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Finding Forever

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “Angus, over here.” Angus stopped as he was stepping off the deck and turned around to see Ewan coming out the back door. “I was with Sasha last night when Juan texted her and said he was moving in. He left his bastard boyfriend and moved in with Sasha this morning, early like five in the morning.” Angus was so overjoyed as Ewan continued to deliver the best news ever.

  “Apparently, he broke it off with Jeff a couple of days ago but was biding his time in order to get his things out of the home. Something happened last night that made him just cut and run, no plans and no goodbyes. Sasha was so pleased. She’s a good sister.” He smiled in adoration of his mate.

  “Juan dumped the Frazer Bakery back in Jeff’s lap and he’s back at his bookstore.” Ewan gave a speculative look and then added. “Did you have anything to do with Juan’s sudden desire to cut and run?”

  “God, I hope so.” He declared loud enough for everyone to hear. Angus jumped from the deck and started towards his truck.

  “Where are you going?” Ewan asked with a teasing grin.

  “To the bookstore.” He laughed. “I have an unattached mate to claim.”

  “Aren’t you glad I made you come to dinner with me?” Ewan added looking for his earned appreciation and credit.

  “I will forever be in your debt Ewan, forever.”


  It was nearing eleven when Juan heard the front door swing open and then slam shut. It wasn’t the wind it was someone making an entrance and Juan had a pretty good idea who it was. He moved from behind the counter because he didn’t want to get trapped back there and waited for Jeff to make his appearance.

  He was actually surprised to see him so early. Considering his night and activity Juan assumed he would be in bed all day. But the sooner this was over the better.

  Jeff came straight for him with a look of broken defeat and angry betrayal, two things he often used independently to get Juan to knuckle under, but this is the first time he used them simultaneously. It showed that he was less sure of his mark and was pulling out everything that had worked in the past.

  Juan felt no guilt or sense of responsibility, he only felt relief at finally separating and he felt hope for his future. He hadn’t felt hope in a long time.

  Jeff came up close and tried to tower over him. Jeff was taller than him but not that tall, he wasn’t as tall as Angus or as devastatingly handsome as Angus. Juan shook his head wondering how that thought had taken over his mind and then smiled.

  “Is that smile for me, baby?” Jeff spoke softly and leaned down as if going in for a kiss, but Juan stepped back and away before he could land it.

  "No, it's for my new life and the pleasure at being back where I belong," Juan spoke firm but took another step back from Jeff when his expression darkened, and his hands became fists.

  “You ungrateful bitch.” He barked, his mood turning on a dime from injured lover to hateful aggressor. “You lead me on with promises and dreams and then you leave me cold.” He turned his back in a show of fake emotional overload and Juan rolled his eyes. He wanted to laugh, there were no promises and definitely do dreams.

  "Please leave," Juan stated flatly. Unfortunately, Jeff did not leave but rather rushed Juan and pinned him against the counter with a hand on either side bracing the edge of the counter. Now he was going to try the fear tactic. Juan was not impressed and pushed back with his palms against Jeff's chest. "Back off." He demanded but Jeff just chuckled.

  “How did you get into the house last night?” Jeff asked unexpectedly while taking a step back, but he never took his eyes off Juan.

  “The dogs and I finally came to an understanding.” Juan did not elaborate beyond that.

  “I was told they would respond to only me. I’ll have to return them.” He smiled, and it made his face look so cold.

  “You left them out on purpose.”

  “I always left them out on purpose.”

  “That’s what I figured. Now get out.” Juan was agitated but he fought to not let it show. He held his ground and leveled his tone as he watched Jeff stand there and weigh his options.

  “For now, but I will be back Juan. You may think you can just walk away, but you’ll soon find out that no one walks away from me unless I tell them to.”

  “Get the fuck out. Get out.” Juan’s control was slipping as moved towards Jeff getting him off balance. “And don’t you dare ever threaten me again.” He added as Jeff abruptly turned and headed for the door.

