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Page 9

by Ashley Beale

"Come on, you got to get showered and ready for work. I have to leave in about two hours."

  I pull the blankets over my face and mumble how much I hate mornings. That just amuses Harvey. His hand reaches under the comforter and rubs between my thighs. I'm instantly wet and ready for him but I don't give him the satisfaction of removing my head from under the blankets.

  His lips come to my ear, the blanket the only thing separating them from touching it. "Oh, Zoey, my sweet, precious darling, what do we have here?" His finger dips inside me and I stifle my moan against the thick blanket. "You like that, don't you?" I'm currently happy I can't feel his warm breath against me.

  I shake my head back and forth, which is a lie. I'm enjoying this, way too much.

  "Oh really?" His voice is becoming thick with need. He adds another finger and pushes a little harder inside me then removes them. My body quivers. "You don't like when I do this?" He does it a second time with both fingers.

  This time I moan, unable to stop myself, unable to cover it up in time. I bite down on my lip so I can stop a second moan as he pushes his fingers deep inside me and doesn't remove them, he just keeps thrusting them in and out, pleasuring me.

  I can't hold back and I pull the blankets away from my face. His fingers leave me just long enough to get the comforter completely off me, then he continues his assault on my sex using just two thick fingers. My hands grip into the sheet underneath me as my body arches with pleasure

  "You do like it," he chuckles.

  I glare at him for a quick second before moaning under his touch. I come around his fingers and he leaves me alone for just a moment. His body then rolls over so it's on top of mine and he is completely naked. And completely ready. He dips slowly into me, pulls back just as slow, then he slams his length deep inside.

  I moan out, "ohhh."

  His hand grips into my hair as he continues going harder into me. I wrap my legs around him so I'm able to get as close as possible. His mouth goes near my ear again, this time I can feel his warm breath and it heats me up all over. "You feel so damn good."

  I clench myself around his cock when he speaks to me in that amazing tone. I love knowing how turned on he gets by me, it's thrilling and exciting. The more pleased he becomes, the more pleased I am too.

  I bite down on his shoulder as he starts going a little faster. His breathing is erratic in my ear and the sound of it pushes me over the edge. I start coming around his shaft this time. He pulsates inside me before I'm filled with this warmth. As he pulls back, his smiling lips press to mine. He doesn't remove them until he pulls out of me entirely.

  Continuing to lay in bed, I stare at the ceiling, lost in a blissful moment. Harvey lifts my leg and slaps my ass cheek. "Time to get a move on."

  I pout my lips out at him while rubbing the heated cheek. "That really hurt, jerk."

  He starts laughing and climbs out of bed. "If you don't get out of bed, it's going to hurt a lot worse than that." The devilish gleam in his eyes has me ready for another round, but the clock says I don't have the time for that.

  "Whatever," I mumble under my breath. I stand and walk into the shower. Harvey comes padding through the room behind me.

  He squeezes the same ass cheek he slapped and kisses my shoulder from behind. "I'm going to miss this sweet ass."

  Of course I can't help but laugh. "You're so weird," I tell him. I start the shower and pull out the pony tail, tossing the holder on the sink counter top.

  "And you're so beautiful." He pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me. I run my hands along his chest while looking up into his gorgeous gray eyes. "I'm going to miss everything about you. I wish I didn't have to go."

  I kiss his chin softly. "I know, I'll miss you too. You need to go though."

  His face lifts into a smile. "Before that, we have just enough time for a quickie in the shower." He grabs my hand and we both hop into the shower together.

  Before Harvey takes off for his place, he gives me sweet kisses and hugs, then reluctantly leaves my place so he can get going. I finish getting ready, then I head out to work.

  "Morning Miss LaRoche," Bob says to me when I walk into the building.

  "Good morning Bob. How are you? How’s the wife?"

  He smiles, showing me he is a proud man of his wife. "She is lovely. How is that Harvey guy doing? How come I haven't met him yet?"

