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Feeling the Moment

Page 4

by Belden, P. J.

  I flopped onto the couch and put my head in my hands. River sat on the table in front of the couch, pulled my hands away from my face, and then lifted my head to meet his eyes.

  “Kim?” He asked softly.

  “I do like you and yes I do want to, but…” I turned my head away. “I’m scared to.”

  “Why?” He paused for a moment. “Are you a virgin?”

  My head snapped in his direction. For a moment, I thought about lying to him. It would have been the easiest solution, but I’ve never been a liar. Lies were too much work. Once you told one they never ended. There was always another lie that had to be told to cover up the first one and so forth. Before you knew it, you were so caught up in the lies that the truth seemed like a myth. No instead, I told him the truth.

  “No, I’m not a virgin,” I said softly.

  “Then what is there to be scared of?”

  “When do we leave?”

  “Whenever you want to. Are you not going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I’m going to go pack real quick. Can we leave tonight? Say in the next two hours?”

  He sighed. “Sure.”

  As I got up off the couch, he pulled out his phone. Getting away was what I needed. At this point, I didn’t even care where we were going. Chances of him listening to a word I said was slim to none. Knowing him he set up this cheesy ass getaway set up for all the sex he could get.

  “Do I need to dress warm or what?” I yelled out to him.

  “Both,” he said from right behind me.

  Pulling down shirts, pants, shorts, sweaters, anything I could think of. Then I walked out into my bedroom, setting it all on my bed then turned to go to my dresser. River reached out and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to him.


  “I’m sorry if I pushed too far. This isn’t the reason I wanted to stay here this weekend, I swear it. From the first day I saw you walk into my room, you’ve gotten under my skin. I’m trying to control myself. Forgive me?”

  Without saying a word I just nodded and walked over to my dresser, grabbing the last of the items I needed. Once I grabbed my suitcases from my linen closet, I folded and placed my clothes in them. Next, I grabbed my toiletry bag and filled it with the essentials. As I walked back into the bedroom, I watched as River struggled to get his shoe on the foot of his bad leg. Tossing my bag with the rest, I kneeled down in front of him and slipped his shoe on then tied it for him.

  Placing my hands on his thighs to stand, I said, “All you have to do is say something. I’ll help you.”

  Covering my hands with his own, he looked me right in the eyes. “Thank you, but you…”

  “Don’t mention it,” I quickly stood. “Well I’m ready to go.”

  He sighed, but stood. “The car is waiting out front.”

  River went to grab my bags and I smacked him. “Don’t you even think about it. Get your crutches. You can lean on me if you don’t want to use them.”

  He smirked and put his arm around my shoulder. It took a lot but we finally made it out of the kitchen and down to the car that waited for us. The driver took my bags and placed them in the trunk. Then he walked over and opened the door. River made no attempt to move.

  “Are you going to get in?” I asked him.

  “I need to do something first.”

  “What’s that?” I looked up at him in confusion now.

  “This,” he whispered as he leaned down and kissed me.

  His arms wrapped around me, pulling me flush with his body. The kiss deepened. My hands, with a mind of their own, wrapped around him and held him tightly against me. The sound of his moan filled me and heated me up. Before long, he pulled back. Resting his forehead on mine, River smiled.

  “You are seriously driving me insane woman,” he breathed.

  Hitting him in the chest, I smiled up at him. “Sure I am. You’ve just been in a hospital bed for a month and are…”

  “If you finish that sentence we’ll have problems. You’re not some means to an end.” He pushed his erection into me. “This is because of you and the reaction my body has to you. No one else in that hospital – and believe me they were falling over themselves to get a piece of me – did this to me. Hell, you ignored me for the longest time. It’s all you and all yours.”

  With that he climbed into the back of the car as I stood there dumbfounded. The driver smirked at me and I climbed in with a new agenda in my head. Just for these two weeks, I’ll let thought fall in the cracks and just feel each moment for what it was. So as I sat in the seat next to him, he handed me a pillow. I looked at him in confusion.

  “It’s going to be a long ride. Get some sleep. I know you’re exhausted.” He pushed a button in the door, “We’re going to sleep on the way there, Nigel.”

  “Okay, Sir.”

  This window slides up and in place. “Peace and quiet. No interruptions. Get some rest.” He flips his good leg behind me and leans against the door. River took my pillow, placed it on his chest then pulled me to him. “Get some sleep. You need it. Sorry I didn’t let you get some earlier.”

  The care and concern he was showing me just floors me. No one, and I mean no one, has ever shown me this kind of affection. It made me feel different and right then and there, I decide that living each moment starts now. As I lay down against him, I can still feel his erection. He moans as I shift.

  “I will, but there’s something I need to do first,” I say with a smirk as I look up at him.

  “What’s that?” River brushes his hand down my cheek.

  “This,” I whisper as my hand reaches up and lowers his zipper down.

  “Kimmmmm,” he ends on a moan as my hand moved inside his pants.

  With my other hand, I unbutton his jeans. Finally able to pull him free of the confines of his pants. I’ve seen plenty of cocks in my days, more than I care to mention, but River’s was beautiful. Long and thick, it makes my mouth water and has me clenching my legs together.

