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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 32

by Layla Colquhoun

  I sat at the head of the table, and Lance sat directly to my right, then we patiently waited for the others to join us. After just a few minutes, my werecat parents walked in, and they were quick to claim the seats to my left.

  A few minutes later, Lynzee and Shawn appeared. They didn't waste anytime snagging the seats next to Lance, then Lynzee peppily chirped, "I can't wait to see what they are preparing! It smells absolutely amazing!"

  I giggled at my bestfriend before I agreed, "It does smell amazing."

  The six of us sat and talked about some of the things that I wanted to make happen right away. I explained to them that I wanted to set up regular border patrols like the werewolf packs. I also informed them about wanting to send small groups of warriors to investigate the areas surrounding our borders. Specifically, the areas where we found rogues hurting the innocent, as well as the areas we didn't get to.

  After close to ten minutes, a small group of werecats joined us at the table, but they stayed silent and simply listened to the conversation we were having. Another five minutes later, all of the kitchen staff appeared carrying trays of food that they placed along the table.

  Once their hands were empty, they took their seats at the table with accomplished smiles on their faces. I glanced at the different trays and immediately smiled. They had prepared grilled salmon with white rice, sweet peas, and yeast rolls. Everything not only smelled delicious, but it looked cooked to perfection, and there was no stopping my mouth from watering.

  Barb cleared her throat, then she confidently stated, "Your majesty, I believe you will enjoy this dinner."

  I flashed her a smile and cheerfully replied, "It looks and smells divine. Thank you for putting this together, all of you."

  Those few simple words put wide smiles on their faces, and that made me feel more at home with them. After that, I asked them to go around the table and introduce themselves, what their job is at the castle, and what subspecies they were.

  I learned that Barb was a were-bobcat, which totally explained her short legs. There was also two other were-bobcats, one were-lion, four were-panthers, three were-jaguars, and four were-leopards among them.

  Everybody seemed happy to be there and content with their roles at the castle, and I was relieved to learn that. I wouldn't want any of the werecats around me to be unhappy with what they were doing there. If that were the case, I would have reassigned them to something they would like more, or I would have let them leave on their own accord.

  After everybody introduced themselves, including me and my group, we enjoyed the fabulous dinner, and it was downright phenomenal. Barb and her crew were excellent in the kitchen, and I was excited to try more of their dishes in the future.

  When we all split ways after dinner, Lance and I decided to check out other areas of the castle that Alpha Jared didn't get the chance to show us. During our exploration, I learned there was a large dungeon that took up most of the basement, and I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

  I couldn't imagine housing criminals in the basement, but then I thought about the first time I met Lance when I was Alana. He was locked in a cell for no good reason, and I was the one who helped him escape. By having those under investigation brought to this dungeon, I could better monitor their treatment, as well as making sure they weren't in there for a ridiculous reason.

  I also learned that there was a huge library full of all kinds of different books, as well as, a lot more living quarters and spare bedrooms than I had originally thought. The castle was built with the intention of housing a lot of different families, and that slightly eased my concerns about bringing my werewolf parents to live there.

  The second I started to feel tired again, Lance insisted we head back to our living quarters and get some rest. At first, I was reluctant, because I wanted to keep exploring, but it didn't take long for me to agree, since I was starting to feel the exhaustion set in.

  We decided to have a race back to our area, and that definitely didn't help with my level exhaustion, but it did help me to be able to quickly fall asleep. Within seconds of my head hitting the pillow, I was out like a blown lightbulb.

  Chapter 75

  Appointing Bodyguards

  Lance POV

  Celeste seemed to be transitioning quite well. I could tell she felt a little out of place with everybody bowing and kneeling, but she wasn't complaining or asking them not to do it, because it was something she needed to get used to.

  Heck, it was something I also had to get used to. I didn't mind people bowing to Celeste, but it made me feel a little odd, only because I hadn't been officially crowned as the King.

