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Looking for Trouble

Page 14

by Becky McGraw

  Jess went to the closet and pulled out the old acoustic guitar she’d had since she was twelve, then grabbed her song notebook and a pencil. It was time she got back to writing, because she needed new songs to demo, and it relaxed her anyway…maybe it would help with the mood swings. If anything, the last three months had given her a lot of angst to put into her music, that was for sure. Maybe she could make some iced tea with the lemons she’d been sucking on lately.

  She shut the bedroom door behind her, so she didn’t disturb Angel, then walked into the living room and pulled the coffee table close to the sofa and laid down, leaning back on the arm, then she flipped open the notebook and started to hum and strum. Before long, she was lost in the process, and her thoughts.

  “I don’t need diamonds and pearls, just an angel and my baby girl,” came to her mind, and she went with it, scribbling furiously in her notebook. Before she knew it, the lyrics had about written themselves, and she was fine tuning the melody and adding music.

  Excitement poured through her, as the feeling of creating again sent adrenaline coursing through her. When a song was good, she felt it deep inside of her, she knew it, and the feeling was like none other in the world. That end product was something that nobody else in the world could produce, her baby, her brainchild, her brand of magic.

  When she finished tweaking things, she decided to give it a real run through, and started singing it with feeling, while her fingers strummed the notes on the guitar. She was so into the song, she didn’t hear the barn access door open, or see Wade standing there watching her.

  After she played the last note, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then smiled. “Not too damned bad,” she said.

  “You take my breath away, baby…” Wade said and she spun around on the sofa with a big grin.

  “How long have you been standing there?” she asked him, a little nervous as to what he thought of the song.

  “Long enough to know you are amazing,” he told her with glittering eyes and walked over to her, then grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet, and into his arms.

  Before she knew what was going on, his mouth was on hers and the heat of his kiss converted the adrenaline in her veins into rampant desire and she was tugging at the hem of his t-shirt, shoving her hands underneath, so she could feel his skin against her palms. With a moan, his hands moved under her shirt too, then up her ribcage to cup her breasts.

  Tingles of pleasure shot through her, when his thumbs lazily traced her nipples and they peaked, wanting more, needing more of his touch. Jess pressed her body against him, then pulled her mouth from his panting. “I need you Wade, now…no more waiting,” she told him breathlessly, then slid her hand down his body to stroke his hardness through his jeans.

  He growled, then swept her up into his arms, and strode swiftly down the hall to his bedroom. Flinging open the door, he walked to the bed and gently laid her on the mattress then took his hat off and tossed it across the room, and sat on the edge of the bed to take off his boots. Crawling into the bed, he grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head, then unfastened her bra. His heated gaze raked over her breasts and he sucked in a sharp breath, then put his mouth on her, and Jess almost vaulted off of the bed the sensation was so intense. His fingers quickly moved to the snap on her shorts and then her zipper.

  She shoved them off of her hips, along with her panties then sat up and pushed him back on the bed, reaching for the button on his jeans, “You have too many clothes on,” she said desperately needing to feel him. When she got his zipper down, she slid her hand inside his jeans to hold him and moaned, “You feel so good, it’s been so long…”

  Wade lifted his hips and Jess pushed his jeans and boxers off his long legs then laid down half on top of him and kissed him running her hands all over his body, letting out all the feelings for him she’d bottled up inside of her too long. Her body ached for him, and he needed to know that.

  He kneaded her butt with his hands, and moaned when she circled her hips against him. Pulling his lips from hers, his dark eyes glittered, as he told her in a strangled tone, “Put me out of my misery, darlin’, I need you so fucking bad,” then he lifted her astride him and found the nub at the top of her thighs and massaged her there.

  Jess threw her head back and screamed his name, as waves of hot pleasure shot through her, and she moved involuntarily against his erection. She slid along his hard length, ramping up the electricity coursing through her.

  His hands on her hips stopped her, and he groaned breathing hard, “I want to be inside of you when I come, sugar…slow down.” Jess lifted her hips and moved over him, about to impale herself on him, and his hands clamped down on her. “Condom, baby…in the dresser.” God, she was so on fire for him, she hadn’t even thought about it, she just wanted him inside of her now.

  Scrambling off the bed, she ran over to the dresser and flung open the first drawer, rifling inside. “Not that one…top left,” he told her and she went to the other end, and slid open the drawer. She found the box of condoms…they were right under a pair of tiny hot pink lace thongs, she couldn’t picture him wearing. She pulled out a foil packet in one hand, and hooked her finger in the elastic of the thongs and brought them out too.

  “I like your taste in underwear…I want to see you in these, before I use this,” she told him snidely and held up the condom.

  His face reddened and he coughed, then told her, “I haven’t been celibate for the last year, I’m sure you haven’t either…”

  “I’ve been pregnant, so that’s not real conducive to having hot sex, Wade,” she said sarcastically. “Men don’t typically find big bellies, or pregnant women, a turn on.”

