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Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  I’m thinking about him while lying on his sofa after the most amazing meal of spaghetti and meatballs. A favorite meal of mine, and apparently Ruben’s as well. It was delicious and Ruben put it all together without any help from me. So I’ve been truly looked after and my guy is across the room from me as he finishes cleaning up in the kitchen, which he banned me doing arriving back here. I, of course, had no objection being the most undomesticated person ever. But Ruben looks to have it all in hand. I lie here, watching the play of muscles under his shirt as he moves and when he bends over, stretching the denim over his ass my mouth waters. Seeing him like this makes me want to do things to him that I’ve never done before, but now the thought of having him in my mouth—at my mercy—makes me fidget around on the sofa.

  I let my eyes trail up from his firm ass up to his broad shoulders. I meet his gaze as he turns his head to watch me over his shoulder. Silently groaning, I hold his gaze and pray my blush stays away.

  Ruben throws the dishtowel on the counter and starts to walk slowly towards me. I’m unable to look away. My heart starts to pound and the throbbing going on between my thighs intensifies with need—need of this man who looks like he’s going to eat me alive.

  Right now I have no fear of being vulnerable to him because all I want is to have my clothing disappear so I’m ready for him. So he knows I’m his for the taking.

  He kneels beside me. Taking my face between his hands, he says, “Have you got any idea what you do to me?”

  Dropping his forehead against mine, he rests his arms on either side of me as I slip my hand down the front of his jeans to caress the bulge he has going on in them.

  “Fuck,” he cusses, pushing into my hand.

  I squeeze and he throws his head back on a groan.

  “Rosie…God,” he breathes heavily, “I’m trying to do the right thing here, but I’m slowly losing my mind with the looks you give me and your touch. Fuck, who am I kidding, I lost all sense and reason from the minute I first tasted you.”

  As he pulses in my hand, I realize he’s speaking the truth, which is the deciding factor in my next move.

  Releasing his erection, I turn on my side and, sitting up, I maneuver my legs to each side of him, bringing us chest to chest. I start a slow caress up his arms to his shoulders and neck. He shudders against me as I make the most of touching the amazing body that I’ve watched all night, from his well-defined muscles up to his strong jaw.

  I feel his eyes on me, but I continue my journey of discovery, wanting to really feel this beautiful man on his knees in front of me. I know his family is of American and Spanish descent, which shows up more in Ruben than that of his brothers. His thick, dark hair feels like silk as I run my fingers through the slightly over long strands at the nape of his neck before moving further up to trace the curve of his ears. He shudders against me, placing his hands on my hips, pulling my heat against his stomach. His hands flex against me when I smooth over his high cheekbones with my thumbs.

  He has me so transfixed on him that I can’t think of doing anything else other than what I’m already doing. I rub my thumb along his parted lips, dropping my face in the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent, which causes my breath to catch in the back of my throat. He always smells delicious. My tongue slips out from between my lips, and I lick up his neck—tasting him—nibbling on his ear lobe as a growl slips between his lips.

  “Rosie,” he whispers, sealing his lips over mine in an open mouth kiss, which shows me what a different part of his anatomy wants to be doing. The kiss goes all the way to my toes as he wraps me up in his arms, mine going around his neck.

  I return his passion-filled kiss with everything I have inside me. I’m going up in flames in his arms as I grind against his swollen erection. He’s long, thick and heavy against my crotch and stomach. I want to taste him—feel him inside me—I want him to only ever remember me.

  Breaking from his kiss, I reach up and place my hands on his chest to keep him at bay. “I want to taste you.”

  I take a deep breath, inhaling slowly before exhaling. Trying to work up the courage to ask for what I want for a change, instead of always being told. “I want you naked, sitting on this sofa.” I’ve said it!

  He looks momentarily stunned before he shoots to his feet and strips in record time. Before I know it, he’s standing in front of me naked as the day he was born with a rather proud erection pointing toward me. There are beads of moisture on the tip, with more appearing the longer I watch him. His swollen erection twitches.

