Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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ME on desert, socialism and, –; S
on religion, ; and posthumous
versus Mallot on redistribution and, ;
communications from S, Myers, –;
S, PPE on distributive, –; EP on, as
on death of Myers, ; see also
aim of legislation, ; S, PE on spirit of,
pragmatism; psychical research
; see also equality/egalitarianism;
Janet, Pierre,
political theory; Rawls, J.
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse, , , ; and
construction of S Avenue,
Kagan, Shelley: Crisp on, ; and message
Jennings, Hargreave,
of ME,
Jevons, Stanley, ; S compares to Ricardo,
Kant, Immanuel (Kantism): Bryce on S and,
–; Mill’s objection to, –
; S appropriates universalizability, ;
Jocelyn, Percy (Noel’s uncle),
and publicity, ; S’s , –; and
Johnson, Alice: on EMS, mathematics,
early editions of ME, –; Hayward
afterlife, ; and production of Census,
on S’s unconscious, ; S rejects emphasis
on free will of, –; influence on S,
Jones, E. E. Constance: on S’s Socratic irony
, ; and universalizability, –;
and Horatian satire, , ; Hayward
S’s philosophical intuitionism in ME and,
criticizes, ; scholarly neglect of,
; S and Hare similar on, ; and
Jowett, Benjamin: contributes to Essays and
principle of benevolence versus principle
Reviews, ; and personalized tutorial, ;
of prudence, –; Pringle-Pattison on
and Oxford Hellenism, –; calls for
S’s debt to, ; S’s provisional, –,
biblical criticism, ; Symonds compared
; and egoism, S on, ; S on his use of,
to, ; on young men and books, ; and
–; and Schneewind’s Rawlsian
S’s life project, ; and Oxford
interpretation of ME, –; S on how
philosophical context, ; as Green’s
he returned to, –; S on egoism and,
tutor, –; and gospel of work, ;
–; S misses essence of, –; and
Platonic revival at Balliol of, ; disciples
Rawls, on publicity, –; versus S’s
of, versus Green’s, –; S, Oxford
social epistemology, –; S,
and, ; against Pater, –; and
Swedenborg and, ; S on noble choice
professorship of poetry, –; Tyrwhitt
and, –; S’s engagement with,
invokes against Symonds, ; heterodoxy
–; root of evolutionism and
of, ; personality, Socratic method of,
idealism, according to S, ; as
–; and Millian interpretation of
represented in Green’s metaphysics,
Socrates, Plato, versus Symonds, –;
–; S on conception of self of, and
Symonds’s eroticized Hellenism versus,
dualism, –; Rorty on dusty
; rebuffed Symonds, ; inspires
arguments of, ; Green puts in canon,
Symonds to get First, ; discusses
–; S to Dakyns on sympathy with,
religion with Symonds, ; Soffer
; S to Noel on identity, dualism and,
February ,
; Noel on, ; S’s projected book on,
individualistic principle, nonpaternalism
; S cites on hope, moral government of
of, –; see also charity; justice;
world, ; see also freedom; Green, T. H.;
political economy; socialism
idealism; Rawls, J.; Schneewind, J. B.
law and legislation: in S’s utopia, –;
Kardec, A., –
Labouchère amendment as, –;
Keats, John, ; Houghton defends,
positive, versus ethics, –; S, EP on
Kemp, Jonathan, on Symonds’s research on
Austin, sovereignty and, ; S, EP on art
sexuality, –
of, and democracy, –; international,
Kepler, Johannes,
S to Lytton on, –; S on federation
Keynes, John Maynard, ; on M, ; and
and, –; S on consensus of moralists
Moore’s debt to S, ; as wrong about
and, –; S on, versus international
utilitarianism, ; mocks Victorians, ; as
morality or comity, –; Maitland to S
an Apostle, ; and higher sodomy, ; S’s
on, ; S, EP on general principles of,
distance from, ; see also Bloomsbury;
; S’s belief in, –; and treatment
economics; Strachey, L.
