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Take It SLOW

Page 5

by AKM Miles

  “We’ll talk it to death and plan for all kinds of things. Don’t worry. We won’t leave Valdosta without Daniel. There are three of us against one old man. I don’t think we’ll have too big a problem. I still think that intimidation and a threat of the police being involved would do the trick.”

  “It may come to that. We’ll talk more about it over the next few days. By then, we’ll know exactly when we’re leaving, what we’re taking, and the different possibilities for bringing Daniel home.” Nick thought it best to dismiss this group and let them get back to their lives.

  Chapter Three

  Every breath he took hurt. Daniel was scared to death. He’d thrown up earlier, and there’d been blood in it. It was little wonder. He hadn’t eaten enough recently, and there was little in the house that didn’t cause his stomach to hurt. He found himself wanting only soft white food, comfort food. He wished for oatmeal, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, even plain bread, anything to take away from the gnawing pain in his stomach. Having no way of knowing exactly what was wrong, he was under even more stress.

  Remembering health classes in school, he suspected ulcers, obviously bleeding ones, now. It wasn’t like he could just run out to the doctor.

  There was no way he wanted to be beholden to Jack for anything. Living in fear, daily, that Jack would let go of that code he lived by, the one that had saved his ass so far, Daniel didn’t want to give him any reason to give up on that belief. It was the only thing that kept Daniel sane and safe. Jack didn’t mind, more and more, letting him know that he would soon be letting that go. No, a trip to the doctor was out of the realm of possibility right now.

  Tomorrow they would be heading up to Chattanooga again. Maybe he could order some oatmeal for breakfast, or a pancake. Jack insisted on everything being fried, and there was very little in the cupboards here or the refrigerator. His duffle was already in the back of Jack’s truck. He’d snuck it in there earlier. He was going to look for a chance on this trip to get away from Jack. He had to. Jack’s lust for him was becoming more evident all the time. The man wasn’t even trying to hide it. Daniel shivered.

  “Daniel! Where you at, boy? Where’s supper?” Daniel jumped up, taking his hand from his stomach, not wanting Jack to know he was hurting. He got bacon out to fry for supper. The smell was delicious, but he knew better than to put the grease in his stomach. He’d see about just eating a piece of toast if Jack didn’t make him eat with him. Sometimes Jack got mad if Daniel wanted to skip a meal and go to his room. Spending time with Jack, knowing that the man wanted to screw him and was just biding his time, made Daniel more than nervous. It was making him sick.

  § § § §

  It was Tuesday morning, and Daniel was thrilled that Jack hadn’t found the duffle when they got the rig ready. Maybe he could get away somewhere between here and Chattanooga. Maybe when they unloaded there, he could sneak away and hide from Jack somewhere that he could watch until Jack was gone. Hope lived in his heart right along with the constant pain in his stomach. He’d thrown up again last night after supper, and again there had been blood in it. It seemed it didn’t matter what he ate.

  “Boy, you’re lookin’ sick today,” Jack said, as they drove through Georgia. “You’re pale as a ghost. What’s up with you, anyway?”

  “I don’t know, sir. Just don’t feel too good. I’ll be fine. I can help.” Daniel hoped that was enough to get Jack off the subject. The place they usually stopped for breakfast was just up ahead. Maybe he could get something soothing for his stomach.

  Daniel tried to keep his secret hope hidden from Jack. If the man thought Daniel was thinking of leaving him, Daniel didn’t know what Jack would do. He was sure there would be pain involved, though, if he tried and failed.

  “Come on, now, and you better eat a good breakfast. I don’t want you gettin’ too weak on me.”

  Daniel nodded as he watched Jack gear down to turn into the truck stop.

  § § § §

  Nick, Mano, and Easy were already seated at a back booth in the diner by five-thirty, and the waitress that had given them the information before, Diana, had served them breakfast and was keeping their coffee cups filled. Nick was so nervous he thought he might be the one in the bathroom when Jack and Daniel showed up, but he’d be throwing up what he’d eaten for breakfast. So many things could go wrong.