  Moving slightly away, I quickly remove my clothes. My effort is rewarded when I see the fire in his eyes—alight with passion—for me.

  Looking back and admiring his body, I say, “You’re beautiful,” before I can sensor myself, but Ruben just throws his head back laughing.

  I know a way to shut him up, and leaning forward I lick the moisture up, swirling my tongue around and around the bulbous head of his penis. And as I thought—the room plunges into silence, until I lick along the length of him to his balls—he groans, sliding his fingers through my hair. With one finger, I start to trace the tattoo he has going on around the base of his shaft. A Celtic knot.

  “You’re the one who is beautiful, Rosie.” His breath catches when I take him further into my mouth. “You feel amazing. I’ve dreamed about having your mouth wrapped around me again. Actually having you play out my dream is going to have me coming too damn soon.” He caresses my face while I wrap my tongue around him, sucking him deeper.

  “Fuck…Stop! Oh, Christ. I’m going to come. You gotta stop,” Ruben begs managing to withdraw completely from my mouth.

  “I need to sit down before I hit the floor.” He chuckles as he drops onto the sofa, which is the perfect position.

  I crawl between his legs and start kissing up his thighs, with a lick to his balls followed by a tongue massage tracing around his tattoo, which I think is sexy as hell. The tip of his penis is wet with his excitement, which I spread around with my finger causing a hitch to his breathing.

  “You’re really good at that.”

  “Hmm. Am I now…What about this?” I don’t give him time to think and suck him straight into my wet mouth with a strong suction. His hips arch up from the sofa, and his fists clench on either side of him.

  My arousal is so strong that I’m not sure I’m going to be able to see this through without climbing on top of him. My core aches to be filled with his length. I want him with a desperation that I’ve only ever felt with him. No one else has ever come close to arousing me the way Ruben does.

  The groans that he’s making sets my body alight. It’s clear that he’s enjoying my mouth on him—his breathing is heavy—his thighs are quivering. I move my hand and start to massage his heavy sack while I continue using my mouth and tongue on him.

  “Babe,” he pants, “I can’t hold off.”

  Hearing that makes me feel on top of the world; that my mouth on him can make him lose control is empowering.

  Inhaling, I take him further down my throat and start to gently hum as I stroke him between his legs. There is nothing as powerful as having this guy at my mercy. And at my mercy he is—he probably couldn’t even tell me his name right now.

  “Oh fuck, Rosie…I’m coming…Ahhh…Oh God!”

  Swallowing everything that shoots out from the bulbous head of his penis makes me wetter. I’m in desperate need of relief after bringing Ruben to orgasm with my mouth. It was hot.

  I let him slip from between my lips after swirling my tongue around the head of him and along his slit.

  “Enough,” he pants. “You are so fucking sexy. Let me catch a breath then I’m carrying you to my bed, and you’re not going to be leaving it any time soon.”

  Smiling, I rest my hands on either side of his hips and place butterfly kisses up from his stomach to his nipples. With his semi-hard penis lying between my breasts, I give each of his nipples a quick swipe of my tongue. So soon? He sure doesn’t need long to recover
if the growing evidence against me is any indication.

  I raise my head and meet his laughing eyes.

  “Only with you, baby,” he laughs. “Come sit up here. I want to hold you.”

  I certainly don’t need telling twice, and crawl further up him, straddling his thighs and letting the wetness between my legs coat the root of him as I settle against him.

  God, he feels good as I wiggle over him.

  “Grrr…Rosie, you need to stop doing that. We’re going to use a bed…right now.”

  He sits up sliding his hands underneath my bottom. “Hold on babe, because I’m about to take you for a ride.”

  Rolling my eyes, I press my throbbing nipples against his chest as I wrap my arms around his neck, and groan. He feels so good.