  Because of her royal genes, Celeste was the entitled Queen automatically without having to be sworn in or anything like that, and I thought that was awesome. It definitely explained some of the mysteriousness that had always surrounded her. Specifically, it explained her confident demeanor, her need to be in control, and her take no crap from anybody attitude.

  Those were all things I loved about her, and they would help her to be the best Queen for our species. I was confident Celeste would be able to handle any situation that arose while she was the Queen, and I felt blessed to be the one standing beside her along the way.

  Before Alpha Jared left, he pulled me to the side and stressed the importance of appointing at least two personal bodyguards to both of us. Since we didn't know the Jungle Pack members and their individual skill sets, I asked if he could make a few recommendations, and he seemed happy to do that for us.

  I was awakened by Alpha Jared mind linking to let me know he was on his way with his four best warriors for us to meet. Right away, I gently shook Celeste's shoulder until she groggily mumbled, "What is it, Lance? I'm not ready to get up yet."

  "Sweetie, Alpha Jared is on his way here. He is bringing some warriors for us to meet. We need to appoint bodyguards to make sure you aren't harmed in any way," I calmly explained.

  "I can protect myself," she mumbled before she defiantly rolled away from me.

  I chuckled at my cute mate, then I insisted a little more adamantly, "Honey, this is important to me. I would feel better knowing that nobody can get to you or catch you off guard."

  She released a sigh of frustration, before she kicked the blanket off and huffed, "Fine, but don't think I'm going to have them following my every step!"

  Right away, I informed her, "They will be following your every step outside of our living quarters and offices."

  "Whatever," she groggily mumbled, as she made her way to the closet.

  When she emerged from the closet, she was wearing a pair of black leggings with a light blue tank-top, and she looked so cute. I flashed her a little smile, as I pulled on a clean pair of jeans, then I cheekily complimented her by saying, "Looking good, sweetie."

  Celeste was a little more awake by that time, so she flashed me a smirk and conceitedly replied, "I know," then she winked at me, as she slid her flip flops on.

  After I pulled my dark blue t-shirt over my head, I put my sandals on, then I grabbed her hand before I happily chirped, "Let's go meet our potential bodyguards."

  She just shook her head and giggled, as she let me lead her to our front door. By the time we reached the entry room, Alpha Jared and the four warriors he handpicked were sitting there waiting for us.

  Right away, they all stood up and showed their respect by bowing before us, then Alpha Jared confidently stated, "These are my four fiercest warriors. I chose Felix Ramirez and Sebastian Dunlap for Lance. For you, my Queen, I chose Gabby Gonzalez and Celia Lester. They are very skilled, and they will protect you both at all costs."

  I was quick to shake hands with Felix and Sebastian, as I took in their appearance and demeanor. Felix was tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes that were just as dark. He looked like a giant standing there and proudly holding his head high.

  Sebastian on the other hand was slightly shorter with strawberry blonde hair and light green eyes. He was also very muscular, but he di
dn't look like such a brute, per se. He was also proudly holding his head high, but there was a hint of a smile curving up at the corner of his lips.

  When I glanced over at Celeste, she was exchanging greetings with Celia. I had to admit that Celia didn't look like the type to be a warrior judging by her appearance. She was the shortest one in the group, and she looked very thin compared to most werecats. To match her dainty figure, she had wavy, blonde hair and lavender colored eyes.

  Gabby on the other hand had jet black hair and striking dark green eyes. You could see her muscles bulging under her clothes, and there was no mistaking the fierceness she possessed when looking in those dark green eyes of hers.

  After Celeste finished exchanging greetings, she cleared her throat and point blank asked, "What type of werecat are you?"

  We learned that Gabby was a were-panther like me, Celia was a were-bobcat explaining her shortness, Felix was a were-lion explaining his brute appearance, and Sebastian was a were-tiger. The only one that I had concerns about was Celia, but I figured there must be something special about her for Alpha Jared to handpick her for such an important task.

