Book Read Free

Becoming His Collection

Page 11

by Haley Monroe

  I smile down at my plate remembering last night when I made a bubble beard and this morning when he snuggled us in a blankey with my favorite character. He lets me drift away. Jacob allows me to truly escape my adult life and be…a kid.

  “That must be a happy thought if it causes such an incredibly beautiful smile.” He says before biting into his sandwich. I look up at him and drink in his appearance in the afternoon light.

  His hair looks greyer now that the sun is spotlighting it, but his body is still as hard as ever. His eyes dark and intelligent as he watches over me. “I was just thinking.” I shrug and bite into my sandwich as well. Even this simple dish tastes great and I don’t mind chewing it down to fill my belly.

  “Care to share?” He asks carefully, like he’s afraid to ruin the thought for me.

  “I think you’re a good Daddy, is all.”

  “Thank you, Hannah. That means a great deal to me.”

  “Do you ever want children of your own?” I dare to ask, remember he had a wife at one point in his life.

  “Maybe.” He lowers what’s left of his sandwich and leans his elbows on the table. “I thought I did, when I was younger. I would have killed to have a child of my own, but now I’m older and busy.” His head shakes and his eyes slowly lift to meet mine. “I wouldn’t be upset if it happened. I would love and care for the child with everything I have, but it would be a large adjustment at this point.”

  “Did your wife want kids?” My voice is so low, I can hardly hear it but Jacob coughs a laugh.

  “No, sweet girl. All she wanted was my money.” His hand lifts to rub over his face. “We met in college when I had just got my real estate license. She said she could tell I was something, but I didn’t know what she meant. She was always selfish and greedy but convenient.” His head lowers again and he scoffs. “God, that sounds awful but it’s true. She left me alone to do my business and was there when I needed to fuck out my stress. We married and kept the same routine. I’d make a big commission, we’d fuck, and then she’s spend it. Over and over like a rinse cycle. I didn’t care, not really. I thought I was being a good husband, I thought I was making her happy. Turns out, she was using my money to gain social clout and was sleeping with every doctor, lawyer and business man she came across.”

  “Ugh,” my nose wrinkles and I reach out for Jacob’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah.” He chuckles like it doesn’t matter, but I can tell how much it does. “She was trying to trade up, but they all saw in her what I chose not to. She was wicked and conniving. No one would take her.” He makes that awful laugh again and I squeeze his hand. “I came home one night after closing a particularly hard deal to find her fucking two guys from the country club she’d made me join.” He turns his hand over and squeezes my small fingers back. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s okay. I didn’t love her, not like I should have or I would have seen what was happening. I made sure she saw me standing there, watching her take a cock up her ass and in her nasty twat before I walked out and right to my lawyers. I filed for a divorce, paid the money to make it move along quickly and moved to the city. The apartment was small, but like I said, I was working so much I was never home.”

  “Do you still speak with her?” I climb out of my seat and move over to sit in Jacob’s lap. He touches my chin the way that I love and shakes his head.

  “No, I haven’t seen her since we divided our assets five years ago.”

  “I’m sorry she did that to you, Daddy.” I lean in to kiss his cheek and he hugs me too him.

  “It’s in the past, princess. It makes no difference, now.” He kisses my mouth and pats my thigh. “If you’re finished eating, I’d like to take you shopping for an outfit to wear to the club tonight.”

  “Really?” I cup my hands over his jaw and look into his eyes. This man has taken ownership over my body with just the touch of his hands and now, as I get to know the man behind those hands, I want to give him my heart too.

  “Of course, something frilly and cute. I’m thinking Pollyanna style. Ya know, sweet girl going to get out of her chains and all. You can be glad for that right?” I roll my eyes at his joke and swat his shoulder playfully.

  “I’m a little but not a little from nineteen thirteen.” He stands up and puts me on my feet.

  “You could be.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “It is roleplay after all.”

