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The Swede

Page 26

by Maureen Smith

  After she left, Viggo’s phone rang from inside his suit jacket. He reached into the breast pocket and pulled out the phone, looking at the screen. His brow furrowed slightly.

  “Something wrong?” Scarlett asked.


  She didn’t believe him. Was another woman calling? Was it Audrey or some other bunny?

  Her thoughts ran rampant. “Do you need to take the call?”

  He shook his head and turned off the phone. As he tucked it back into his pocket, he gave her a half smile. “Is your phone off?”

  “Um, no.” Remembering the rule he’d made the night they went stargazing, she took her phone out of her clutch and made a show of powering it off.

  He winked. “Atta girl.”

  They grinned at each other across the table.

  Smoothly crossing her legs, Scarlett picked up her menu and glanced around the crowded restaurant. “This is a great table.”

  “Glad you approve,” Viggo drawled.

  She gave him a knowing smile. “Did you request this table when you made the reservation?”

  He grinned. “I didn’t have to. The manager just happens to be a diehard Rebels fan.”

  Scarlett laughed. “Of course.”

  The waiter arrived to take their order, beaming excitedly at Viggo. “It’s so awesome to meet you. I’m a big fan.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “I don’t want to bother you and your beautiful date. But could I have your autograph and get a selfie with you?”

  “Sure.” Viggo graciously signed a piece of paper and took a picture with the starstruck waiter, who enthusiastically pumped his hand as he sat back down.

  “I have a pair of your Reeboks. I wish I’d worn them to work so you could’ve signed them for me. I can’t wait to tell my friends that I met you. They wouldn’t have believed me without the selfie. Thanks so much!”

  “No problem, man.”

  Beaming brighter than a lighthouse, the waiter handed Viggo the wine list and rattled off the specials for the evening, apologetically explaining that the menu selections were limited due to the snowstorm.

  While Scarlett mulled over what she wanted, Viggo ordered a bottle of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, circa 2005. Scarlett knew, even without seeing the price, that it was the most expensive wine on the list. Not that he couldn’t afford it.

  “Excellent choice,” the waiter said approvingly.

  After they ordered their meals, he looked like he wanted to hang around some more and talk hockey with Viggo. But he dutifully collected their menus and left.

  Scarlett watched him go, giggling behind her hand.


  Her amused gaze shifted to Viggo. “I don’t know who wants to kiss you more—me or our waiter.”

  His eyes gleamed. “You want to kiss me?”

  “I always want to kiss you.”

  “Then we should have stayed upstairs. You coulda kissed me, licked me, sucked me—”

  She laughed. “I get the point.”

  He gave her a purely wicked grin that hit her right between the thighs.

  The waiter brought their fancy bottle of wine, poured some in a glass and offered Viggo a taste. He swirled the red wine, inhaled the bouquet and sipped, swishing some around his mouth before swallowing.

  Scarlett was ridiculously impressed. He was a hockey player, and she simply didn’t expect hockey players to taste wine like an expert sommelier. But he was also European, and Euro guys tended to be a little more refined than the Americans she dated. No shade. Just facts.

  When Viggo gave his nod of approval, the waiter filled both wineglasses and promised to return shortly with their meals. Scarlett watched him back away from the table. He was so busy grinning at Viggo that he almost bumped into another server carrying a tray of drinks.

  Scarlett covered her mouth to hide her laugh.

  Viggo chuckled, watching her. “Think he’s gonna ask for my number?”

  “He might!”

  Viggo grinned, lifting his glass to hers. His eyes were soft and warm. “To our first Christmas together.”

  Her heart fluttered. “It’s been a memorable one.”


  They smiled at each other, clinked glasses and sipped slowly, savoring the rich wine.

  “I remember watching media interviews after you were drafted,” Scarlett reminisced. “You were so wide-eyed and innocent. So green.”

  Viggo grinned. “I was nineteen years old starting a new life in a new country. I was scared shitless.”

