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Making Memories

Page 5

by S J Batsford

  “How did it go?” He asks, taking her before she falls. I lean down to pick Seb up, stalling.

  “Er, well, he didn’t yell.”

  “That’s good,” he says, sitting down on the sofa, thankfully, he has already removed his overalls.

  “He also apologised for the way he behaved,” I add sitting beside him, working up to telling him everything. He waits me out, watching me fidget in silence.

  “Erm, he may have, maybe made a pass at me,” I say quietly not looking at him. Why do I feel guilty? I didn’t do anything. Damnit! Thank God, the twins are present, I know he won’t explode while they’re in the room. I peek up at him, his body is rigid, and I can feel the anger coming off him in waves. I sit quietly, giving him some time to work through it in his head.

  “What exactly happened?” He asks calmly, but his tone is clipped.

  “We were talking, and he leaned towards me I was frozen, shocked…”

  “Did he kiss you?” He asks, interrupting me. My eyes snap to his, mine widening seeing the burning rage in his. I have never seen him so angry.

  “N-no. I jumped up, the twins woke up…”

  “And if they hadn’t interrupted?” He asks through gritted teeth.

  “I would never have kissed him Jackson, I swear. I don’t want him. I want you and only you.” I say looking him in the eyes, letting him see that I mean every word. After an eternity, he releases a breath and nods.

  “I think it’s time he and I have words,” he growls.

  “No, I’ll talk to him. I don’t want you to…”

  “To what punch him for coming onto my woman?” He asks, his eyes flashing angrily. “It’s no more than he deserves. I’m sick of him coming around here acting like he owns the place. Acting like I’m intruding on family time. I’m sick of feeling like I’m doing something wrong by being with you whenever he’s here. Damnit!” His voice cracks with the force of the emotion behind his words.

  I blink stunned. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way, I never meant to make you feel that way,” I whisper hoarsely, tears threatening.

  “It’s not you. I only feel that way when he’s here, when we’re alone, we are a family.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say…” I choke on my words. I can’t lose him because Ethan refuses to let me go.

  “You don’t need to say anything,” he sighs, regret colouring his words.

  I sit silently, scared to say a word in case he ups and leaves. My face must show my line of thought because his face softens, and he scoots closer to me.

  “I’m not leaving. It’s just hard, especially since he tries to stake his claim every time he’s here.”

  “He can’t stake his claim on someone that is not his, on someone that’s taken,” I say, clasping his free hand in mine. Smiling, he leans his forehead against mine and takes a deep breath.

  “Okay, I won’t smash his face in, this time… But if he so much as breathes in your direction again I will lay him out.” He growls possessively. Is it wrong that it turns me on when he says things like that? I don’t really care if it is wrong, I love it. I shiver and kiss his lips.

  “You enjoy me talking about marking my territory, do you, sweetheart?” He asks, his voice low, husky.

  “Oh yeah. It’s hot as hell,” I say and bite his lip.

  “Later sweetheart, I’ll mark what’s mine.” He winks squeezing my thigh.

  Chapter 7

  I smile as I see some children carol singing outside the costume shop, I stop amongst the small crowd surrounding them and listen to their angelic voices singing Jingle Bells. They’re raising money for the local kids in foster care, it warms my heart that children want to help those less fortunate than themselves. When they finish we all applaud, stepping forward and take turns to put money in the bucket and praising them.

  I seem to have a semi-permanent smile on my face these days, I haven’t enjoyed the season so much in a long time and I don’t think I’d have smiled so much if it hadn’t been for my family and Jackson.

  I push the twins into the store, once again glad I brought the long twin pram, and not the wide one as I wouldn’t be able to get it around shops. I look for the Christmas section and smile when I see it. Grabbing what I need, I pay quickly and hide my purchase under the pram for later. Next, I get the gifts I have left on my list and the ingredients I need for the things I want to bake in the coming days. The twins baby talk to each other and play with their toys.