  To be continued…

  Bad Kitten

  To my incredible editing team,

  Judy and Michelle

  Without y’all, these stories would be messy! I can’t say how much I appreciate the time and support you both give me but I hope you know, I’d be lost without you.

  Haley Monroe


  Jacob steers his SUV down the curvy country roads that will bring us to town. Thirty minutes can seem so short when you’re winding back and forth through the country. The fact that a country mile can be so much longer than a city one, has always made me smile. I watch the trees as we speed past, most of their limbs bare now that the early winter winds have stripped them. My eyes flit from the blur of naked tress up to the clear blue of the sky, the brightness of the sun makes me squint but I’m glad for it. Glad for it all.

  The world seems safe from the passenger side of Jacob’s vehicle. Normally, I’m paranoid about the car breaking down or getting into an accident. What if no one knows where I am when I crash and I’m stuck, lonely and dying? How long would it take for people to realize I’m missing? Would they even notice? I worry about the weather, all the time. The rain or snow, if it’s too windy or so perfectly calm out that other drivers become carefree and reckless. What if black ice has formed on the pavement, unbeknownst to me, just waiting there for a chance to grab at my wheels and send me skidding over its surface to throw me into a tree? Or worse? I worry about everything, all the time, but not today. Not while Jacob is in control.

  My mind has run away with me and caused time to skip a beat. One second I’m looking at the woods and being glad and after a blink of my eyes, we’re in town. The shopping here isn’t super fancy or anything but it’s enough to make due. We drive past the old strip mall and I hold my breath, hoping he doesn’t swing in there. The store I work at is tucked into the far corner and I’m not ready to explain him to my co-workers just yet. They are some nosey bitches and with his looks and age, it’ll be a nonstop gossip factory guaranteed.

  We drive right past the worn down mall and I sigh a bit of relief. That particular worry is saved for another day. The SUV continues through town and I try to stay present, but again I get lost in the world around us. There isn’t much traffic at this hour, the people of this sleepy town aren’t in much of a hurry on a chilly Saturday and it’s almost as if we are the only two about. Even the coffee shop where we met is vacant.

  I’m surprised when Jacob pulls the vehicle to a stop in front of a tiny thrift store just a few miles from my job. I turn in the seat and squint at him. “Here?” He lives in a fucking castle and makes unholy amounts of money selling luxury properties all over the country and he wants to take me shopping in a hand me down store? I mean I’m not above a good sale, but when he said we’d go shopping I kind of imagined one of those movie scenes where he’d be lounging on a sofa as I try on all types of fancy new clothes. I’d walk out of the fitting room, striking poses as he shakes his head in disapproval until that one final outfit makes his jaw drop.

  Jacob nods with a serious expression that tells me my fantasy is just that, a fantasy. He’s wearing a plain white tee with the black basketball shorts he’d pulled on earlier this morning and a pair of Aviator sunglasses. He looks cool and sexy, like some college jock who’s so far out of your league, all you can do is fantasize about him and pray one day he notices you.

  Everything about him says he’s controlled and relaxed, proving that we are complete opposites. Jacob lifts his sunglasses, allowing me to look into his deep brown eyes. Our gazes lock and my heart stutters. I’m so thankful t
o be able to give up my anxieties to this man. Unless you suffer from anxiety, you have no idea what kind of a toll, emotionally and physically, it can take on you. It’s a weight you can’t get rid of and a burden you don’t know when you acquired, but its there, always with you. Always waiting to spring up in the most inopportune times.

  I feel free of it all in this moment and know it’s because of him. Because of the night and morning we shared together. Because of how he speaks to me and changes the way I speak to myself. He only ever encourages me, even when he’s disciplining me.

