Book Read Free

Keeping Him

Page 15

by Kennedy Fox

  Once we’re done eating, I finally cave and say something. “So, are we going to talk about what happened today or keep pretending everything is fine?”

  Trent looks at me. “All I’m going to say is don’t let that shit happen again, Kiera,” he warns, immediately sending me into a rage.

  “What shit? What are you talkin’ about? Me being with a customer? Me being with my best friend?” I snap. “Jackson and I are only friends. Been friends our whole lives. I’ve told ya that a hundred times.”

  “I don’t care, Kiera. I don’t like it. I don’t like the way he looks at you. I don’t trust him. If I catch you together—alone like that again—it’s not gonna be pretty.” His jaw clenches, and he stands, taking his plate with him and placing it in the sink.

  “Alright, first off—” I begin, not waiting for him to face me or come back to the table. “Don’t talk down to me like a child. Secondly, if you wanna fight, which you obviously do by the way you’re acting, let’s put everything out on the table then and discuss the statements I found in the top right drawer of your desk. Statements from a bank I’ve never seen or heard of before.”

  “What the hell are you talkin’ about?” Trent walks back, folding his arms as if he’s gearing up for battle. “And why were you snooping through my desk?” His question comes out accusatory, even though if he had nothing to hide he shouldn’t care what I see or where I look.

  “I wasn’t snooping. I asked you for a check for the orchestra, and the statements were right there. I didn’t recognize the bank name, and when I saw a thousand dollars get taken out every single month for the past several years, well, I got curious. I thought we shared a joint checking for our personal stuff and we each had our own business accounts. So yeah, why don’t you tell me as long as we’re traveling down this road?”

  My breathing shallows as my chest rises with adrenaline. I’ve never been this mad at him before, and it feels all kinds of wrong, but a fight happening like this has been inevitable for some time now. Considering the stress of the wedding and our intense work schedules, the spark between us has dimmed, and I’m left wondering if the honeymoon period is over before it even had a chance to begin.

  “Is that why you’ve been acting so crazy lately? You think I’m cheatin’ on you or something?” His tone is harsh, and it causes my blood to boil.

  The thought of him having a side woman crossed my mind, or perhaps a debt he didn’t want me to know about, but then his face goes soft and sweet, making me second-guess ever having those assumptions. Trent is way too kind and widely liked and adored across the county. He’d never want to tarnish his reputation; not to mention he was brought up with the right morals and values from a traditional, Southern family.

  “I’m not sure what I thought,” I reply. “I had a few scenarios floating through my mind, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hurt when I saw it. I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other, especially since we’re open about our financials and business income. It was a shock, and I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”

  “Babe, look…” He steps closer. “I’m so sorry you found it and thought I was intentionally keeping something from you. Honestly, it’s one of those things that I just forgot about, and I promise you it’s nothing bad. It’s an old checking account that I autopay my student loans from, and I just never switched when I opened a new checking account in town. I auto transfer the money from my main account so there’s enough for the withdrawal, and it’s just something I forgot to bring up. That’s it. I keep the statements as receipts for tax purposes.” Trent closes the space between us and reaches for my hand. “That’s all it is, sweetheart. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Ten pounds lift from my chest as he tenderly explains it all. Truthfully, I should’ve just asked him about it right away instead of letting it bottle up, but a tinge of doubt made me worry about knowing the truth.

  “Okay,” I say, releasing a deep breath. “I was just surprised, ya know? The only way this is going to truly work is if our communication is open and we’re honest with each other.”

  “Of course, darling. I want it all with you.” He winks, wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me into his chest. “I’m sorry for how I acted with Jackson.” He looks down and sucks in his bottom lip as if he needs to dig deep to find the courage to say his next words. “I have a hard time understanding your friendship with him, and I don’t like sharin’, Kiera. I want you to myself.”