  On days I get into work early, or wait around for Harvey at lunch time, Bob and I usually have a small conversation about our lives. I've learned quite a bit about him, like the fact he has been married for forty years, and he has three sons and two grand-daughters. I told him all about my sister, parents, and Harvey. I skipped out on anything to do with Kirt.

  I shrug my shoulders, giving him a sad smile. "Sorry, difficult schedules I guess. He is going to Maine today to see his dad and sick aunt."

  "Oh, well give him my well wishes Zoey. Have a good day."

  I wave to him as I continue walking. "Will do. Have a good day as well, bye."

  He wiggles his fingers back to me before I walk through the metal detector. I say hello to a busy Fred while he checks my handbag, then I continue up the elevator.

  Meghan is waiting for me in my office when I walk in. She jumps up from the chair she is sitting in, hands me a few papers, and explains what I need to get done before I leave. It'll be a busy day for sure.

  "So did you figure out the plans for Saturday night?" she asks.

  "Yeah, I did." I place the papers down on my desk, then roll my chair towards it while starting up my computer. "Would you be able to meet me at my place, say nine thirty or a little after? I'll give you my address. Then we're hitting up a night club my sister found online," I roll my eyes, "and apparently they're having a stripper pole dancing contest or some such thing. Be warned, my sister is a little... wild."

  She giggles. "Oh, you'd be surprised, I can be a little wild. Are you doing the contest?"

  I sigh, remembering the email Emi sent yesterday. "So my sister tells me." My voice is a little annoyed but I make sure to let her know I'm humored by the idea.

  "Oh goodie." I look at her, slightly surprised by her immediate acceptance of the idea. "I'll probably join you girls." She winks and I can't help but smile at her.

  "Is Ryan going? Did you ask him?"

  She tilts her head then starts laughing. "Oh, I guess I should have told you. Yes, Ryan will be joining us, but Ryan is a girl."

  I can feel my face heat up. I just assumed Ryan would be a guy. "Oops," I say with a bite of my lip.

  She waves it off. "No biggie, I don't think much about it honestly. We've been friends, since uhhh, the second grade. You'll like her, she's pretty charming. We'll both be at your house around nine thirty. Just write down your address so I don't forget it."

  I scribble it on a sticky note, then give it to Meghan. We say bye to one another before she exits my office, leaving me to get this massive amount of work done. I start typing out a report before I notice the icon in the top right corner, indicating I have a new message. It's from my sister, of course.



  Subject: Sat-ur-dayyyy!

  Hola! Hope you two lovies are having a fabulous morning so far. How is the weather up there anyways? I need to finish packing. I'm getting off work at noon today so I can >_< Yippie! I'm not even sure how a city girl from New York dresses. Would I be okay with cowgirl boots and skinny jeans, or should I wear a skirt and heels? I'm sure I'd prob win the competition then.. ;-)

  I was curious if you two (along with Harvey hot pants) wanted to do dinner and drinks before we went out?! I'm thinking it sounds like a fantastic idea. I need to see if the food up there is worth the $1,000 a plate. Or is that just a rumor? NOT that I have that kind of money, so we'd have to find a cheap place to eat, just saying.

  Okay, I'm rambling. Tell me your thoughts, and hurry up and email me... BOTH of you! Love you Z.

  *KISSES* Emi

  Of course she knows Brice's email! I roll my eyes at that. He emailed her yesterday, that fact interests me. I wonder to myself what they talked about. I don't really think too much into it, not sure if I want to know the personal things they shared with one another.

  I send her a quick one back, but I don't have the time to chit-chat, and I make sure to let her know.



  Subject: RE: Sat-ur-dayyyy!

  Hey Emi. I can't email back and forth today, sorry. I'll call you when I get out of work. I have a ton of work to do today that is due before I can leave. I'm already thinking I'm staying late tonight, blah. Anyways, I'm not sure what is "right" or not for a night club in NYC, but according to one incredibly fabulous fashion magazine called In-and-Out (hehehe) they say that tight jeans, skirts, or short dresses are in right now for a night club in any state. If you decide on the skirt or jeans, wear a flirty and fun shirt that doesn't show off TOO much boob. I know you!!

