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In Her Words (A St. Skin Novel): a bad boy new adult romance novel

Page 18

by London Casey

  I stood up and looked around.

  I had gone from playing on stage to thirty thousand people to becoming a well-known tattoo artist. And now? I was a soccer coach. Behind me on the sidelines was Diem with Paisley.

  Maybe it should have bothered me, but it didn’t.

  I felt comfortable.

  I felt at home.

  I grabbed my whistle and blew into it.

  “Up first, a lap around the field! If you beat me, you get ten bucks!”

  Money motivated half the team. I made sure to keep a steady lead and ran backwards. We did one lap and the kids got a drink. They all came wandering back to the field like zombies, waiting for me to order them around.

  I grabbed a soccer ball and little Annie lifted her little hand. “Coach?”


  “You’re not allowed to touch the ball with your hands.”

  I dropped the ball at my feet. “Right.”

  The kids all started to laugh.

  “Okay, so here’s where we start,” I said. “Some good passing. Okay? Warm up our legs and then we’ll shoot some goals. Anyone who scores a goal gets ice cream.”

  That got a loud yell out of all of them.

  Note to self—ice cream is better currency than actual money.

  The kids started to pass back and forth. I shot off a text to Prick—calling him Uncle P—telling him to grab a bunch of ice cream cups and spoons.

  I kept the kids moving. I realized that their attention spans were really short. It took about two minutes before I lost them every time I set something up.

  I checked my phone. Prick was coming through on the ice cream. I only had another twenty minutes to go.

  We passed the ball, we scored some goals, and now the kids were staring at me for more direction.

  I heard someone clear their throat. To my left was a woman. She waved me to the sideline.

  “Hey, I’m Annie’s mom,” she said.

  She looked ready to go out for a night on the town, not be at a soccer field.

  “I’m Cass,” I said. “Gonzo couldn’t make it.”

  “I know who you are,” she said. “Just wanted to give you a hand. They usually play a scrimmage now. Set them up in teams and let them go at it.”

  “Right. Thanks.”

  “It’s nice to see someone like you here,” she said.

  “Someone like me,” I said.

  Annie’s mother reached for me. “You know, someone big and strong. A good example for the kids.”

  I backed away before she could actually touch me.

  “Thanks for the advice on the scrimmage,” I said.

  I hurried to the middle of the field and got all the kids together.

  I crouched down. “Okay everyone. This is our last few minutes together here. Coach Gonzo will be back next time. We’re going to end with a scrimmage. I heard you all like that, huh?”

  The kids cheered.

  I put my hands out and grabbed Jake and Kevin by the shoulders. I smiled. Goddamn, I was actually enjoying myself. Being near these kids. What a twist in my life.

  I divided the kids out into two teams.

  I stood there and had one last announcement.

  “Whoever wins the scrimmage also gets ice cream.”

  I dropped the soccer ball and it was game on.

  I had no clue what the rules were. But did that matter? Hell, it was about showing up. Just being there for the kids.

  I looked over my shoulder at Diem and Paisley.

  Showing up, being there …

  That I would forever do.



  I watched this giant of a man almost succumb to a bunch of kids. It was adorable. He tried so hard to figure out what he was doing. To me, he was doing just fine.

  But there was something else that caught my eye.

  It was the women.

  Everyone stared at him. Everyone was talking about him. I could tell what they were doing. Each and every soccer mom was stripping Cass with their eyes.

  You know what?

  It drove me crazy.

  I was actually jealous.

  Then some woman came to the sideline and talked to Cass. Flirty eyes. Beautiful body. She tried touching him too.

  I couldn’t be mad at Cass because he and I … well, what were we? We never had a discussion about being a couple. I kept that door shut and locked because of how I felt about Scarlett.

  “Look at this,” a voice said.

  I turned and saw Prick walking toward me.

  “Hey, Uncle P,” I said with a smile. “What are you doing here?”

  “Ice cream,” Prick said. “Cass texted me.”

