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Hitler’s U-Boat War- The Hunted 1942-45

Page 119

by Clay Blair

  Waddington, Conrad H. O.R. in World War II: Operational Research Against the U-boat. London: Elek Science, 1973.

  Wardlow, Chester. The U.S. Army Transportation Corps. (In World War II.) Part 1, vol. 1: Responsibilities, Organization and Operations. Part 1, vol. 2: Movements, Training and Supply. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1951, 1956. See also Bykofsky and Larson.

  Warren, C.E.T., and James Benson. Will Not We Fear. (Capture of HMS Seal.) New York: William Sloane Associates, 1961.

  Waters, John M., Jr. Bloody Winter. (War memoir of a Coast Guard officer.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987.

  Watson, D. M., and H. E. Wright. Radio Direction Finding. London: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971.

  Watts, Anthony John. The U-Boat Hunters. London: Macdonald and Jane’s, 1976.

  Weaver, Harry J. Nightmare at Scapa Flow. (U-47 sinks Royal Oak.) Oxfordshire: Cressrelles, 1980.

  Weinberg, Gerhard L. A World at Arms. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

  Weir, Gary E. Building American Submarines, 1919-1940. Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Center, 1991.

  ——. Forged in War. (U.S. submarines.) Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Center, 1993.

  Welchman, Gordon. The Hut Six Story. New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 1982.

  Wemyss, D.E.G. Walker’s Groups in the Western Approaches. Liverpool: The Liverpool Post and Daily Echo, Ltd., 1948. Rpt. as Relentless Pursuit. London: William Kimber, 1955.

  Werner, Herbert A. Iron Coffins [Die Eisernensärge]. (War memoir of a U-boat officer.) New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.

  West, Nigel [Rupert Allason]. GCHO. London: George Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Ltd., 1986.

  ——. The Sigint Secrets: The Signals Intelligence War, 1900 to Today, Including the Persecution of Gordon Welchman. (Paper.) New York: Quill/William Morrow, 1988.

  Westwood, David. The Type VII U-Boat. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984.

  Wheeler, Gerald E. Kinkaid of the Seventh Fleet. Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Center, 1995.

  Wheeler-Bennett, John W. Pipe Dream of Peace. New York: William Morrow Company, 1935.

  Whinney, Bob [Reginald], The U-boat Peril: An Antisubmarine Commander’s War. London: Blandford Press, 1987.

  Whitley, M. J. Destroyer! German Destroyers in World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1983.

  Wiggins, Melanie. Torpedoes in the Gulf: Galveston and the U-boats, 1942-1943. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1995.

  Williams, Kathleen Broome. Secret Weapon. (High frequency direction finding in World War II.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996.

  Williams, Mark. Captain Gilbert Roberts, RN, and the Anti-U-Boat School. London: Cassell, Ltd. 1979. Williamson, Gordon. The Iron Cross. Poole: Blandford Press, 1984.

  Williamson, Gordon, and Darko Pavlovic. U-Boat Crews 1914-45. (Elite Series, 60.),(Paper.) London: Osprey Publishing Co., 1995.

  Willmott, H. P. The Great Crusade: A New Complete History of the Second World War. New York: The Free Press, 1989.

  Willoughby, Malcolm F. The U.S. Coast Guard in World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1957. Winks, Robin W Cloak and Gown. (Yale alumni in World War II intelligence.) New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1987.

  Winterbotham, F W. The Ultra Secret. New York: Dell Books, 1974.

  Winton, John. Convoy: The Defence of Sea Trade: 1890-1990. London: Michael Joseph, 1983.

  ——. Ultra at Sea. London: Leo Cooper, 1988.

  Wise, James E., Jr. Sole Survivors of the Sea. (From lost ships.) Baltimore: The Nautical & Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1994.

  Wolfe, Robert, ed. Captured German and Related Records: A National Archives Conference. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1974.

  Y’Blood, William T. Hunter-Killer. (U.S. “jeep” carriers versus U-boats.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1983.

  Yergin, Daniel. The Prize. (History of oil.) New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. Young, Edward. One of Our Submarines. (War memoir of a British submarine officer.) London: Hart Davis, 1952. American edition published as Undersea Patrol. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952.

  Zimmerman, David. The Great Naval Battle of Ottawa. (Royal Canadian Navy politics in World War II.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989.


  Cross-references in this list refer the reader to the Books section.

  Adams, Thomas A. “The Control of British Merchant Shipping.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Alden, CarRöll Storrs. “American Submarine Operations in the War.” United States Naval Institute Proceedings,* June 1920.

  Alden, John D. “Dutch Submarines in World War II: The European Theater.” Submarine Review, April 1994.

  ——. “Dutch Submarines in World War II: The Far East.” Submarine Review, April 1993.

  Allard, Dean C. “Introduction: An American Assessment.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.

