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Page 137

by Ian Kershaw

  restructuring of (1938) 398

  Russian campaign 619, 637, 649, 767

  size of 337

  Luitpoldhain 241

  Lüneburg 964

  Luther, Hans 267

  Luther, Martin 157, 163, 181

  Lutze, Viktor 305, 309, 313, 315, 760

  Luxembourg 557

  Luzk 670

  McLean, Donald 611

  ‘Madagascar solution’ 453, 576–8, 593, 594, 677

  Magdeburg 454, 457, 893, 958

  Maginot Line 538, 559

  Magnuszev bridgehead 888

  Main river 914

  Mainz 893, 894

  Maisel, Ernst 875

  Majdanek concentration and extermination camp 262, 715

  male fantasy 106

  Malicious Practices Act (1933) 279

  Malta 608, 717

  Manchester Guardian 968

  manganese 775, 787, 862

  Manicheism 148, 763

  Mannerheim, Baron Carl Gustav von 718, 868

  Mannesmann (corporation) 451

  Mansfeld, Erich 967

  Manstein, Erich von: 11th Army 710

  and battle for Stalingrad 734–6, 738

  chief of staff of Army Group A 554, 664

  and development of genocidal programme 673

  dismissal 796–7

  and invasion of Czechoslovakia 429

  moved to Stettin 555

  and Operation Citadel 755–6, 767, 770, 772, 774, 787–9

  rejects approach by opposition groups 824

  and retaking of Kharkhov 754–5, 757

  and spring/summer offensive (1942) 717, 718, 719, 724

  and taking of Sevastopol 718, 719

  ‘Manstein plan’ 554–5

  Manteuffel, Hasso von 881, 883, 884

  Manziarly, Constanze 926, 929, 954

  Marburg, University of 307

  ‘March Fallen’ (Märzgefallene) 291

  Margival (Führer Headquarters) 807

  Marita, Operation 604, 607–10

  Market Garden, Operation 866–7

  Marne river 866

  Marseilles 866

  Marx, Karl xxxiii, 49, 145

  Marxism: H’s attacks on 91, 119, 138, 178, 262, 264, 268, 270, 272

  Jews and 38, 49, 64, 150–51, 449

  Marxist press 38

  and National Socialist movement 50 see also anti-Marxism

  Marzahn 926

  Märzgefallene (‘March Fallen’) 291

  ‘master race’ 148, 632

  masturbation 23

  Matsuoka, Yosuke 605–7, 657

  Maurice, Emil 147, 220, 293

  Mauthausen concentration camp 775, 776

  May Day affair (1923) 121–3

  May, Karl 7, 9

  Mayer, Joseph 533

  Maykop 653, 711, 722, 723

  Mayr, Karl 72–3, 74, 75, 76–7, 93–4

  Mayrhofer, Josef 19–20

  Me262 (fighter aircraft) 791, 801

  Mecklenburg-Schwerin 141, 142, 188, 193, 205, 230, 490, 931

  Medicus, Franz Albrecht 344–5

  Mediterranean: ‘an Italian sea’ 370, 581

  British navy in 571, 580, 733, 766

  H’s hopes for strategic gain 591–2

  Mefo-Bills 267

  Mein Kampf see Hitler, Adolf: Works

  Meissner, Otto 234, 252, 264, 313, 324, 477, 505, 925

  Memelland 475, 480–81

  Mendelssohn, Felix 41

  mentally ill patients 528–35, 573

  Meran 799

  Mercury, Operation 608

  Mers-el-Kébir 562

  Mertz von Quirnheim, Albrecht Ritter 834, 839, 840, 841, 845

  Messerschmitt, Willi 791, 801

  Messina, Straits of 771

  Metz 807, 865

  Meuse river 557, 883

  Meyer, Alfred 687–8

  Michael, King of the Romanians 867

  Mickey Mouse cartoons 377

  Mierendorff, Carlo 824

  Miklas, Wilhelm 410, 412

  Milan 370, 953

  Milch, Erhard 408, 737, 791, 792, 800, 801

  Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich 506, 751, 752

  Minsk 622, 626, 627, 676, 687, 690, 811, 821

  Mischlinge (part-Jews) 681, 690, 696

  Model, Walter: H’s ‘fireman’ 813

  and Operation Citadel 756, 766–7

  replaces Busch 813, 814

  replaces Kluge 864–5

  replaces Manstein 797

  in the Ruhr 911, 919

  suicide 919

  Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur 105

  Mogilew 687, 810

  Mohnke, Wilhelm 939–40, 946, 954, 960

  Möllendorf, Leonhard von 831

  Molotov, Vyacheslav 488, 489, 495, 496, 498–9, 583–6, 876

  Moltke, Helmuth James Graf von 823–4

  Mönichkirchen 607, 608

  Montgomery, Sir Bernard (later 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein) 727, 730, 772, 865, 893

