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Miracle Workers

Page 27

by Keith R. A. DeCandido

  interphase. Time-space phenomenon in which two or more dimensional planes briefly overlap and connect. The U.S.S. Defiant disappeared into such a phenomenon in 2268. The interphase phenomenon also had debilitating effects on humanoid nervous systems, and apparently caused the crew of the Defiant to mutiny and eventually kill each other. A ship in interphase also sometimes will go through a molecular shift that puts it out of sync with objects from “normal” space (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). In 2376, the Defiant started to reappear in “normal” space, and was observed by the Tholian ship commanded by Nostrene. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers sent the U.S.S. da Vinci to salvage it, but after they found a web generator on the ship—which contained evidence of a century-old Tholian massacre of a Klingon colony on Traelus II —Nostrene fired on the da Vinci and the Defiant, pushing the latter ship further into interphase (Interphase Book 1). The S.C.E. team were able to push the Defiant out of interphase with a two-second warp pulse (Interphase Book 2).


  J’Roh. Assistant foreperson on the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. J’Roh was an Osina. After Commander Sonya Gomez fixed the project’s antigrav units, J’Roh was the first to call her “Sañuul” (Invincible Book 1). J’Roh was killed when the second monster shii attacked the secondary hospital (Invincible Book 2).

  Jenson. Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. Lexington. Jenson was wounded during the Dominion War and died while being treated by Dr. Elizabeth Lense (Hard Crash).

  jiksn. Drink. Served on Intar, and generally served hot. Tlaimon Kassant was drinking jiksn and spilled it when he discovered Friend o n a collision course with Intar (Hard Crash).

  Journal of the Federation Consortium of Engineers and Technicians. Technical journal read by P8 Blue. It included several articles on Romulan tight-beam tachyon pulses as a method of communication (Cold Fusion).


  Kani. Worker on the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Kani was attacked by the first monster shii, and went into a coma from blood loss (Invincible Book 1). He was later killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 2).

  Kassant, Tlaimon. An Intarian male. Kassant worked the night shift at the Intarian monitor station. Unlike most Intarians, Kassant preferred solitude and enjoyed working alone. Kassant first discovered the approach of Friend when it crash-landed on Intar (Hard Crash).

  Kejahna. Foreperson of the subspace accelerator team on Sarindar. Kejahna had by far more scars on his face and forearms than any other Nalori on the project. He resented the presence of Commander Sonya Gomez on the project, partly out of loyalty to her predecessor Nalag, partly because he didn’t think a woman could do the job. Kejahna also supported the “sick-out” staged by several workers claiming to have Dakota’s Disease. He was, however, won over by Gomez’s skills. Kejahna’s oldest son is named Revodro, to whom Kejahna wrote one letter before he was killed by a monster shii (Invincible Book 1).

  Kelrek. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Kelrek was killed by the first monster shii (Invincible Book 1).

  Keniria, Jaldark. An Omearan pilot. Jaldark was sent on a deep exploratory mission to seek out new worlds for the Omearans to colonize after their war with the Sarimun. She died due to some kind of fault in her implants that connected her with Friend, the Starsearcher to which she had become bonded. She altered Friend’s circuitry so that it would not self-destruct on her death, as it was programmed to do. After her death, Friend crashed on Intar and went berserk when the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci transported her corpse off the ship. The da Vinci crew initially mistook Jaldark’s cybernetic implants for Borg technology (Hard Crash).

  Kira Nerys. Commanding officer of Deep Space 9. After Jem’Hadar sabotage forced Colonel Kira to eject the station’s fusion core (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 2), she requested that the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the U.S.S. da Vinci aid her chief operations officer Lieutenant Nog in salvaging the fusion core from DS9’s sister station Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).

  kliyor. Animal life native to Sarindar. They travel in packs (Invincible Book 1).

  Kugot. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Kugot was killed by the second monster shii when he, Amuk, and Entorr failed to properly spring a trap for it (Invincible Book 2).

