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Miracle Workers

Page 26

by Keith R. A. DeCandido

  Entorr. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Entorr smuggled some Saurian brandy into the camp, and was asked by Kejahna to share it after Commander Sonya Gomez killed the first monster shii (Invincible Book 1). Entorr was killed by the second monster shii when he, Amuk, and Kugot failed to properly spring a trap for it (Invincible Book 2).

  Eridak. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Eridak was killed by the second monster shii. He only had two scars, which meant he was very young (Invincible Book 2).

  Erobnos. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Erobnos was killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 1).


  Faulwell, Bartholomew “Bart.” Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a linguist and cryptography specialist. Faulwell shares quarters with Fabian Stevens (Hard Crash). He served as a cryptographer during the Dominion War, and was one of Starfleet’s best at cracking Dominion codes (Interphase Book 2). Faulwell drinks French roast coffee with half-and-half and sugar. He also does not maintain “normal” sleeping hours, preferring to grab naps here and there (Fatal Error). Faulwell is in a committed relationship with Anthony Mark, an officer assigned to Starbase 92. Faulwell regularly writes letters by hand to Mark, then dictates them and sends them via subspace—however, he always gives Mark the paper versions when they are able to get together. These letters all begin with the phrase “Just a brief note. . .” regardless of the letter’s actual length. Faulwell hates first contact situations, as he’s very much aware of how easy it is for them to go wrong (Hard Crash). Faulwell was able to hack into the computer systems of the Senbolma when the ship attacked the da Vinci, since the Eerlik have very primitive computer security (Fatal Error). He was assigned to translate the records of Friend, and was able to determine that it was an Omearan Starsearcher rather than a new type of Borg ship, as the da Vinci crew feared (Hard Crash). He worked with Carol Abramowitz to translate coded Tholian communiqués after a Tholian vessel fired on the da Vinci during its salvage of the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase (Interphase Book 2). Faulwell deduced that Stevens and Lt. Commander Domenica Corsi had a one-night liaison, and he advised Stevens to not let it distract him from work. He also suggested that the da Vinci use the prefix codes of the runabout Rio Grande to aid them in their battle against Overseer Biron of the Androssi at Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).

  Feliciano, Diego. Noncommissioned personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as transporter chief. When the Androssi security device on Empok Nor broadcast an interference pattern that affected the da Vinci crew’s combadges, Feliciano found he could still get a lock on Lieutenant Nog, who is not part of the da Vinci crew (Cold Fusion).

  Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Words to live by in the Ferengi culture (“The Nagus” [DS9]). The Fifth Rule states: “Always exaggerate your estimates.” When Lieutenant Nog quoted that Rule to Montgomery Scott, the latter stated that it was an engineer’s axiom “long before you heathens took it on” (Cold Fusion).

  Fifth Rule of Acquisition. See Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.

  First Speaker. Title given to the head of the Eerlik government. Ansed was First Speaker until her death in 2376. She was succeeded by Biral (Fatal Error).

  Folnar system. Star system. The U.S.S. Enterprise had a mission in the Folnar system following its defeat of the ship known as “the Beast” at Blossom IV (The Belly of the Beast).

  Franklin, Shuttlecraft. Shuttlecraft assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci (Fatal Error). Named after famed politician and inventor Benjamin Franklin.

  Friend. Bio-mechanical Starsearcher vessel from Omeara, designated number 7445. Friend is oval in shape, with four extensions jutting out of its fore and aft sections that can serve as limbs in an atmosphere. Like all Starsearchers, Friend had a living pilot, in this case Jaldark Keniria. Jaldark died when her implants failed, and Friend crash-landed on the planet Intar, right in the middle of its capital city. The crash did very little damage to Friend, as its outer hull is several orders of magnitude stronger than that of most space-faring vessels. When the U.S.S. da Vinci removed Jaldark’s corpse from Friend, Friend, not realizing that Jaldark had died, went berserk. The vessel’s rampage ceased after 110 convinced it that Jaldark had died. Friend offered to make 110 its new pilot, but 110 chose to remain on the da Vinci. The da Vinci crew initially believed Friend to be a Borg ship (Hard Crash).