  Montoire 582

  Moravia 387, 474, 475, 479, 574

  Morell, Theodor (H’s doctor): electrocardiograms 640, 869 in Führer Bunker 923, 926, 928

  H’s reliance on 380, 782, 870

  and July 1944 assassination attempt 832, 849

  questionable treatments 870

  revival of President Hácha 477

  Morgenthau Plan (1944) 910

  Morocco 362, 580, 592

  Mortain 864

  Moscow 590, 591, 626, 636–41, 644, 646–8, 653–4, 700

  motorways (Autobahn) 271–2, 425, 431, 632, 650, 702, 720

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus xxx, 20

  Muchow, Reinhold 288

  Mühldorf am Inn 411

  Müller, Adolf 221

  Müller, Friedrich-Wilhelm 890

  Müller, Heinrich 671, 696, 890

  Müller, Hermann 191, 199

  Müller, Karl Alexander 73, 93

  Müller, Ludwig 296

  Münchener Beobachter (newspaper) 82

  Münchener Post (newspaper) 99, 136, 220

  Münchner Neueste Nachrichten (newspaper) 153

  Munich: Allied bombing of 728, 894

  arrival of American troops (30 April 1945) 961

  art galleries 45

  Artists’ Club 458

  beerhalls 77, 79, 81, 96, 126

  Bogenhausen 211

  bourgeoisie 95, 97, 116

  ‘Brown House’ 212, 213, 243, 293, 311, 444, 952

  Bürgerbräukeller 127–30, 136, 137, 163, 171, 456, 544–7, 816

  cafés 97–8, 115, 211, 213, 218, 219

  deportation of Jews 689

  Deutsches Künstlerhaus 450–51

  Feldherrnhalle 52, 137, 173, 458, 968

  during First World War 52, 58, 61, 680

  Fürstenfelder Hof 82

  Hauptbahnhof 69

  Herzogpark 160

  Hofbräuhaus 84, 85, 86–7, 103, 110, 113, 120, 183, 784, 793, 905, 907

  as H’s power base 163, 167

  Jewish businesses 450

  Königliche Hof- und Staatsbibliothek 49

  Löwenbräukeller 120, 652, 730, 777

  military rule (1919) 71–2

  November pogrom (1938) 455–8, 465–6

  Odeonsplatz 52, 131

  Old Town Hall 456, 457, 465

  Osteria Bavaria 461, 709

  party rallies 119–20, 122, 357

  People’s Court 134

  ‘Rally of German Art’ (1939) 490

  Räterepublik 67–8, 69, 70–71, 72, 90, 106, 107, 135

  rebuilding plans 856

  Schwabing 48

  Soldiers’ Councils 66, 68, 69, 70–71

  Solln 99

  Stadelheim prison 108, 310, 311, 312

  Sterneckerbräu 75

  synagogues destroyed 450–51, 457, 465

  Vier Jahreszeiten hotel 82, 334, 457

  völkisch groups 81–2, 84, 95, 121, 132–3, 136

  ‘White Rose’ group 740–

  Zircus Krone 89, 96, 123, 178

  Munich Agreement (1938) 434–47, 471, 473–4, 479–80

  Munich Art Academy 45

  Munich University 72–3, 77, 191, 741

  Münster 918

  Münstereifel 556

  music 11, 12, 19, 20–21, 160, 626, 701, 709–10, 742, 781, 800

  Mussert, Anton 713

  Mussolini, Benito: and the Anschluß 492, 409, 410

  anti-Bolshevism 369

  captured and executed 953

  coins ‘Axis’ term 370

  and Czechoslovakia 425–6, 442–4, 452

  fall of 761, 762, 767–8

  and German occupation of France 560

  and German rearmament 336, 350

  and ‘great men’ theory 181

  H compared with 78, 110, 112, 176

  H loses confidence in 762, 763

  and Heß affair (May 1941) 614

  house-arrest 768, 774

  H’s bust of 212

  invasion of Abyssinia 338–9, 350, 352

  invasion of Greece 581, 583, 591, 604, 608

  Italianization of South Tyrol 183

  ‘March on Rome’ (1922) 110, 111, 114

  meeting with Franco (February 1941) 592

  meeting with Matsuoka (April 1941) 606

  misses meeting with H and Laval (November 1942) 732

  and Munich Agreement negotiations (1938) 442–4, 445

  opens path to the ‘Axis’ 350–51

  and Operation Barbarossa 619, 621

  and Polish crisis (1939) 497, 502–3, 506

  proposed peace terms with Stalin 736

  ‘Repubblica di Salò’ 774

  and Spanish Civil War 362

  state visit to Germany (1937) 369, 385

  talks with H: (October 1940) 580–81, 582, 583;