  “Nick,” Easy said, reaching across the table and touching his arm, “relax, man. It’s going to be fine. It’s three against one old man. We’ll get Daniel back.”

  “What if it’s three against two? What if he sees me and doesn’t want to come back? What if you were wrong and he…” Nick stopped, and dropped his head to his hand. “I’m sorry. I’m just so nervous. This means the world to me.”

  “We know. It’s going to be fine. It’s almost eight now, and she said they’re usually here by then.” Easy jumped a little and Nick sucked in a breath. He wanted to turn around so badly.

  “What?” His heart was racing, and it was all he could do not to turn and face the door. Both Easy and Mano were looking back and forth from the doorway to each other, and Nick knew that his son had walked into the diner by the look on their faces.

  “Shh,” Easy said quietly. “Just relax now. Let them get in and find a place to sit. Maybe Daniel will go to the bathroom on his own, and then Mano can just go in after him. They’re sitting down three booths back from you, Nick, and Daniel is facing away from you. Good. There goes Diana. Let’s just see what happens so we’ll know which plan to follow.”

  It was all Nick could do to keep his face forward and not turn to look. They had to follow the plan. Oh my God! Daniel was a few feet from him. He was going to get a second chance with his son. Tears filled his eyes as he watched his friends take in the situation.

  He heard Diana behind him now, talking to the two at the booth.

  “Good morning, y’all. Hey, Danny, you look hungry this morning. Jack, what can I get you all today, the usual?” She sounded bright and sunny, and Nick knew her voice was a little loud to let him know that his son was behind him.

  He heard a quiet mumble and then the older man’s voice.

  “Boy, that ain’t no breakfast. Oatmeal! Hell, bring him some bacon and eggs and some orange juice. He needs meat on his bones. I’ll have the same, ‘cept add some hash browns and coffee to mine. What did you say, boy? Bring him a damn pancake then. We ain’t got time for this.” Jack sounded pissed that Daniel had asked for something else, and Nick worried that he would not be able to control himself if he heard anything more aggressive or ugly come from that booth. He felt totally helpless.

  Nick watched as Easy and Mano both sat up straighter and heard Jack say, “Go on, then, but you got two minutes and you better come straight back here, you got it? Don’t make me come after you.”

  “Yes, sir.” Nick heard. That was barely Daniel’s voice. He sounded so cowed, so beaten down.

  Easy touched Mano’s arm and Nick watched as Mano left the booth, knowing he was headed for the men’s room.

  “I wanted him to go ahead of Daniel so Jack wouldn’t think someone was following Daniel. I have to keep my head down since he saw me last week for a few seconds, but he talked to me so he might remember my face. If it looks like he’s going to get up to go after Daniel, I’ll go with plan number two and sit down with him. I’ll tell him what’s going to happen and we’ll go from there.”

  Nick’s hands were shaking, and he thought his heart would jump out of his throat as he sat there, afraid to do the wrong thing, but hating doing nothing.

  “Easy,” Easy said, and Nick almost grinned. He knew his friend was trying to calm him.

  “Shut up, you just like the sound of your own name.”

  Easy laughed and nodded. “That’s it. Normal as we can be. Let Mano do his magic.”

  § § § §

  In the restroom, Mano waited by the sink, glad that no one was in there right then. When the door opened and he saw Daniel come in, he smiled and
said, “Hey.”

  “Uh, hey.” Daniel headed for a stall, holding his stomach. Before Mano could say anything else, he watched as Daniel grabbed his mouth and hurried to the toilet, throwing up. Mano went over and saw that what came out of Daniel was bright red blood and very little else.

  “Man, you’re sick, huh? Let me get you a wet towel.” Mano hurried back over to the sink and wet a towel, taking it back to Daniel and handing it to the boy. He watched as Daniel took it in a hand that was shaking and wiped his mouth.

  “It’s okay, go over and rinse your mouth.” Mano followed Daniel over to the sink and couldn’t help putting his hand on the boy’s back as he bent to rinse his mouth. Daniel jerked away and looked at him with wide, scared eyes.

  “Daniel, relax. It’s okay.” Mano made his voice as soothing as he could.

  “How, how did you know my name?” Daniel was backing to the door.