  “You don’t have to do this,” River tried again.

  “Just let me do this,” I lick a circle around the head of his cock. “Please let me,” nibbling down the shaft slowly and licking back up.

  He moaned, his hips thrust forward. “Shit,” he hisses as I close my mouth around the head of his cock. “Oh shit,” he moans, a thump following shortly behind.

  Looking up at him as I slide further down, his head has fallen back against the window. River’s mouth was partly open. I can just see him biting his tongue. When the tip hit the back of my throat, he looks down at me. He tenderly touches my cheek with his fingers. Pushing him into my throat taking all of him, he grabs my head with both hands holding me in place.

  “Oh fuck!”

  River holds me in place as his hips thrust slowly into my mouth. His grunts and moans as he slowly fucks my mouth causing me to hold my thighs tighter together. This will be a first for me. I’ve never given to a man without getting my own in return, but something about River… I don’t know. Something told me that he was worth this.

  He continues to hold my head and move his cock in and out of my mouth. I slide his pants down some so I’m able to get to his balls easier. Pushing my finger behind his sac and I began to play with the sensitive area there.

  “Oh Jesus!” River’s body shudders under me as I begin to milk his cock as he slides in and out of my throat.

  His hips move faster. I try to pull off him to prolong his release, but he holds me firmly on his cock. Unable to move, I begin to rub my tongue against the bottom of his shaft and suck him for all I was worth.

  “Fuck! Fuck! HOLY SHIT!”

  He roars as I feel the first of his release hit the back of my throat before he shoves back down, holding me there. I continue to milk him through his release. His grip loosens on my head and I begin to bob up and down with vigor to help him ride out the rest of his orgasm.

  Our eyes meet as he continues to shudder and shake beneath me. It was as if our eye
s were the north and south pole of a magnet, we were just drawn in and stuck. As the last of his tremors fade away, I suck his cock clean before pulling off him. His head falls back to the window as he pants heavily. Pulling his pants back up and restoring his appearance, I put the pillow back on his lap and lay my head down.

  River tilts my head up to meet his eyes. “Wow, that was…wow. You didn’t have to, but…wow.”

  I smile up at him. “You’re welcome. Get some sleep.”

  Resting my head back into his lap, I sigh. You can call me whatever you want. A slut. A whore. Whatever, but this man was different somehow. I just wasn’t sure yet. But I can tell you I was definitely determined to find out.

  He starts to stroke my hair as I hear him sigh. My mind wonders for a fleeting second if he might be thinking the same thing, but it didn’t last long. Sleep claims me a lot faster than I thought it would.

  Chapter Four

  “Kim,” his soft whisper filled my ears.

  “No, I’m comfortable,” I groaned, snuggling deeper into River’s hold.

  I hear a chuckle. “Sweetheart, we have to get out.”

  Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I looked around. Outside the windows trees, so thick that the only place you could actually see through them was this very narrow path separating them.

  “Where are we?”

  River pulls me into him, kissing me soundly. “We have to transfer vehicles,” River answers then kisses me again.

  Climbing out of the car, I help River out after me. He hops on one leg for a moment before finally gaining his balance. He looks at me for a moment before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, kissing my lips lightly, and then pointing to a jeep.

  “That’s where we are going… there.”

  We slowly make our way over there. River hobbled next to me. Every so often, I could hear his intake of breath. It hurt me to know he was hurting because of me. He probably would have been fine just staying at my apartment.

  Guilt started to eat at me. This was why I didn’t let people close.

  As we stood next to the jeep, I looked up and then back at River. The jeep had to sit at least three feet off the ground. That’s just where you had to put your feet in order to get into the vehicle.

  “How do you expect to get in to that,” I asked.

  “Hmm, I didn’t think about that,” he said, looking up at the Jeep.

  Thinking for a moment, I looked back down at his leg again. “Okay, I have an idea. But you need to trust me.”

  “I do.”

  I squat down behind him. Resting my hands on his butt while I get myself in position, he groaned. Smacking it, he started laughing. Moving a little further forward, I pushed my head between his legs.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Not what your hoping,” I laughed. “Sit back on my shoulders.”

  “What? No! There is no way in the hell you can lift me.”

  “Watch me.” With a grunt, I lifted him up.

  Biting down hard on my cheek to keep from crying out as I felt a shot of pain in my leg, I hobbled over to the Jeep.

  “Holy shit! I can’t believe you are doing this.”

  Facing away from the vehicle, I lean a little further back. “Can you wiggle in?”

  “Yes, actually.”

  Soon I felt his weight lighten on my shoulders before I slowly squat out of the way of his sore leg. Once he’s fully in, I shut the door. Turning, I started to walk away. My leg was killing me. I rested my hand on the tire and gently massaged it before moving around to the other side and climbing in.

  River looked at me for a moment. “That was the sexiest thing ever,” he grinned.

  “Just get moving, will you?”

  He kissed my hand, then started the vehicle and drove off. The woods were kind of eerie, almost ominous. The trees were so thick that the sky was not even visible and River had to turn his lights on. The feel had me scooting closer to him on the bench seat. River took his hand off the steering wheel and wrapped it around my shoulder, pulling me closer into him.