  Kyepas Coast. Landmass on planet Eerlik. First Speaker Ansed spent many summers there when she was a girl (Fatal Error).


  La Forge, Geordi. Chief engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Lt. Commander La Forge and Lieutenant Christine Vale were temporarily detached to the U.S.S. da Vinci to help salvage the ship known as “the Beast.” La Forge engineered the cascade reaction in the black-hole propulsion system on the Beast that resulted in its explosion. When the mission was complete, La Forge stayed behind in order to aid in the cleanup (The Belly of the Beast). The da Vinci was en route to Starbase 505 to transfer La Forge back to the Enterprise when they were diverted by a distress call from Eerlik. La Forge aided the da Vinci crew against the Pevvni Purists who had sabotaged Eerlik’s computer Ganitriul. He was able to come up with a way to reconstitute the da Vinci’s shields after they were decimated by the Senbolma’s weapons (Fatal Error). La Forge also aided the da Vinci in its mission to Intar, at the end of which he was finally brought back to the Enterprise (Hard Crash).

  ladrion bursts. Type of high-powered directed energy weapon. The Androssi ship commanded by Overseer Biron fired ladrion bursts (Cold Fusion).

  Lankap mountain range. Landmass on Eerlik just outside the capital city (Fatal Error).

  Lense, Elizabeth. Physician assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as Chief Medical Officer. Lense was first in her Starfleet Medical School class; Julian Bashir was second. She served on the U.S.S. Lexington prior to being assigned to the da Vinci (“Explorers” [DS9]). After graduation, Lense worked at Starfleet Medical for a few years before transferring to the Lexington (Interphase Book 1). Lense grew sick of treating wounded during the Dominion War, and after her transfer to the da Vinci, preferred the forensic aspects of the assignment to dealing with flesh-and-blood patients (Hard Crash). Lense is roommates with Lt. Commander Domenica Corsi, and she saw Fabian Stevens emerging from their shared quarters one night, deducing that they had had a liaison (Cold Fusion). Lense first appeared in the episode “Explorers” [DS9].

  Lexington, U.S.S. Federation starship, Nebula class, Starfleet registry number NCC-61832 (“Explorers” [DS9]). Dr. Elizabeth Lense served as chief medical officer of the Lexington before being assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast). Two others who served on the Lexington and died during the Dominion War were Jenson and Galloway. The Lexington responded to a distress call from the da Vinci to the planet Intar to aid against what was believed to be a Borg ship, but turned out to be the Omearan Starsearcher called Friend, so they broke off the rendezvous (Hard Crash).

  Lipinski, Andrea. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard (Cold Fusion).

  Luu, Blee. Musician from Sinnrav. Luu plays in the atonal minimalist style of Sinnravian drad music. One of her recordings is entitled Endless Dream. In 2376, she released a new recording, which Carol Abramowitz acquired, and with which she irritated her roommate P8 Blue. Lieutenant Nog took the recording off Abramowitz’s hands, to Blue’s relief, as part of a deal to get the U.S.S. Sugihara to aid in the towing of Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).


  Maeglin. Planet. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers crew from the U.S.S. da Vinci aided the government of Maeglin against Overseer Biron of the Androssi. Although the da Vinci crew defeated Biron, the planet will take several decades to recover from what the Androssi did to their world (Cold Fusion).

  Maeglin Law-Enforcement Bureau. Agency charged with policing the planet Maeglin. Captain David Gold told Overseer Biron of the Androssi that the bureau had deputized the U.S.S. da Vinci to apprehend Biron and his crew for crimes against Maeglin when they encountered each other at Empok Nor. This w
as a bluff on Gold’s part (Cold Fusion).

  Marig. One of Razka’s five wives. Razka described her as the one he disliked the least (Invincible Book 2).

  Mark, Anthony. Officer assigned to Starbase 92. Mark is in a committed relationship with Bart Faulwell of the U.S.S. da Vinci (Hard Crash).

