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Body Rush

Page 22

by Anne Rainey

  Jeanette’s cheeks turned pink, causing his hand to itch. With so little effort he could reach out and stroke the warm, soft skin. Hell, he wanted to spend hours caressing her.

  “Yep, that pretty much describes me,” Jeanette said, her expression thoughtful. “My parents live in Arizona now. They wanted a drier climate.”

  “Do you see each other often?”

  Jeanette nodded. “We always get together for holidays.”

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “No. It would’ve been pretty lonely if not for Roni and Lydia.”

  Hunter quirked an eyebrow. “Roni and Lydia?”

  Jeanette pointed to the brownie. “Eat and I’ll tell you about them.”

  He liked to hear that commanding tone in her voice. It made him curious whether he could get her to use it more often, maybe in bed. “That’s blackmail,” he said, as he became aware of how easily she had him wrapped around her little finger and didn’t even know it.

  She crossed her arms over her breasts, inadvertently drawing his attention to the soft mounds. A few delicate buttons and a little lace, that’s all that kept him away from creamy perfection. Easy, boy.

  “Do you want to know about my friends or not?”

  Friends, right. Damn, he couldn’t seem to keep his head out of his pants for five frigging minutes. Hunter picked up the spoon and scooped up some of the brownie and whipped cream combination, then brought the spoon to Jeanette’s lips. “Help me eat it.”

  “You want to feed me?”

  “Yes. Now open those lovely lips, sweetness.”

  Jeanette dropped her arms and leaned forward. She opened her mouth and Hunter slid the spoon over her tongue. As she closed her lips around the sweet morsel, Hunter’s cock throbbed and hardened. An image of her on her knees sucking his dick sprang to mind. He wondered if she could take all of him. Suck him down her throat. If not he could sure let her practice on him. He was all about practice.

  Slowly pulling the spoon from between her plump lips, he watched in heated fascination as her tongue dipped out and took in a drop of cream. He wondered if she were trying to drive him crazy or if it was purely an accident.

  “Watching you is making me damned hungry,” he admitted, his voice rough with arousal.

  “Then maybe you should taste the brownie, Hunter,” she murmured.

  He dropped the spoon and reached across the white laminate tabletop. Taking her face in his palms, he growled, “Fuck the brownie. I want you.”

  “I-I don’t know about this.”

  The pulse beating erratically in her neck begged to be nibbled on. “Yes, you do,” he whispered. “You never would’ve let me come back after hours if you didn’t already know.”

  Jeanette closed her eyes tight. A few seconds passed before she opened them again. “I won’t lie. I do want you, Hunter. I’m just not sure I can do this.”

  His cock sat up and cheered at her rushed admission. “What can’t you do, sweetheart? Let me please you? That’s all I want. That’s all I’ve wanted for the last six months.”

  “But this is so fast. I’ve never had casual sex. I need you to know that right now. It’s not that I’m against it, but I’m not the type to just…to just—”

  “Fuck and then part ways?” he helpfully supplied.

  “Yes!” she screamed, her breathing more rapid now.

  Fueled by the fire in Jeanette’s eyes, Hunter stroked his thumb over her lower lip. Soft as satin and just plump enough to bite and tease. He had to grit his teeth against the little whimper she emitted. “Who said I want that?”

  Her hands came up to grasp onto his forearms. “You mean you don’t?”

  “I’m not interesting in a quickie at your little café, sweetheart. I’m not going to just take off on my motorcycle after I get you up against the wall either. I’m going to want a lot more of you than that.”

  “You want more than one night?”

  “Six months, Jeanette. I’ve got six months to make up for here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “For the last six months I’ve been imagining fucking you.” It was crude, but he needed her to understand what she would be getting herself into. “Sixty different ways, baby, and even then I’m going to want more.” He leaned close and kissed her, a light peck to her lips meant to entice. “So, this is a really good time to tell me to go to hell. I’ll leave and I won’t bother you again. It’s your choice.”