  My heart melted. Not only was he putting himself out there to help me, but he was taking care of all these kids. He could have shown up and just made them run in circles for an hour. Instead, he was really trying.

  “I never thought I’d see this,” Prick said. “Whatever you’re doing to him, keep it up.”

  “It’s not me,” I said. “It’s Paisley.”

  Prick laughed. “Trust me, it’s you.”

  “Hey, that woman right across from us.”

  “The blonde?” Prick asked.

  “Yeah. Her.”

  “What about her?”

  “She and Cass?”

  “No,” Prick said. “That’s Abby. Her daughter is Annie. Abby’s husband took off with a younger woman a few years ago. Abby’s heart is still broken and she’s on the hunt for a replacement. Wild woman, that’s for sure. More of a love her and leave her type.”

  “So you and her?”

  “This Prick doesn’t kiss and tell,” Prick said with a grin.

  “I just see all these women looking at Cass,” I said.

  “Well, to be fair, have you seen Gonzo? He’s a great guy, but he’s twenty years older than Cass. This is new eye candy for them.”

  “Eye candy,” I whispered.

  “You worried about that?”

  I glanced at Prick. “You know there’s no right answer to that.”

  “Hey, I’m just going to say it like it is. I’ve never seen him like this. We all knew who he was when he came to St. Skin. It was a little weird to have a famous person around, you know? Why this guy gave up the road and the money and the women—but he did. He enjoyed himself all the time, Diem. But he always seemed a little lost. Then you showed up. I’ve never seen him this complete. So, again, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

  One of the kids kicked the soccer ball and scored a goal. Cass blew the whistle and ran after the kid. He lifted the kid up like he weighed nothing and spun him around.

  “What a goal!” Cass yelled.

  My eyes and body couldn’t get enough of it. This tattooed giant holding the attention and awe of all these kids.

  The practice ended a few minutes later.

  “That’s my cue,” Prick said. “I don’t do the kid thing. I’m out. Tell Cass to give me a shout later or I’ll see him at the shop.”

  “Thanks, Prick,” I said.

  “Yeah. No worries.”

  Cass brought the team to the sidelines. I instantly saw one of the little girls was crying. Before I could step in, Cass was back down on one knee.

  “Hey, Annie, what’s wrong?”

  “You said whoever won gets ice cream,” she said in a whimpering voice. “We didn’t win. I wanted ice cream.”

  “Oh, I did say that,” Cass said. “Wow. But the thing is—I think everyone played really hard. And since I’m like a substitute teacher, I get to make the rules and break all the rules. Do you know what that means?”

  Annie shook her head.

  “That means everyone gets ice cream,” Cass said.

  Annie smiled. A tear ran down her cheek.

  Cass stood and turned. He exhaled. “I made it.”

  “You did great,” I said to him.

  Cass passed out ice cream and took Paisley from my arms.

  He was amazing. He rea
lly was. And everyone gravitated to him. The kids. The fathers. The mothers. The men asked questions about his truck, his tattoos, his music. The kids wanted him to be their coach for forever. The women just wanted to be near him and touch him.

  Yet Cass kept looking at me.

  That’s when I knew … it was my chance.

  I could have him all to myself.

  We got back to the garage and Gonzo was waiting for us.

  “Good news or bad?” Cass asked.

  “She’s all good,” Gonzo said. “Just a sensor light. When was the last time the oil was changed?”

  They both looked at me and my face burned red. “A long time ago.”

  “Diem,” Cass said.

  “The little sticker fell off the windshield,” I said. “And between work and driving here …”

  “I changed the oil and the oil filter,” Gonzo said. “I checked all the filters too. Cleaned some things up. She’s running fine now.”

  “Mind if I take it for a spin?” Cass asked.

  “You don’t trust my work?” Gonzo asked.

  “I just was put through kid hell.”

  “You’re smiling,” Gonzo said. “I bet you did great.”

  “He did do great,” I chimed in.

  “Where are the keys?” Cass asked.