  “Hell yeah, here.” He jerks the keys from the ignition and grips the door handle. “They don’t sell Pollyanna outfits at the department stores nowadays, kitten.” He’s teasing me, and I wish it wasn’t funny, but it is. We’re going out to The Play House tonight. A BDSM/ age play focused club, to meet with our friends Miranda and Tom for a play date. Jacob had joked that I should dress like the nineteen thirteen classic character Pollyanna, but I don’t have the go getting, glad attitude he does. I’m more of a ‘pout till you get what you want’ or ‘worry about it till you make the worst happen’ kinda gal. That thought stops me in my tracks. Wasn’t I just thinking of how glad I am for everything this morning? For being with him and being under his care? Hell, maybe he’s turning me in to the Pollyanna type, after all.

  “Meh,” I shrug trying to keep the smile off my face. He’d only tease me more if he knew how fucking glad I was turning out to be.

  “Meh?” Jacob raises an eyebrow and tsks me. “Hannah, I thought we were going to try to be a good girl for the rest of the day?” He reaches over and places a hand on my thigh. I’m still wearing his pale pink dress shirt that I tied a belt around to make the shirt into a dress and the fucking chastity belt he’s locked me in since this morning. His warm hand sends hot prickles across my skin.

  “I am being good.” I bat my lashes and push his hand off my leg with a quick swipe of my hand. It feels naughty to push him away from my skin and a different kind of anxiety puddles in my core. Knowing I’m being punished by orgasm denial, makes his teasing touches too hard to handle. My pussy throbs that much harder knowing I can’t find any relief until he grants it. “I’m just not sure I can pull off the sweet, innocent look. I thought we’d hit up some place like Hot Topic or something fetish-y.” I lie. I know I can pull it off, I just don’t know if I want to. I want to dress like the naughty little girl I feel like at the club tonight. I want to look so good that all the Doms who didn’t click with me, notice how good I look under Jacob’s hands.

  I want to show off the body I starve myself for and make all the other subs jealous that they weren’t the ones to be claimed by Jacob Hoff. I want Jacob to be proud to be my Daddy in a space where everyone understands the lifestyle choice. This will be our first public outing together as a couple and I want it to be special.

  Instead, I’m stuck in this fucking chastity belt and will probably end up embarrassing myself trying to convince Jacob to let me out of it. I can imagine us sitting in the play area, people playing all around us while my pussy juices leak down my inner thighs for all to see. I picture myself begging to be released, begging to come and still Jacob refuses. I can almost hear his dark chuckle as he asks if I’ve learned my lesson yet. His happy laugh at my pouted lips tickles my imagination as he enjoys my whining pleas, both of us knowing full well I haven’t learned much in the first lesson.

  Ugh, even that imagined scenario fucking turns me on.

  “You look very sweet, right now.” He doesn’t seem upset that I’ve pushed his hand away and for that, I’m thankful. “I think Hot Topic would be a clash of your character and send the wrong message, don’t you?”

  “I can pull off leather and vinyl just as well as any sub.” I push my nose in the air, pretending to be offended by looking sweet.

  “I’m sure you can, kitten.” He turns from me then and we both reach for the door handles and climb out of the car. Autumn and winter are fighting for control of the Northern states, the frozen wind of the coming season brushes up my legs and causes some of the colored leaves left above us to fall free from the branches. I skip to the front of the car and slid right under Jacob’s outstretched arm.

  He snuggles me close to his side as we hurry across the parking lot. I happily leach his body heat from his side and snuggle my cheek to the soft fabric of his tee. His body is so firm against mine and my hand fits perfectly between his pecs. Actually, all of me fits perfectly next to Jacob Hoff. I rub my nose against his side and inhale his scent. A scent that is beginning to calm me for no reason other than I’ve familiarized it with him.

  When we reach the store front, he pulls open the heavy door and ushers me through. My next breath of air isn’t so calming. It stinks in here, like must or mildew. My nose wrinkles as the stench climbs its way into my nose. Jacob’s hand is still on my lower back, just under where his belt cinches around my waist, keeping me from backtracking into the parking lot for fresh air.

  “Let’s go to the back.” His chin nods towards the rear of the store where I can see racks of frills and lace in ugly hues of all kinds. Old dresses line the back wall, dresses that no one should ever wear again. I can easily pick out eighty’s bridesmaids dresses and the rejected prom dresses, stuffed together back there to die.