  Her choice? Send the man home or take him on. Could she handle him? The answer to that question was an unequivocal no, but sending him home seemed like a really stupid thing to do too. Hadn’t she been dying to make love to the hunky man? She’d even allowed herself to be suckered into the bet with Lydia and Roni because she’d wanted him so badly. The sad truth is, if Hunter hadn’t come on to her she’d still be trying to figure out how to ask him out.

  The decision made, Jeanette stared into eyes so dark they were nearly black and replied, “I really don’t want you to go to hell.”

  Hunter dropped his hands and stood up so fast the chair fell backward. “Stay right there. I’ll be back in second.”

  Jogging across the kitchen, Hunter shoved through the kitchen door. A few seconds later, he reappeared. “The front door was still unlocked,” he explained, moving to stand in front of her. “We wouldn’t want any interruptions.”

  “Oh, of course,” she mumbled. He’d locked them in. A shiver of excitement skittered over her.

  Staring up at him, Jeanette suddenly felt very small, which was a rarity. Usually the size of her butt alone made her feel rather awkward. Hunter’s large, muscular biceps and powerful build practically dwarfed her and did little to ease her jumpy nerves. When he leaned down and grasped onto her waist, then lifted her out of the chair as if she weighed no more than a child, Jeanette squealed and grabbed onto his shoulders.

  “What are you doing?”

  He sat her gently on the table and answered, “I’m eating my brownie.”

  The rough, dark tone traveled straight to all of Jeanette’s erogenous zones, setting off several fires along the way. How could a voice be so stimulating? “Your brownie?”

  “Mmm, yeah. First, I’m going to take your blouse off.”

  Proving he meant what he said, Hunter tenderly fingered one pearl button before popping it free of its hole. Another soon followed. Jeanette could barely breathe as he made his way down the front of her blouse.

  With the last button undone, he said, “Then I’m going to unhook your bra and get a good look at your pretty tits.”

  Pushing the blouse down her shoulders, Hunter exposed her upper body. The silky white lace bra Jeanette had chosen that morning barely covered her. Somewhere in her mind, she knew the impropriety of what they were doing. As he flicked the front hook on her bra, revealing her swollen mounds, Jeanette forgot about all the reasons why she shouldn’t be fooling around in her café after hours.

  He cupped both round orbs in his palms and squeezed. “Fuck, you’re more than a mouthful, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He flicked his thumb back and forth, eliciting a moan from deep in her throat. “Christ, baby, I could suck these fat nipples for hours.”

  “Hunter,” she pleaded, needing to feel his mouth on her aching flesh more than she needed her next breath.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” he murmured as he leaned down and placed a kiss to each of her breasts. “Do you want to know what I’m going to do with that brownie you gave me, Jeanette?”

  “W-what?” Damn it, she hated when she stuttered. It only happened during high-stress situations or if she was very anxious. Anxious, hell. Try eager, turned on, wet and throbbing. Yeah, that about summed it up.

  “I plan to spoon up some of that brownie you’re so proud of and I’m going to slather it all over these succulent nipples. Then I’m going to have my dessert.”

  Hunter picked up the spoon and scooped up a portion of the brownie and rapidly melting whipped cream, then ordered, “Lift your b
reast for me.”

  Jeanette cupped her breast and lifted. “Like this?”

  “Yeah, like that. Now don’t move.” He used the fingers of his free hand to pinch off a corner of the brownie, then carefully placed it on her nipple.

  Jeanette had serious doubts about Hunter’s plan when it appeared the brownie was about to drop onto the table. “I don’t think this is going to work.”

  Hunter grinned. “Trust me, baby.” He used his thumb to spread the brownie around until he’d coated her nipple with chocolate and cream. “Mmm, now that’s a tasty treat,” he whispered a second before dipping his head.

  His firm lips closed over her flesh, tearing away any doubts she harbored about using her body as a living spoon. He flicked her nipple with his tongue, taking his time to savor the sweet confection. Grabbing on to the table for support, Jeanette arched forward. Hunter took his time, savoring and licking away every last crumb before lifting his head.