  “In the car,” he said.

  “Don’t take it the wrong way,” Cass said. “You know how I am with this stuff.”

  That comment stuck in my mind.

  Cass got into my car and drove away.

  Now I was alone with Gonzo.

  “Thank you for helping,” I said.

  “No worries. I’m not so good at soccer myself. I just try to keep busy. Lost my wife years back to cancer. I’ve been … just trying to figure it out.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It happens.”

  I bounced Paisley on my hip. She was starting to get fussy. It was almost time for bed.

  “So that baby is beautiful,” Gonzo said.

  “Well, she’s not mine. She’s my best friend’s.”


  I gave the five second Scarlett story.

  “Jesus,” Gonzo said. “That’s why he’s so worried about your car.”

  “You think?”

  “Well, after what happened before too.”

  “What happened before?”

  Gonzo sighed. “Me and my big mouth.”

  I grabbed his arm. “Please. I’m trying to understand him. I’m trying to understand myself.”

  “He’s going to knock me out for this,” Gonzo said. “Come take a walk with me.”

  It was starting to get a little dark out. Another day coming to an end. And there I was following Gonzo around the back of his garage.

  “See that blue tarp in the back corner?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “There’s a car under that. You can see some of it. The car is mangled. Someone wrapped it around a tree. Happened a long time ago. In another town, too. A friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing ended up with the car and it ended up down here. We use it to explain to high school kids about drinking and driving.”

  “What does this have to do with Cass?”

  “His girlfriend at the time was in the car. She was the driver. She wrapped the car around a tree and ended up killing herself. Her name was Beth. I didn’t know Cass at that time. Like I said, it was a different town. But from things I’ve heard, she was important to him.”

  I instantly thought about Scarlett.

  She was killed by a drunk driver. She had always been the one to drink and drive herself but ended up with a sick twist of fate.

  My heart ached.

  “So he’s paranoid about your car,” Gonzo said. “Not that you’re drunk. But that’s Cass. I don’t take offense to it. To me, if he cares that much, you’re lucky.”

  The more I learned about Cass the luckier I started to feel.

  When he returned with my car, Gonzo and I were at the front of the garage again.

  “How’s it running?” Gonzo asked.

  “Perfect,” Cass said.

  “Glad I could help,” Gonzo said.

  “How much do I owe you?” I asked.

  Gonzo grinned. “Nothing. Consider it a welcome to Hundred Falls Valley gift.”

  Cass and Gonzo shook hands.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  This town. St. Skin. Cass. It was all just a giant surprise.

  Cass cut into my thoughts by touching my back. “Darlin’, spend the night. We didn’t get to see much of each other.”

  “Okay,” I said without hesitation.

  “Follow me to the house. We’ll put this pretty girl down to bed.” Cass leaned in and kissed my head. “Then I can take you to bed, darlin’.”

  My body was instantly on fire.

  Cass touched my back with the washcloth and ran it down to my ass. He tossed the washcloth aside and put his hands to my hips. His hard body touched mine and he put his mouth to my ear again.

  “I love your body, darlin’,” he growled. “I’ve been waiting for you all day.”

  “Cass,” I whispered. I put my head back to his muscle ripped chest. “Tell me this is okay.”

  He moved his right hand around my body and down. His rough fingertips sliding against my smooth skin, finding my soft and quivering slit. He pressed against my clit and twisted his finger.

  I moved to my toes and groaned.

  “It’s okay,” he said. His other hand moved up my body, gently cradling my breast. “It’s fucking okay. We want each other, Diem. There’s no reason to hold back.”

  I reached back and forced my hand between our bodies. His steel like shaft was ready for me and I was ready for him. I looked up at Cass.

  The connection was real.

  It was so goddamn real.

  That’s what really scared me.

  Without speaking a word, Cass turned me around. We were facing each other. My hand was holding his beautiful cock. His hands slipped around to the backs of my legs and he pulled, bringing me to him. I guided his hardness to my body, feeling him penetrating me almost instantly.