  “I beg to differ there, sweetheart. I would have been so turned on by that, I couldn’t have kept my hands off of you. We’d have had so much sex, you wouldn’t have been able to walk straight,” he said in a deep gravelly tone.

  Surprise and pleasure surged up inside of her and Jess flicked the panties over her shoulder, then hobbled back to the bed and crawled up to him. Wade grabbed her up in his arms and rolled her onto her back, kissing her senseless, his hands skimming over her body, fanning the flames inside of her to inferno proportions.

  “Now, Wade…I need you inside of me, now!” she yelled and took him in her hand and stroked him. With a growl, he reached beside her head and tore open the condom packet with his teeth, then quickly sheathed himself, then moved over her body until he was positioned at her apex, without going father. He caressed her breasts reverently, “You’re fuller than you were,” he said curiously, looking up into her eyes.

  “Baby boobage…” she told him with a chuckle. “Angel gave me a boob job.”

  “Mmm…” he murmured then took her nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, before circling it with his tongue, then he whispered over her breast, “So damned sweet, darlin’…” Kissing his way up her chest, he put heated kisses along her neck, then behind her ear, causing shivers to course up her spine, but she wanted more…needed all of him.

  Demanding release, the tension in her body ratcheted up, and she spread her legs wider then pushed against him, and he slid inside of her. Jess whimpered, then tried to take him farther inside, and he pushed a little farther, then held back.

  “More…c’mon, Wade stop teasing me,” she begged breathlessly and squeezed her inner muscles against him. He pushed up on his knees, then took her good leg and lifted it over his forearm, and with one sure thrust, he filled her and Jess thought she was going to split in two, and sucked in a breath. It had been so long, and he was so big.

  “That’s why I was taking my time, sugar…I don’t want to hurt you,” Wade said through gritted teeth. His face was flushed and his jaw clenched as stayed still inside of her, just holding her and letting her get used to him.

  “You’re not hurting me, darlin’….you feel so damned good,” and he did, she closed her eyes and savored the stretched feeling and fullness of having him inside of her again, then m
oved her hips a little and squeezed him.

  “Oh, god, Jess…don’t do that…” he panted and his face got redder, then he blew out a breath and pulled back, sliding out of her a little, then moving forward again. The friction was so amazing, the feeling so exquisite, she howled then moved her hips frantically against him trying to start a rhythm.

  Wade growled and then moved his hips with hers a couple times in short strokes, and he hit a hidden spot inside of her that pushed her closer to the orgasm that was building inside of her with every stroke.

  “Oh, yes…that feels so good…faster,” she panted, the grabbed the sheets in her fist when waves of pleasure crashed over her. “I’m coming…faster, baby…just a little, oh my god,” she groaned and clenched her jaw as her body vibrated with incredible sensations that took her on a ride, until she sailed over the peak to fulfillment. Her breathing was coming in erratic gasps, as he continued to stroke and aftershocks wracked her body.

  Finally, she opened her eyes and looked into his warm chocolate brown gaze then smiled. then said breathlessly, “Wow…amazing.”

  Wade smiled that sexy smile down at her, and his dimple popped out before he told her, “We’re a long way from done, baby,” then flipped her gently on her stomach, and lifted her hips. Jess pushed up on her knees then felt him behind her, and he lined himself up with her, then with one long stroke, he pushed inside of her, pulling a long moan from her, as he went deeper than he’d been before, stretched her wider, and fresh desire pounded through her.

  “Oh, my god,” she whispered brokenly, and pushed back against him, lifting her rear end higher against him, as her inner muscles started tensing again.

  Wade groaned and put his hands on her ass to pull out of her half way, then pushed back in slowly, before he started a rhythm that had her spiraling toward another release, reaching for it. He moved a hand around her and found her bud then quickly worked her desire up to insanity levels again. Her heart was beating so fast, she felt lightheaded as she fought to hold off another orgasm, but couldn’t. Jess wailed his name as she was swamped with pleasure so intense, her ears buzzed and her body hummed as it moved over her.

  Wade increased the rhythm and deepened his strokes, and then she felt him stiffen behind her, as he hissed her name, and found his release too. He just held her still for a minute, staying inside of her, then he leaned over and kissed her shoulder then whispered near her ear, “That was…unbelievable, sugar,” then he eased out of her and laid on his back and pulled her against him.

  Jess laid on his arm and cuddled into his shoulder, and threw her good thigh over his leg, then pressed kisses on his chest. “My memory didn’t exaggerate a thing…” she told him with a chuckle, then ran a finger down his chest to his navel. His muscles quivered under her touch.