  She laughed. “That was pretty obvious, especially on Draft Day. You looked like you were gonna puke.”

  “I did. Twice.”

  She laughed again.

  “You think that’s funny? I almost ruined my brand new suit.”

  “Poor baby,” she teased, reaching across the table to pat his forearm. He caught her hand, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. His touch sent a charge through her nerve endings.

  “So have you gotten used to it?” she said a little breathlessly.

  “Used to what?”

  “Being famous.”

  “Sure,” he said with an easy shrug. “Hockey’s not as popular in America, so I don’t really consider myself famous.”

  She snorted. “You’re kidding, right? Of course you’re famous. Didn’t you hear those people whispering about you when we walked through the door? Practically every time we’ve been together, you’ve met some gushing fanboy—our waiter being the latest example.” She smiled. “You’re one of those athletes whose popularity transcends their sport.”

  Viggo chuckled, running his finger around the rim of his glass. “I feel sorta famous in Canada. And back home, of course.”

  “Of course,” Scarlett said with a grin. “I saw a photo of you being mobbed at an IKEA in Stockholm. You ran in to pick up a few things with your mom and sisters. Someone recognized you, and that was all it took to set off a stampede. Poor guy.”

  “It’s cool,” he said with a fond laugh. “I love my countrymen and I appreciate their support. But living in America, I enjoy not being recognized everywhere. It’s nice.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth than a beaming couple stopped at their table to gush over him. He shook their hands, signed autographs and posed for selfies that were immediately posted to social media. When he introduced Scarlett as his “lady” and “a hugely talented rock star,” the delighted couple insisted on taking pictures with her as well. The first one was fine, but after that they wanted her to strike the obligatory rocker pose with devil horns and her tongue sticking out. She flashed the horns but kept her tongue firmly inside her mouth.

  After the giddy couple left, she shook her head at Viggo and grumbled teasingly, “I don’t know whether to kiss you or choke you right now.”

  He grinned wickedly. “Why not both? I’m down for some kinky choking.”

  She laughed and shook her head again. “That was very sweet what you said about me.”

  “Nothing but the truth, beautiful.” He winked at her and sipped his wine. “So when are you guys getting back in the studio? I’m ready for some new music.”

  “Next month,” she promised.

  “Good. Can’t wait to wear out the new album.”

  She smiled, pleased. He’d provided so much creative inspiration for her new music, he practically deserved a writing credit.

  Their meals arrived, and they spent the next hour sharing their favorite childhood Christmas memories as they ate and laughed.

  Once their plates were cleared, Viggo reached across the table and took Scarlett’s hand. For endless seconds everyone in the restaurant disappeared, leaving just the two of them.

  She gave him a sultry smile. “I’m wearing one of the belly rings you gave me.”

  “Yeah?” The word rumbled from his throat. “I can’t wait to see it.”

  “I can’t wait to show you.”

  Their waiter returned, placing a large plate
between them. It was heaped with warm apple pie smothered in vanilla ice cream.

  Viggo brought his chair around the table to sit beside Scarlett. They both picked up a spoon and dug into the dessert. They fed each other dripping mouthfuls, smiling wickedly as they licked each other’s spoons.

  That was all the foreplay they needed.

  After settling the bill and generously tipping the waitstaff, Viggo took Scarlett’s hand and ushered her to the elevator. They started kissing and necking before the doors even closed. By the time they reached their floor, her torn panties were in his pocket and the insides of her thighs were smeared with her juices.

  He unlocked the door and backed her into the room, never breaking the seal of their mouths. Her heart was beating out of control and her blood was rushing hotly through her veins.

  Sucking her bottom lip, he palmed both of her ass cheeks and lifted her off the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her dress hitching up over her thighs.

  He carried her past the bed to the window. As her back thudded against the cool glass, she shivered with excitement. They were fifteen stories above street level, but she didn’t really care if anyone could see them. Nothing mattered but the pounding need inside her.