  As soon as we agreed to them being our bodyguards, Alpha Jared left and I was quick to suggest, "Why don't we all sit down and get to know each other a little better."

  "I think that's a great idea," Celeste said in agreeance, then she plopped down on one of the loveseats.

  I didn't waste anytime sitting downing beside my mate, then I waited for our new bodyguards to also sit down. Once everybody was seated, I asked them to explain what their specific skillsets included.

  Celeste and I spent the next few hours getting to know them, then we gave them a tour of the castle. At the end of the tour, we showed them to their personal living quarters, then Celeste insisted that they take the time to get comfortable, since she planned on spending the next several hours relaxing.

  They seemed hesitant to do that, but I assured them it would be okay. Even then, I could still see a little reluctance in their eyes, but they didn't dare go against their Queen's instructions.

  After that, we went to our area of the castle, and Celeste didn't waste any time climbing back under the blanket on our bed. I was quick to join her under the blanket, then I pulled her closer to me.

  Celeste immediately cuddled to me, then she sheepishly asked, "Do you want fool around?"

  Right away, I grabbed her hand and moved it down to my groin area, then I huskily asked, "Does that answer your question?"

  She giggled for a second before she demanded, "Get those clothes out of my way."

  I quickly pulled my clothes off, while she did the same, then she climbed on top of me. After she flashed me a seductive smile, she playfully mumbled, "I hope you have plenty of energy, because I expect you to put a cub in me right away."

  I chuckled with happiness, then I cheekily replied, "Mate, I'm going to put a whole litter of cubs in you."

  We spent the rest of the overnight hours and most of the morning hours either mating or napping, and it was exhilarating. We had mated plenty of times, since we marked each other, but she was so much more passionate than before, and I didn't even think that was possible.

  Needless to say, I enjoyed every aspect of our mating, and I hoped to impregnate her as soon as possible. Not because I didn't want to mate with her all the time. I was determined to give her what she wanted, and at that point in time, she wanted a cub more than anything else.

  Chapter 76

  Crowning Celebration

  Celeste POV

  The past few weeks went by in a blur with us hiring more staff to help at the castle, as well as preparing to have all of the Alphas and Lunas here for our official crowning. Not only that, Lance and I had to take the time to choose our Gammas.

  Susie had fully healed and immediately started training with the warriors at the Jungle Pack when she got released from the hospital. She became so skilled in fighting after just a few days of training, I decided to offer her the chance to be my Gamma, and she was quick to accept the title.

  Lance on the other hand had become friends with one of the warriors who helped with Susie's battle training, and Lance ended up offering the other Gamma title to that warrior. His name was Dimitri Silas, and he was a were-tiger with an incredible amount of strength and poise. He had bright red hair and striking lime green eyes, not to mention a face full of freckles.

  I was excited about the Crowning Celebration, but I was also a little worried. The thought of having so many Alphas in one room made me extremely nervous. If one of them disagreed about something, it could turn into a full fledge battle between Alphas, and that was the last thing our species needed.

  Just in case that happened, we had extra warriors assigned to the castle. We figured the presence of a lot of warriors would help keep the Alphas from getting too uppity with each other.

  I picked out a stunning gown to wear for the Crowning Celebration, but it was one of those gowns that required multiple hands to get it on correctly. Luckily, I had my werecat mum, Lynzee, Susie, Celia and Gabby to help me accomplish that feat.

  The gown was cream colored with a corset style top, and the skirt puffed out at the hips, then it flowed down with the front resting just above my feet, while the back flowed behind me with close to a three foot train. The top of the gown and the underneath section of the skirt were made from a soft satin material, then there was a layer of flowery lace placed over the satin part of the skirt.

  I wasn't usually one to wear make-up, and to be honest, I had no clue how to apply it. That being said, my mum helped me with the make-up, while Lynzee, Susie and Celia all fussed over my hair. They made me sit in a chair with my back to the mirror, so I couldn't see what they were doing, but I didn't mind. That just made everything more exciting for me.