  “Wait, please.” Mano put his hand out then took it back, saying, “I’m here with your father, Nick. He loves you and wants you to come home.” He watched as disbelief filled Daniel’s eyes. He had backed up to the door; now he just stood there, staring at Mano.

  “I swear it’s true. He’s looked for you for two years, since only a few minutes after you left the house. We want to take you home, if you’ll come. Are you happy where you are, with that man, Jack?”

  The expression on Daniel’s face went from disbelief to hope to fear in the few seconds it took Mano to say those words.

  “Jack? No, he—I, he’s going to, I mean…” Daniel stopped.

  “If you want to get away from him, we’re here to help you. If you don’t want to see your dad, you can come with Easy and me. We’ll help you. I swear we are not here to hurt you, but we’ve got to hurry before Jack comes after you. He will, won’t he?” Mano hated using fear to get Daniel moving, but time was important here.

  “Yes, he will. He’s probably on his way here now. I’ve been gone too long. My dad is really out there? He hates me. He said—” there was pain in the boy’s voice, “he said I was no…”

  “He said you were no son of his, right?” Mano had heard it many times now from an anguished Nick.

  Daniel looked at Mano with surprise and confusion. “He’s told all of us how stupid he was and how sorry he was immediately after, but you were already gone and he’s looked for you ever since. Will you let us help you? You and your dad can figure things out later, but we have to get you away from Jack now.”

  “How?” Daniel’s hand was rubbing his stomach and suddenly they both heard loud noises from outside the bathroom, like chairs and dishes hitting the floor.

  Daniel’s poor color got even worse, and Mano thought he was going to pass out. Mano saw the boy’s legs shaking, and he stepped over to him.

  Daniel looked up at him, with the most heartbreaking mixture of fear and hope in his eyes.

  Mano held his arms out and said, “It’s okay. Easy and Nick are taking care of Jack. I’m sure in a few minutes, it will be safe for us to go out there. Maybe get you some soft warm food, like that oatmeal you wanted and a pancake, huh? Come here. I can’t wait for Mama Sasy to get her hands on you. She’s going to just melt.”

  To Mano’s surprise, Daniel let Mano wrap his arms around him. He just stood and shook from head to toe as Mano rubbed his back and whispered that everything was going to be all right now. He heard Daniel ask something, and he pulled back a little to ask what he’d said.

  “I saw you all last week, didn’t I? I bumped into you. But, how did you know about Jack and me?”

  “Diana, the waitress, answered some questions for us. See, Nick shows your pictures to everyone he sees, begging them to look for you. We both thought we recognized you, and when we asked Diana and she told us your name was Danny, that was enough for us. Nick was down here the next morning, but he just missed you all. Hey, it’s gotten quieter out there. You want me to take a look?”

  Daniel froze, and Mano knew the courage it took him to pull away and let Mano open the door. Diana was standing right there.

  “Not yet,” she whispered. Mano closed the door again, wondering what in the world was going on out there. He wasn’t worried. He knew Easy could handle one old man, but he sure couldn’t wait to hear the story of how it all went down. Meanwhile, he wanted more information from Daniel.

  “Diana says it’s not safe just yet, so we’ll hang tight here. Tell me, do you know why you’re throwing up blood? Has he hurt you in any way? Do we need to call for medical help? Nick is going to freak when he hears you’re sick.”

  “He won’t care. He hates me.” Daniel stood alone now, both arms around his stomach, looking lost again.

  “Let me just tell you that you’re wrong, but you will have time to figure that out. He knows you might not be ready to go home with him. He knows he blew it, big time. Trust me, Daniel, he knows. Just let us get you back to Nashville. There’s a place you can stay where it’s safe, I promise you. You can take all the time you need. Let’s get you to safety first, get you checked out by a doctor there, and with time things will look better.”

  Daniel just looked at him, big gray eyes wide, fear still lurking in them. “I don’t know.”

  “Of course you don’t. Do you trust me?” Mano asked.

  Daniel thought a minute and nodded. “Yeah, a little.” Mano smiled and said, “That’s good enough. Nightmare’s over, kid.”