  Marshall. Federation diplomat. Marshall was concerned that the U.S.S. da Vinci’s salvage of the U.S.S. Defiant from Tholian space would damage the fragile relationship the Federation had achieved with the Tholians, deeming avoiding a war more important even than giving its long-lost crew a proper burial (Interphase Book 1). Marshall blamed Lt. Commander Kieran Duffy, temporarily in charge of the da Vinci, for the hostilities that erupted between the Tholians and the da Vinci, even though the Tholians fired first (Interphase Book 2).

  Maryllo Island. A teardrop-shaped island on Eerlik. Birthplace of First Speaker Ansed (Fatal Error).

  mazza. Word for the life force or soul of a Nalori. When a Nalori dies, his or her mazza must be commended to the Endless Wind by a person of authority, who announces the arrival of the mazza to the Shigemos. Commander Sonya Gomez served this function on Sarindar (Invincible Book 1).

  McAllan, David. Alpha-shift tactical officer for the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast).

  McCoy, Leonard. Chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and later a retired admiral in the Starfleet Medical Corps. In 2268, McCoy discovered that a derivative of theragen mixed with alcohol could retard the debilitating neurophysiological effects of interphase experienced by the Enterprise crew when they attempted to rescue the U.S.S. Defiant from that interspatial phenomenon (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). When the Defiant was finally salvaged in 2376, the elderly Admiral McCoy led the forensic detail that went over the ship after it was brought to Spacedock. McCoy always felt guilty that he found a cure when the Defiant’s Dr. Hamilton didn’t (Interphase Book 2).

  meir. Animal life native to Sarindar that travels by gliding through the air (Invincible Book 1).

  Miko. Speaker of Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Mokae. Worker on the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. He was killed by the first monster shii (Invincible Book 1).

  molecular shift. Occasional occurrence to ships in interphase when they fall out of sync with objects from “normal” space (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). One such shift caused P8 Blue and Dr. Elizabeth Lense to fall through a cargo bay bulkhead on the U.S.S. Defiant while it was in interphase (Interphase Book 1).

  monster shii. See shii, monster.

  Moyya. Senator in the Nalori Republic. Moyya was in charge of the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. He was not happy with Commander Sonya Gomez’s performance as supervisor, even though she put the project back on schedule (Invincible Book 1). He also did not believe her reports about the monster shii, and refused to curtail the project or allow the workers to evacuate. He did not show the evidence Gomez submitted to his fellow senators, and when he finally did, they reversed their position and authorized a cessation of the project until the monster shii problem could be solved. Moyya formally apologized to Gomez (Invincible Book 2).

  Mranol. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar (Invincible Book 2).

  mugato. Apelike carnivore with white fur and poisonous fangs. They are found on Neural (“A Private Little War” [TOS]). A mugato injured Commander Sonya Gomez in 2371 (Invincible Book 2).

  Murphy’s Law. Human proverb: “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” Dr. Elizabeth Lense postulated that it should be the motto of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (Interphase Book 1).

  Musgrave, U.S.S. Federation starship, Saber-class. The Musgrave was assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (Interphase Book 1).


  Nalag. Supervisor of the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. The multiple problems suffered by the project led Nalag to quit in disgust. He was replaced by Commander Sonya Gomez from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (Invincible Book 1).

  Nalori. Humanoid race, part of the Nalori Republic. Nalori have skin tones ranging from medium ash gray to charcoal. Their eyes are black with no pupils, and their blood is blue. Nalori males practice a form of ritual scarring of the forearms and face, which marks rites of passage like adolescence, adulthood, marriage, birth of sons, veneration of elders, and so on. Nalori count age by scars rather than years lived. Males are also generally bald, with long braided chin-beards of pale violet hair. Nalori are polygamous, and the accumulation of wives is often seen as a symbol of status (Invincible Book 1).