  ——. “A United States Overview.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Althoff, William F. “Airships.” USNIP, January 1988.

  Ancell, Robert M. Jr. “Grand Admiral Doenitz: Reflections at 80” USNIP, March 1973.

  Andrew, Christopher M. “Gordon Welchman, Sir Peter Marychurch and ‘The Birth of Ultra.’“ Intelligence and National Security. May 1986.

  ——. “Intelligence Collaboration Between Britain and the United States During the Second World War.” See Hitchcock, ed.

  Armstrong, W.H.R. “The Sea Devils of the Caribbean.” Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, November 1960.

  Assmann, Kurt. “The Invasion of Norway.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. USNIP, April 1952.

  ——. “Operation Sea Lion.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. USNIP, January 1950.

  ——. “Stalin and Hitler.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. “Part I: The Pact With Moscow,” USNIP, June 1949; “Part II; The Road to Stalingrad,” USNIP, July 1949.

  ——. “Why U-boat Warfare Failed.” Foreign Affairs, July 1950.

  Atha, Robert I. “Bombe! I Could Hardly Believe It.” Cryptologia, 1985.

  Auphan, Paul. “The French Navy Enters World War II.” USNIP, June 1956.

  Barker, Edward L. “German Naval Aviation.” USNIP, July 1950.

  Barlow, Jeffrey G. “The Views of Stimson and Knox on Atlantic Strategy and Planning.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.

  Beach, Edward L. “Culpable Negligence.” (Re USN torpedo failures.) American Heritage, December 1980.

  ——. “Down by Subs.” (Operation Drumbeat.) USNIP, April 1991.

  Beesly, Patrick. “British Naval Intelligence in Two World Wars.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.

  ——. “Convoy PQ 17: A Study of Intelligence and Decision-Making.” Intelligence and National Se curity, April 1990.

  ——. “Operational Intelligence in the Battle of the Atlantic: The Role of the Royal Navy’s Subma rine Tracking Room.” See Boutilier, ed.

  ——. “Special Intelligence and the Battle of the Atlantic: The British View.” See Love, ed.

  Belke, T. J. “ ‘Röll of Drums.’“ USNIP, April 1983.

  Belote, James H. “The Development of German Naval Policy: 1933-1939.” PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1954.

  Bennett, Ralph. “Army Ultra in the Mediterranean Theatre: Darkness and Light.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.

  Bernotti, Romeo. “Italian Naval Policy Under Fascism.” USNIP, July 1956.

  Bird, Keith W. “Erich Raeder.” See Howarth, ed.

  Bishop, Eleanor C. “The Campbell’s Path to Glory.” Naval History, Spring 1993.

  ———. “ ‘Hooligan’s Navy’: Coastal Pickets at War.” Naval History, Summer 1992.

  Bloch, Gilbert. “Enigma Before Ultra.” (Excerpts of his book.) Trans. C. A. Deavours. Cryptologia, July 1987; October 1987; July 1988.

  Bloomquist, Dick L. “Air-Independent Submarine Propulsion.” Submarine Review, July 1993.

  Boog, Horst. “Luftwaffe Support of
the German Navy.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Bowling, Roland A. “Escort of Convoy: Still the Only Way.” USNIP, December 1969.

  Bowman, Richard C. “Organizational Fanaticism: A Case Study of Allied Air Operations Against the U-boat During World War Two.” Air Power Historian, October 1963.

  Boyd, Carl. “American Naval Intelligence of Japanese Submarine Operations Early in the Pacific War.” Journal of Military History, April 1989.

  ——. “Japanese Military Effectiveness: The Interwar Period.” See Millett and Murray, eds.

  ——. “The Japanese Submarine Force and the Legacy of Strategic and Operational Doctrine Devel oped Between the World Wars.” See Addington, ed.

  ——. “The ‘Magic’ Betrayal of Hitler.” Paper presented at The Citadel Symposium on Hitler and the National Socialist Era, April 1980, The Citadel, Charleston, SC.

  Bragadin, Marc* Antonio. “Mediterranean Convoys in World War II.” USNIP, February 1950.

  Broad, William J. “Lost Japanese Sub with 2 Tons of Axis Gold Found on Floor of Atlantic.” New York Times, July 18, 19-5.

  Brown, David K. “Atlantic Escorts 1939-45.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Brown, J. David. “The Battle of the Atlantic, 1941-1943: Peaks and Troughs.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.

  ——. “John Godfrey.” See Howarth, ed.

  Brown, Raymond J. “Won by Such as He.” (Profile of Johnny Walker, R.N.) USNIP, June 1989.

  Bruce, JackD. “Convoy Ahead!” USNIP, September 1987.

  Buell, Thomas B. “The Battle of the Atlantic.” See Griess, ed.

