Book Read Free

The Swede

Page 27

by Maureen Smith

  Nadia grinned. “I bet they’re having the same conversation we are.”

  Scarlett’s cheeks warmed at the thought. She wished she could hear what they were saying. Then again it was probably for the best that she couldn’t. She’d just spent two of the most amazing days of her life with Viggo. She would be crushed if she heard him reduce their time together to something cheap and meaningless.

  “Your mom seemed to think you guys weren’t coming until Sunday,” Nadia remarked.

  Scarlett smiled quietly. “Viggo wanted to stay one more day.” Pause. “So did I.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  Scarlett stared out the window at Viggo, watching him laugh and rock back on his heels. “I didn’t want to become even more attached than I already am.”

  She could feel Nadia studying her. She knew all about Scarlett’s relationship baggage, her insecurities and hang-ups. She understood her better than anyone else, so she recognized the seriousness of her whispered admission.

  Turning from the window, Scarlett clasped Nadia’s hands between hers and smiled. “Enough about me and Viggo. How’d the introduction go with the grandparents?”

  “Oh, it was wonderful,” Nadia exclaimed, beaming with relief. “They were so warm and friendly and accepting. You know how worried I was after Reid’s mother and I got off to such a rocky start.”

  “I know,” Scarlett commiserated.

  Arlene Holden hadn’t been too thrilled about her son bringing home a black girlfriend. She’d gone out of her way to offend Nadia, and might have continued acting up if Reid hadn’t put her in her place. After he threatened to cut her off, she’d humbly apologized to Nadia and had been treating her like gold ever since.

  “You’re gonna love Grandma Holden,” Nadia said laughingly. “She’s so down to earth and funny as hell. She has no filter and just says whatever she thinks. Barely five minutes after we met, she asked me if I was on birth control. When I said yes, she told me to get off the pill so I can hurry up and give her a bunch of pretty great-grandbabies.”

  Scarlett laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, girl. She’s a trip.” Nadia grinned. “No wonder she’s been getting along so well with your mom. They’re both crazy.”

  “Two old broads with zero filter?” Scarlett shuddered. “God help us all.”

  They were still laughing when Viggo and Reid returned, stomping the snow off their boots before entering the cabin. Chuckling at some private joke, they winked at Scarlett and Nadia before carrying the bags up to the room that Viggo and Scarlett would be sharing.

  She and Nadia leered after them. They looked so rugged and manly with their shadowy beards, faded jeans and big hiking boots.

  Nadia leaned over to whisper to Scarlett, “Don’t they look like hot lumberjacks? Like they just came back from chopping down trees and stacking wood?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Scarlett licked her lips, and they both giggled lewdly.

  After that Nadia gave Scarlett a tour of the cabin. Downstairs featured a high-ceilinged living room, a small kitchen and a dining nook. On the second level were four bedrooms and a loft. All were cozily furnished, and the view from every room was spectacular.

  After catching up for a few minutes, the two couples headed down to the lodge. They held hands as they walked along the path, their boots crunching in the snow. Along the way, they passed the two cabins where the others were staying. Reid’s family occupied one cabin while Nadia and Scarlett’s families shared the other.

  The lakefront resort was nestled on twenty acres of forested land outside Toronto. It catered to vacationers who sought privacy and could afford to pay for it. Only a few other guests were staying there that week, so they pretty much had the run of the place.

  “My dad has a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering,” Scarlett reminded Viggo, “so don’t forget to call him Dr. Warner. Same thing with Nadia’s dad—he’s a dentist.”

  Viggo nodded and smiled. “Gotcha.”

  They reached the lodge just as Scarlett’s mother stepped out onto the porch. She must have been watching for them from the window. Her face was glowing as she waved excitedly at them. Scarlett couldn’t deny that she was happy to see her. The woman drove her bonkers, but she wouldn’t trade her for the world.

  “There’s my baby!” Sherise threw her arms around Scarlett and hugged her enthusiastically, rocking her from side to side. “You’ve been gone too long! No more tours for you!”

  Scarlett laughed, pulling away. “My bandmates might have something to say about that.”

  “If they do, send them my way.” Her mother grinned and hugged Viggo, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh.