  But like I said, I'll call you later on that. Harvey can't make it Sat, his aunt is sick and he went to visit her.. :-( But my friend Meghan from work and her friend Ryan (who is a girl BTW) is joining us! I don't mind if we eat first, that is up to you two. I'll talk to you later. Love ya too.

  Zoey LaRoche

  "You love me?" Brice asks as he sits across from me during our lunch break. I didn't leave today since I couldn't meet with Harvey, and it's another rainy day. Instead I packed a couple sandwiches and some lemonade.

  I pause myself from taking another bite of my food and place the sandwich back down on the baggie I pulled it from. "Excuse me?"

  He grins at me, giving me a flirty little look. "Your email," he says with a shrug, "the end said, and I quote, love ya too."

  "Did you say you loved me first?" I give him a pointed look.

  He shakes his head, not smiling so much anymore.

  I laugh at his silly banter. "Well then, it obviously wasn't meant for you. Especially since she said, love you Z."

  "Z, I like that, I'm going to call you that."

  "No you're not," I quickly argue.

  He nods his head with a smug smile. "I am," he states with way too much confidence. He digs into his soup filled with noodles and vegetables. It looks incredibly delicious.

  "Ugh," I grunt. "Emi is the only one that calls me Z."

  "Emi, and now Brice."

  I stick my tongue out and finish my first sandwich. He laughs when I pull out the second. "Someone a little hungry?"

  I pick up a black olive that dropped from it and toss it at him. "Shut up."

  He tosses the black olive in his mouth then he continues with his soup. "Have you read any more of the emails we sent back and forth?"

  "Nope, and I'm sure I don't want to."

  "Why is that?"

  "I know my sister," I cringe at the thought of what she has told him in their personal emails, let alone whatever she has said in the ones involving me too. "I can only imagine it was kept PG like it's supposed to be for work."

  Brice throws his head back in more laughter. He is a light hearted guy, that much is for sure, and he has a fun personality. "She makes sure to add stars where she should."

  I eye him suspiciously. "So you basically have an email filled with stars."

  His smile grows but he doesn't say anything. I end up blushing just thinking about it.

  We don't say much more while he slurps on the end of his soup, but once he has the lid back on it and he places it into a blue lunch box, he starts to speak again. "We agreed on nachos and burgers before we go out. I told her of a sports bar I like to visit. They have good food that isn't even ten dollars a plate, let alone a thousand." He gives me a face, letting me know he thought that was weird of my sister to say. I admit, she is random. "We can have beers or whatever there. Apparently she wants to leave your place at like nine thirty so we can, uh, pre-game as she called it."

  "Okay, that sounds good. She'll be here tomorrow anyways, we can make the final details then."

  "Right, yeah, that too. She said she wasn't getting in until around eleven tomorrow night. She didn't feel comfortable having you pick her up alone, and she doesn't feel comfortable riding in a taxi alone, at least so late at night, so I'm picking you up and we're getting her together."

  I roll my eyes and give a defeated sigh. My sister most certainly doesn't care about me riding alone, or riding alone herself. She has this planned. She wants to meet Brice, make sure he is up to her standards before we all go out to the club together Saturday night. Whatever, I don't mind. I was planning on meeting her at the airport anyways, although I didn't realize it was so late.

  "Thanks," I tell him for the both of us.

  He stands and grabs his lunch box. "No problem. I’ve got a few things to get done before I clock back in though, so I'll see you tomorrow."

  I tell him bye, finish my food, then I head into my office early. I'm not clocked back in and technically shouldn't sign into the computer, but I want to read through all the emails real quick, in case Brice made anything up- not that I thought he did- and so I can catch up on everything that he missed out on telling me.

  I open the door when I confirm through the peep hole that it's Brice on the other side. "Hey," I tell him, then I close the door behind him.

  "Hey," he says back while looking around my apartment. It almost makes me feel self-conscience, having someone from work look around my place like this. Is it clean enough? Does he think it's too small? Is he going to make fun of me about something? I don't like having all these thoughts running through my head while he continues to take everything in.

