Book Read Free

Making Memories

Page 4

by S J Batsford

“I think so,” he replies.

  “Hmm, I like mine a little salty,” she says casually. My head snaps round so fast it’s a wonder I don’t break it.

  “Nan!” I gasp, looking at the bloke, he looks like he’s gonna pass out. Nan laughs loudly.

  “Your faces…” She cackles pointing at us. “Don’t worry I’m just messing with ya,” she tells the chap and he blows out a breath chuckling.

  “Well, now you’ve busted my balls what can I get you both?” He asks, leaning on the table.

  “I haven’t touched your balls young man!” She replies affronted and his face drains of its colour, he looks around quickly, nervously.

  “Nan, leave the poor bloke alone,” I say trying to sound stern. “Sorry, she loves to pull people’s chains. We’ll have two hot chocolates and five gingerbread men, please.” He shuffles off quickly, I turn to my Nan who looks pleased with herself.

  “Nan, he could have gotten into trouble if his boss had heard. You need to stop winding people up,” I whisper.

  “Aww, come on. I don’t get to have that much fun often… You, Mace and even Jackson are used to me now, it’s no fun.” She sulks, and I almost laugh, almost.

  “If it weren’t for your age people would think you were a child with the way you behave. You better not teach the twins,” I warn, unable to hold my smile back.

  “Oh, you love every second of it.” She winks at the bloke when he places our order in front of us. He hurries off to serve the couple beside us. Nan opens her mouth as we pass them, I shake my head in warning and she snaps her mouth shut, scowling.

  I’ve not finished scolding her by the time we reach Jax and Mace.

  “She did it again, didn’t she?” Mace asks, smirking. I nod, and they start laughing.

  “It wasn’t bloody funny. The poor guy looked like he was gonna faint,” I growl.

  “She was laughing her ass off,” Nan tells them, they look at me and I try to look innocent. Mace tuts at me, while Jax chuckles hiding his head behind Seb.

  “You owe me $10, pay up dude,” Mace says, laughing as Jax digs his wallet out of his back pocket and slaps the money into Mason’s waiting palm.

  “Did you two decide on the perfect tree?” I ask sipping my hot chocolate.

  “We did,” Jax says, waving his arm behind them proudly presenting a tree which to me looks the same as the rest in the lot.

  “Are its leaves healthy?” I ask, hiding my grin behind my cup.

  “Christmas trees do not have leaves, Lil’s,” Mace sighs in exasperation rolling his eyes, Nan and I look at each other and burst out laughing. They look at us like we’ve lost it.

  “Did they put alcohol in those?” Jackson asks smiling.

  “Nope,” I wheeze, holding my belly with my free hand.

  “See, you are my granddaughter after all,” Nan pipes up winking at me proudly.

  “Okay, now we’ve found the tree and you two have had your chance to act like fools can we go get some ornaments?” Mace asks, smirking as Nan smacks him upside the head.

  “I’m no fool boy.”

  “I’ll go find someone, you stay here and don’t let anyone have our perfect tree.”

  We pay, and the old man offers his son’s services to help with lugging the tree to the car. When the bloke from the refreshments stand sees us he pales and trips over his own feet.

  “You okay dude?” Mace asks, looking from him to Nan and me as we start to giggle.

  “Y-yeah, my dad said you needed help with the tree?” He asks looking everywhere but at Nan.

  “Yeah, the minivan is just outside,” Jax answers smiling knowingly.

  “Do you need help?” I ask.

  “No, thank you. I’ve done this hundreds of times,” He replies, wrapping the tree.

  “Ooo, a man with big… Muscles,” Nan smiles wiggling her eyebrows. The poor guy goes bright red at her suggestive remark, making Mace and Jackson laugh.

  “If you blush and stutter in front of her it makes her worse,” Jackson informs him.

  “I gathered from last time,” he mutters.

  Thankfully, we reach the car quickly and after helping Mace and Jax secure it to the roof, he can retreat to the safety of his dad’s tree lot.

  “Okay, who’s ready for decoration shopping?” Mason asks, clapping his hands together.

  “Let’s go. Nan, no more shenanigans.” I scold her playfully, making the guys chuckle. Holding up her hands she agrees, begrudgingly and gets in the van.

