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Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3)

Page 17

by K E Osborn

  We both walk out of my bedroom at the same time Iris walks out of Cruz’s with his bags packed. I glance around my small apartment checking for anything I might need.

  Dash walks over to the sofa, grabbing Mister Sprocket and shoves him into Cruz’s luggage.

  That little gesture causes a small smile to appear on my face.

  “You all packed?” Iris asks, breaking the obvious tension in the room.

  I nod, not able to speak right now.

  “You’ll have to bring your car and follow me to the club,” Dash instructs.

  “Figured as much.”

  “I’ll start taking the luggage down. Dash, do you want to get Cruz?” Iris instructs.

  I furrow my brow, but she steps up to me, taking the luggage and rushes off with it.

  Dash heads straight for Cruz’s room without hesitation, and I follow him, anxiety almost crippling me. Dash steps up to Cruz’s bed and pulls back his duvet quietly, then gently lifts him up to his chest. Cruz stirs slightly, but then wraps his little arms around Dash’s neck and clings on, still asleep.

  My hand moves to my chest at the sight of the burly biker carrying my son who’s wearing his dinosaur pajamas. I have to admit, I now know why Iris did this, to soften my stance toward Dash. And it’s working, marginally, as he walks with my son through into the main room. I grab Cruz’s luggage, and we walk to the door. I turn back, taking one last look at my apartment which has been my home for the past four years—the place where Cruz has grown up, and sadness washes over me.

  Will we ever be able to return? I simply don’t know.

  I sniffle, then close the door as we walk out into the hall and head for the stairs. “Will you be okay carrying him down there?” I whisper as Dash makes for the three flights of stairs.

  “He weighs all of what… forty pounds?”

  “Yeah, he’s heavy for three flights of stairs. You sure you can manage?”

  “I press an easy 315… I’m good.”

  I knew Dash was fit, but I didn’t know he was that fit. Holding onto the luggage tightly, we descend the stairs. Dash does so with ease, and as we get out to the car, Iris is waiting with our other bags. Instant dread fills me again at the thought of leaving her here. We walk over, and I pull out my keys, unlocking the car. Dash moves about placing Cruz in his car seat as I shift over to Iris, pulling her in for a giant embrace. “Call me, anytime you need me, okay? Please don’t try to defend yourself. Just get out of here like we practiced if they come.”

  She pulls back, looking at me. “I know the plan, I’m gonna stick to it. I’ll be okay. My job here is to keep you two safe. Inform you if Tyler drops by. You keep your guard up, and I’ll let you know of anything on this end. We good?”

  With a nod, I pull her to me again, trying to draw this out for as long as possible.

  “You need to go, Shadow. The longer you’re out in public like this, the worse it is,” Iris informs me.

  I know she’s right.

  I hate that she’s right.

  Iris leans over as Dash exits the car. She grabs hold of his hand making him look at her. “You make sure they stay safe. If anything happens to them—”

  “I promise, Iris, I will protect them.”

  She bobs her head. “I sure hope so. Keep me informed.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now go… now!” Iris warns as she turns on her heels and walks back toward the building. I make sure she makes it inside, then I turn to Dash.

  “Don’t lose me.”

  “I’ll be right by your side the entire ride home.”

  “You sure the club knows we’re coming?”

  “It’s all arranged, Shadow. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Gnawing on my bottom lip, I turn to head for the driver’s side door. “You better be right about this, Dash.”

  He doesn’t say anything more, just hops on his bike and starts his engine. I close my door quietly and glance over my shoulder. Cruz is still asleep in the booster seat. My poor baby doesn’t know how his world is about to be turned on its head. I face the front and start the engine.

  Dash pulls out slowly as I reverse my car and move in behind him. Then we take off toward the Royal Bastards’ clubhouse.

  How long I will be there for is anyone’s guess.

  If they can even protect us.

  I guess we will have to wait and see.

  The entire drive, I’m tense like I’m about to crack at any second. But I can’t. I need to stay strong for Cruz. I’m all he’s got now. He doesn’t have the support of Iris anymore, and he’s about to be thrust into a strange new world of mysterious people he doesn’t know—that I don’t know.

