your case. In fact, the way you were acting makes you seem like exactly the kind of man that Ben described in his notes.”

  “You've got to be fucking kidding me.” He scoffed. “So many times, you've said you believed me.. what's changed in the last hour?”

  “I don't know!” I said angrily, before exiting the car and slamming the door shut behind me. I followed a wooden foot path down to the waters edge, and I just watched as it crashed, and rolled onto the shore. I felt him, before I could see him, I knew it was Noah who had come up behind me. I could sense his hesitance as he reached for me, and it only made my tears fall faster.

  His arms wrapped around my middle, and he rest his head on top of mine. “I know you're confused about a lot of things right now, but I never thought that I would be one of them.” He whispered, sending goosebumps shooting all over my body. “I love you, James.”

  “Why were you meeting with a judge?” I asked, just as quietly.

  He laughed, and I spun around to face him, breaking his hold on me. “You think this is funny?”

  His smile only widened, as he reached into his back pocket, and handed me a piece of paper. “Judge Harmon owed me a favor for letting him out of a speeding ticket.”

  “Is this- an application for a marriage license?”

  “That was the plan wasn't it? To get married at the court house, and then celebrate with our friends, and family later. Unless... you don't want that anymore.”

  I closed my eyes, and Noah placed his forehead against mine, prompting me to open them again. “Of course I still want that. I- I still want you.” I whispered. “Is there anything else? Anything at all that you've been keeping from me? I need you to tell me now Noah.”

  “Nothing.” He said with conviction. “We work because we don't listen to what anybody else has to say. All we need is each other.”

  “All we need is each other.” I repeated, before he pressed his lips to mine softly.

  “Do you hear that?” He asked against my lips.

  “Music?” I whispered.

  “Dance with me.” He grinned.

  “Here?” I laughed, as he pulled me into his arms.

  I didn't recognize the song that played, but the smile on Noah's face mirrored my own as he held me close. I never imagined finding someone like him. Someone who made me feel so completely loved. He leaned down to kiss me then, and my smile only grew. We were kissing softly, swaying to the music when I felt a rain drop hit the top of my head. Breaking our kiss, I looked to the sky which had suddenly turned dark. The rain started to fall steadily then, and I squealed, tugging on Noah's arm. His laughter stopped my struggle, and he gave me a wicked grin.

  “It's only rain.” He winked, placing his hands on either side of my face.

  “You're crazy.” I said with wonder.

  “Crazy about you.” He whispered, before kissing me tenderly.

  The rain was coming down in buckets, but suddenly I didn't mind. His kiss changed from sweet, to sexy, and before I knew what was happening he was grabbing my hand and dragging me back to the car. He opened my door for me, and after shutting me inside, slid rather ungracefully over the hood of his car sending me into a fit of giggles. I was still laughing uncontrollably when he climbed into the driver's seat beside me.

  “What's so funny?” He asked, shaking his hair like a dog, sending water droplets flying everywhere.

  “Noah!” I squealed before he reached for me, and pulled me onto his lap.

  We were both soaking wet, smiling like a couple of teenagers, when Noah got serious all of a sudden. “Promise me you won't let anyone get in your head again, Sugar? I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you.”

  I cupped his face in my hands as a tear fell from my eye. I felt so foolish. I wanted Ben to trust me, but not at the cost of losing Noah. “I promise.” I said, before pressing my lips to his. I felt his hands at the hem of my shirt then, giving it a little upward tug. It was dark now, but we were still in a public area. “Noah.” I warned.

  “I know, Sugar.” He said, dipping his head to my neck to press a soft kiss there. “I guess I'll take you back home now.”

  “What do I tell Ben?”

  “That you don't believe me.”


  “It's OK.” He said, kissing my neck again.

  I couldn't help but grind against him, he knew my neck was my weak spot. “I can't-”

  “You can't what?” He interrupted, placing more seductive kisses on my neck, and then my chest, and the tops of my breasts.

  “I can't... believe I'm about to have sex in a random parking lot.” I breathed out impatiently, as I tugged my soaking tank top off awkwardly, before tossing it into the back seat.

  He laughed, unclasping my bra and giving it the same fling, while I unbuttoned his jeans. I managed to free his erection, and slide my shorts to the side giving him access to where I needed him the most. His hands were on my ass, guiding me as I rode him. Occasionally, he would nip, or lick my nipples and I couldn't contain my moans as I gripped his damp hair in my hands.

  Even the sound of the pouring rain on the roof of the car couldn't drown out the pleasure that I was feeling in this moment. It was like every time was the first time whenever I was in his arms. He made me feel like a completely different woman every time he made love to me. I rode his cock until we came together, and then I did it some more. Every groan that left his lips was like ammunition. Knowing that I had the same effect on him, as he had on me was enough to drive me crazy.

  “You better get your answers soon, Sugar.” He said in a gravely voice. “Because, I won't sleep on Donovan's couch forever.”

  “You could always bunk with Erin?” I teased.

  “Someone's got jokes.” He teased back, thrusting his hips hard and making me gasp. “Keep it up, Sugar.”

  Before I could respond, blue and red flashing lights caught my attention from the corner of my eye. The rain was still falling heavily, so I quickly scrambled from Noah's lap and dove into the backseat for my bra and tank. They were both soaked, and when my bra touched my nipples I wanted to cry. I bit my bottom lip, and managed to get my tank top back on before climbing back into the front seat.

  Noah's job was admittedly easier than mine, and he looked as if nothing had ever happened. “Dick.” I said under my breath, just as an umbrella toting police officer tapped on his window.

  “Can I help you officer?” Noah asked, rolling the window down just enough to get a glimpse of the officer's face.

  “Steele?” Erin asked, with a shit eating grin on her face. “Oh this is too good!”

  “What the hell Erin?” I asked. “You scared us half to death!”

  “You should be. Ben called the station in a panic. He said Noah kidnapped you, and your phone was left back at your place. He was worried for your safety after finding out some information that Noah kept from you.”

  “I'll tell you everything.” I said, before leaning over to kiss Noah's cheek. “Go back to Donovan's, I'll text you later... and Noah.. I love you.”


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