A Ton of Crap
Page 19
x = y +4
x = y – 4
x = 4
x = y/4
What does x4(x + 7) equal?
2x + 7
x5 + 7
x5 + 7x4
5x + 7x4
Which of the following is an example of an ion?
Which of the following is an example of a polymer?
Which of the following is true about Belarusian?
The South-Western dialect is characterized by a harder “s” sound, and the North-Eastern has a softer-sounding “s.”
The South-Western dialect is characterized by a harder “g” sound, and the North-Eastern has a softer-sounding “g.”
The South-Western dialect is characterized by a harder “r” sound and the North-Eastern has a softer-sounding “r.”
The South-Western dialect is characterized by a harder “p” sound, and the North-Eastern has a softer-sounding “p.”
How do you say “Pleased to meet you” in Belarusian?
Za zdarou’e.
Da pabachen’nya.
Dobry vechar.
Pryiemna paznajomicca.
ANSWER KEY: d, d, d, a, b, c, a, b, c, d
Lesson 18
HISTORY: The Civil War
Secession from the Union, First Battle at Bull Run, The Battle of Shiloh, The Emancipation Proclamation, The Gettysburg Address, The Surrender of Robert E. Lee
LANGUAGE ARTS: Virginia Woolf
About Virginia Woolf, The Bloomsbury Group, The Voyage Out, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf’s Death
MATH: Linear Algebra
What Is Linear Algebra?, Linear Equations, Matrices, Vector Space, Complex Numbers, Useful Theorems
SCIENCE: John Dalton
About John Dalton, Color Blindness, Atomic Weights, Atomic Theory, Dalton’s Law, Impact of the Atomic Theory
The Origins, The Fifteenth Century, The “Peasant Tongue,” Czech and Slovak, Dialects, Useful Czech Phrases
Secession from the Union Before Abraham Lincoln even took office as president of the United States, the state of South Carolina perceived his election as a threat and called all state delegates to a meeting. The delegates voted to remove South Carolina from the United States in December of 1860. Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas followed South Carolina’s move, forming the Confederate States of America on February 4, 1861. Four more states, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina would join the Confederate States of America.
About Virginia Woolf Born Adeline Virginia Stephen in 1882, Woolf was educated at home by her father, who wrote Dictionary of English Biography. Woolf suffered from depression and severe mental illness all of her life. Her first series of nervous breakdowns started after her mother’s death when she was just thirteen. When her father died in 1904, she had to be hospitalized. Her writing is considered to be some of the best feminist and modernist work.
What Is Linear Algebra? Linear algebra is a field of mathematics that studies the theory of linear equations and linear transformation. A problem in linear algebra begins in geometry, dealing with lines, space, and vectors, and it is then translated into an algebraic equation so that it can be solved. Once solved, the results go back into the geometry. Linear algebra is essential to modern mathematic and scientific applications.
About John Dalton It is because of the work of John Dalton that chemistry is a separate science. Dalton was born September 6, 1766, to a Quaker family in Cumberland, England. Dalton grew quite interested in meteorology and began keeping a diary recording weather conditions like atmospheric pressure and temperature. He maintained the diary until his death, a total of fifty-seven years.
The Origins Czech is a West Slavonic language that was known as Bohemian until the nineteenth century. The earliest written documents in Czech date back to the eleventh century, and they were written in the Latin alphabet. Due to geographical location and a turbulent political history, the Czech language is greatly influenced by German and has grammatical and phonetic features of both German and Slavonic.
First Battle at Bull Run Though the events at Fort Sumter started the Civil War, the first major battle was at Bull Run on July 21, 1861. As pressure to crush the rebellion in the South grew, the Union army started to march toward Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy. The Union army and the Confederate army met at Manassas. Though initially losing, the Confederates had reinforcements and Union soldiers began withdrawing. It was thought at the time that this would be the only battle of the war; however, as the battle came to a close, many came to the realization that this war was going to last much longer.
The Bloomsbury Group Following her second nervous breakdown, Virginia’s sister Vanessa and brother Adrian bought a house in Bloomsbury. Woolf became friends with several intellectuals of the time such as Roger Fry and Duncan Grant, and they formed what was known as the Bloomsbury Group, an artistic and literary circle of intellectuals. The Bloomsbury Group gained notoriety from the Dreadnought Hoax of 1910, in which they tricked the Royal Navy, making them believe they were Abyssinian royals. Virginia participated, dressed as a man. The Bloomsbury Group was very liberal regarding sex, and Virginia started a relationship with a fellow female writer.