  Tears filled Daniel’s eyes, and he just stood there, looking at Mano, disbelieving.

  For a few more minutes Mano looked over Daniel Webster. The boy’s hair was dirty, long, stringy. He knew from the pictures it used to be almost white; now it was sort of dirty blond. He still had those big gray eyes, but Mano swore there were bones sticking out of his collar. Daniel was in dire need of nourishment and care, and a long hot shower.

  There was a soft knock on the door, and Daniel jumped like he’d been shot. Fear shone in his eyes, but Mano knew things were going to be okay from now on.

  “Trust me, okay?” He walked over and gently moved Daniel out of the way and opened the door a little, seeing Diana and Easy standing there, smiling.

  “It’s all clear?”

  “He’s gone.”

  Mano heard a whimper beside him and knew he would never understand what those two words meant to Daniel. Mano turned back to Daniel and reached his hand out to him.

  “Do I have to—?” Daniel stopped, clearly scared still.

  “What, hon?” Mano closed the door again, giving Daniel a minute.

  “Do I have to go with him? I don’t know if I can face him, see him. I’m so scared. I don’t even know your name.”

  Mano smiled, realizing that now this information seemed important to Daniel. “My name is Mano, and my boyfriend is Easy, the big guy you saw me with before. That’s how I know it’s okay to go out there now. I’m sure Easy sent Jack on his way. We came in two vehicles. If you want to ride back with us and not have to spend hours in the car with your dad, that’s okay. But, will you at least see him? Let him see you’re alive and okay. He needs that so much. The rest you can work out later.”

  Daniel nodded slowly. Mano opened the door.

  § § § §

  Easy watched Jack closely and knew the instant that the older man decided that Daniel had been gone too long. Before he could finish the scoot to get out of the booth, Easy was sitting down opposite him and, since the tables weren’t studded into the floor, he pushed it forward, pinning Jack against the back of the booth. Jack tried to push back, but there was no way his strength was equal to Easy’s.

  “What the hell? Who are you? What are you doing?” Jack’s voice held fury and maybe a little fear.

  Easy held up a big hand and said, “Be quiet, Jack Basham. I’m going to tell you how this is going to go down. This,” he said, pointing to Nick, who now stood at the end of the table, “is Daniel’s father, Nick Webster. We are here to take Daniel home. You are going to go outside, get in your rig, and drive away. If you don�
�t, the police that we have standing by will be in here to arrest you for kidnapping, abuse, and any other charges we can come up with. Daniel is not coming out of that bathroom until you are gone. I can only hope that you resist so I can get me just a little piece of you. Do you have any questions?”

  “I’ve got one,” Nick said, fists held by his side. “Have you touched my son? Have you raped him? Tell me the truth.”

  Easy was impressed with the calmness is Nick’s voice. He wasn’t loud, but he was…intense.

  “I don’t mess with kids, and I ain’t no rapist, neither. I took care of that boy. I saved him and took care of him.”

  “Yes, we can see how well you take care of him. Are you going to get up peacefully and walk out of here, or do we get to go a few rounds?” Easy asked, still putting pressure on the table, pressing into Jack’s sternum.

  Jack looked from one to the other of them and slowly nodded. Nick took a step back and Easy pulled the table away from Jack. Easy got out of the booth and waited for Jack to do the same. When he stood, he did just what Easy had hoped for. Evidently the man wasn’t going to give up as easily as he’d implied.

  He took a swing at Nick, obviously figuring him for the easier mark. Before Easy could step in, Nick ducked and came back up, fist flying straight into Jack’s jaw.

  The older man stumbled but didn’t go down. The same couldn’t be said for the table next to him. He jarred it, and dishes went flying onto the floor. Jack came back toward Nick. This time, Easy stepped over and took one swing. Down Jack went and stayed there. He wasn’t out, but he didn’t get up. He glared at them from the floor.

  “Nick, call the police,” Easy said, still speaking quietly.

  Nick took out his phone and was dialing when Jack scrambled back up, faster than Easy thought the old man capable of doing.

  “No! I’m going. Take him. He’s not that much help, anyway. Good riddance.”


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