  Nalori Republic. Government consisting of several planets near Sector 969. Among the member races of the republic are the Nalori, the Osina, and the Cabbi. Traditional Nalori culture practices polygamy, and women have a much lower place in the social strata than men. The Federation and the Nalori had a border clash some time in the 2100s. The Nalori refused to allow any Federation passage through their space, and relations were strained until 2376, when they requested help from Starfleet in constructing a subpsace accelerator on the planet Sarindar. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers sent Commander Sonya Gomez, on the recommendation of Montgomery Scott. The Nalori government is made up of senators, and government contracts, such as working on the SA project, are among the most lucrative. The government also has the power to keep someone from working, not only on government contracts, but any others as well (Invincible Book 1).

  Nasats. Insectoid race. Nasats have eight limbs and a chitinous outer armor (“Jihad” [TAS]). Nasats make assorted tinkling noises to indicate emotion that many non-Nasats have trouble distinguishing, although many of P8 Blue’s shipmates on the U.S.S. da Vinci are able to differentiate them (Cold Fusion). Nasats were first seen in “Jihad,” in the form of the character Em/3/Green. The name for the race was first given in The Belly of the Beast.

  Nemar. Language with similarities to the Omearan tongue (Hard Crash).

  Nevari. A race that builds viewships that include observation areas that work on the same principle as the rings on the ship nicknamed “the Beast” (The Belly of the Beast).

  Nog. Chief operations officer of Station Deep Space 9. Nog lost his left leg in the Dominion War (“The Siege at AR-558” [DS9]). It was replaced by a biosynthetic leg (“It’s Only a Paper Moon” [DS9]), which sometimes gets a psychosomatic itch in times of stress (Cold Fusion). After Colonel Kira Nerys was forced to eject DS9’s fusion core (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 2), Nog thought of retrieving a new one from DS9’s abandoned sister station Empok Nor. He took the runabout Rio Grande to the Trivas system to rendezvous with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the U.S.S. da Vinci to aid in the salvage (Cold Fusion). Nog was not happy about returning to the station where he was almost killed twice, once by a Cardassian booby trap (“Empok Nor” [DS9]), once by Jem’Hadar (“The Magnificent Ferengi” [DS9]). He was equally unhappy with the condescending attitude the S.C.E. took toward him, though that attitude changed after he proved his mettle, both in engineering terms and against the Androssi pirates who had beaten them to the station. After Nog and the da Vinci crew drove off the Androssi, they discovered that the fusion core could not be towed back to the station; Nog instead came up with the plan to tow the entire station back to the Bajoran system. He also had to convince nine Starfleet captains to lend their ships to the massive towing effort. Most were willing, though he had to bribe Captain Jenna Demitrijian of the U.S.S. Sugihara with a recording of Sinnravian drad music, which he obtained from Carol Abramowitz for an as-yet-undetermined price (Cold Fusion). Nog led the convoy back to DS9 and placed Empok Nor in orbit around one of Bajor’s moons once the fusion core transfer was complete (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Section 31: Abyss).

  Nomis. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Nomis and Repooc were able to “hot-wire” the Culloden, allowing the surviving workers to escape Sarindar after the second monster shii started attacking (Invincible Book 2).

  Nostrene. Commander of an experimental Tholian vessel th
at was testing a new propulsion system. Nostrene thought that the Tholians’ nonagression pact with the Dominion that kept them out of the Dominion War was wise, as he felt the Tholians would fare poorly against the Jem’Hadar. Nostrene was surprised when the Tholian High Magistrates gave the order for him to fire on the U.S.S. da Vinci and the U.S.S. Defiant when a crew from the former salvaged the latter and unwittingly uncovered evidence of a century-old atrocity committed by the Tholians (Interphase Book 1). Initially driven off by the da Vinci, Nostrene returned with five other ships to finish it and the Defiant off with a newer version of the infamous Tholian web. The Starfleet ships were able to break the web, however (Interphase Book 2).

  Nyn. Science officer on the U.S.S. Defiant. In 2268, Nyn was the first to theorize that the Defiant fell into interphase (Interphase Book 1).


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