  Angus was just entering when Jeff brushed roughly past him and out the door. Angus shot him a look of contempt. Jeff grunted while avoiding eye contact and hurried away. Angus turned his gaze to where Juan stood looking irritated and angry. Angus closed the door and approached Juan.

  "Are you alright?" He asked while giving Juan a once-over to make sure there were no injuries, of the physical kind at least. He moved up close to where Juan stood at the end of the counter.

  “Yes, just some bullshit I’m dealing with.” Juan was minimizing.

  “I know that was Jeff and I know that you left him and the bakery, so I’ll ask again, are you alright?” Angus was not one to beat around the bush. Juan looked shocked for a moment before breaking into an embarrassed smile.

  “I forgot your connection to my sister.” He dropped his gaze to the floor and began to move away but Angus reached out and stayed him with a hand on his forearm.

  "Ewan said you're staying with Sasha and that you broke up with Jeff Frazer three days ago," Angus said and then added. "So why did you tell me last night that you were in a relationship?"

  “I was still in Jeff’s house and I didn’t want you to think I was with someone and not telling you.” Juan shook his head and glanced away freshly embarrassed. “It was so convoluted that I didn’t know how to explain it without telling you more than you probably wanted to know. I’m sorry I misled you.” Juan glanced around the room and then looked up at Angus. “If it’s any consolation, I regretted my words immediately, but then I didn’t know how to fix it.”

  “I’m glad you’re a free man, Juan.” Angus smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He wasn’t going to waste time with explanations for things already resolved. The fact that Juan admitted he was interested was enough.

  “I just moved out this morning. I should have done it a year ago or yesterday before I met you and then I wouldn’t have had to mention that asshole at all.” Juan sounded a little overwhelmed, but he also sounded sure of himself which gave Angus a sense of relief.

  “I’m glad you’re out and not just because I find you crazy attractive. That man was dangerous, and he could have hurt you. Those dogs were not an accident, he was controlling you.” Angus moved closer and continued to touch his mate’s arm, shoulder, hand, he loved the contact and Juan wasn’t objecting.

  “Yes, I know, but it took me a while to accept that fact.” Juan said very softly as if he were afraid someone might be listening.”

  “It’s a good idea to stay with Sasha for now.” Angus was relieved that Juan was with family and not on his own. He was over-stepping himself, but he was hoping Juan didn’t notice. Juan stopped and turned to regard him thoughtfully before answering.

  “It’s just for a few days. I plan to clean out the room upstairs and use it for a while. It’s not large but good enough for now. It will give me a chance to look around and find a place I like. Besides, with Sasha and Ewan getting so close I don’t want to get in the way.” Juan raised his hand stopping Angus from commenting and then continued. “I know they don’t mind and have made it very clear, but I mind.” Juan held him with a steely stare until Angus nodded his understanding if not his agreement.

  "You're welcome at the Lodge. We have many rooms and the Clan is numerous, Jeff will not dare bother you there if he is so inclined." Angus put the offer out but was pretty certain Juan wouldn't accept.

  Juan looked at him like he was surprised but also warmed by the offer. “Thank you for the offer, I appreciate your kindness. Sasha has insist
ed that I stay with her and once I clean the room upstairs it will be adequate for my needs.” He added and moved to step back behind the counter.

  "Will you have coffee with me?" Angus pushed his dragon forward so as to not so much compel but inspire Juan to continue to trust him. The bond was a forceful connection and Juan would soon begin to feel the link that existed between them. With the relationship no longer a factor in Angus's pursuit, he could begin full-on courting of his mate. Juan looked up and without too long of a hesitation agreed to coffee.


  Juan wasn’t sure why he agreed but part was due to the fact he wanted to get to know this man. Whether it resulted in a relationship down the road or just a friendship, Juan wanted to explore the possibilities.

  What he felt for Angus went beyond the physical, it was a deep connectedness that formed almost as soon as they'd met. He wondered if perhaps they'd known one another in a previous life. The random thought made him smile and Angus quickly took advantage.