  Chapter 19 ~ Ruben

  I stumble slightly as her breasts press against my chest. Her nipples feel hard and ready for my mouth, and as her legs wrap around my waist, my dick comes free from between us to rub against her ass.

  My bedroom is too, fucking, far away right now when all I want to do is pound into her until neither of us can walk. Considering I’ve just come, my dick is hard-as-fuck and the more she grinds against my groin—which in turn rubs and coats my dick with her juices—the more I leak and get closer to another release.

  Without letting her go, I crawl straight onto my bed and lay her down in the middle with her head resting against the pillows, and my cock wedged between her thighs. She’s just where I’ve dreamed of her time and time again.

  “I’m on the pill,” she blurts out.


  I pull back slightly to look at her and watch as she blushes.

  “I mean, if you want to. Well. You know. Without.”

  “Rosie, are you telling me that there is no need for me to put a rubber on?” I grin.

  She tries to turn away from me, but there is no way I’m letting this conversation finish just yet. I’ve never had sex without a condom before, but I want to with Rosie.

  Chuckling, I tell her, “I’m clean, and I can’t wait to get inside you bareback. A first time for me.”


  “Really.” I kiss her on the nose.

  “And now, I’m going to touch you the way you touched me,” I tell her as I pray for strength. Whenever I’m close to this woman my senses take over and my brain shuts down, but right now I want to arouse her the way she did me.

  Her touch made me feel cared for, I’d even go as far as saying it made me feel loved. Those thoughts didn’t even frighten me like they would have done with anyone else. The thought of the feelings I’m picking up from her being real causes my heart to thud wildly in my chest. Until this moment I hadn’t realized that’s what I want with this amazing woman, and I’m sure as hell going to try not to scare her away. I need her to know that my feelings for her go a lot deeper than casual. She left casual the minute my lips met hers at my niece and nephew’s baptism.

  With my heart now involved, I briefly kiss her lips before moving down the bed to kneel between her ankles. I memorize the beauty watching me with as much passion in her eyes that I imagine is showing in mine.

  My dick is back to being over-excited in her presence. I grip my shaft and slide my hand up and down a few times. Her eyes drop and watch me as I touch myself. The pre-cum leaking out from the tip causes her to lick her lips. Groaning, I move my hand to my aching balls and push down to try and slow my excitement down some.

  Relaxing the grip I have on my balls, I move in and start my exploration of her delicious body beginning with a caress to both of her ankles.

  Her feet are dainty with slim ankles, which lead to the sexiest pair of legs; smooth, silky calves and thighs that lead to her hidden treasure. Settling fully between her thighs, I need to taste her sweet nectar. I hiss when my lower body presses against the bed making my dick throb and desperate to get wet where my mouth is about to be.

  As I slowly use my fingers to open her up to my eyes, I feel her gaze on me. Looking up, I hold her stare and kiss the small landing strip of hair on top of her pussy, watching as her eyes glaze over with need.

  I inhale. “You smell really good.” I slip my tongue between her wet folds. “You taste even better than I imagined.” I slide a finger through her pussy lips and dipping inside her core, my dick leaks more pre-cum. She’s so fucking wet for me that my balls ache. Placing another kiss to her pussy, I force myself to withdraw my fingers, which I suck into my mouth and hear her gasp, watching me.

  “Will you try something for me?” I ask, dipping my finger back inside her wet heat. I only hope I’m not frightening her. I didn’t lie when I told her I don’t need toys when I’m with her. I just want to show her how her pleasure can be heightened with what I have in mind.

  Coating my finger in her excitement will slightly lubricate where I want to go with a small toy. As I gently rim around her anus I hear her breath catch in her throat. She’s enjoying this. Dipping my head, I lick her pussy and sucking her clit into my mouth I massage it with my tongue causing her to arch from the bed. My cock jerks and expands as my finger slips inside her to the knuckle.

  She moans, “You’re driving me crazy, Ruben.”

  “Good, because that’s how you make me feel.”