  Bundy, McGeorge. “Hitler and the Bomb.” New York Times Magazine, November 13, 1988.

  Bunker, John; “One Night of Hell” (1-8 versus Jean Nicolet) Naval History, August 1995.

  Burdick, Charles. “The Tambach Archive—a Research Note.” Military Affairs, December 1972.

  Burke, Colin. “Commentary: Why Was Safford Pessimistic About Breaking the German Enigma Cipher Machine in 1942.” Cryptologia, April 1991.

  ——. “Marvelous Machines, a Bit Too Late.” Intelligence and National Security, 1998.

  Buxton, Ian L. “British Warship Building and Repair.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Cafferky, Shawn. “A Useful Lot, These Canadian Ships: The Royal Canadian Army and Operation Torch, 1942-1943.” Northern Mariner, October 1993.

  Chapman, J.W.M. “Japanese Intelligence 1919-1945: A Suitable Case for Treatment.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.

  Chicago Tribune. Special Supplement, Section 2A, December 7, 1966: “New Pearl Harbor Facts! Full Story: How U.S. Got Jap Secrets.” See articles by Anonymous (probably Laurence F. Safford), Wayne Thomis, Walter Trohan, Admiral Husband F. Kimmel, C. C. Hiles, Harry Elmer Barnes.

  Chiles, James R. “Breaking Codes Was This Couple’s Lifetime Career.” (Friedmans.) Smithsonian Magazine, June 1987.

  Christ, Charles J. “The U-boat War in the Caribbean, 1942.” Submarine Review, October 1985.

  Clark, Lloyd. “Escape.” (Of U-boat personnel from a U.S. POW camp.) Arizona Highways, December 1993.

  Clarke, William F. “Government Code and Cypher School: Its Foundation and Development with Special Reference to Its Naval Side.” Parts 1, 2, 3. Cryptologia, October 1987, January 1988, April 1988.

  Cocchia, Aldo. “Italian Submarines and Their Bordeaux Base.” USNIP, June 1958.

  Cole, Paul M. “O.S.S. Documents Predicting U-boat Attack on New York with V-l Missiles in 1945.” Unpublished. Excerpts kindly provided to author.

  Colossus [Machine: Three special studies], “The Design of Colossus” by Thomas H. Flowers. Introduction by Howard Campaigne. “The Making of Colossus” by Allen W. M. Coombs. “The Installation and Maintenance of Colossus” by W. W. Chandler. Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 5, no. 3, July 1983.

  Compton-Hall, Richard. “Holland’s Holland: An Irish Tale.” USNIP, February 1991.

  Cooper, Harry. “U-2513 Remembered by Lt. Cdr. M. T Graham.” Polaris, February 1994.

  Cronenberg, Allen. “U-Boats in the Gulf: The Undersea War in 1942.” Gulf Coast Historical Review, Spring 1990.

  Davis, J. Frank. “Wolf Pack: The German Submarine War in the Atlantic 1939-1943.” Strategy and Tactics, 1974.

  Deac, Wilford P. “America’s Undeclared Naval War.” USNIP, October 1961.

  Deavours, C. A., and Louis Kruh. “The Turing Bombe: Was It Enough?” Cryptologia, October 1990.

  Decker, Hans Joachim. “404 Days! The War Patrol Life of the German U-505.” USNIP, March 1960.

  Denniston, A. G. “The Government Code and Cypher School Between the Wars.” See Andrew, ed., Codebreaking.

  Doenhoff, Richard A. von. “Nuremberg in Perspective.” USNIP, March 1973.

  Douglas, Laurence H. “Submarine Disarmament: 1919-1939.” PhD dissertation, Syracuse University, 1969.

  Douglas, W.A.B. “Beachhead Labrador.” (German automatic weather station.) Military History Quarterly, Winter 1995.

  Douglas, W.A.B., and Jürgen Röhwer. “The Most Thankless Task’ Revisited: Convoys, Escorts, and Radio Intelligence in the Western Atlantic, 1941-43.” See Boutilier, ed.

  ——. “Canada and the Wolf Packs, September 1943.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.

  Ehrmann, Howard M. “The German Naval Archives.” (Tambach.) See Wolfe, ed.

  Erskine, Ralph. “Churchill and the Start of the Ultra-Magic Deals.” Intelligence and Counterintelligence, vol. 10, no. 1, 1997.

  ——. “Commentary: Why Was Safford Pesimistic....” Cryptologia, April 1991.

  ——. “From the Archives: U-boat HF WT Signalling.” Cryptologia, April 1988.

  ——. “The German Naval Grid in World War II.” Cryptologia, January 1992.

  ——. “Naval Enigma: An Astonishing Blunder.” Intelligence and National Security, vol. 11, no. 3, July 1996.

  ——. “Naval Enigma: The Breaking of Heimisch and Triton.” Intelligence and National Security, January 1988.