Linear Equations A linear equation is an algebraic equation that features a constant (or product of a constant) and a single variable that is only the first power. For example, x + 6, 4x + 7y, and 5x + 3 are all linear equations. However x2 is not because it is not the first power; 4xy + 6 is not because there can’t be two variables multiplied; and 6x/8y is not because you cannot divide two different variables.
Color Blindness Dalton was colorblind. He wrote a paper concerning the topic in which he hypothesized that the shortage of color perception was due to a discoloration of the liquid medium in the eyeball. Many had not even known of color blindness at that time, and much of his theory lost credence. However, Dalton’s work had a lasting impact, and color blindness became known as Daltonism. In 1995, researchers examined Dalton’s preserved eyeball and discovered that he had a less common type of color blindness in which he was only able to recognize blue, purple, and yellow colors of the spectrum.
The Fifteenth Century In the fifteenth century, Jan Hus, a religious reformer, standardized the spelling of the language. In his reform, he attributed one letter to every sound. By adding certain accents (in the form of dots or lines) to certain letters, Hus was able to create a standard of spelling based on the Latin alphabet. This system is still in use to this day.
The Battle of Shiloh The Battle of Shiloh is known as one the deadliest battles of the Civil War. Approximately 23,750 soldiers were killed or wounded, 13,000 being from the Union side. The Confederate army attacked General Ulysses S. Grant’s soldiers by surprise at Pittsburg Landing in Shiloh, Tennessee, on April 6, 1862. Though not prepared, the Union army was able to fight until reinforcements could come. The next day, Grant led a counterattack, forcing the Confederates to retreat and securing a victory for the Union.
The Voyage Out The Voyage Out came out in 1915, and was Virginia Woolf’s first published novel. The book was written at a time when Virginia was seriously struggling with her depression and she had even attempted suicide at least once during the process. Her feelings of domestic repression and the impact of the Bloomsbury Group can be found in the book. The Voyage Out also contains the beginnings
of a focus on sexuality, female consciousness, and death, themes that would later become prevalent in her work.
Matrices A matrix is a rectangular assortment of numbers, expressions, or symbols. The numbers inside of the matrix are known as elements and they can be the coefficients used to solve the linear equation. Matrices that are the same size can be added and subtracted one element at a time, and matrices that are compatible in size can be multiplied. An example of a matrix is:
Atomic Weights Dalton’s first published table of atomic weights featured six elements: hydrogen (with a weight of one), oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Convinced that all gases had atoms, Dalton tried to measure the diameter of the atoms. Dalton’s research on the weight of the atoms led him to his greatest scientific discovery: the atomic theory.
The “Peasant Tongue” Up until the fourteenth century, the Czech language was suppressed. It was considered to be a language spoken by peasants, not worthy of literature or any kind of standardization. For the first time, following the work of Jan Hus, Czech appeared in literature. In the nineteenth century, a movement to standardize the dialect to an older form of Czech took place. In Moravia and Silesia, this dialect is still spoken.
The Emancipation Proclamation In September of 1862, a preliminary form of the Emancipation Proclamation was ordered declaring that any slaves in the Confederate states would be freed unless the states rejoined the Union by January 1. The Confederate states did not take the offer, and on January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, stating that slaves in all of the states would be granted freedom. The Emancipation Proclamation did not actually free all slaves however. Rather, it freed the slaves who were living in the Confederate states and allowed blacks to fight for the Union. Though ending slavery was never a major goal of the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation turned it into one.
Mrs. Dalloway One of Virginia Woolf’s most well-regarded novels is Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925. The book examines a single day in the life of a woman, Clarissa Dalloway, in post–World War I England. The narrative structure jumps in and out of the character’s mind and forward and back in time. The book features themes of mental illness, depression, homosexuality, feminism, and existential issues.
Vector Space A structure formed by a collection of vectors is known as a vector space. When objects can be added together or multiplied, they are known as scalars, meaning they can be scaled. Axioms provide the set definition of vector space, and include formulas and rules such as u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w and v + w = w + v, where v, u, and w represent arbitrary vectors.
Atomic Theory Dalton’s greatest achievement was his atomic theory. His theory states that atoms are tiny particles that make up elements; atoms of different elements are different and have different atomic weights; all atoms of a particular element are the same; chemical compounds are atoms from one element combined with atoms from another; and lastly, that atoms cannot be divided, created, or destroyed.