  I haven’t even had a spare second to register that Ivy is going to be there.

  The woman Dash had his eyes set on before me.

  How awkward is that going to be?

  Does she even know about Dash and me?

  I’m going into this entire situation blind, and I have no idea how to react to these people. How they’re going to react to me.

  As Dash pulls up to a large set of gates, my heart leaps into my throat. A small concrete hill leads down to what can only be described as a bunker.

  This is not what I expected.

  At all.

  I pull my car to a stop next to a large SUV and slowly hop out, my legs like jelly.

  Dash walks over to me while a couple of bikers stand at the front door waiting for us. “They’re giving us space, but once we get inside, people are gonna be coming up and introducing themselves to you.”

  I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans as I turn to look at the giant gates as they close, shutting us in. Or maybe, just maybe, keeping everyone else out. Somehow, that sight eases my nerves.

  “Leave your luggage here, the guys will get it for you.” He walks around to the rear and opens the door, moving in to get Cruz.

  Taking in a deep breath, I slide around to help in case Cruz wakes up, but he just mumbles in his sleep and clings onto Dash, cuddling into him like he’s his best friend. The sight makes my stomach knot. I lean in, brushing my hand along Cruz’s cheek, but he is out of it. My baby could sleep through a tornado given half a chance.

  “How ‘bout we take him inside and you can meet everyone, yeah?” Dash asks.

  “Yeah, let’s do this.”

  He then takes off for the bunker door.

  Two men stand there waiting for our arrival. One tall, full of muscles, dark blond hair, his patch clearly stating VP. The way he’s studying Dash instantly alerts me that this is the guy who Dash has been having all the trouble with when it came to Ivy. The way he’s focused on Dash like he can’t believe what he’s seeing, like he never thought Dash could be the kind of guy to be carrying a kid around. I get it. Dash is a practical joker, a general charmer and playboy. When he walked into the bar all that time ago, I never saw him being the type of guy he’s been when it comes to Cruz, either. I guess I have to at least give him credit for that.

  The other man appears more at ease, his hands holding onto the hems of his cut, commanding authority as he watches us approaching. His dark brown hair sweeps over, hanging down the right side of his face making him look a little scruffy around the edges. He’s wearing sunglasses, even though it’s stupid o’clock in the morning.

  Why would he be doing that? But it’s not for me to question right now.

  The word, President, sits on his name patch, and an instant chill seeps through my veins. The two top men of the club are here to welcome me. I don’t know if I should be honored or just plain terrified.

  Dash walks us down the ramp and over to the hulking men. “Prez, VP, this is Shadow, and this little sleeping monster is Cruz.”

  “I hear you’re associated with some bad shit, Shadow,” the president states.

  No hi, no welcome to the club—straight to business.

  “Umm… not for the last four years. I’ve tried to escape it.” I turn to face Dash. “It seems someone has wok
en the sleeping giant, though.”

  The VP lets out a small laugh. “In the bad books already, Dash? Seems you have trouble keeping women happy wherever you go.”

  I furrow my brow as Dash keeps quiet. I might be angry at Dash, but this guy is an A-grade asshole. “Don’t speak for me. I’m not a part of this club. And Dash does just fine keeping women happy. He fucked up, there’s a difference. So don’t stick your nose into something that doesn’t concern you.”

  Dash tries to hide his smirk but is failing.

  The president doesn’t even try, he bursts out laughing. “I like you, Shadow, you’re gonna get along here just fine.” The president places out his hand for me to shake. “Name’s Nycto, you need anything, you come to me or one of the club girls. Trixie is the head club girl. She’ll get you whatever you want. Make yourselves at home. I’ve talked to the boys… and the girls, and they know while the kid is running around, no funny shit is to go on inside these walls.”

  Instantly, I feel better. “Thank you, Nycto, that means a lot to me. I appreciate you taking us in like this. Knowing Tyler and the Order might know where we are…” I take a few deep centering breaths. “Honestly, it scares the shit out of me.”