  When I have more bags than arm space and I’m sweating more than I ever did running, I bow out of the crush of last minute shoppers fighting tooth and nail for their last gifts. It’s craziness in there but I love it, seeing all the decorations and the carollers are one of the highlights of my day.

  I frown as I pull onto the drive and see Jackson’s car already there. “What the hell?” I turn off the engine, grab my bag and unbuckle the twins from their seats, struggling as always to carry them both. God, they’re getting heavy. I groan fiddling with the door handle, when it finally opens I freeze hearing Jackson’s raised voice. My arms protest against the weight, but instead of following the noise, I take them straight upstairs not wanting them to get upset.

  Placing them in the cot, I place my phone on the dresser and play soft soothing music, hoping they drop off before long. I turn on the monitor and pull the door to only leaving a small gap.

  I walk back downstairs, close the front door and walk into the living room just in time to see a red-faced Ethan grab the front of Jackson’s tee.

  “If you want to enter this house again I suggest you drop the arm,” I say, clenching my fists.

  They both freeze and turn to look at me as one. “What the hell is going on?” I ask stepping into the room.

  “He came here looking for you. I’ll let him tell you why,” Jackson mutters shoving Ethan’s hand off his t-shirt. I look at Ethan, waiting.

  “Well?” I ask, when he stays silent.

  “I wanted to talk to you, privately,” he says looking pointedly at Jackson, who growls and stalks by me, I barely catch his arm, stilling him.

  “Where do you think you’re going,” I ask, looking up at him.

  “I can’t be in the same room as him and not lay him out,” he says, his jaw so tight it may pop out if he grits his teeth anymore.

  “So, you’re going to walk out and leave me here to deal with this?” I ask, challenging him. His eyes spark as he takes a breath to think it over, his arm flexes under my fingers and I let go, letting him make his choice. He moves to the wall to the right of me and leans against it, watching Ethan, his fiery temper blazing from his eyes. I shudder, I’m glad I’m not on the receiving end of that look.

  “Okay, now what is it you need to talk to me about?” I turn back to Ethan.

  Sighing, he rubs his hands through his hair. He mumbles something under his breath.

  “What was that?” I ask, turning my head slightly.

  “I said, us!” He yells, frustrated.

  “Ah.” I nod as if I knew this. “Well, you see there’s one little problem there… There is no us.” I wave my hand between Ethan and me.

  “Lily, this back and forth is driving me crazy. I can’t eat or sleep, it’s torture,” he replies shocking me. Jackson’s body pushes off the wall and I hold my hand up to him. I actually laugh, I’m that shocked.

  “What back and forth?” I ask. “How? I’m with someone new, I’ve moved on. How is that going back and forth?” I ask my voice raising as my temper frays.

  “I know you’re with him, for now. But…”

  “No. There is no for now. I’m with Jackson, end of.” I cut my hand through the air trying to make it clear.


  “No buts. I won’t say this again, I love him.” I feel like the words are bursting from my chest, I say them so vehemently. Ethan pales, shaking his head not wanting to hear my words or not believing them.

  “You can’t,” he chokes.

  “I do
,” I say softly, holding my hand out to Jackson, he takes it and stands behind me, so Ethan can see we are together.

  “I-I have to go…” He whispers and leaves quickly taking the tense atmosphere with him. I feel like I can breathe again, I feel lighter and tired all at once. Jackson pulls me back into his body supporting me as I absorb what just happened. Fuck, that was rough.

  “I’m sorry,” I breath, laying my head back on his chest.

  “What for?”

  “That,” I sigh, closing my eyes.

  “That wasn’t your fault.” He kisses my brow.

  “What are you doing home so early?”

  “Gary let me off early, so I could do some last-minute shopping.”

  “Oh shit, the van.” I pull away, grab my keys and rush outside, I sigh in relief when I see everything is still inside and close and lock the car. Everything can wait until later. Going back inside I lock the door behind me, dropping my keys I take Jackson’s hand and lead him upstairs. After checking on the twins who are fast asleep, I lead him into our room and fall face first onto the bed.

  “What the bloody hell was I thinking going out with him?” I ask into the quilt.