  Friesner. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard (Cold Fusion).

  Frnats. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard. A Bolian, Frnats was injured by an Androssi security device at Station Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).


  Gallamite. Species of humanoid with transparent skulls (“The Maquis Part 1” [DS9]). Dr. Dolahn was a Gallamite (Invincible Book 1). Some Gallamites are part of the Ambrushroi religion (Invincible Book 2).

  Galloway. Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. Lexington. Galloway was wounded during the Dominion War, but refused treatment so that the more seriously injured could be cared for ahead of her. She eventually died from her wounds (Hard Crash).

  Ganitriul. Computer system, sometimes referred to as “the Great One.” Constructed on the moon of Eerlik, Ganitriul was constructed some three thousand years prior to 2376, and has been constantly upgraded since. In the 23rd century, auto-repair components were added, allowing the computer to fix itself. Ganitriul, which is programmed with a personality and located in an extensive cave system under the moon’s surface, controls all functions on Eerlik, including climate controls, entertainment, communications, food distribution, transportation, and planetary defense. Approximately twenty-five percent of Eerlik’s moon was excavated for Ganitriul’s use, though by 2376, only ten percent of its original installation was still active, thanks to advances in miniaturization. Ganitriul’s interfaces appear to be solid marble walls that only go active when touched. Those surfaces are also changeable. The main terminal has a chair that can only be used by members of the clergy. Ganitriul has several security measures—Security Measure 7 initiates a scattering field that disrupts energy weapons. Other security devices include force fields, gas, and rodinium bulkheads. The main computer core is protected by a computer system that is independent of Ganitriul’s own systems. An object of religious observance, the clergy on Eerlik are responsible for the maintenance of Ganitriul, and many Eerlikka (and offworlders) make regular pilgrimages. Ganitriul has been compared favorably to the super-computer on Bynaus. Several years prior to 2376, a team of Federation computer experts, including eight Bynars, inspected Ganitriul. When Pevvni Purists sabotaged Ganitriul with a computer virus, the computer—unable to contact anyone on Eerlik for help—sent a distress call to the Federation, who summoned the U.S.S. da Vinci. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the da Vinci was able to reverse the sabotage and restore Ganitriul to full capacity, with some help from Ganitriul itself (Fatal Error).

  garbage in, garbage out. Used generally to refer to computers and other machines only being as good as what’s put into them, Commander Sonya Gomez used the expression to refer to Ganitriul, the world-running computer of Eerlik (Fatal Error). She also used the expression on Sarindar to refer to the monster shii, where she described it as the first rule of programming. Razka later used the expression to explain his own inability to change his habits (Invincible Book 2).

  GIGO. See garbage in, garbage out.

  Gilman, Rabbi Rachel. Professor at Stern College. Gilman is married to Captain David Gold of the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast). An excellent cook, Gilman makes a renowned matzoh ball soup. In 2376, she was able to entertain Captain Montgomery Scott, after months of asking her husband to have “the legend” come over for dinner. Gilman has difficulty waking up in the morning, and often needs four cups of tea to “get going.” She also insists that Gold’s impatience will be the death of him (Fatal Error), and that he shouldn’t
slouch (Cold Fusion).

  glemnar flower. Flora native to Sarindar, similar to a ruby (Invincible Book 2).

  Gold, David. Commanding officer of the U.S.S. da Vinci. Gold graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2324. As a senior, he ran in the Academy marathon, but was defeated by first-year student Jean-Luc Picard. Captain Gold is married to Rabbi Rachel Gilman, a teacher at Stern College in New York City (The Belly of the Beast). Gilman makes an excellent matzoh ball soup, about which Gold has been known to dream fondly. He has several children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; Ruth, one of his grandchildren, became pregnant in 2376 (Fatal Error). Ruth’s fetus is a girl (Cold Fusion). There is a pool on the da Vinci as to what the child’s name will be (Invincible Book 1). Gold participated in a rare away mission when he accompanied Commander Sonya Gomez on the da Vinci’s salvage of the U.S.S. Defiant, due to his experience with older ships. His task was to retrieve the captain’s logs (Interphase Book 1). Gold’s strategy to fire on the Tholians who had attacked the da Vinci and the Defiant helped save the day in the end (Interphase Book 2).