  His eyes were half closed, pure male satisfaction in the rough angles and planes of his face. “You were right. This really is the best brownie I’ve ever had.”

  Jeanette said the first thing that came to mind. “Maybe you should have a little more. You know, so you can be sure.”

  Hunter planted his hands on either side of her body, then leaned over her, effectively caging her in. “I really love the way you think, sweetness.”


  Hunter took his time, pinching off another corner of the brownie and spreading it over Jeanette’s other tempting nipple. “I should eat all my desserts like this.”

  “It might be difficult to fit into your clothes if you do.”

  “Don’t worry, I already figured out a way to work off the extra calories.”

  He cupped her tit and brought it to his mouth, then started to lick her clean. With her gaze soaking him in, Hunter bit her nipple. Jeanette cried out his name and clutched on to his head. Unable to help himself, he swiped his tongue over the other turgid peak, then suckled. Jeanette shuddered and tunneled her fingers in his hair. He swirled his tongue around the puffy areola before sucking as much as he could into his mouth.

  “Oh God, yes,” she breathed out. “That feels…that feels so good.”

  He pulled back and stared at her. “Take your hair down,” he commanded as he stepped back away from the table. He yanked the hem of his shirt out of the waistband and pulled it over his head. Tossing it aside, he went to work unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. When Jeanette lifted her fingers to her hair, Hunter stopped, riveted to the sight she presented. As she pulled the elastic band free, then shook her head, Hunter’s cock throbbed. Shiny strands the color of mocha fluttered down her back, nearly hitting the table. In the brightly lit room, her hands now clutching the edge of the table, Hunter thought she looked too damn young for what he had in mind. A tempting little innocent and he had no goddamn business touching her. The hell if he could bring himself to stop though.

  She’d been in his sights for too long; walking away was not a fucking option. It didn’t much matter that she had the look of a woman who’d barely been touched. He didn’t want to think about all the women he’d been with before Jeanette. For now, the sweet coffee shop owner was all that mattered, and he’d be damned if he didn’t make the most of every moment he had with her.

  Hunter closed the few inches between them and cupped her cheek, her desire visible in her expression. His gut clenched. “I’ve wanted you for too long, baby. I have a lot of wicked ideas for you. And it’s going to be pure hell going slow, but I want this to last. I need to savor you.”

  She slid a hand over his chest, sifting her fingers through his chest hair before moving down his ribcage. When she came to his abdomen and stopped, Hunter nearly snarled in protest. He ached to feel her slender hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing and driving him insane.

  “I’m not the most experienced woman, Hunter, but I want you. You gave me a choice, remember? I could’ve let you walk away. I didn’t.”

  “I’m very happy with your choice,” he whispered.

  “I do have one request though.”

  “A request?”

  “Yes. I want to lick the brownie off you, too. Will you let me?”

  If any other woman had asked a question like that, Hunter would’ve known she was playing the innocent card to the hilt. But this was Jeanette and she didn’t seem to know how to titillate a man. Her softly spoken question had his cock swelling painfully. As it was he’d be lucky not to come the instant her tongue touched the head of his dick.

  Hunter leaned forward and kissed her, letting his tongue drift over her lower lip. Damn, he loved her mouth. His preoccupation with it was rivaled only by his fascination with her ass. “I think I can accommodate that request,” he said against her lips, “but you’ll have to get undressed first. I wouldn’t want you to ruin that pretty skirt.”

  When she bit her lip and looked away, Hunter knew he’d said something wrong. “What did I say, sweets?”

  Jeanette picked at an imaginary speck on her skirt and crossed her legs at the ankles, as if suddenly uncomfortable. “My body isn’t…I’m not model-thin.”

  Hunter couldn’t have been more shocked if she’d thrown ice water on him. “You think you’re fat?”

  She quirked her brow at him. “I’m shaped like a pear. Trust me, I should know.”



  “You heard me,” he chastised. “I’ve been salivating over your ass for months.”

  Jeanette’s eyes widened. “You have?”