  Angus draped his arm around Juan’s shoulder and pulled him in for another quick kiss, this one on his cheek. The kisses seemed so innocent and yet so not, that Juan didn’t know for sure how to respond. He decided to enjoy life for a change and not analyze everything. He looked up at Angus and smiled letting him know his gentle ministrations were welcome.

  Juan called out to Tony, who was working with him today to keep an eye on things while he went out for coffee. Tony was stocking shelves in the back of the store and came forward just in time to witness the cozy embrace of Juan and Angus.

  They walked together side by side across the street to the coffee shop. Angus had let his arm drop from Juan’s shoulders to a light touch on the small of his back. Angus was thoughtful and understood the implications that could be drawn from too much PDA so closely on the heels of his separation from Jeff. He missed the arm over his shoulders and he missed the close proximity of Angus’s strong body, he loved that Angus liked to touch him.

  "My brother is marrying your sister," Angus commented softly. "We are allowed to be seen together. You're not doing anything wrong." He guided Juan to a table off to the side. It gave a view of the front window but was secluded enough to be semi-private.

  Angus held his chair for him and then took the seat opposite him. Juan was amazed at Angus’ ability to read his thoughts and feelings. “Thanks for understanding. You seem to always know what I’m thinking.” He said once they were both seated and had ordered.

  They said nothing for a few minutes as Angus held him in that deep green gaze of his that Juan could feel right down to his toes. When he finally spoke, his voice was deep and serious.

  “I’m going to put my cards on the table.” Angus began. “I want you to know that my goal is to be more than just your friend. I am very interested in you, I felt the connection to you as soon as we met, and it has only grown stronger the more I get to know you. I will go at your speed, as slow as you need me to go but I will not give up and I will not walk away.” Angus continued to stare into Juan’s soulful brown eyes as he waited for a response.

  Juan was held captive by his gaze and could not talk as emotion washed over him. It had been so long since anyone had looked at him the way Angus was looking at him. So long since he had felt want and desire from a man. Angus filled him with the sense of being worthy and cherished.

  "You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know how I feel and that I plan on pursuing you," Angus stated clearly his intent and then took a long sip of his coffee.

  "You're very straightforward," Juan remarked and then also took a long sip of his coffee. "I like you too Angus." He said with a cheeky grin that completely lightened the moment. Angus took Juan's hand that rested on the table top and raised it to his lips. He placed several soft kisses on the knuckles before replacing it on the table and covering it with his own.

  Angus smiled and looked at him with a fire blazing in his eyes. It was almost otherworldly. "You will be mine, Juan Navarro." Juan smiled not realizing how much Angus' words would mean to him. Angus Keith was quickly becoming a very important man in Juan's life.

  "I always know where I stand with you. Your honesty and clarity are two things that have been missing from my life. I want to know you better, Angus. I agree I think we have something." He added the last without thinking about it, he was ending on pure feeling and it was exhilarating.

  Gradually the conversation moved to less combustible subjects like Ewan and Sasha and then to Juan and his plans with the bookshop. "How long have you lived here in Laramie? Angus asked.

  “Sasha and I moved here from Denver ten years ago. I opened Horizon Books nine years ago and Sasha was my first employee. We had a good life together.” Juan spoke in loving tones when he talked of his sister. She was the one constant in his life that he could always depend on.

  “Your parents live in Denver?”

  "Our parents divorced when Sasha was still quite young. It was an ugly time. I became Sasha's guardian and she moved in with me. Once she finished school, we moved here. I'd worked at a bookstore in Denver and I'd always wanted to own my own shop." Juan knew he was being somewhat cryptic in his answers but there were parts of his life he didn't like to relive, and those parts were no longer important anyway.