  Viggo pressed his body against hers, pinning her hips to the window. This freed one of his hands to fumble out a condom, unzip his pants, pull out his cock and sheath himself. When he thrust up into her, she cried out and threw her head back against the glass.

  He groaned thickly as her pussy clenched around him. When he bent and sucked on her neck, she let out a loud moan and fisted her hands in his hair.

  He began thrusting hard and deep, his eyes burning fiercely into hers. She mewled and arched her back, crossing her ankles behind his flexing ass. His thick cock plunged inside her over and over, ruthlessly working her G-spot. As a powerful orgasm slammed into her, she screamed his name.

  Shuddering, he cupped her ass cheeks and fucked her harder, rearing back against her locked ankles as he pounded between her quivering thighs. She bucked and sobbed and pleaded for more, though she honestly didn’t think she could take much more pleasure.

  He slanted his lips over hers, fucking her mouth with his tongue as his hips slammed hers against the window. Breathless and overwhelmed, she dug her fingers into his back, her nails clawing the fine fabric of his suit jacket.

  He released her mouth and flung back his head, groaning a string of Swedish words that sounded blisteringly erotic. When she felt him burst inside her, she came again with a shuddering cry.

  Breathing hard, his cock jerking and pulsing, he dropped his head beside hers, resting his forehead against the cool glass.

  She closed her eyes, dizzy and panting as she clung to his heaving shoulders. “Is it possible to be fucked to death? Serious question.”

  He huffed out a shaky laugh. “If it is, I can’t think of a better way to go.”

  She started to giggle. And then they were both laughing.

  After some time, he brushed her hair back from her damp forehead and kissed her so tenderly she wanted to cry.

  But the kicker was when he gazed down into her eyes and whispered, “Best. Christmas. Ever.”

  That was when her heart soared into the stratosphere.

  Yep. She was in trouble.

  After Myles betrayed her, she swore she’d never put herself in a position to be hurt again. Yet here she was laying her heart on the line for the one man who could totally destroy her.

  Why did Viggo Sandström hold such power over her?

  Because you loved him before he even knew you existed.

  Chapter 17


  O Canada!

  * * *

  Tucked into the mountains and surrounded by dense Canadian forest, the snow-covered cabin by the lake had wisps of smoke curling from the chimney. It looked like one of those Christmas card pictures sprinkled with glitter. It looked warm and cozy.

  It looked perfect.

  Scarlett turned her head to smile at Viggo. He was already staring at her, a small smile curving his lips.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Is it bad that I wish we were here alone? Is it bad that I’m not ready to share you yet?”

  Pleasure crashed over her, deepening her smile. “I know how you feel. Although I can’t wait to see my family, I’m already missing our little hotel room back in Buffalo.”

  “So am I.” He brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “We’ll have to go back someday and ask for the same room.”

  “Yes. Definitely.” She wanted that more than anything.

  After lingering a few moments longer, they climbed out of the rental SUV and started up the snow-covered front steps of the cabin.

  Suddenly the door burst open and Nadia squealed excitedly, “Scarlett!”

  “Nadia!” She rushed into her cousin’s open arms. They laughed and hugged fiercely as Viggo and Reid grinned at each other.

  “I missed you so much!” Nadia exclaimed.

  “I missed you, too!” Scarlett cooed.

  Nadia released her and beamed a grateful smile at Viggo. “Thank you for getting her here safely.”

  Viggo grinned. “It was my pleasure.”

  “I bet it was,” Reid said with a sly grin.

  Viggo laughed as Scarlett blushed.

  Nadia stepped back and opened the door wider, ushering them inside. “Come in, come in.”

  Scarlett and Viggo stepped into the warmth of the cabin. Inside was just as charmingly rustic as the outside. Scarlett smiled as she took in the warm furnishings, the huge stone fireplace and the soaring height of the sloped wood-beam ceiling. An entire back wall of glass panels overlooked the lake and the mountains.

  “This place is awesome,” she raved.

  “Isn’t it?” Nadia gave Reid an intimate smile. “We’re enjoying it.”