  The ride to the mall is… Energetic. Let’s just say that sitting in a minivan with two babies and three other ‘adults’ and I use that word lightly after the way they’re carrying on. Mace came up with the game ‘spot Santa’ and with it being that time of year they’re everywhere. Anyway, when you spot one you have to shout jingle balls out of the window. Thank God, the twins are still young.

  “Mace, I swear to God, if my kids’ first words are balls I will castrate you,” I throw over my shoulder. Jax laughs and places his free hand on my leg, his thumb caressing my outer thigh.

  “What’s got your panties in a twist? Lighten up Lil’s,” He says in a sing song voice.

  “My knickers are fine, I’d just prefer to keep the game within the confines of the car. You’re gonna get us pulled over by the splats,” I reply distracted by Jackson’s warm hand.

  “No, we won’t and if we did, Cora could use her charms and womanly wiles on him,” he chuckles, and I smirk. “Hey. What was that for? It was meant as a compliment.” He winces, and I laugh looking back seeing Mace rubbing his head.

  “You know nothing of my charms or womanly wiles. I’ll have you know…”

  “No need to enlighten us, Nan,” I interrupt her feeling my stomach heave.

  “I wasn’t going to,” she huffs.

  Thankfully we arrive at the mall a minute later, parking is gonna be a bitch though since Christmas is mere days away. I need to get Jackson a few more gifts and of course his family, then I think I’m done. Luckily, I started early, or I’d be screwed, but I do love that rush to get last minute bits so I’m glad I left a few.

  Stepping out of the van, I take in the bright lights decorating every tree. I look around in awe. How did I not see how beautiful this place was last year?

  “Wow,” I whisper mesmerised. People pass me on both sides as I stare open mouthed, as if I’ve never seen Christmas lights and garments before.

  Chuckling, Mace comes to stand beside me and throws an arm around my shoulders. “It’s even better on the inside. This is why I prefer to come in the evening,” Mace says proudly.

  “I get it now. They do it up back home, but this…” I’m stunned.

  “Maybe you’ve just been deprived of sparkles,” Jackson offers, pushing the twins who are now snuggled in their pram.

  “Maybe,” I smile up at him.

  “How about a picture to capture the moment?” Mason asks making Nan groan and I laugh, Mace loves nothing more than having a camera in everyone’s face.

  “Only if you’re in it too,” I say grinning at him.

  “That’s okay, someone needs to take that shot,” he shoots back quickly.

  Taking his phone, I walk over to a couple sitting on a bench nearby. “Excuse me,” I say, feeling slightly uncomfortable when they turn their attention to me. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but my brother,” I pause pointing at him for good measure, oh man is he going to kill me later, I almost laugh out loud at the glare he sends me. “He wants to capture a family moment.” I roll my eyes.

  They smile at me and stand, the girl nodding, “sure.” And follows me.

  Once I’m back in place we all smile for the camera, even the twins are awake. She takes a few shots encouraging us to pull faces, making us all laugh.

  “Are you guys here for Christmas?” The girl asks as she hands me the phone.

  “No, we live here,” Nan replies as I look through the pictures, they are beautiful, we all look happy, cheeks flushed from laughing and the Christ
mas lights give an amazing backdrop.

  “Oh, I assumed from the accent…” She blushes moving into her boyfriend’s side embarrassed.

  “It’s okay,” I smile. “I’m originally from England,” I confirm.

  “Oh wow, that’s cool. I’ve always wanted to visit, maybe in the future,” she smiles up at her man as his hand goes to her belly. “Aww, they are so beautiful,” the girl remarks coming to kneel in front of the twins and smiling at them.

  “Thank you,” I reply smiling.

  “Come on, Ash, let them get inside,” her bloke says chuckling.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she blushes again getting up. “Happy holidays,” they say in unison as they walk away.

  “Merry Christmas,” I call over my shoulder as we pass through the sliding doors. People turn and look at me wondering who I’m yelling at and I give them a big smile and say it again feeling happy, they smile back and wave.

  “They definitely put something in her hot chocolate,” Mason laughs.