  “Why were you running Jeff’s bakery? You don’t strike me as the bakery type. You’re a bookworm, an intellectual, not a baker. Your eyes don’t shine when you speak of the bakery the way they do when you discuss the bookstore.” Juan again marveled at Angus’s astuteness and his fresh truths

  "Jeff asked me to oversee the day to day at the bakery while he was pursuing additional financing to expand. In the beginning, it was just an hour or so here and there and then I was suddenly expected to be there every morning by five and I didn't leave until sometimes six in the evening." Juan shook his head not wanting to sound pathetic. "It was my own fault, I could have told him, no, but instead I became consumed in the bakery and Sasha was left to hold the bookstore together."

  Angus squeezed Juan’s hand in a loving embrace. “I’m glad you’re back at the bookstore, you look happy and hopeful. They’re both good looks on you.” Angus winked, and Juan thought he’d melt at the easy intimacy he felt with this amazing man.

  Reluctantly Juan had to go back to work and eventually they made their way back across the street to stand out front of the store. “If you need me, for anything, call me. If you need help cleaning your room upstairs, call me and I’ll help. If you change your mind and want to make use of one of the rooms at the Lodge, call me.” He punctuated each word with a squeeze of Juan’s hand. “Don’t think about it, just call.”

  Juan nodded and with a nervous quiver to his voice answered. “I will, I promise.” Something passed between them, it was subtle but poignant and Juan knew for a fact that he could depend upon this man. It was an encompassing confidence that felt like a warm blanket. He marveled at the strange turn of his thoughts when thinking about Angus Keith. He was one of a kind and Juan was glad they’d met.

  “Coffee again tomorrow. Same time same place and then I want to take you to dinner tomorrow night. I’d ask for tonight, but I know from Ewan that Sasha has a special meal planned. Until Tomorrow.” Angus stated and turned to walk away as Juan entered the bookstore.

  He watched Angus begin to walk away but then he abruptly turned around and came back with an intensity in his expression that took Juan’s breath away.

  Juan just stood there in shock as Angus cupped the sides of Juan’s head and pulled him in for a deep sensuous kiss that broke all the barriers and crossed all the lines. Juan felt as if he were being consumed and it was the most erotic and exciting moment of his life.

  The kiss sent every nerve into overdrive and he didn’t stop himself from reciprocating. The years of being ignored and dismissed and used were being burned away by the hard-delicious lips of this hard and delicious man.

  Angus wasn’t going to do it but then he began to walk away, and he felt as if
his mate was distancing himself and that Jeff, although Juan had left him and ended the relationship, was still standing in the way. No one stood in the way of a dragon and his mate, so Angus just went with his instincts and hoped for the best.

  He didn’t ask, and he didn’t wait, he pulled Juan in for a kiss that would brand him as the mate of Angus Keith, dragon warrior of Clan Keith. He put every ounce of possessive power and ownership into the kiss and he felt Juan respond and concede to his demand.

  Never had he considered that a kiss could be so perfect and life-changing as this one kiss. He tasted, explored and claimed everything that he touched, and the sensations were electric. He'd never been so hard in his long life as he was at that moment. Angus ate away at Juan's tender deliciousness and groaned when he felt Juan's hands encircle his waist and grip the back of his shirt to steady himself.

  The experience was glorious, and Juan was a willing participant. Always trust your gut. He slowly brought the kiss to an end and wrapped his arms around Juan pulling him up close against him while burying his face against the side of Juan’s head. Angus took several deep breaths drinking in the arousal and pure aroma of his beautiful mate.

  "I want you, Juan. You're everything I ever wanted in a lover and a partner. I know it's fast and you're just coming out of a relationship, but I want you so bad, my love. My future begins with you." Angus emptied his heart right there in front of Horizon Books and it felt wonderful.

  “This is crazy fast, but I feel it too. You’re not alone in this.” Juan took a tentative look around them, but the street and the sidewalk were clear, and they were hidden in the shadow of the entrance. “The only thing that scares me about this is I’m afraid it may be just a rebound reaction and a need to be with someone.” Juan tried to explain his feelings and his need but struggled to find the right words.


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