  “Do we have to?” I pout. I don’t want to shop here. I want something new and tight not something worn and smelly.

  “Yes.” His hand slips down to grip my ass cheek firmly. “Let’s just look with an open mind, kitten.” His hand is tight, so tight on my ass that it stops me from walking. I look around to see if anyone shopping with us will notice his hand on my rear, but we’re practically alone in the itty-bitty shop. An older sales clerk at the cash register is the only other person I see over the racks of clothing. “If we can’t find something to suit you for this evening, we’ll go somewhere else. Okay?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I whisper, leaning my weight into his front, my hand daring to rub up his thigh and toward his dick. My emotions are all mixed up inside of me. Be good, be bad. Throw a fit, follow along. I don’t know how to sort myself out and try to push all the confusion to the side. I let my fingers curl around the bulk of him and hum at the mere fact that just holding his dick brings me pleasure. My pussy aches inside of its cage and I wish desperately to be free of it.

  “That’s my girl.” He smiles and kisses my temple. His hand relaxes over my ass cheek, but sneaks down to the back of my thigh and rubs upward under the tail of the shirt I’m wearing to caress my bare ass. I whimper slightly as arousal bristles along my pussy lips at his touch. “Let’s continue.” He pinches the underside of my right butt cheek before he removes his hand from under my makeshift dress and brushes my hand from his cock much like I pushed him away earlier.

  The firm grip he had on me and then the gentle caress, punctuated by the sharp pinch of his fingers has my body all revved up. The metal plate covering my pussy feels like it’s heating up as my pussy grows damp underneath it. I wonder if by the end of this lesson, my cunt will burn so hot that it’ll melt the belt from my body, allowing me to set myself free.

  I glance up at Jacob’s profile and think about asking just how long he’s planning to keep me trapped in this torture device, but I don’t want to give him a reason to see how long I can last. I tell myself I have to be good, no more pouting or complaining. I’ll wear whatever he wants, for as long as he wants and do exactly as he says and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll get to show off at the club.

  After my inner pep talk, I force myself to look at the terrible pile of blah. My hands reach out to divide the ugly dresses on the rack. They are packed so tightly together that it’s hard to get a good look at each one. Jacob has wandered from my side to do the same thing at the other end of the display. I get distracted looking at him. His shoulders flex under his shirt every time he pushes a dress to the side and his bicep strains against the sleeve. I lean into the clothes and just watch him. From this angle, I can see the w
eight of his dick poking his shorts out just enough to be noticeable if you happen to be staring at him like I am. Even though he isn’t erect, it’s easy to tell his dick is huge. I giggle to myself, thinking about how much more his shorts would be tented if he was to get hard. I imagine it must be hard for him to hide such a big cock. My hand covers my lips and I force myself to look away from his crotch.

  His face is a picture of concentration as he looks over each item. I don’t know why he’s thinking so hard, they are all ugly as hell but he is. His eyebrows are drawn together, making his forehead wrinkle up a little bit and his dark eyes are focused. “Hmm” He hums, his sexy mouth pulls into a small frown. “How about this?” He lifts a yellow dress from the rack of many and holds it up for me to look at.

  It looks like the sun threw up on this hideous garment. The bright yellow fabric looks itchy and is trimmed in a burnt orange lace that’s clearly tattered. I shake my head and turn back to the selection in front of me. Maybe if I actually look, I can find something not horrible before he settles on something super terrible.

  We work our way toward each other as we sort through the awful selection and then I hear Jacob make a sound that makes my gut drop. “Ah hah!” He cries triumphantly. Oh no, I slowly look over in his direction, terrified of what I’ll find in his hands this time. He’s found the smallest pink skirt on the planet with thick amounts of white tulle piled under the few inches of pink material. He holds it up in one hand with a pleased smile. I’m almost scared to inspect the garment in his other hand but step closer to him anyway.


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