  Quickly standing up, I open the drawer beside the bed and withdraw a small toy. Meeting Rosie’s eyes, I dip down and kiss her beautiful lips, whispering, “Trust me Rosie. I promise I’ll stop the minute you tell me to…No matter what stage of this we’re up to.” I kiss her again.

  “Okay,” she whispers. “Just do that again.” She blushes. “With your finger.”

  Back between her legs, I tease her with my finger, circling around her wet entrance before dipping inside to lubricate my finger. As I start to rim her again, I slide the butt plug inside her wet cunt and tease her.

  “Oh God, Ruben. That feels so good,” she moans. “More.”

  In my excitement my cock is leaking uncontrollably and it’s not going to take much more stimulation to orgasm—on both our parts.

  Slowly withdrawing my finger, I press in with the small, slim butt plug and when it’s secure I tongue her pussy, feeling her vibrate around me.

  Kissing my way up from between her legs, I caress the underside of her voluptuous breasts—teasing. Taking one of her nipples in to my mouth, I suck while pinching and rolling the other between my fingers.

  She arches and grinds against my cock, which is now wedged between her pussy lips. Not wanting her to come yet, I ease up and kiss between her breasts. Moving further up I place small kisses along her collarbone leading up, to her earlobe, which I nibble on.

  Her arms go to my shoulders and slide into the hair at the nape of my neck to hold me to her as I start to place small kisses all over her face, avoiding her lips.

  Supporting my weight with my elbows on either side of her breasts, I slide my hands underneath her shoulders to keep her close as I look into her eyes.

  She’s beautiful, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. I lean in to steal a kiss from her lips, and reaching down guide my dick into her tight sheath, nearly blowing my load when she surrounds me in her tight, wet heat—the butt plug making her sheath tighter than usual.

  Breaking from the kiss we both gasp in pleasure as I sink all the way inside her, my balls slapping her ass. My head drops to her neck while I try to get a grip and pray the tingling in my balls doesn’t spread otherwise I’ll be coming before I even move.

  “You have me so worked up, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to last long,” I whisper into her ear and feel her clamp down hard on my cock.

  My eyes roll back in my head as I grit my teeth while I chant inside my head. You will not come. You will not come. Fuckin’ hell, she has me by the balls, literally.

  “Ruben,” she moans. “Please move…I’m close.”

  Staying pressed against her, I say, “I want to pound into you…but this is going to be slow. I’ve never done slow before,” I s
lide all the way out before sliding all the way back inside, “but I want to do slow with you.”

  It’s taking everything in me to keep the slide of my dick inside her slow, but I want this to be special. I need this to be special. I may not be ready to tell her how I feel, but I can show her.

  Dipping down, I plunder her mouth with mine, tangling my tongue with hers. I suck it into my mouth and start imitating with my tongue what my cock’s doing inside her.

  No sooner have I started the tongue lashing when I feel the tiny flutters up and down the length of my dick as her orgasm builds, and builds, until…

  “Ruben,” she screams, thrashing around under me. She tightens and releases around my cock as I grit my teeth and continue with the slow back and forth motion with my hips before I join her and start coming. Gritting my teeth, I shove home, releasing deep inside her, over and over again, unable to stop the jerks of my dick as my creamy liquid fills her up.

  Christ, there mustn’t be anything left in me after that as I collapse on top of her, burying my face into the curve of her neck while she holds me tight in her arms.

  “I have no words,” she whispers, stroking the back of my head. “That was…intense.”

  “It was. I can’t move, baby. You’ve taken everything I have.”

  Wanting to stay inside her, but not wanting to crush her I start to withdraw, as regret fills my heart. Not regret at what we’ve just done, but regret that I’m no longer as close to her as I possibly can be.

  “Stay,” she tightens her arms around me, “please Ruben. I want your weight on me.”

  How can I refuse her when it’s also what I want? If I have my way, she’ll always be in my arms and in my bed because it will kill me if she’s ever with anyone else.


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