  “Nope, I am just happy, is that a crime?”

  “Hell no,” Jackson replies, pulling me close and kissing me breathless. “I love seeing you happy,” he says against my lips, his eyes shining with love, I grin back feeling giddy.

  The twins are asleep by the time we have the tree set up and the new decorations open. I had Mason help me fetch my Mom’s Christmas ornaments from the garage, there was no way I was buying all new I want my Mom to be as much a part of it as we are. Besides, Mom is connected to each ornament I unwrap, this was her and she loved every moment of it.

  Nan and I pass out the baubles, tinsel, candy canes. The floor is littered with them even decorations that I made as a child are present. My Mom kept everything, it was all precious to her every treasure was to be captured and held dear. I tear up seeing it all here when she’s not.

  When I reach the last one in the box I smile as the sweet memory assaults me.

  “What are we making today Mommy?” I ask, bouncing on my tip toes excitedly.

  She chuckles as she pulls our make-it box down off the top of the shelf.

  “Well, I thought we’d make some pretty things to put on our tree this year, maybe you could make an angel or...”

  “I want to make a Santa with a big fat belly,” I grab a pillow and stuff it under my t-shirt. “Ho, ho, ho,” I say gruffly stomping around the room. Mommy smiles big laughing, I love her laugh.

  “A big fat Santa it is then,” she chuckles. “I think I’ll make a snowman,” she nods, setting up everything on the kitchen table.

  My Mom’s smiling face disappears before my eyes replaced instead by three concerned faces. My face is wet, but my lips are turned up in a sad smile.

  “You okay, Lil’s?” Mason asks, kneeling in front of me. I nod unable to speak yet, he looks a little freaked out and unsure of what to do.

  “I’m fine, Mace. Honest,” I smile wiping my cheeks. He searches my eyes, nodding he stands and hangs the next ornament.

  Jackson hangs lights and wraps a garland we bought at the mall for the banister. We work together to turn the living room, kitchen and hall into a grotto. When we’re done, it looks cosy, not at all overdone. I’ve had to hold back on the tree ornaments a little as we bought the twins new ones today. Jackson bought them a personalised first Christmas bauble and stocking each. He and Mason standing in the middle of the store bickering over who was getting what, but eventually Jackson won out.

  Mason went and bought them a new P.J set each instead and Nan just had to get the cute little matching dressing gowns and slippers. They have been spoilt rotten as always.

  We eat the leftover mince pies from the other day.

  “Mmm, these are delicious. You’ll have to make more of these,” Mason says, reaching for his third one.

  I grin, enjoying being surrounded by those I love most. This is what Christmas is, spending time just enjoying being a family.

  Once Nan and Mace leave and the twins are bathed and snuggled up in bed, Jackson and I sit on the sofa with only the lights from the tree illuminating the room.

  “Merry Christmas, Jax,” I say snuggling into his chest, sighing in contentment.

  “Happy holidays, sweetheart,” he whispers kissing the top of my head.

  Chapter 6

  I groan looking at the text again. I knew it was coming, I guess. Doesn’t mean I’m ready for it or I was looking forward to it. I need strong tea if I’m gonna have to sit through god knows how long of listening to Ethan yell, moan and whine about missing his time with the twins. I do feel bad, but he was the one who was acting like a child. I refuse to apologise for planning something fun instead of waiting on him to call.

  My phone vibrates on the table, I look and smile when I see Jackson’s name.

  Jax: You okay? Is he there yet? X

  Me: I’m fine, promise. No, he’s not arrived yet. X

  Jax: I could come home if you want me to? X

  Me: I don’t think that’s wise, do you? X

  I smile, he didn’t want to leave when he found out about Ethan’s visit.

  Jax: Probably not, but I don’t like you having to deal with it alone. He’s bound to be upset… X

  Me: I know, but you being here would only piss him off more. X

  Jax: Okay, call or text if you need me. I have to go Gary is scowling at me. X

  Me: Go work! See you later, Love you. X

  Jax: Going… Love you more. XxX

  I giggle sliding my phone into my back pocket and walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa with my steaming cuppa, waiting. After a few minutes, the silence grates my nerves, so I switch on the TV just for the comfort of the noise.