  "This isn't fair."

  "What isn't?" I ask.

  "My apartment is just a studio apartment, I didn't get a bedroom. I think my living room is a little bigger, but my kitchen is half this size. I have three cabinets and no counter space."

  "Oh, that sucks." I'm not sure what more to say about that. I'm glad to know that he wasn't mentally insulting my place but I feel bad it's bigger. Mine apartment is tiny, so I can't imagine how small his really is.

  He sits on my couch and I look to the clock. We don't have to leave for another fifteen or twenty minutes. I'd rather leave now. I don't like playing hostess to anyone. It's different with my sister, or even Harvey. I feel incredibly comfortable around Harvey, he isn't needy at all, and my sister will walk in and treat this place like her own.

  "Do you want a drink?" I point to the fridge with my thumb while I ask him

  He shakes his head and continues looking around. "Thanks but I'm all set. So, did you get this place from the company?"

  "Uh, yeah." I don't think that is really his business but I answer him anyways.

  "Yeah, this really isn't fair," he says with a little bit of laughter. "It's probably because you're a girl."

  "Wait, are you not from around here?"

  He smiles at me, understanding my uncertainty. "No, you couldn't tell from my accent? Most people start conversations with me asking where I'm from. They paid me to come from the Tennessee office."

  "Oh," I drag the word out. "I guess I didn't pay attention. I don't think of you with an accent, probably because I'm used to it." I point to myself. "You know, being from the south too and all. I think of everyone else with an accent."

  He nods his head. "Yeah, I asked around where you were from. You're a Georgia peach." Of course he had to add in a wink and wide smile with that comment.

  I give him a look, warning him to call me that again. "No, and I'm not a Southern Belle either, so get that out of your head right now." He chuckles from my threat. "How come Meghan said your girlfriend moved to Tennessee or something?"

  His eyebrows lift and his smile broadens. "Oh, so Emi is right, you have been asking about me."

  I roll my eyes. "I needed to make sure you were a nice guy."

  "She made me choose, her or my job," he shrugs, "she stayed behind and I moved here. We were only together
like two months. I told one person at work and I've heard about five different rumors since. I don't understand everyone’s interest in my personal life though."

  Because you're easy on the eyes, I think but don't say. Not only that, but he is funny and amusing, and easy to talk to. I'm sure there are a lot of girls around the office drooling over him. Why he is willing to blindly date my sister tomorrow night and pick her up so late at night tonight is beyond me. Unless she sent him a picture of herself. I almost blush at that thought, because who knows how much she'd show him in a picture.

  Before we head out the door, I send a quick text to Harvey to ask how he is doing and that I miss him. He responds quickly all is good and he misses me too. I talked to him for a bit on the phone earlier and he said his aunt is really bad. He isn't sure if she is going to make it through the week. That saddens me greatly.

  Emi comes strutting through the airport like she is on a runway. I'm in gray sweatpants and an oversized black hoodie, not caring what I look like so late at night. She is in tight black jeans with rips all through the front of them, a skin tight neon pink shirt that shows off two inches of her belly, and black boots that have three inch heels. It takes a lot of effort not to roll my eyes at her.

  Her smile alone brightens the place up. "Oh, Zoey," she gushes, "I've missed you so much! It doesn't feel like it's been a month."

  I hug her to me, inhaling her scent. I've missed the smell of my sister, and everything else about her. "I've missed you too," I whisper against her.

  She pulls away and lifts one brow, happy with what she sees behind me. "Why hello there." Her voice changes into a seductive tone.

  "Emi, this is Brice. Brice, this is my sister, the vixen." She gives me a glare quickly, then smiles her hundred-watt smile towards Brice.

  He holds out his hand, as he did me the first time we met, but she accepts his gesture. I feel a little guilty as I never shook his hand that day. "Nice to meet you Brice," she says in the same tone.

  "You as well, Emi." His voice isn't nearly as seductive but he is obviously interested in the way he is eye fucking her. I stifle a groan and start walking towards the conveyer belt where her luggage is waiting for us to take.


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