  Nycto dips his head. “And that’s something we’re gonna have a discussion about, but for now, it’s late, the kid is obviously tired, and I think we could all do with some rest. Tomorrow, we’ll get all the details and figure out a plan.”

  I don’t know what it is about Nycto. He’s fucking strange, there’s no doubt. The man has an air about him that screams danger, but I think it’s that very thing that’s settling my nerves. Knowing I’m on his good side has me calm. That he’s here to help me, not end me and it has me thinking maybe, just maybe, this might be the right decision.

  For now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Seeing Shadow and Nycto get along like this makes everything easier. But hearing her stick up for me against Void, fuck, I was hard instantly. Having Cruz in my arms is a buzzkill, though. His soft snoring in my ear reminds me he’s here.

  “Let’s get you inside and meeting everyone else. Then we can get you off to bed,” Nycto states.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Shadow replies.

  Void turns and storms off inside, and my eyes shift to Shadow, but she doesn’t meet mine. She might have gone to bat for me, but I know all is not forgiven. As we walk into the bunker, I watch her eyes light up as she takes in the converted clubhouse—the bar to the left with the pool table in the middle of the room. A sofa and other chairs sporadically line the main area for brothers to sit in front of the kitchen and chapel. The tech hub off the side of the chapel. Then the long hall just off the right of the main doorway leads to the sleeping quarters. The entire place is dimly lit—the moonlight shining in through the skylight over the bar that was installed after our last club battle.

  Nycto has gotten better with his aversion to light, but only marginally. He likes dimness in his club. His dislike of light still haunts him. With his past, I don’t think anyone could truly get over something like that. So I understand why he prefers the dark. The club is used to it, I just hope it doesn’t unsettle Cruz.

  Shadow stands close to my side as Trixie saunters over. Her usually scantily clad attire is gone and replaced with jeans and a tank top. “Hey, Shadow, I’m Trixie, head club girl. If you need anything, feel free to come to me, and I can help you get it or bring it to you. Whatever you need, any time, day or night, okay, hon?”

  Shadow looks her up and down, and I tense. I didn’t think Shadow was the judging type. But she finally smiles shaking her head. “Damn girl, those tattoos must have hurt? But they look amazing!”

  Trixie juts her hip out to the side. “The ones on my knuckles hurt like a mother. But, I love them, they’re a part of me, and they all tell a story.”

  “And they make you hot as hell!” Voltage calls out from down the other end of the bar.

  Shadow widens her eyes as I dip my head at him. “That’s Voltage. He was with me, when I was searching for Tyler.”

  Shadow’s smile instantly falls, giving Voltage a curt nod. He winks at her, and she exhales turning back to Trixie. “Actually, I have a little headache. Do you have anything for that?”

  “I have a couple of things, a stiff vodka or some Tylenol. What’s your poison?”

  “I think I’ll go the latter. Thanks, though.”

  Trixie pats Shadow’s shoulder and walks off toward the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, Void and Toxin stand together, watching me with Shadow. My eyes meet Toxin’s, and she weakly smiles back. I return the gesture as Shadow follows my line of sight. She locks eyes with Toxin, and Toxin quickly turns around and walks off down to the bricking cell with Void.

  Fucking awkward. Just as I thought it was going to be.

  Shadow gnaws on her bottom lip, her hand coming in to caress Cruz’s cheek. “She’s pretty,” she almost whispers.

  “Toxin?” I question, even though I know that’s who she means.

  “She’s who your VP was with, right?”

  “Void is the VP, and yeah, that was Ivy.”

  “Maybe I will have that vodka,” she murmurs, but I only just hear her.

  “Huh?” I question, wanting to make sure I heard her right.

  “Nothing… we should get Cruz up to bed.”

  Is Shadow intimidated by Toxin’s looks?

  Or is she simply rattled by her being here?

  I can’t quite place what’s happening right now.

  But I do agree, we need to get Cruz to bed. So, I let it go. For now. “Okay, let’s go to bed.”