  When he finally knocks on the door I jump, nearly spilling my tea. Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for the fight ahead and go to open the door.

  “Ethan,” I say in greeting, stepping back to let him in. He looks like shit, his hair is a mess and he has dark circles beneath his usually sparkling eyes, they look dull and tired. “You okay?” I ask as he comes in.

  He grunts, shrugging as he slips his jacket off. Leading him into the living room he stops dead when we enter.

  “Wow.” Is all he says, looking round in awe. I smile proudly and look around the room seeing it with new eyes. It does look amazing. “So, this is what you were doing this weekend, huh?”

  “Yeah…” I drag out the word stalling.

  “Listen, I’m sorry, okay? I was a dick. I’m going through some shit at home, but that is no excuse for not calling.” He looks so sad, I almost want to pull him in for a hug. I would if I didn’t think he’d get the wrong idea.

  “If you need to talk, I’m here. But I won’t allow you to behave the way you did, and I will not tolerate you taking it out on the twins.”

  “I get it, I do. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” he says, sitting down seeming exhausted.

  My body sags in relief as the threat of fight leaves me. This is new, I like reasonable Ethan.

  “Are they down for a nap?” He asks raising his head from the back of the sofa.

  “Yeah, they should be up soon. I didn’t want them down here if we were going to fight.”

  I shrug sitting beside him.

  “I’m that bad, huh?” He chuckles humourlessly.

  “No. Well yeah, you can be.”

  He looks at me and smiles and for the first time in ages I see the man I once knew, the man who convinced me to try for our twins. I smile at the sweet memory. His smile falls as his eyes heat, licking his lips, I watch in horrified detachment as he leans forward. I can’t move, I’m paralyzed. As if on cue, the twins start to cry, and I breathe a sigh of relief. This is why you don’t do one-on-one meetings with him! I chastise myself and rush upstairs, relieved.

  “Phew, you just saved mommy’s arse,” I whisper to them both as I peer down at them. “I don’t think daddy would have appreciated mommy slapping his mush, do you?” I say in a sing song voice. They babble back, happily kicking their l

  I change two very full nappies and put on their fresh clothes I set out earlier. “E, can you come help me for a sec?” I shout down the stairs.

  “Yeah,” he says behind me making me squeal and clutch my heart. “Feckin’ hell!” I whisper.

  Smirking, he moves around me. “Mommy still has a potty mouth, huh?” He laughs as I huff and grab Seb, leaving him to follow.

  I leave them to it when they’re settled in the living room, there is no way I am staying with him with the way his eyes are eating me up.

  “I have chores to catch up on,” I say and hurry out of the room not looking back.

  I start with the washing from yesterday, throwing it in the washer, annoyed with him for still trying it on and at myself for not clobbering him.

  Running back upstairs, I rip the bedsheets off angrily and snatch up the clothes laying around, all the time muttering to myself. I clean the bathroom while I’m up there, as a way of venting, not that it needed it, but I’ll do anything to avoid being alone with Ethan right now. Thankfully, time passes quickly and its finally time for him to leave, it’s almost half three and I’m exhausted from doing every menial job I can think of.

  When the door closes behind him, I fall back on the sofa and sigh in relief. The twins are drifting off in their play area, leaving me alone to stew. Closing my eyes against my swirling thoughts, I rub my head.

  I wish I’d taken Jackson up on his offer to be here now, or at least called Mace. Jackson is not going to be pleased when I tell him, and I do have to tell him. It’s this stuff that can end a relationship. Secrets are never a good foundation to build upon. That’s my last thought as sleep claims me.

  The crashing of the front door rips me from a deep peaceful sleep.

  “Where is everyone?” I hear Jax call from the hallway.

  “In here,” I call and get up to see the twins since they were rudely awoken too. They are not too happy either.

  “Aww, did I wake them?” he whispers coming up behind me.

  “You woke us all,” I say, smiling and pucker my lips for a kiss. He all to happily obliges sweeping me away with a hot kiss.

  “Mmm.” Eliza babbles wriggling in my arms breaking our kiss. Jax laughs and lays a loud kiss on her cheek and she reaches for him excitedly.


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