  I cuddled further into his embrace, my heart beat a little faster. He was getting too close, but damn if I wanted to stop it right now. My eyes grew heavy and soon I was falling asleep.

  # # #


  “Hmmm,” I moaned.

  “Sorry sweetheart, but we need to change modes of transportation again.”

  Groaning, I sit up. “You make me comfortable and then make me get up,” I grumble.

  He smiled. “It’s the last time sweetheart. I promise.”

  Looking out of the window, I see water and a boat. My head snapped in his direction, but he wasn’t in his seat. Opening my door, I jumped down only to be reminded of pulling something in my leg. Sucking in a breath, I walked toward the water. The water was sparkling blue.

  “Kim, you want to climb on the boat so we can get to our destination.”

  “Oh yeah. Sorry.”

  There was a driver for the boat. So, River pulled me into his lap and wrapped himself around me. He nuzzled my ear then kissed my neck.

  “I’m really becoming addicted to having you in my arms,” he whispered in my ear.

  Taking a deep breath and snuggling deeper into his hold, I was becoming addicted to having his arms around me. That scared me, no it terrified me. I’ve never let anyone that close to me, close enough that I could start feeling anything for anyone. Getting attached only proved to be torture for me. It only brought about pain, sadness, loss.

  Clenching my eyes shut tighter, I forced those thoughts away. Just for tonight, at least, I’m going to live in the moment. No I’m going to live in the moment during this vacation. After all that, when it comes time to part ways in two weeks, I’ll do so with my head held high and the memories to last me a life time.

  It’s not like I was in love with him or anything. It was sexual attraction. Yes, that’s all it was. I haven’t had sex in a long time. My body was just screaming for the need that it has been denied for too long.

  “We’re here,” River said into my ear.

  Standing up, I saw the most gorgeous little cottage. A boat sat on the other side of the dock. Looking around, I couldn’t see much of anything else because of the trees. With the help of the driver, River got safely off the boat. As soon as our bags were unloaded the guy left.

  “You use your crutches this time and I’ll get our bags to the house.”

  “I feel so emasculated right now,” he pouted.

  “Oh, whatever,” I laughed, rolling my eyes. “Just get moving, would you?”

  Kissing my lips quickly, he started toward the beautiful cottage. It was white with green shutters. There was a cute little porch with a swing and two chairs sitting on it. It looked fairly old but updated. Once the door was opened, I could see that my earlier assumptions were correct to a degree.

  Though a flat screen television hung on the wall of the quaint little living room, you could still see the original structure. It was beautiful. The living room had a couch, love seat and an over-sized chair that circled a glass coffee table and faced a fireplace where the television hung above.

  Across from the living room was a small dining room with a table to seat six, four corner cabinets. Two of the corner cabinets were connected with a bar. Hanging in the center of the room was a chandelier, when the sunlight hit it there was almost a glittering effect on the walls, it was breathtaking.

  Connected to the dining room, was a small homey kitchen. It had an island that housed the sink and the ability to eat there. Above the island hung a pots and pan rack that had pans hanging all around it. There was a stove top, dishwasher, wine fridge, wall ovens, fridge. There were two doors in the room. River pointed out that the one straight across from where we stand was to go outside. So, I walked over to my left to the other. Opening it, there was a huge walk in pantry. Shelves, another fridge and two chest freezers fill the space in.

  Leading me back through the kitchen,
to the dining room and back into the living room, just on the other side of the living room was a small hallway with four doors. First door was a guest bathroom. Next two doors were bedrooms each complete with a bed, dresser, closet, chair and reading light. The last door could only be described as the king of all master bedrooms. A big king sized sleigh bed sat in the center of the room, and a sitting area off to the left. A television hung on the wall. It was complete with a huge walk-in closet and even bigger master bathroom.

  “Which room is mine?” I breathed as I spun in a slow circle trying to absorb what I was seeing.

  River starts laughing. It washed over me like rain falling from the sky. The sound was mind numbing. Unable to help myself, I walked the short distance and kissed him. River immediately wrapped his arms around me pulling me tightly against him. Pulling back after a few minutes, I rested my head on his chest.

  “Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not at all, but what was that for?”

  I laugh, and then look up at him. “Just because I wanted to.”

  “I won’t argue with that. You can kiss me whenever you want,” he winked at me then yawned.

  “Get in bed. You need sleep and your meds. Wonder where the extra pillows are kept,” I said as I walked out of the room.

  I began pulling open doors that we hadn’t already walked into when I found pillows in a small closet off the bathroom. Grabbing a few of them, I head back to the room to find River already asleep. Something pulls inside my chest. I’m not sure what it was, but it took my breath away.

  Quietly, I walk over to the bed. Gently lifting the covers, I place the pillows carefully under his leg and replace the covers. Brushing some of his hair from his forehead, I pressed a small kiss to his cheek before leaving the room.

  I headed out to the deck and looked out over the peace and quiet this place seemed to have in abundance. Out on the deck, it overlooked the woods in the back. It wasn’t as thick as the trees we drove through, but still enough to offer privacy.

  I wonder how close the neighbors are.


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