  We start walking toward the hall, and Trixie meets us halfway, handing Shadow her Tylenol and some water.

  “Thanks so much, you’re a lifesaver.”

  “I don’t know about that, but hopefully, it helps. I’ll see you all in the morning. I have Frosted Flakes for Cruz, I heard they’re his favorite.”

  Shadow turns to me, her eyes watering, then turns back to Trixie. “Thank you.”

  Trixie pats her shoulder. “It’s been a long night. Go get some sleep.”

  I shuffle Cruz up higher on my body, the little tike gets heavy after a while as we head down the dimly lit hall down toward the end. Shadow follows, and I open the door, an inflatable mattress is on the floor by my bed. Shadow halts by the door like she’s shocked. “So, Cruz and I are sleeping in here?”

  “Yeah, this is my room.”

  She scrunches up her face like she is confused. “Then where the hell are you sleeping?”

  “In the bed with you. Cruz is on the inflatable.”

  She widens her eyes. “Like hell!” she whispers but in a harsh tone.

  I close the door behind her, so it’s only us alone in my room, and we can argue about this in private. “I know you hate me. I know you’re pissed, but Shadow, I can’t protect you if—”

  “No. I can’t sleep in the same bed as you. Remember the conversation we had about us not telling Cruz we were a thing? Us sleeping in the same bed tells him we are a thing and at the moment, we are definitely. Not. A. Thing! I can’t confuse him like that, Dash, it’s not fair on him. I won’t do it.”

  I exhale, thinking this through. “Okay… I get it. I don’t want to confuse him either. I’ll sleep on the floor and you two share the bed together, but that’s my final offer, Shadow. I’m not letting you sleep in here without me in the room. It’s a safeguard.”

  She huffs, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. “Fine! But I need you to move the bed over so you’re not so close to us.”


  That hurt.

  She hates me so much she can’t stand me being near her!

  Swallowing, I walk Cruz over to my bed and lay him down, then pull the duvet over him. Shadow stands watching me as I turn, grabbing the inflatable and drag it across to the other side of the room. It’s not a big room, so it’s only a matter of a few feet, but the meaning behind
it is clear.

  She doesn’t want me.

  Keep the fuck away!

  I turn to face her. “Happy?” I ask, hurt evident in my tone.

  She sits on the edge of the bed, her eyes somber. “I just want to go to sleep.”


  “Fine!” she sneers.

  I spin, heading for the door. “I’m gonna check on your luggage and bring it up.”

  She doesn’t say anything as I open the door and walk out. Quietly, I close the door behind me, then take a deep breath leaning back on the door, just needing a damn second.

  I want to rip her clothes off, show her who the man is in this situation.

  How the hell did we get like this?

  Stepping off from the door, I walk down the hall, back out into the main area where West and Toxin are bringing in the luggage.

  I step over and raise my chin in greeting. “Thanks. I’ll grab it and take it in. Cruz is just settling down for the night.”

  Toxin hands me over Cruz’s bag with Mister Sprocket hanging out. “He’s a cute kid.”

  A genuine smile warms my features. “He really is.”

  “You seem to have found your feet.”

  I let out a small laugh, more out of fear than anything. “I don’t think that’s true.”

  Toxin narrows her eyes on me. “I never pictured you as the type of guy to take on another man’s family.”

  “What? Why the fuck would you say that?”

  “You’re always so sure of yourself, so cocky, so… arrogant. I never thought you’d want to share any part of your relationship with someone else.”

  Shaking my head, I scoff. “That’s none of your damn business. Having Cruz in my life isn’t sharing him with someone else. His father isn’t in the picture. Cruz is like having an added bonus. I don’t see Cruz as a disadvantage, Ivy. He’s fucking amazing, and you’re the one with the problem if you think dating a single parent is an issue.”

  “I only want what’s best for you, Dash, that’s all. As your friend.”

  “And as your friend, I’m telling you to leave this alone. Because Shadow means something to me, so does Cruz. So don’t fuck this up for me more than I already have.”


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