  Once my hair and make-up were complete, Lynzee brought the cream stilettos to me that I had previously picked out, and I was quick to strap them to my feet. After that, Lynzee helped me stand up from the chair, then my mum grabbed the train of my dress, so it wasn't dragging on the floor.

  I walked over to the full length mirror and gazed at my reflection in it. Instantly, I had to fight back the tears that threatened to betray me and smear my make-up. I didn't even recognize myself, but I was not complaining. I looked absolutely stunning, and I couldn't wait for Lance to see me.

  It wasn't long after that, Gabby informed us that it was time for me to make my first appearance in front of all the guests, being the Alphas and Lunas from the other packs, as well as, the pack members from both the Jungle Pack and the Midnight Pack.

  Susie immediately took ahold of the gown's train, so my mum could lock arms with me. Lynzee walked next to me on my other side, then we made our descent down to the ballroom.

  As soon as I stepped into the large room, everybody immediately fell silent, as all eyes locked on me. I had to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves down, then I continued walking to the front of the ballroom, where there was two elegant chairs for the King and Queen to sit on. I guess you could call them our thrones, but I didn't think of them like that.

  The second my eyes locked with Lance's, I felt a sense of calmness surround me, then I beamed a smile at him. He was already smiling from ear to ear, but he didn't hesitate to wink at me, and that made my smile widen even more.

  He looked so handsome standing there in a nice black tuxedo with a cream undershirt. He was wearing a tie for the first time, and he had his hair combed back. He looked just like one of the men you would see guarding a mafia boss, and there was no stopping me from ogling my sexy mate, as I proceeded to walk towards him.

  Once I was standing beside him, he stepped closer to me, then he cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand, before he affectionately murmured, "You look absolutely gorgeous, my Queen."

  "Thank you, mate. You look very handsome, my King," I lovingly replied, as I gazed into those ocean blue eyes of his that were swirling with love and adoration.

  Before we had
a chance to say anything else, Alpha Jared proudly stated, "I present to you, your new Queen and King. Please welcome Queen Celeste Carlisle and King Lance Chesterfield. We will begin tonight's festivities with the official crowning of our Queen and King."

  A second later, Shawn and Lynzee stepped forward, and they were both holding the most stunning gold crowns that were decorated with several shiny jewels. Alpha Jared gently lifted the smaller crown from Lynzee's hands, then he stood directly in front of me, as he boomed in his Alpha voice, "We have long awaited the return of royalty, and I am most proud to be the one who gets this honor."

  He took a deep breath, then he continued, "Do you, Celeste Carlisle, accept your title as the Queen of werecats? Do you swear to always do whatever it takes to protect our species and treat every werecat with respect and dignity."

  "I, Celeste Carlisle, accept my title as Queen, and I will do whatever it takes to protect our species and treat my fellow werecats with respect and dignity," I proudly stated with an heir of royalty.

  Alpha Jared placed the crown on my head, as he boomed in his Alpha voice, "Long live Queen Celeste."

  Instantly, everybody in the ballroom repeated, "Long live Queen Celeste."

  Alpha Jared flashed me a proud smile, then he happily chirped, "You may now crown your King."

  I was quick to lift the slightly larger crown out of Shawn's hands, then I stood in front of Lance and recited the exact same thing to him that Alpha Jared recited to me. After Lance accepted the title to be King of werecats, I placed the crown on top of his head, as I loudly cheered, "Long live King Lance."

  Again, everybody else repeated, "Long live King Lance," then I watched several things change about my mate right in front of my eyes.

  An ice blue ring formed around his ocean blue iris, as his muscles bulked up a little more, then a strong aura surrounded him, as his complexion slightly darkened. I stood there and watched in awe, as these changes took place, then I enthusiastically remarked, "We did it, my love. We stopped the war, and we've brought our species together for a wonderful celebration."


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