  He looked down at her with satisfied warm brown eyes, and said, “Keep that up, and I’ll be ready for another round in a minute or two…” then he gave her that sexy grin of his. “But I need to go clean up if that’s gonna happen, I’ll be right back,” he said then kissed the top of her head and slid his arm from under her to get up. She watched the muscles in his sexy bare ass flex as he headed for the door and sighed.

  Jess flopped back on the bed and threw her arms over her head and smiled, then she heard a little wail coming from the other room. Hopping up, she pulled on Wade’s discarded t-shirt, and took a deep whiff, because it smelled just like him, clean sweat, outdoors and pure man, better than any cologne on Earth.

  Hobbling down the hall to the other bedroom, Jess flung open the door and gasped when she saw that Angel had somehow scooted herself down the bed, out from between the pillows, and she was really close to the edge of the bed. “Holy, shit!” she yelled then tried to get a swinging motion going to run as best as she could to get her.

  Wade beat her over there and grabbed Angel up into his arms and hugged her tight. “Looks like we’re going to have to buy you a bed, baby doll,” he cooed to her then kissed her cheek. She put her fist to her daddy’s cheek and cooed at him, then grinned. “A princess bed with a pink canopy,” he told her with a grin, and she cooed again. “You like that idea, huh?”

  Jess’s heart squeezed in her chest as happiness flooded through her, but she told him with mock-reprimand, “You’re gonna spoil her rotten, Wade…”

  He looked up from Angel and his eyes pinned hers, “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do, sugar…other than spoil her mama…ya’ll are my two best girls,” he drawled then wiggled his nose against Angel’s and she giggled.

  She walked over to him and put her arm around his waist, then put her finger in Angel’s little fist and wiggled it around. “Your a lucky girl, punkin…you’ve got the best daddy in the whole wide world,” she said in a wobbly voice, then made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. They were liquid pools of love, longing, and regret…but the sympathy was what ripped her up inside.

  “I’m sorry your daddy treated you the way he did, baby…” he told her in a gruff voice. “You deserved better…you’re gonna have better now. Nobody is going to hurt or use you again.”

  Jess dragged her eyes from his then sucked in a shuddering breath and said, “Water under the bridge, darlin’…let’s get Angel fixed up, she needs a bottle and a dry diaper,” then she turned and walked to the dresser where the diaper bag was sitting.

  “Damn girl, you sure make my shirt look good,” he said in a sexy rumble, then added, “But it’s not exactly clean…”

  “Dirty or not, it smells like you, and I like it,” she said in a low purr, as she pulled out a bottle and diaper, then turned toward him and finished, “Makes me want to do dirty things to you…”

  “Don’t ever take it off then,” Wade growled, his eyes glittering with desire, as he sat down on the bed with Angel in his arms, then reached for the diaper in her hand.

  Gently, he laid Angel on the bed and unsnapped the sleeper she had on, and he expertly changed her diaper, then refastened it. He was getting pretty damned good at daddy duty, and he was a big help. Something she never expected from the rough riding, sexy cowboy she’d met a year ago.

  “She loves you, you know…” Jess told him out of the blue, not knowing where the hell that came from, or why she’d voiced it, even though it was the truth. Angel looked at him like he was her hero, like she could lay in his arms and stare at him for hours, listen to him talk to her. Angel was getting pretty attached to her daddy…a lot like her momma.

  Wade swallowed a couple of times, and a muscle worked in his jaw as if he were trying to hold back emotion, then he said, “I love her too…so damned much. I’d do anything for her…or you. I never thought a year ago, when I was still riding, that I’d be where I am today, or that it would be exactly where I want to be…but it is.”

  Jess pushed back the overwhelming relief that poured through her, and then admitted, “I thought you’d be upset that I got pregnant…feel trapped. You didn’t deserve that, we were careful, and that’s why I didn’t try to find you and tell you. Then when I saw you again, I was afraid you were going to try to take her from me…I’m sorry, Wade.”

  He pushed Angel a little farther back on the bed, then stood up and took her into his arms and hugged her tight, “If this is trapped, lock me up, and throw away the key, sugar,” he said thickly, then added, “But you should probably think about getting on the pill, since my swimmers evidently laugh at latex…as much as I love Angel, I think we should wait a little while, before we give her a sibling.”

  Shock slammed into Jess…he was right, she did need to get on the pill, as soon as possible, because she wasn’t ready for another baby either. But then another shock wave jarred her brain, when she realized what he’d meant. He wanted to have more kids with her, he was talking long term…the future.

  Jess wanted him that was a given, and she sure wasn’t going to deprive herself from having him anymore. But she wasn’t sure what the future held for them yet, or if she was ready to sort out her feelings for him…and sh
e did have them. Although they grew stronger every day, as she recognized what kind of man he was, she thought they could just take one day at a time and see where things went.

  “Don’t get that look on your face, sugar…I know we still have a long way to go, but I have to tell you…I haven’t met a woman before that I ever thought about long term with, until you.”


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