  “Next time,” he told her.

  Scarlett eyed them suspiciously. “Next time what?”

  “Nothing, baby.” Her mom winked conspiratorially at Viggo before patting Reid’s cheek and fondly stroking Nadia’s hair. Then she clapped her hands together and smiled radiantly. “Let’s go inside. Everyone’s waiting.”

  She ushered them into the lodge where the others were gathered around a massive stone fireplace that stretched from floor to ceiling. A fire roared in the hearth, lights twinkled festively on a humongous Christmas tree and Nat King Cole crooned in the background.

  Everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves. Some were sipping hot chocolate while others drank wine or beer. There was a refreshment table laden with towers of sparkling sugar cookies, brownies, scones and assorted chunks of fudge.

  All heads turned when the newcomers came through the door.

  “Hey, look who’s here!” Nadia’s father called out jovially.

  Scarlett and Viggo were quickly enveloped in warm hugs and greetings. As soon as one embrace ended, they were pulled into another and then another.

  Scarlett’s throat tightened when her grandparents hugged her at the same time. Seeing them always brought back memories of lazy childhood summers spent at their old clapboard house in Five Points, a historic African-American neighborhood. Several years ago they’d sold their home and moved to a quaint retirement village two hours from Denver, so Scarlett didn’t see them as often anymore. But they never missed birthdays and were always the first to call and congratulate her when good things happened.

  “Look at our pretty granddaughter,” Grandma Warner cooed, cupping Scarlett’s face between her soft hands. “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown since the last time we saw you. Refresh my memory. How old are you now?”

  Scarlett grinned. “I’m twenty-four, Grandma.”

  “Same age she was when you spoke to her on Thanksgiving,” Grandpa Warner said with an indulgent chuckle. “But you’re right. Our granddaughter grew up so fast. Of course, I’m not too crazy about the nose ring—”

  Sherise coughed meaningfully behind Scarlett.

  “—but I suppose that’s what young folks are into nowadays.” He tweaked Scarlett’s pierced nose.

  She grinned and turned to Viggo at her side. “Grandma and Grandpa, this is—”

  “No introductions necessary.” Grandma gave Viggo a twinkling smile. “We’ve heard so much about you these past two days, we feel like we already know you.”

  “Very true.” Grandpa looked Viggo over, taking his measure. “Seems that our granddaughters have a fondness for hockey players.”

  Viggo grinned and shook their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Warner.”

  “The pleasure’s ours, Viggo,” Grandma said warmly. “So you’re from Sweden?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Stockholm.”

  Grandpa whistled. “You’re a long way from home, aren’t you?”

  While Viggo responded, Aunt Eden pulled Scarlett into a tight hug and whispered teasingly in her ear, “Should we plan for a double wedding this summer?”

  Scarlett blushed to the roots of her hair. Fortunately she was spared from answering when Reid interrupted to introduce her to both sets of his grandparents. Grandpa Holden had the same striking blue eyes as his son a
nd grandsons. Scarlett wondered if any of Reid and Nadia’s future offspring would inherit the blue-eyed gene.

  Her father had hung back during the flurry of greetings and introductions. Now he stepped forward and wrapped Scarlett up in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet and making her laugh.

  “Glad to have you back, baby girl. We missed you.”

  She hugged him back just as hard. “I missed you guys, too.”

  He set her down on her feet and kissed the top of her head before turning to Viggo. They’d met at Nadia’s engagement party but hadn’t spoken very much.

  Lavell Warner was an imposing man, tall and fit with really broad shoulders. But Viggo was a couple inches taller with even broader shoulders and a wider chest. Still, he looked slightly nervous as Lavell stared him down, sizing him up just as Grandpa Warner had done moments ago.

  Scarlett found herself holding her breath until her father thrust out his hand to Viggo and said gruffly, “Thank you for bringing my daughter to us safe and sound.”

  Viggo shook the proffered hand. “You’re welcome, Dr. Warner. It was no trouble.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lavell narrowed his eyes, studying Viggo’s face. “We should talk some more later. Get better acquainted.”

  Viggo stood a little straighter. “That’d be good.”