  Gomez, Sonya. First officer of the U.S.S. da Vinci, commanding officer of the ship’s Starfleet Corps of Engineers team. Gomez graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2365 and was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as an engineer. Her specialty was antimatter operations. Shortly after her arrival, the Enterprise had its first encounter with the Borg, during which eighteen people were lost, an event that had a profound impact on her. She spilled hot chocolate on Captain Jean-Luc Picard upon first meeting him (“Q Who” [TNG]). The “hot chocolate incident” would continue to hound her for a large portion of her Starfleet career. By way of making up for the gaffe, she took to drinking Earl Grey tea, Picard’s favorite drink (Fatal Error). She received a commendation for her work during the Borg attack, though she never understood why (Invincible Book 1). Gomez helped devise a means of using the Enterprise’s Bussard collectors to create a harmless pyrotechnic display when Geordi La Forge was being held captive aboard the Pakled ship, the Mondor (“Samaritan Snare” [TNG]). During her time on the Enterprise, she had a relationship with Kieran Duffy, a fellow engineer (The Belly of the Beast). Duffy refers to her as “Sonnie” (Interphase Book 1). She served on the Enterprise for three-and-a-half years before being promoted to full lieutenant and being assigned to a one-year project on the U.S.S. Oberth, which ended her relationship with Duffy (Invincible Book 1). That project ended with a life-or-death encounter with the Romulans (Invincible Book 2). She did not get involved with anyone else after leaving the Enterprise (Hard Crash). In 2371, she was on Neural and was wounded by a mugato (Invincible Book 2). During the Dominion War, she was assigned to the U.S.S. Sentinel as chief engineer. At one point, the Sentinel was damaged behind enemy lines, and Gomez managed to reconfigure the warp field so that Breen sensors would think them to be a Cardassian freighter (The Belly of the Beast). This bought her time to get the warp drive back on-line (Invincible Book 1). Also during the war, Gomez was able to modify an away team’s hand phasers so they weren’t affected by a Breen scattering field, though they were only able to attain light stun. Gomez repeated this trick in 2376 on Eerlik’s moon (Fatal Error). After the war, she was promoted to commander. While at the Academy, she wrote a paper on subspace accelerator s. The quality of the paper so impressed Captain Montgomery Scott that he recommended her to Captain David Gold to fill a vacancy on the da Vinci (Invincible Book 1). On the da Vinci, she was reunited with Duffy, and the two were not sure how to approach their personal relationship (The Belly of the Beast). Gomez’s first mission on the da Vinci was an encounter with Overseer Biron of the Androssi on the planet Maeglin (Cold Fusion). Gomez was uncomfortable when La Forge was temporarily assigned to the da Vinci, as he was her first commanding officer out of the Academy and now she outranked him, though she got over this problem in relatively short order (Fatal Error). After the heart-wrenching encounter with the Omearan Starsearcher called Friend, Gomez decided to indulge in a rare hot chocolate (Hard Crash). She and P8 Blue engineered the warp pulse that got the U.S.S. Defiant out of interphase after it fell further into that interspatial phenomenon following a Tholian attack (Interphase Book 2). After dropping the Defiant off at Spacedock, Gomez was given a special assignment to head up a project to construct a subspace accelerator on the planet Sarindar in the Nalori Republic. She was not treated well on her arrival, since the Nalori view both Starfleet and women who do “men’s work” with disdain, but she won some of them over after fixing the antigrav units, and more of them when she killed a monster shii that was threatening the project. They started referring to her as the sañuul, the lifter of curses, which made Gomez uncomfortable (Invincible Book 1). After a second monster shii attacked the camp and the death count grew, Gomez had a harder time maintaining morale. However, she did figure out a way to get partial tricorder readings on the chimerium-laced planet. She was also able to determine the monster shii’s origin as a creation of the owners and communicate with it, but to little avail. The trap she constructed to stop the monster shii failed. She finally stopped the creature by catching it in the annular confinement beam of the SA. She received two scars that matched the coming-of-age scars in Nalori culture, which she had removed, though she was tempted to keep them. After that harrowing experience, she decided to renew her relationship with Duffy (Invincible Book 2). Gomez first appeared in “Q Who” [TNG] and also appeared in “Samaritan Snare” [TNG]. Her relationship with Duffy was established in The Belly of the Beast.