  He winked at her.

  Scarlett grinned, loosening the scarf around her neck. “Where is everyone?”

  “Down at the lodge,” Nadia said cheerfully.

  “Why aren’t you two—” Scarlett broke off at the wicked look that passed between Nadia and Reid. “Never mind. I can take an educated guess.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Let me give you the grand tour,” Nadia told Scarlett.

  “I’ll go get our bags,” Viggo said.

  “I’ll help,” Reid offered.

  As soon as they left, Nadia grabbed Scarlett’s hands and burst out excitedly, “You had sex with him, didn’t you?”

  Scarlett blushed. “Shh! Not so loud!”

  Nadia laughed. “Why? There’s no one here but us.”

  “Still.” Scarlett’s lips were twitching. “And how do you know I had sex with him?”

  “Girl, please! You guys were holed up together for two and a half days! I know you spent most of that time on your back. And it must have been totally amazing because you’re still glowing!”

  “Am I?” Scarlett clapped her hands over her cheeks. They were embarrassingly hot.

  Nadia laughed, thoroughly delighted. “I knew that man would blow your mind. I was so happy when he told me and Reid that he was driving to Buffalo to get you. He was determined, girl, and nothing was gonna stop him!”

  Scarlett couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “He’s so amazing, Nadia. And not just because he gave me tons of screaming orgasms—”

  “Screaming orgasms are good,” Nadia said lasciviously.

  Scarlett laughed. “You would know, wouldn’t you? How thin are these walls, by the way? Are we gonna be hearing you and Reid at all hours of the night?”

  “Possibly.” Nadia grinned. “If not us, then definitely Nelson and Bianca. They’re pretty loud.”

  Scarlett wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”

  “I know, right? That’s one thing I won’t miss about living with Nelson. I love him to death and we’ve always been super close, but there are just some things that twins should never share. Top of the list? Hearing his gi
rlfriend scream ‘Spank me, Big Daddy’ while they’re getting it on.”

  “Ewww!” Scarlett and Nadia squealed in unison, then burst out laughing.

  When their mirth subsided, Scarlett said teasingly, “Good thing you’re moving in with Reid.”

  “Yes, thank God.”

  “When’s moving day?”

  “One week after New Year’s. It would have been a lot sooner if it were up to him. But I’m practically already living at his house, so moving day is a formality.” Nadia grinned. “Getting back to you and Viggo, you were saying what an amazing guy he is, and not just because he’s a total sex beast.”

  “Yes.” Scarlett couldn’t suppress a dreamy sigh. “I mean, yeah, we have insane chemistry—”

  “Five-alarm chemistry. The kind that incinerates everything around you, innocent bystanders included.”

  Scarlett laughed, a bubbly sound that came straight from her heart. “But it’s even more than that, Nadia. It’s the way he looks at me, the way he listens to me, the way he touches me like he just can’t help himself. He’s so attuned to my wants and desires—in and out of bed. I mean, he gave me a freaking Misty Knight comic book in Mint condition and autographed by Stan Lee.” She swooned before continuing, “We have so much fun together. Like, we can laugh about everything and anything. No guy has ever made me laugh as much as he does. When I’m with him, I feel…I don’t know. Like I’m in free fall, you know? Like my synapses are firing like crazy, the blood’s rushing through my veins and my skin won’t stop tingling. The only other time I feel this way is when I’m performing. And even then…” She trailed off when she saw the look on Nadia’s face.

  “What?” she asked, suddenly self-conscious.

  Nadia shook her head slowly, staring at her with an awed expression. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  “I know.” Scarlett sighed deeply. “I’m in trouble.”

  “You’re in something.” Nadia smiled.

  Heaving another sigh, Scarlett went to the bay window that looked out over the snowy landscape. Nadia sidled up next to her and wrapped her arm around Scarlett’s waist.

  Together they stared out the window, watching Viggo and Reid. The two friends stood by the trunk of the SUV talking and laughing.


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