of “uncivilized” peoples, –; see also
Keynes, Neville,
politics; state
Kidd, Benjamin, S on, in review of Pearson,
Lawrence, D. H.,
Lawrence, T. E.,
Kierkegaard, Sören, Rorty on,
Leaf, Walter, ; and birth of S group,
Kiernan, V: on realities of British
–; and Piper case, ; on Myers on
imperialism, –; on war craze of
subliminal self,
s, ; on Curzon,
Lear, Edward, as friend of Symonds’s,
Kingsley, Charles, as Seeley’s predecessor,
Leavis, F. R., criticizes Bloomsbury,
Lecky, W. E. H., S on reading,
Kipling, Rudyard,
Lee, Holme, S on,
Kitchener, F. W., S meets at Rugby,
legal positivism, S, EP versus Austin on,
Kitchener, H., S on heroism of,
Lelio, S suggests as topic,
Kloppenberg, James: Uncertain Victory on S’s
Leopold, king of Belgium, Kiernan on
epistemology, , ; silent on S and
imperialism and,
sexuality and race, –; on James and
Lewes, George Henry, biography of Goet
dualism, ; and S and via media,
Knightbridge Professorship: see Birks, T. R.;
liberalism: Ryan on anxieties of modern, ;
Broad, C. D.; Grote, J.; Maurice, J. F. D.;
J. S. Mill as representing, ; and Victorian
Sidgwick, H.
fear of democracy, ; and publicity,
knowledge, see epistemology; reason;
–; Green’s, on role of state,
science/scientific method
–; New Liberalism versus classical
Koestenbaum, P., Kemp on,
Millian, ; S’s increasing reservations
Kohlberg, L., S’s account of moral
about, , ; S, EP on organization of
maturation and,
government and, –; S, EP on
Korsgaard, Christine, on J. S. Mill and
freedom of press and, –; see also
intuition, –
academic liberals; individualism; laissez
Krafft-Ebing, R., ignorance of,
Liberal Party, ; S’s alienation from
Labouchère amendment, ; Symonds on,
Gladstonian, , –; and Home
Rule controversy, –; Shannon on
Labouchère, Henry, Egremont on O’Brian
challenges to, –; Pearson and, ,
affair and,
–; Bryce and, –; see also
Labour Party, birth of,
Gladstone, W. E.; Home Rule; Tory Party
laissez faire: and stereotypical Benthamism,
Liddell, Samuel,
; S has little faith in, ; J. S. Mill
Lidgett, John Scott, on S as refomer,
departs from, ; academic liberals
opposed, ; S on Mill on, ; S, MEA
Lightfoot, J. B.: S consults, ; on Apostles
on socialism versus, –; S, PPE on
case for, qualifications to, –; EP on
Linton, Eliza Lynn, versus Eliot,
February ,
Lippmann, Walter: and S, EP on
Maguire, Thomas, S reviews Platonic Ethics
omnicompetent citizen, ; versus Dewey
on democracy,
Maine, Henry Sumner: as an Apostle, ,
literature: special nature of, ; and
; on evils of democracy, ; as
Apostolic mission, ; and S’s reformism,
ideologue of imperialism, ; as one of S’s
–, –; see also “Apostles”;
“competent authorities,” ; Seeley and,
; background, Cambridge education of,
Loch, Charles, and Charity Organization
–; seeks S’s support for Whewell
Society, –
Professorship, ; as more utilitarian than
Locke, John: Cambridge emphasis on, ; as
Seeley, status to contract argument, ;
utilitarian, Green on, ; S to Noel on
on need for aristocracy, ; on continuing
personal identity and, ; S, EP on
British rule in India, control of education
account of property of,
in, ; and S’s worries about Caesarism,
Lodge, Oliver: and Synthetic Society, ;
; S invokes in letter to Lytton, , ;
and S on approximation to agreement, ;
finds “n” word offensive, ; S, DEP cite
and SPR investigation of Palladino,
on India, ; S on antidemocratic writing