  Great One, the. Name sometimes given to Ganitriul, the world-running computer on the planet Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Grelin. Officer in Starfleet Intelligence. Commander Grelin was surprised to hear that the U.S.S. Defiant had reportedly appeared in Tholian space, since the ship was supposed to be docked at Deep Space 9. Montgomery Scott corrected his assumption, pointing out that it was the Constitution-class Defiant, not the newer Defiant-class model assigned to DS9 (Interphase Book 1).

  G’Sob. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. G’Sob was an Osina. He was killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 2).


  Hagi. One of the Pevvni Purists working for Reger Undlar to sabotage Ganitriul (Fatal Error).

  Hamilton. Chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Defiant. In 2268, Dr. Hamilton was unable to combat the severe neurophysiological effects of interphase. At one point, she was attacked by one of her nurses (Interphase Book 1).

  Hawkins, Vance. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard. Hawkins was wounded on Eerlik’s moon while assigned to an away team that was attempting to fix Ganitriul, Eerlik’s world-running computer (Fatal Error). He was wounded again by an Androssi security device on Empok Nor (Cold Fusion). Hendorf Island. An island on the planet Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  High Magistrates. Name for the ruling body of the Tholians (Interphase Book 1).

  Ho’nig. Collective god of the Damiani (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Perchance to Dream). The holy words of Ho’nig are collected in the Se’rbeg. Most Damiani worship Ho’nig; the only known offworlder to worship the god is the Bolian Zilder (Invincible Book 1). Worshippers of Ho’nig are supposed to be buried within three days of their death (Invincible Book 2).

  Houarner. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Houarner was killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 1).

  Howwi. A sub-overseer on the Androssi ship run by Overseer Biron. Howwi trimmed his beard, which Biron deemed a frivolous affectation. Howwi also allowed himself to be defeated by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team from the U.S.S. da Vinci on Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).

  Huuk. Officer assigned to the Androssi ship commanded by Overseer Biron (Cold Fusion).


  Ina Mar. Alpha-shift operations officer on the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast). A native of Bajor, Ina is a devout member of the Bajoran faith (Cold Fusion).

  insectoid aliens. Alien race. This un
named race of telepathic hive creatures used other forms of animal life to hatch their eggs in order to reproduce. A dozen of these aliens took over a cruise ship that was nicknamed “the Beast,” and used the crew in that manner; they attacked the Federation colony on Blossom IV in an attempt to procure more bodies. The adults were killed in a retaliatory attack by the U.S.S. Enterprise, and the hatchlings were killed by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team from the U.S.S. da Vinci, but not before the aliens killed one of the team members, 111 (The Belly of the Beast). The aliens’ proper name was never established.

  Intar. Planet, home to the Intarians. Intar has a monitoring station to warn them of approaching ships and allow them to transmit a greeting. Intar is known as a hospitable planet, though not as well regarded a vacation spot as Risa. They have a planetary defense system, but it is rudimentary (Hard Crash).

  Intarians. Natives of planet Intar. Intarians have retractable tentacles for limbs and have multifaceted eyes. Intarians generally prefer to work in groups, and are a hospitable people who wish harm to no one. They are also famous for their friendliness. When Friend was discovered by Tlaimon Kassant to be on a collision course with the planet, the Intarians tried to communicate with it, then opened fire, neither of which did any good. They were able to evacuate their capital city, so there were no casualties when Friend crash-landed on the planet. Their leader, Intari Makestru, requested help from the Federation, which was sent in the form of the U.S.S. da Vinci (Hard Crash).


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