  (June 1941) 619;

  (May 1942) 709–10;

  (April 1943) 757;

  (July 1943) 767;

  (September 1943) 774

  virile images of 176

  visits H after assassination attempt (July 1944) 829, 839, 841–2

  Mutschmann, Martin 905

  Nachrichtenabteilung (‘Information Department’) 71–2

  Nadolny, Rudolf 297, 332

  Naples 772

  Napoleon Bonaparte 78, 111, 113, 485, 620, 622, 628, 641, 665, 858

  Narev river 517, 888, 889, 894

  Narvik 551, 552, 553

  National Committee of Free Germany 897

  ‘national community’ (Volksgemeinschaft) 182, 198, 203–4, 272, 323, 327

  ‘National Day of Celebration of the German People’ (1 May) 358

  ‘National Redoubt’ 935

  ‘national renewal’ 514

  National Socialism: ‘25 theses’ 86, 171, 172

  antisemitism as ‘ideological cement’ 285

  characteristics of H’s regime 421–2, 571–3, 738, 746–7, 750, 753, 900, 966–9

  comes of its own in war 514–15

  Leader as embodiment of ‘idea’ 172, 185, 200–201, 330

  and north German NSDAP 167

  Strasser’s views 166–7, 200

  and völkisch movement 81

  National Socialist Doctors’ League 529, 530–31

  National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation; NSBO) 288–9

  National Socialist Freedom Movement (Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung; NSFB) 143–4, 162, 166

  National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP; Nazi Party): attempts to merge with DSP 100–101 banning of 125, 132, 140, 145, 161, 162

  benefits from Depression 196–7, 198, 203–4, 257–8

  Bormann’s restructuring for peacetime Germany 917–18

  chairmanship 95–6, 103–4, 132

  corruption 225, 326–7

  and Deutscher Kampfbund 124

  dominant role in last months of regime 853–4

  early mass meetings 87–9, 96–7

  and economic crisis of 1929 192–4

  factional disputes 186, 200–201

  first experiment in government 197–8

  Führer cult 110–13, 119–20, 185–6, 200, 249

  funding of 117–18, 187, 198, 224–5, 241, 269

  growth of 94, 99, 109–110, 116–17, 118, 184–5, 186, 191, 194, 198, 291, 327–8

  ‘Gymnastic and Sports Section’ 88

  H establishes supreme mastery 169–73, 194–5, 200–201

  H takes over leadership 79, 83–4, 100–104, 108–10

  and Heß affair (May 1941) 613–14

  and intellectuals 291–2

  membership 162–3, 184, 191, 194, 198, 205–6, 291

  in ‘National Opposition’ 223–4

  national revolutionary wing 193, 207

  north Germany NSDAP (1925) 166–9

  and November pogrom (1938) 460

  ‘Old Fighters’ 731, 784, 847

  organization and structure 190, 205–6, 212, 216, 306, 327–9, 448, 917–18

  paramilitary organization 106–8, 118, 120–21, 124, 223

  Political Central Commission 248

  possible coalition with Zentrum 238, 263

  Programme of 1920 168, 169, 171, 172, 183, 189, 402, 905, 907

  proposed merger with DVFP 141–2, 143

  purchases Völkischer Beobachter 95

  rallies see under Rallies, Nazi Party

  refoundation (1925) 162–6

  Reichsleitung 531

  Reichstag elections: (1928) 190, 204;

  (1930) 198, 201–2, 204–6, 209, 223;

  (1932) 230, 231–2, 241–2;

  (1933) 277, 300

  renamed from DAP 87–8

  seizure of power throughout Germany 280–82, 290

  socialists leave party 201

  state elections (1932) 228, 230

  tensions with SA 216–17

  ‘wilderness years’ 184–91

  national-conservative group 823

  nationalism: in Franconia 110

  in Linz 9, 39–40

  in Munich 82–3

  pan-German 22, 37, 39–40, 47, 70, 151, 401

  radical mystical 200

  of Schönerer movement 22, 39–40

  nationalization of the masses 80, 96, 322–3

  Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation (NSBO; National Socialist Factory Cell Organization) 288–9

  Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung (NSFB; National Socialist Freedom Movement) 143–4, 162, 166

  Naumann, Werner 872, 950

  Nazi Party see National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)

  Nazi Students’ Federation 191

  Neisse river 920

  Neithardt, Georg 134, 135, 136

  Nemmersdorf 879

  Netherlands 557, 579, 633, 713, 961

  Neudeck (Hindenburg family estate) 251, 306, 308, 317, 318

  Neumann, Ernst 475

  Neumann, Franz xxxviii

  Neumann, Josef 32, 33, 40, 43

  Neurath, Konstantin Freiherr von: and the Anschluß 402–3

  and ‘Blood Law’ 346

  and bombing of the Deutschland (1937) 384

  and boycott of Jewish businesses 286

  and collapse of Italy 761–2

  and German expansionism 388, 390–91

  and German withdrawal from League of Nations 298, 299

  and H’s Reich Chancellery entourage 293

  imprisonment 964–5

  and Munich Agreement negotiations (1938) 444

  and Polish non-aggression pact (1934) 331

  and rearmament 335, 351, 352

  remains at Foreign Ministry in H’s cabinet 254

  replaced by Ribbentrop (1938) 398

  ‘retirement’ 685

  ‘New Order’ 632–5, 650–51, 654, 712–13, 775

  New Templar Order 28

  Nice 581

  Niemöller, Martin 296

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 145

  ‘Night of the Long Kniv
es’ (30 June 1934) 98, 249, 284, 309–16

  Nijmegen 866, 892

  Nikopol 775, 787, 788

  Nile river 718

  Nisko 574

  NKVD (Soviet Security Police) 759

  non-aggression pacts: Germany and Poland (1934) 298, 331, 483, 486

  Germany and Soviet Union (1939) 496, 498–9, 500, 501, 502, 551, 580, 585, 621

  Normandy 804, 805–6

  North African campaign 591, 717–18, 727, 729–30, 731, 732–3, 736, 756–7, 760–61

  North Wind, Operation 884–5

  ‘Northern Lights’ offensive 724

  Norway 487, 551–3, 584, 633, 892, 944

  November pogrom (1938) 455–69

  NS-Hago (small traders’ organization) 340

  NSBO see Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation

  NSFB see Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung

  nuclear weapons 874

  Nuremberg: Allied bombing of 753, 894

  branch of Deutsche Werkgemeinschaft 101, 109

  compared with Fürth 758

  Deutscher Tag (‘German Day’) rally (1923) 123–4

  Festhalle 241

  Nazi Party rallies 110;

  (1927) 174, 184–5;

  (1929) 174, 194, 530;

  (1933) 304;

  (1934) 319;

  (1935) 339, 344–5;

  (1936) 361, 363, 364, 365, 368;

  (1937) 378, 381, 383, 386;

  (1938) 432, 434;

  (1939; cancelled) 502

  Nuremberg International Military Tribunal 616, 964

  Nuremberg Laws 339, 342, 344–9

  Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) see German Army High Command

  Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) see Wehrmacht High Command

  Obersalzberg, near Berchtesgaden: Haus Wachenfeld 177, 218, 222, 327

  H’s entourage at 325–6

  H’s holidays (1920s) 176–7

  H’s rooms 5, 325

  H’s stay during summer of 1943 762–3

  Platterhof hotel 116, 802 see also Berghof

  Oder river 888, 891–2, 904, 908, 914, 920

  Odessa 798

  Oertzen, Hans Ulrich von 846

  Offenbach, Jacques 41

  Ohlau 237, 891

  oil: Caucasus 590–91, 641, 653, 710–11, 721, 722–3

  Hungarian 889, 898, 914

  mineral-oil extraction 361

  plants 801, 893

  Romanian 487, 565, 581, 584, 604, 641, 642, 643, 646, 774–5, 801

  Soviet supplies 638, 654, 712

  synthetic 361, 365, 366, 889

  Okamoto, Seigo 657

  OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres) see German Army High Command

  OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) see Wehrmacht High Command

  Olbricht, Friedrich 820, 826, 829, 833, 834, 839, 840–41, 845

  Oldenburg 222, 227, 230, 707


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