  “You have me, Trent. I’m marrying you,” I remind him for the hundredth time. “You’re going to have to accept our friendship or things will continue to be rocky between us, and that’s not fair. We were friends long before I knew you, and we’ve always been close. It’s just how things have always been, so you don’t have to feel threatened.”

  “I know. Deep down, I know y’all are just friends, but that doesn’t mean I like the way he looks at you.”

  “All that matters to me is how you look at me, so stop being a stubborn ass,” I tease with a smile. “You two could get along and be friends if you’d both stop letting your egos get in the way.”

  He snorts, shaking his head. “Fat chance of that ever happening, baby. But for you, I’ll try harder at being understanding and try to play nice.”

  I lean up on my tiptoes and give him a kiss. “Thank you.” He leans down to give me a second kiss. “So…dessert?”

  Trent bends, reaching under my thighs and hoisting me up until my legs wrap around his waist. I squeal, locking my arms around his neck and laugh.

  He flashes a smug smile. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Chapter Fourteen



  “Is there a reason you’re always here?” I hear John behind me and picture him crossing his arms with a scowl.

  I finish filling my mug with coffee before turning around with a shit-eating grin. “What can I say? You have the best brew.”

  He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “That’s for the guests,” he reminds me.

  “And employees,” I correct with a smug grin. “You’re here early.” I look at my watch and see it’s barely six. “Trouble in paradise for the newlyweds already?” I laugh, enjoying giving him shit at all hours of the day.

  “Maize ended up in our bed, and after the third junk shot, I gave up. Left her and Mila to sleep and decided to come in and get a head start instead,” he says, filling up his own cup. “And no. We’re fine, thanks. Going to take her on a surprise real honeymoon in a few weeks, so keep your damn mouth shut.”

  “Wait…does that mean I’ll have to pick up your slack again? Or will Nicole actually do her job?”

  John scoffs and rolls his eyes. Nicole’s been his assistant manager for several years, and he’s has always warned her away from me, but I know it’s only a matter of time before we cross that line. She hasn’t exactly kept her advances on the down low.

  “I’ve picked up your slack for years. You owe me.” He sips his coffee and walks to his office.

  “I like to think it’s been fifty-fifty,” I protest, following him.

  John snorts and takes a seat at his desk, resting his cup on top. He pushes his chair in and wiggles the mouse to wake up his laptop. The ring on his left hand looks foreign, and I’m still getting used to the idea that he and Mila eloped last week.

  “So is this a real surprise, or do y’all plan to come back pregnant?”

  “Don’t jinx me,” he says way too seriously. “I’m not ready for another one yet, and by how some of Mila’s students act, I’m not sure I’ll ever be.”

  I chuckle at his expense, anticipating Mila will get knocked up within the next year. The Bishop DNA is known for many things, but the top two are: strong work ethics and reproducing.

  John proposed over seven months ago, so I’m not that surprised they finally got married, but I am shocked they didn’t want to go all out with a big over-the-top wedding ceremony like everyone else a
round here. Dad nearly had a stroke, and River almost went into labor when we all found out. I think it’s cool as hell that it was just the two of them. Small and intimate and no fuss.

  Mama and Courtney, on the other hand, were blazing pissed.

  John told everyone he was surprising Mila with a weekend away and left Maize with Mama. They left early Friday morning and returned late Sunday night with brand-new rings on their fingers. Apparently, that “surprise” trip was to Vegas where they “spontaneously” got hitched by an Elvis impersonator. It’s as fucking cliché as it sounds, but I’ve never seen my brother so damn happy. They spent the rest of their time there honeymooning—walking down the Strip, getting couples massages, going to shows, gambling, and drinking. In fact, I’m quite sure when they returned, they were still a little tipsy.

  Although I definitely saw Mila as a glam girl and was stunned she didn’t want the whole wedding shebang, it actually made sense for them. Between John working at the B&B, Mila getting her daycare off the ground, and Maize, the two of them are insanely busy keeping up with it all, and she constantly mentioned how stressful planning a wedding would be.