  “Do you really want an answer?” He asks chuckling. I feel him slip my shoes from my feet, he kneads my aching feet making me groan gratefully.

  “I think I need a nap after that,” I moan as his strong hands work their magic up my leg.

  “Mmm, I am definitely up for bedtime snuggles,” he answers, and I giggle.

  “I mean to actually sleep.” I look at him over my shoulder, he is so gorgeous, even angry he is sexy. My mind may have changed it a little but the way I remember his look downstairs… Fuckin’ hot as feck.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks watching me watch him.


  “Mmm, there’s a dangerous twinkle in your eye.”

  “Uh-huh.” I sit up forcing him to let go of my leg.

  “What are you doing?” He asks, and I stalk him, slowly crawling up the bed as he retreats.

  “You want to play?” I ask, smiling devilishly up at him.

  “Play?” He breathes licking his lip.

  I kneel up, slowly pulling my top up, teasing him.

  “Play. Yes or no?” I ask again, letting my top fall back over my heated skin. He actually whimpers at the loss. Oh, I like this side of him.

  “Yes.” His voice is barely audible

  “You have to do as you’re told,” I say, popping the top button on my jeans. He watches enraptured.

  “Uh-huh, do as I’m told,” he nods, swallowing thickly.

  “Are you sure you can be a good boy?” I ask, quickly discarding my top on the floor. Moving closer, I kneel over him the contrast between our states of dress ever present as I press my breasts against him causing his t-shirt to rub against my sensitive nipples.

  His eyes never leave me as his head bobs up and down, his eyes sending bolts of heat though my core.

  “If you’re sure, I guess I should get rid of this then,” I say my voice barely a whisper. Unfastening my bra, I hold it against my breasts watching his reaction as I drop the material into his lap.

  “Holy shit,” he chokes out, adjusting himself in his jeans. I smile, sliding onto his lap.

  “Uh-uh, no touching,” I admonish as his hand lifts to my breast.

  “What?!” He looks up at me shocked.

  “Arms up,” I say, stripping his t-shirt off. “Hands above your head,” I order shocking us both, but he complies raising his arms holding onto the headboard. The sight of his muscular arms braced above him has my mouth watering. Leaning down I trail open mouthed kisses down his neck and across his spectacular chest. I let my lips caress his skin, I smile as I feel him shudder with the touch of my tongue. I bring my hands into play unable to resist feeling his heated skin beneath my palms, I hold him down as I glide my tongue over his abdomen. His hips thrust up almost bucking me off him.

  “Fuck, Lily.” He groans his words come out slurred. Rolling my hips against him, I torture us both until sweat is sliding between my shoulder blades. “I need to touch you, please,” he moans, hissing as I tug his nipple.

  I nod, acquiescing quickly unable to go another second without him touching me. His hands fall to my hips, his fingers digging into the skin above my jeans. I’m shocked when he just holds me there. I expected him to flip our positions a twinge of disappointment hits me right before he takes control grinding his dick into me, this time it’s me who shudders.

  Sitting up, I arch my back closing my eyes and just feel, and fuck it’s amazing. Tingles race down my spine as my mind conjures the sensual image of us. I see only us, it’s dark, Jax sprawled out on his back with me above him. Our sweaty bodies straining to be closer… I can almost taste our need for each other. My hairs a tangled mess, my body bowed, tight in the throes of passion. The images are erotic, almost enough to push me over the edge. His trousers need to go. My eyes snap open at the thought and my hands go to his fly, I fumble with the buttons. I make short work of our remaining clothes, my body driving me forward.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” I moan into his ear, loving the feel of my bare skin sliding against his. I rub myself against his hard cock, a rush of wetness coating him with every grind of my hips. Jackson’s moans are like music to my ears, they drive me crazy, I could come just listening to his pleasure. The pleasure I give him.