  Lavell nodded, still gripping Viggo’s hand.

  After a few more moments, Lincoln Warner clapped his twin brother on the back and warned jokingly, “Don’t break the boy’s hand, Lavell. At least not until after he helps the team bring home the Cup.”

  Laughter rolled through the group as Lavell grinned wryly and let go of Viggo’s hand.

  Viggo shot a holy shit look at Reid, who just grinned and mouthed, I told you. He’d endured the same knuckle-crushing handshake from Nadia’s dad the first time they met. So he could definitely empathize.

  As Scarlett’s father and uncle moved off, she smiled ruefully at Viggo. “Sorry about that. Dad can be a little…overprotective.”

  Viggo chuckled. “My father’s the same way with my sisters. It comes with the territory.”

  “Apparently,” she said wryly.

  His eyes twinkled as he leaned close, his lips warm against her ear. “Just know that if your old man takes me out back later and shoots me, it was worth every damn moment I spent with you in Buffalo.”

  Scarlett didn’t know whether to laugh or completely melt. She did both.

  Roark Holden came to stand between his son and Viggo, clapping them both on the shoulders. “You boys ready to play the Maple Leafs on Monday?”

  Scarlett wanted to stay and talk hockey with the guys. But Bianca and Ana linked their arms through hers, flanking her on either side as they whisked her away from the group.

  She laughed at them. “Seriously?”

  They grinned mischievously. Ana was a pretty Latina with sparkling brown eyes and wavy dark hair that fell to mid-back. Bianca had gorgeous brown skin, fashionably cut hair and a full figure with voluptuous boobs.

  “We’ve been dying to hear about your holiday rendezvous with Viggo,” she said to Scarlett.

  “Yes, chica,” Ana said. “We want all the juicy deets.”

  Scarlett laughed again as they steered her to the refreshment table. She picked up a napkin and helped herself to a frosted sugar cookie and a piece of white chocolate fudge. She should probably take some goodies over to Viggo aka Mr. Sweet Tooth. It would make him happy, and it’d give her the perfect opportunity to get out of being interrogated.

  “Well?” Bianca and Ana prompted eagerly.

  “Well what?”

  “How was your holiday rendezvous?”

  Scarlett smiled. “It was good.”

  Bianca snorted. “You were snowbound at a hotel with a Swedish hockey stud. I know damn well it was better than good.”

  “It was.” Scarlett bit into the sugar cookie, nibbling the edge with a smile. “It was incredible.”

  Bianca and Ana leaned toward her with wide grins. “Do tell.”

  She laughed. “C’mon, now. You guys know I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Then just give us the highlights,” Bianca urged.

  “Yeah,” Ana seconded, grinning lasciviously. “Are the rumors true?”

  Scarlett played dumb. “What rumors?”

  “You know, about his superhuman stamina and monster peen.”

  Scarlett felt her cheeks heat. “Wait till Luke hears that you asked me about the size of another man’s schlong.”

  Ana’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Think I wouldn’t?” Scarlett gave her an evil grin. “Thanks to you and Nadia, I have to wear not one but two bridesmaid dresses next year. You guys know how much I hate weddings. If Luke calls yours off, that’s one less tacky dress I have to wear.”

  Ana and Bianca spluttered with laughter.

  Scarlett chuckled, polishing off her cookie as her gaze wandered to where Viggo stood surrounded by Reid’s family. He was laughing as Ryder, Avery and Aria teased him while Grandma Holden affectionately patted his cheek. It warmed Scarlett’s heart to watch him with Reid’s family. They’d taken him under their wing six years ago, loving him and treating him like one of their own. They were his family away from home.

  “Look at the way she’s staring at him,” Bianca observed to Ana.

  “I know, right? That look says it all.”

  Cheeks flushing, Scarlett dragged her eyes away from Viggo and bit into the chunk of white chocolate fudge. “Heard you guys went skiing yesterday. Sorry we missed all the fun.”

  Ana’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, I’m sure you and Viggo had plenty of fun on your own.”

  “You know they did.” Bianca gave Scarlett a salacious grin. “Did you guys even get out of bed on Christmas?”