–; converted by Piper case,
London School of Ethics and Social
Maitland, F. W., ; on S as talker, –; on
Philosophy, S as vice president of,
S’s sympathy, –; on S’s commitment
love, see benevolence; feelings; friendship;
to reason, ; comments on proofs of EP,
Greek love; sympathy; utilitarianism
; on best parts of EP, ; S’s support
Lowe, Robert, on working class,
of, ; thanked in EP, ; to S on EP on
Lubenow, William: on Apostolic policy of
international law/morality, ; and S’s
secrecy, ; on Cowell and Alpine Club,
; on Savile Club, ; on Ad Eundem
Mallock, W. H., on Pater/Mr. Rose,
Mallot, Lewis, exchange with S on economic
Luckhurst, Roger,
Malthus, Thomas,
Lucretius, Myers on,
Mansel, Bishop: S on, –; influences
“lunatics,” S, EP on treatment of,
Lyall, Alfred, and Synthetic Society,
marriage: Minnie S’s, ; Noel advises S on,
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer-: background,
; as supposed cure for Symonds,
career of, –; S to, on role of moralist
–; Noel versus S on, –; S’s
in international politics, –
exchanges with Dakyns on, , –;
S’s exchanges with Initial Society on,
Macaulay, T. B.: on Plato versus Bacon, ; as
–; Symonds on S’s, –; of S
G. O. Trevelyan’s uncle, ; on common
and EMS, ; S, EMS on women’s higher
people, ; and India, ; against
education and, –; Prins on Victorian
Benthamites, ; S’s debt to, ; S’s
Maenads and, ; and Galton’s dower
historical method in EP as indebted to,
fund proposal, ; S, ME on sexual purity
–; Seeley and,
and, –
MacCarthy, Desmond,
Marshall, Alfred: account of S’s paper to
Machiavelli, Nicolai,
Grote Club, –; attacks S as teacher,
MacIntyre, Alasdair, and critique of
administrator, –, ; exchanges
with EMS on educational potential of
Mackie, J. L., on weakness of Moore’s
women, –; S’s influence on, ; as
argument against egoism,
founder of Cambridge School of
MacMahan, Jeff: foundatio
nalism of,
economics, ; and Oxbridge political
compared to S’s intuitionism,
–; and S’s intuitionism,
Marshall, Annie: and Myers, ; death of,
Macmillan (S’s main publisher),
and effect on Myers and SPR, –;
McCosh, J.,
supposed posthumous communications
McCulloch, J. R.,
McTaggart, J. E., ,
Marshall, Mary: husband Alfred quashes
magnanimity, Aristotle on,
career of, ; on S as teacher,
February ,
Martineau, Harriet: and physical training for
Pearson studies with, ; see also
women, ; teaches mesmerism to
“Apostles”; Cambridge University
Maxwell, James Clerk,
Martineau, James: S versus, Donagan on, ;
Mayer, J. B., ; advises S about resignation,
S on lack of system in work of, ; and
Synthetic Society,
Mazzini, Giuseppe, and story about mass
Marx, Karl (Marxism), , ; and cruelty
of capitalism, ; Rorty on idealism and,
medicine/medical discourse: Symonds on
; S on orthodox political economy
Greek love and, –, –,
versus, ; versus S on forms of socialism,
–; and Dr. Symonds, –;
R. Symonds on resistance to women’s
Mary Ward House,
higher education and,
Massey, C. C., , ,
merit, see desert; justice; laissez faire
materialism, ; S on Hobbesian, ; rise of,
Merivale, Herman, on colonization,
in Victorian age, ; fear of, and founding
Merivale, Charles, S refers to on Apostles,
of SPR, –; S on Tennyson’s
confronting, –; Green’s critique of,
metaethics: S’s contested, ; S’s complex, ;
–; see also science/scientific
and S’s struggle with Millianism, –;
method; Society for Psychical Research