  I gasped and tried to kiss him, needing relief.

  I couldn’t get to his mouth so I kissed his chest.

  Cass put me against the wall and started to thrust at me, slowly entering himself inch by inch. I quickly put my hands to his ass, feeling strong muscle flexing as he began to have me.

  I wrapped my left leg around his body and was on my tip toes on the other foot. The harder he thrust at me, the further I felt my toes lifting up. Finally I had no choice but to jump up into his strong arms. Cass held me with ease, fucking faster by the second. His forehead rested against mine, forcing our eyes to lock into this forever type gaze. I caught myself slipping wanting to confess to him that I loved him. The thought came and went, shocking me.

  I was in love with Cass.

  I was in love with the man who fathered a baby with my best friend.

  The guilt had no chance to surface, not with Cass taking such good care of me.

  He brought a hand to my cheek and caressed with his thumb as he grunted with each powerful pump forward.

  “Fuck, darlin’, you’re so perfect,” he said to me. “You’re going to feel me as I come. I want your hand on me. I want to show you what you do to me.”

  “Holy shit,” I groaned.

  Just like that, Cass was gone from me. He backed his tattooed body away and put my feet back on the ground. I slapped my hands away from the wall, biting my lip so hard it stung. Between my legs I was a quivering mess, wanting him back.

  Cass put his hands to my hips and held me against the tiled wall.

  I reached for his thick cock but he shook his head.

  “You first, darlin’,” he said.

  I was given the show of a lifetime.

  The hunk outlaw rock star dropped to his knees before me. He was so fucking tall he could kiss well above my belly
button, which he did. He trailed down my body with kiss after kiss. He slipped a hand to my left leg and threw it over his shoulder. I bucked my hips forward, just following my body’s instinct and needs.

  The second his mouth grazed between my legs, I cried out, ready to climax. I felt the scruff on his face a moment before his tongue came forward to taste me. I peeled my left hand from the wall and grabbed his hair. I caught myself rocking at him, thrusting my body to his mouth, demanding more. I couldn’t remember a time when I wanted to be so greedy with my body’s need for pleasure.

  But that’s what Cass did to me.

  The element of wrong and right. How fucking sexy he was. The tattoos that cascaded down his perfectly round shoulders and his bulky biceps. The way he held me there, taking what he wanted, giving me the pleasure I needed.

  Not to mention the way he would look up at me.

  I saw the tip of his tongue slice against my clit.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. “Right there.”

  Cass closed his lips around my clit and sucked like he hadn’t had a drink in weeks.

  My lower half started to convulse as the pleasure was brought to its breaking point. I dug my fingers into his head as I shut my eyes. The right side of my body was being pounded by the warm shower water. The entire scene … the aura …the sex … the feel … Cass …

  “Cass!” I cried out as my toes curled painfully tight.

  I started to come and my knees gave way.

  He quickly moved his hands to the back of my legs and kept me steady.

  His tongue was everywhere between my legs. I felt myself throbbing as my hips kept bucking at him.

  I wanted to keep going.

  Cass gave me one last kiss there and reversed his track up to my belly button. But he kept going. All the way up to my right breast. He engulfed me, his tongue swirling around my nipple. His teeth came together and tugged at me, playfully, but enough to make me gasp.

  His cock was heavy between my legs again. I felt him sliding against my soaking wet skin.

  “Right now,” he said, his lips hovering against my neck. “Right now, darlin’.”

  I reached down and took hold of him. I squeezed his cock tight and looked into his eyes. I started to stroke him. Love him.

  And I didn’t stop until he was done and I was covered in him.



  I sat on the edge of the bed in nothing but a pair of shorts. From the bathroom I could see the shadow of Diem as she dried her hair. When she emerged from the bathroom with the towel draped around her body, it goddamn made me smile. The baby was fast asleep in her crib. Diem and I alone in the bedroom, getting ready for bed. Forgetting that an entire world existed outside the house.


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