  ——. “The Triton Cypher.” Cryptologia, October 1987.

  ——. “Ultra and Some U.S. Navy Carrier Operations.” Cryptologia 19, 1995.

  Erskine Ralph, and Frode Weierud. “Naval Enigma: M4 and its Rotors.” Cryptologia, October 1987.

  Ewijk, Pieter L. van. “History of the Dutch Submarine Force.” Submarine Review, July 1992.

  Fioravanzo, Giuseppe. “Italian Strategy in the Mediterranean 1940-43.” USNIP, September 1958.

  Fisher, Robert C. “‘We’ll Get Our Own’: Canada and the Oil Shipping Crisis of 1942.” Northern Mariner, April 1993.

  Flaherty, Sylvester J. “Convoy Slaughter.” (PQ 17.) Naval History, March 1988.

  Ford, Royal. “Off Coast of Maine, Sub Mystery Surfacing.” Boston Sunday Globe, January 5, 1997.

  Frank, Winn B. “Farewell to the Troopship.” Naval History, February 1997.

  Friedland, Klaus. “Raiding Merchant Shipping: U-boats on the North American Coast, 1942.” American Neptune, Spring 1991.

  Gallery, Daniel V. “... Nor Dark of Night.” USNIP, April 1969.

  ——. “We Captured a German Sub.” Saturday Evening Post, September 4, 1945.

  Garzke, William H., Jr., and Robert O. Dulin, Jr. “Who Sank the Bismarck?” USNIP, June 1991.

  German, Japanese and Italian Submarine Losses, World War II. Washington, DC: Chief of Naval Operations, 1946. (Microreel NRS 1976-107.)

  Gibson, Charles Dana. “The Far East Odyssey of the U-IT24.” Naval History, Winter 1990.

  Gilbert, Nigel John. “British Submarine Operations in World War II.” USNIP, March 1963.

  Glennon, A. N. “The Weapon That Came Too Late.” (The Type XXI Boat.) USNIP, March 1961.

  Goldrick, James. “Work-Up.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Gordon, Arthur. “The Day the Astral Vanished.” USNIP, October 1965.

  Gruner, William P. “The German Type XXVI Convoy Killer Submarine.” Submarine Review, October 1993.

  Guth, Rolf, and Jochen Brennecke. “Hier Ir
rte Michael Salewski.” (Refuting mistakes regarding youthful ages of U-boat skippers.) Schiff und Zeit, no. 28, 1988.

  Hadley, Michael L. “Inshore ASW in the Second World War: The U-boat Experience.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.

  Hanley, Charles J. “Merchant Marine: The Heroic Fourth Arm of Defense.” American Legion Magazine, December 1992.

  Hazlett, Edward E. “Submarines and the London Treaty” USNIP, December 1936.

  Heinrichs, Waldo [H., Jr.]. “President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Intervention in the Battle of the Atlantic, 1941.” Diplomatic History, Fall 1986.

  Hersey, John. “f/.S.S. Borie’s Last Battle.” (Versus U-405.) Life, December 13, 1943.

  Herwig, Holger H. “An Introduction to Military Archives in West Germany.” Military Affairs, December 1972.

  ——. “Prelude to ‘Weltblitzkrieg’: Germany’s Naval Policy Towards the United States of America 1939-1941.” Journal of Modern History, December 1971.

  Herzog, Bodo. “Otto Kretschmer.” See Howarth, ed.

  Herzog, Bodo, and Allison Saville. “Top Submarines in Two World Wars.” USNIP, September 1961.

  Hinsley, F[rancis] H[arry]. “British Intelligence in the Second World War.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.

  ——. “British Intelligence in the Second World War: An Overview.” Cryptologia, January 1990.

  ——. “An Intelligence Revolution.” See Hitchcock, ed.

  Hobbs, David. “Ship-borne Air Anti-submarine Warfare.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  Hubiner, Bert. “We Got That Sonofabitch!” (Japanese 1-52.) Naval History, November-December 1995.

  Kahn, David. “An Enigma Chronology.” Cryptologia, July 1993.

  ——. “Why Weren’t We Warned?” (About Pearl Harbor.) Military History Quarterly, Autumn 1991.

  Kahn, E. J. Jr. “Hand to Hand.” (U.S. destroyer escort Buckley versus U-66.) New Yorker, February 8, 1988. Rpt. Naval History, Summer 1986.

  Kauffman, D. L. “German Naval Strategy in World War II.” USNIP, January 1954.

  Kemp, Peter K. “Dönitz.” See Carver, ed.

  ——. “Sir Dudley Pound “ See Howarth, ed.

  Kessler, Jean. “U-boat Bases in the Bay of Biscay.” See Howarth and Law, eds.

  King, Thomas A. “The Merchant Marine Cadet Corps.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.


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