  “Of course we did.” Scarlett grinned. “We even went outside and had a snowball fight.”

  “Aww,” Bianca and Ana cooed.

  “After that we got dressed up and had Christmas dinner at the hotel’s restaurant.”

  Bianca and Ana smiled. “Sounds romantic.”

  “It was.” Scarlett smiled softly, warmed by memories of the past two days. “We’ll always have Buffalo.”

  Bianca and Ana put their hands over their hearts and sighed dramatically.

  “And yes,” Scarlett drawled, her smile turning wicked, “the rumors are absolutely true.”

  Bianca and Ana gaped at her, then at each other before bursting into peals of laughter.

  Scarlett grinned, her eyes straying back across the room as if drawn by a magnet. The magnet—aka Viggo—was now standing with Reid, Ryder, Luke, Lennox and Nelson. They were drinking beer and joking around.

  Just watching Viggo increased Scarlett’s breathing and tightened her stomach. As images of them together flashed across her mental video screen, he suddenly turned his head and looked right at her.

  Her tummy did a little flip.

  Holding his gaze, she broke off a piece of fudge, slid it into her mouth and slowly licked her fingers.

  His eyes darkened. Narrowed.

  A thrill rippled through her.

  “That’s right, girl,” Bianca purred lecherously. “Eat up that delicious white chocolate.”

  Scarlett laughed and almost choked on the fudge.

  Viggo slowly sipped his beer, never taking his eyes off her.

  “Oh my.” Ana fanned herself. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”

  Bianca grinned. “It’s not just you. That is one serious smolder he’s got going on.”

  Scarlett smiled and demurely lowered her lashes before turning away from Viggo.

  A few minutes later, everyone watched as Reid escorted Nadia to the middle of the room, stopping beneath a sprig of mistletoe. “Since we didn’t have any mistletoe at our engagement party…” Trailing off, he pulled her to him and kissed her.

  The entire room broke into applause.

  Scarlett met Viggo’s eyes.

  A sexy smile hovered over his lips, t
he gleam in his eyes intensifying.

  She bit her lip and winked.

  The next thing she knew, he was striding toward her and cupping her face in his palms. Her heart did that crazy jackhammering thing it always did whenever he touched her or was simply in the vicinity.

  He leaned his forehead against hers and murmured, “Let’s step outside, get a moment to ourselves.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes. Let’s.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her toward the doors. They were almost home free when Arlene Holden’s cheery voice rang out across the room. “May I have everyone’s attention?”

  Viggo and Scarlett exchanged a rueful smile before turning to face Reid’s mother.

  She beamed at everyone. “Reid and Viggo might have a few days off from practice, but they still need to get in some ice time to shake off the rust before Monday’s game. So let’s all lace up the skates we brought and hit the lake!”

  There was a chorus of cheers, a few jeers and laughter. But no one dared oppose Arlene, the perennial hockey mom and Alpha female. She was such a control freak that she’d meticulously mapped out an itinerary for the holiday retreat, planning every hour down to the last detail.

  Twenty minutes later, everyone was skating around a large frozen lake framed by snow-covered mountains. The weather was cold but not freezing, and the sparkling winter landscape was too beautiful not to enjoy.

  Laughing and holding hands, Viggo and Scarlett skated past her parents, who were plodding along at a snail’s pace. Sherise was giggling like a teenager as she clung to Lavell, who was the better skater. Viggo and Scarlett grinned at them and waved as they glided by on the ice.

  They passed Reid’s parents and grandparents before coming upon Reid and Nadia. Over the past few weeks Reid had been helping Nadia with her skating, but she was still wobbly on the blades. She squealed and clutched Reid’s hand for dear life, making him laugh as he gently towed her along.

  After they passed the two lovebirds, Viggo released Scarlett’s gloved hand and turned to face her, effortlessly skating backward as he smiled down at her. “You’re pretty good.”

  She grinned proudly. “I took skating lessons when I was younger. We all did, actually. We’re a hockey family, and once Nelson started playing, he wanted everyone to be able to go ice skating with him. So we took lessons together as a family.” She snickered. “Mom and Nadia skipped out after a few lessons. Hence their struggle skating.”


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