  Hunter clutched her waist and lifted her off the table. He went to his knees in front of her, clutching her hips to keep her from retreating. “I haven’t seen you completely naked, baby, but I’ve undressed you about a hundred times in my mind. None of my thoughts had anything to do with pears either.” He drifted his hands under her skirt and slid them upward. He didn’t stop until he had them filled with her soft womanly curves, covered by what felt like satin and lace. “Take the skirt off,” he softly commanded. “Let me worship this sweet ass.”

  Jeanette didn’t speak as her fingers went to the zipper at her side. She slid it down, then popped the button free. Hunter did the rest. Grasping at the material, he tugged until he was eye level with a pair of sexy white panties. As the skirt pooled at her feet, he ordered, “Step out of it.”

  Clutching on to his shoulders for support, Jeanette lifted one foot, then the other. Hunter sat back on his haunches and stared right at paradise.

  He smoothed his palms over lush, creamy hips, a nipped-in waist and full round tits. As he pinched both puffy nipples, Jeanette’s fingers dug into his shoulders, the little sting barely dragging him out of his lusty haze.

  Hunter captured her warm, brown gaze with his own. “I don’t see a pear when I look at you. I see a sweet, tempting woman. Sexy and as soft as silk. I want to run my tongue over every inch of you.”

  “No one has ever talked to me like you do,” she admitted, her chest rising and falling with her rapid breaths.

  “Maybe you weren’t dating the right men then.”

  “I wish you would’ve asked me to serve you six months ago.”

  “Me too, baby.” He ran his hand down her side and trapped her hip in a firm hold. He squeezed. “Christ, I could so easily bruise you. I don’t want to hurt you, baby, but right now I’m finding it really tough to keep from dragging you to the floor and driving my cock into this hot little body.”

  Jeanette covered her face in her hands. “Oh, God, what am I doing? I’ve never done anything this irresponsible. If I caught my employees doing something like this I’d fire them.”

  Hunter placed his hands over hers, then tugged them away. He ran his lips over her knuckles and murmured, “Haven’t you ever wanted to be a little naughty, sweetness? Break a few rules?”

  “Yes, but wanting and doing isn’t at all the same.”

  “True, but we’re only going to play a little, I promise.” He bobbed hi
s eyebrows and said, “Besides, I’m saving the main event for when I get you in my bed.”

  Jeanette smoothed her hands over his chest, the touch so faint Hunter wondered if she even realized she was doing it. “What are you planning to do to me?”

  Unable to deny himself any longer, Hunter leaned forward and kissed the soft skin of her belly. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  Jeanette gently swatted him. “You’re a tease.”

  Cupping her lace covered mound, he bit out, “I’m horny and I need a taste of this.” Without warning he grasped the corners of the delicate lace and yanked. The material easily gave way beneath his strength. He tossed the now ruined panties aside and took in the beautiful bounty he’d uncovered. Soft, brown, neatly trimmed curls protected what he knew would taste like pure honey.

  “Spread your legs, sweetness; let me have the rest of my dessert.”

  “I can’t come standing up, Hunter. I’ve never been able to.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Then spread your legs. Let me do the rest.”

  Jeanette bit her lip, doubt clouding her expression as she moved her feet apart a few inches.

  “More,” Hunter ordered, pleased when she quickly obeyed. “Good girl. Now hold on to me.”

  When she grabbed on to his shoulders, he let his gaze soak in the sight of the glistening pink lips of her sex and the swollen clit he craved so badly. Wasting no time, Hunter clutched her hips and leaned forward. A quick swipe of his tongue over wet pink flesh told Hunter what he’d already suspected from the beginning. Her sweet, tangy flavor would definitely be addicting.

  “Mmm, strawberries and cream. My favorite.”

  Allowing one of his hands free rein, Hunter drifted his palm over her hip before using his fingers to stroke her wet folds open. He held her gaze and sank one finger deep.

  Arching her neck and throwing her head back, she shouted “Yes! Oh God, please, Hunter!”


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