  Before I can respond, my phone dings with a text message at the same time as John’s. We both look at each other and reach for our cells.

  Alex: On our way to the hospital! River’s been in labor all night, so it’s finally time! Dropped Riley off with Mama, so I’ll need you to cover my chores for me. I’ll update y’all when I can.

  Fuck that. I’ll make Colton do them.

  “Damn, looks like another Bishop is about to be born,” John says, smiling.

  Jackson: I’ll take care of it. Let us know when we can come up! Go Team BOY!

  I smile when I send the text, eager to find out what they’re having. Since they wanted the gender to be a surprise, we’ve all been taking guesses, and just to rile him up, I’ve been saying it’s going to be a boy and they’re going to end up with four boys just like Mama and Dad.

  “Well, I better go make sure Colton’s ass is awake. I have lessons this morning, so we better get started on chores now.” I slide my phone back into my pocket and finish the last of my coffee. “Let me know when you guys head to the hospital so I can ride with ya.”

  “Okay,” he says as I start walking out. “But you’re paying half for gas this time!” he calls out when I’m close to the front door. I shake my head and smirk, knowing he saw right through that one.

  The hospital is an hour away, and diesel is expensive, so I try to bum a ride here and there.

  Once I’m back at my truck, I call Colton and hear his sleepy voice on the other end.

  “Get your ass up, Langston. Alex’s wife is having the baby, so you’re my bitch today.” I start my truck and pound on the gas as I make my way to the other barn.

  “Fuck off, Bishop,” he grumbles.

  “Don’t make me come over there and spray you with my hose,” I warn, revving up my engine.

  “There ain’t no fuckin’ hose over here,” he scorns as I hear shuffling and movement on his end.

  “Not a water hose, you dumbass. Now, unless you enjoy golden showers, you better be up and ready by the time I get there.”

  “Shit…give me ten minutes, okay? Jesus,” he hisses. “Sorry babe, I gotta get to work,” I hear him whisper.

  “You have a chick over?” I’m dying laughing. “Even better.”

  “Shut your mouth.”

  “No can do. Be there in five minutes.” I hang up before he can respond, thinking of all the ways I could fuck up his day. Colton’s become a good friend of mine since he started working here, but that doesn’t exempt him from getting hazed like a rookie.

  I arrive exactly three minutes later, thanks to speeding most of the way to the ranch hand quarters. When I realize his front door is locked, I begin pounding as loudly as I can, banging my fist against the wooden door.

  “Colton! You small dick, open up!”

  “I’m going to fuckin’ kill you,” Colton says as soon as he whips open the door.

  I raise my brows when I see him wearing red silk boxers with black knee socks. “Dude…” I keel over laughing. “What the hell are you wearin’? You look like fuckin’ Santa Claus.”

  “I hate you. Get out.” He tries to slam the door in my face, but I’m too fast for his slow ass and stick my boot out.

  “Not a chance, Kris Kringle. Horses need to be fed, watered, and brushed, gotta shovel shit, move hay, fix a few fences, oil the saddles, and pull some weeds by the B&B,” I explain, listing it all out for him and laughing at how annoyed he looks right now. “Oh, and that’s just half the chores since Alex isn’t gonna be here. So go find your plush red suit and let’s go.”

  “You’re such a dick. I said I needed ten minutes.” He leaves the door open and walks away.

  “And I gave you three, so tick tock.”

  “Oh, hello…” A sultry, sweet voice comes from the kitchen as soon as I walk in and help myself to a bottle of water. Turning, I see Colton’s date for the night wearing nothing more than a baggy T-shirt, and no coincidence it’s red, which is so not helping his case right now.

  “Ho, ho, ho…” I snort, but before I can tell her I’m joking, Colton comes up behind me and smacks me across the head.

  “C’mon, Dana. Let’s go take a shower. It’ll be faster.” Colton grabs her hand and starts leading her down the hallway, but before he does, he looks over his shoulder and mouths, “Motherfucker.”