  “Fuck me, Jax,” I groan, my legs shaking, aching to go that extra inch and let him slip into me, bare. I writhe on top of him imagining it, the thoughts are as potent as the actions for me. I’m so caught up in my own mind I don’t even realise Jax has rolled on a condom and is poised ready to take me. When our eyes connect he thrusts into me to the hilt, throwing me into ecstasy. My orgasm crashes through me, it’s so strong it’s pleasure and pain, feeding the burning ache inside me. I hear Jax call out, feel his body shudder, contract and bow off the bed. I fall onto his chest, breathless and boneless. God, I love him.

  “I love you, too,” I hear him whisper as I drift off.

  Later that evening as I lie with my head on Jackson’s lap, watching some stupid show about drunk people, I remember his special gift and smile wickedly.

  “I bought you a present today,” I say looking away from the screen.

  “Oh really? What kind of gift?” He asks as his fingers drift through my hair.

  “One you can have early.” I wink and get up to fetch it from the hall closet. When I return the TV is off, the tree lights making the room cosy. I look over at the twins surrounded by pillows, fast asleep in each other’s arms in their playpen. They’re so adorable. I smile and turn my attention back to Jax.

  Sitting beside him I place the bag on his lap grinning, he raises his eyebrow his lips twitching and slips a hand in without looking away from me. When he has it unwrapped, he finally looks down and bursts out laughing.

  “Shhh,” I scold him looking over at the twins.

  “You want me to play Santa?” He asks, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “Well, I don’t have the right… Assets, do I?” I giggle.

  “Is this for me to play the part or for you?” He asks, leaning forward until his face is a hair’s breadth away from mine.

  “Well, since you asked,” I reply and reach behind the sofa where I dropped the other bag and hand that one over as well. This time he groans when he pulls out the Mrs, Claus nightie I picked up at the same time.

  “You’re gonna kill me,” he grunts, adjusting himself in his jeans.

  “I thought we could have some fun,” I shrug as my cheeks heat under his hungry stare.

  “I love the idea of dressing up, I think I need to see you in this.” He murmurs quietly, standing and holding out his hand. I accept his offer feeling desire curl in my belly as he leads the way.

  Chapter 8

  Eliza and Seb are bundled up in the car, chatting away happily as Jax drives us to the Christmas market. I can’t wait to get there, I h
aven’t been to one in a few years. Mom was busiest at Christmas and I didn’t exactly have friends to go with back then, so I’d stay at home and watch movies snuggled up with hot chocolate and a blanket, eventually falling asleep waiting on Mom coming home.

  I remember the atmosphere when we used to go, it was contagious. People smiling, excited and happy with the joy of Christmas filling their hearts. Not to mention the lights, music and the delicious food. I’m so excited, you’d think I’d had boat loads of coffee. But the truth is, I love Christmas markets, I love finding new and old treasures. I want to pick up a new ornament for the tree, to make the occasion. Mace isn’t helping at all, if anything he’s encouraging me. We’re like a pair of kids waiting to see Santa for the first time.

  Thinking of Santa, I blush and look over at Jackson remembering the night before. I have never done anything like that before, but I now understand the appeal. My thighs tingle as I recall the image of Jackson in his Santa suit, definitely not the image of Santa I was shown as a kid. I squirm in my seat feeling myself getting worked up and open the window. Is it getting warm in here or is it me? He looked hot with the coat hanging open over his bare chest, the red velvet only intensifying his tanned skin.

  I tense when I feel his hand caress my thigh, looking over seeing him smiling.

  “I bet I know what you’re thinking right now,” he remarks.

  “I bet you’re thinking the same thing then,” I fire back, squeezing his hand.

  “Mmm,” he hums, lacing his fingers through mine. “So, where are we meeting Cora and Mason?” He asks.

  “By the grotto, they want to take the twins to see Santa,” I say, laughing.

  Shaking his head, he smirks. “Are you going to sit on Santa’s lap?” He asks.

  “I might, I need to inform him that there is a gorgeous man going around impersonating him.”

  “Gorgeous you say?” He asks raising an eyebrow.

  “Mmm, the hottest Santa I’ve ever seen.” I lean over and kiss his cheek softly.


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