Czech and Slovak The Czech language and the Slovak language are very similar. The two countries were once a single country, Czechoslovakia. However, when the Communist regime fell, they broke apart, becoming the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Though there are slight differences, speakers of Czech can understand and read Slovak, and vice versa.
The Gettysburg Address On November 19, 1863, President Lincoln issued one of the most famous speeches in American history: the Gettysburg Address. The speech was delivered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, four and a half months after the Battle of Gettysburg, where the Union had defeated the Confederates. The speech paid tribute to all lost soldiers, and featured no hatred or ill will but emphasized the principles of democracy.
To the Lighthouse To the Lighthouse is considered to be one of Virginia Woolf’s greatest works, and a modernist masterpiece. The structure of the narrative is less plot-centric and more focused on character introspection and consciousness. There is no narrator in the story, but rather the story is told through shifting from one consciousness to another. The existence of God is discussed and questioned.
Complex Numbers A complex number is a number that consists of two parts: a real part and an imaginary part. Complex numbers allow problems that would not otherwise be solved with real numbers to be solved. The imaginary number is introduced by using the letter i, and is based on the formula a + bi. The letters a and b represent real numbers and i equals Ö-1.
Dalton’s Law Dalton’s interest in weather led to the announcement in 1803 of his law of partial pressures, otherwise known as Dalton’s law. This law states that the total of the pressure from a gaseous mixture equals the sum of the partial pressures of the individual components. In other words:
PTotal = p1 + p2 +p3 …
Dialects Two major dialects can be found in the Czech language relating to geographic location. The most commonly used dialect is called Common Czech, which is used around Bohemia. The other dialect pertains to Moravia and Silesia, which is based on standard Czech. Moravia and Silesia have more localized dialects than Common Czech. In Silesia, for example, there exists a community that speaks a combination of Czech and Polish.
The Surrender of Robert E. Lee In the spring of 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee fled with his army to Appomattox County with Grant’s army in pursuit. Seven days after the capture of Richmond, on April 9, 1865, Lee knew that Grant would win another battle, and decided to meet with Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. The two men showed great respect for one another, and Robert E. Lee surrendered. Though this did not end the war immediately, the loss of Robert E. Lee’s army would lead to the surrender of the other Confederate armies.
Virginia Woolf’s Death After Virginia Woolf completed another manuscript, she once again became greatly depressed. Her condition worsened as World War II quickly approached and her London home was destroyed by a bomb. On March 27, 1941, Virginia’s husband took her to see a doctor. She told the doctor that everything was normal, even though she had been hearing voices. The next day, she wrote two notes to her husband and one note to her sister, placed stones in the pockets of her coat, and walked into the River Ouse, drowning herself.
Useful Theorems All vector spaces have a basis, meaning a set of vectors that can represent every vector in the vector space. Of the same vector, any two bases have the same cardinality, meaning the number of elements in a set. If a set is [4, 6, 8], the cardinality is three because there are three elements in the set.
Impact of the Atomic Theory Dalton’s atomic theory paved the way in understanding chemicals and physics, and Dalton is referred to as the “Father of Chemistry.” Though his theory had flaws, it opened the world to a new kind of science. Dalton’s work has had a truly lasting effect, leading to the eventual discovery of subatomic particles.
Useful Czech Phrases Here are some helpful phrases to use when traveling to the Czech Republic:
Hello. Dobrý den.
Good morning. Dobré ráno.
Good evening. Dobrý večer.
What’s your name? Jak se jmenujete?
I don’t speak Czech. Nemluvím česky.
I don’t understand. Nerozumím.
Thank you. Děkuji.
Where is the bathroom? Kde jsou toalety?
How much is this? Kolik to stojí?
Goodbye. Na shledanou.
What was the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation?
r /> It was the South’s announcement of secession.
It was the Union declaration of war on the South.
It freed the slaves who were living in the Confederate states and allowed blacks to fight for the Union.
It freed the slaves who were living in the Union states and allowed blacks to fight for the Confederates.
What was the deadliest battle of the Civil War?
The Battle of Shiloh
The Battle of Gettysburg
First Battle at Bull Run
The Battle at Fort Sumter
The work of Virginia Woolf focused on what theme(s)?
Female consciousness
All of the above