  “Seven minutes!” I call out. “Or I’m coming in and joining.”

  Dana giggles, and I have no doubt she’d probably like that.

  Seventeen minutes later, he finally returns fully dressed and ready to go. I’m sitting at the table with my leg crossed over my knee, and when I look down at my watch, he rolls his eyes and moves past me.

  “Ten minutes late,” I tsk. “That’s comin’ out of your lunch break,” I taunt, sliding the chair back and standing up to follow him out.

  “And it was totally worth it,” he says, grabbing his hat off the coat rack and placing it on his head. “Sweet ass to share my bed with beats food any day.”

  Laughing, I shake my head at him as we get into my truck. “Shit, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re worse than me. Guess Christmas is the most magical time of year after all.”

  “Or you could say Christmas came early…” he adds, smirking proudly.

  “You’re a nasty fuck.” I chuckle.

  I go through our chores again, then Colton and I go our separate ways, trying to get as much done as possible. The morning quickly transitions into afternoon, and the sun is blazing hot, causing sweat to drip down my face and neck as I finish the majority of the day’s chores. I had three lessons this morning and then cleaned the barn to get ready for a ranch tour. I like to keep the barn as organized and tidy as possible, unlike my personal life, because it’s my second home. I spend every day with the horses, and even though I like to pretend I don’t get attached, it’s too easy to not. Kiera takes the new ones for a few months at a time, and I find myself missing them even when they’re huge pains in the asses before they’re trained.

  Alex sent an update a while ago saying River would deliver soon, and I’m waiting on pins and needles to find out the gender and that everyone is healthy and okay. She had an emergency C-section with Riley and is now trying for a VBAC for baby number two. Since she’s a pediatric nurse, she knows a lot about the health benefits to at least try, which is why they didn’t schedule one for her.

  Mama already took Riley up there to wait and be there as soon as he or she arrives, but the rest of us will wait to arrive when they’re ready for visitors.

  “Heard you’re gonna be an uncle again soon,” Nicole sweetly says the minute she sees me walking into the B&B. I’m sweatin’ balls, yet that doesn’t seem to bother her one bit. “Congrats!” She smiles wide, holding her gaze on me as I head to the kitchen for a tall glass of cold water.

  “Thanks. Still waiting for the
news. Hopefully soon.”

  “Well, I have off tomorrow if you want to hang later tonight. I was going to maybe have a couple of drinks on the back patio and relax out there for a change.”

  Since the B&B runs seven days a week, Nicole works a lot, and although she’s been around for the past few years, she’s kept her distance for the most part. Until lately, it seems.

  “Maybe,” is all I say. I down the large glass of ice water.

  “Well, you know where to find me.” Nicole winks as I walk toward John’s office.

  “You know it, babe.” I flash her my panty-melting smirk that all the chicks go nuts over. I shouldn’t be laying it on this thick, considering she works with John, but it’s just too tempting sometimes.

  Just then my phone goes off, and I’m relieved when I see it’s Alex with another update.

  Alex: Baby GIRL is here!! She and River are doing amazing. Y’all can come up anytime.

  I smile wide, excited to hear the news. Though I was wrong about it being a boy, I’m genuinely happy for my little brother.

  Jackson: Congrats, bro. Glad to hear it! I’ll be riding up with John in about an hour. See you soon!

  “I’m gonna shower, then I’ll be ready to go,” I say into the office where John’s sitting. “Alex texted me the exciting news.”

  “Sounds good. Mila said they’ll be ready in about thirty minutes, so meet us at the house if you want a lift.”

  “I will.”

  After an hour drive to the hospital, spending two hours there meeting the new baby and unwillingly overhearing the birth story, and another hour to get home, we’re finally back at the ranch, and I’ve never been more grateful to be a man. Though River took everything like a champ, the detailed images that are flooding my mind have me thanking God for not having a vagina.


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