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Rise of Humanity

Page 451

by <unknown>

  If they exposed the origins of Zhong Yue and his companions, they would be in deep trouble!

  The solar system in which the Ancestral Star was located had been sealed by an unknown power, but that unknown was undoubtedly extremely powerful.

  If news spread that someone had successfully escaped from that seal, the outcome would be very worrying!

  These two are not demonic gods yet, they shouldn't be that strong by now, which means that they are just trying to trick us into revealing our secrets.

  Then, Zhong Yue replied with surprise, “Stop joking around my friend. Where else can we come from if not the Prison Realm? We merely came from a little town that the locals call Han Ling Star. We don't even know how the outside world refers to us. Judging from your response, I assume that you have never heard of this Han Ling Star.”

  Bi and An on the other hand, activated the luxury decorated golden ship, invited everyone to board the ship before they flew into the space.

  The brothers exchanged glance, burst out laughing suddenly and clapped, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, you are indeed sly! The lion, old tree and this junior martial sister are also people with great intelligence while this younger junior martial sister is still very pure and innocent. This Junior Martial Brother Bai though, he immediately showed his hostility after hearing what we said. With that, he had already sold all of you out!”

  Immediately, Zhong Yue and the others looked at the embarrassed Bai Canghai; it was exactly just like what the brothers said, Bai Canghai had indeed turned hostile for a moment after hearing them, and Bi and An managed to sense his hostility.

  Unlike Bai Canghai, Qiu Jin’er, who was still pure and naive, never registered any of this, and so she didn’t expose herself.

  And Shi Buyi, Old Man Six Paths, Jun Sixie have been exposed to the dangerous world for a long time, which granted them more than enough experience to maintain their composure.

  As for Zhong Yue, who was exactly as cunning and sly as the brothers said, he had lies spilling out from his mouth as soon as he opened it, and he even made up a planet to fit into his lies. If it weren’t for Bai Canghai losing his composure, they would’ve already been safe from suspicion.

  “You have two points of suspicion!”

  An continued saying, “First, your origin is very dubious, the Prison Realm is a huge world where evil is condemned to, and you’re telling me that the four of you are all innate spirit bodies, with and one of you even being a double innate spirit body, not to mention another innate curse spirit body. This can’t possibly appear in the Prison Realm! The Six Path Reincarnation holds the power to control the bloodline of the Six Paths World, the origin, bloodline, race and position of a living being are all controlled and restricted by the heavenly dao, making it impossible to have four innate spirit bodies to be reborn into the Prison Realm at the same time, not to mention in the same school.”

  “And to give birth to the sun, moon, wood, water and curse spirit, this is a coincidence that would only occur once every hundreds of millions of years. It would take years for a planet to give birth to innate spirit bodies so it is impossible for a little planet such as your ‘Han Ling Star’ to achieve.” rejoined Bi.

  He then said, “As for the other point. The big lion and old tree do not look like your teachers at all; the lion seems to be afraid of Junior Martial Brother Zhong, suggesting that the lion is probably a servant or a mount to him. And judging from the relationship between you and the old tree, this old tree looks more like a friend to all of you.”

  As they talked, Jun Sixie began to lose her composure. She started to feel uneasy and kept looking at Zhong Yue as if waiting for his command to strike out at the brothers.

  The brothers had just proven themselves a formidable foe; in just a short time, they had managed to deduce so many things from so little information!

  Although Jun Sixie was once the headmaster of Swords Gate, she was not as experienced as Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Paths who still managed to keep their cool no matter how hard Bi and An pushed them.

  Zhong Yue also remained indifferent even after being exposed. He said shamefully, “You’re right, we did not came from Prison Realm. We came from the Myriad Realm.”

  He then said again, “Shi Buyi is my mount, Dao Liu is a senior I invited and the remaining four of us did not partake the event in the Myriad Realm because of the extremely fierce competition there. The three of us have little to no status in that realm.”

  After giving a glance at Bai Canghai, Zhong Yue continued saying, “Brother Bai may be a member of the celestial race, but as someone unable to unleash the power of his unique innate spirit body, he would be dead before he knew it if he tried to compete with those in our realm. We knew that the Prison Realm is relatively weaker compared to the other realms so we came here to try our luck. Who would've thought that there’s someone like you to see through our disguise? Impressive, impressive indeed.”

  “So that’s how it is.”

  The brothers exchanged glance again before Bi said, “You can hide this from the other demonic gods, but not for the Emerald Heaven Dharma King, not to mention the Realm Lord. With just a glance, he will be able to know where you all come from.”

  As they spoke, the ship carried them through the asteroid belt before landing on the largest asteroid where rock pillars and tablets stood around. It was an ancient teleportation portal.

  They alighted from the ship and entered the teleportal. An took out a Star Disc and placed it into the socket of the teleportal to pinpoint their location.

  Zhong Yue frowned upon now learning that it would be impossible to hide their origins from the Emerald Heaven Dharma King and Realm Lord.

  Perhaps it was possible for them to avoid being found out by the Emerald Heaven Dharma King, but if they won, they would be summoned by the Realm Lord of the Prison Realm. By then, not only would the Realm Lord realize that they were not from the Prison Realm, he will also find out that they didn’t even belong to this Six Paths World!

  That would be the worst outcome!

  They were soon teleported towards their destination, and An said, “Emerald Heaven Dharma King might not probe too much into your origins because she doesn’t have the power that Realm Lord does. For now, if you want to enter the competition smoothly, you will first have to avoid her.”

  Zhong Yue’s eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, “I suppose you have a way to allow us from being detected by the Realm Lord? Please help me in this matter.”

  The brothers, however, avoided his question and said, “Now now, let us put that aside and turn out attention to this demonic god that is attempting to launch an attack halfway during our trip?”

  The teleport traveled in light speed but there was suddenly a demonic god that launched an attack, presumably to kill them and rob them of their wealth.

  The demonic god was shrouded in black as he stood on a lonely rock. Like a fisherman, he hurled his divine net out onto the path of the teleportation ray and waited for Zhong Yue and the others to run straight into the net.

  Just as Zhong Yue looked at Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Paths and wanted to ask them to do something, Bi and An said, “You are my guests so your trouble is our trouble. Let us get rid of that god.”

  The brothers let out a battlecry, and their foreheads lit up, emitting a light ray that looked like a long horn that stabbed towards the net.

  A huge hole immediately appeared on the net and all of them slipped through the net from the hole.

  The demonic god was startled and when he retrieved his net back, he had a heartache immediately when he looked at the hole.

  The brothers are indeed very strong. It would be unwise to provoke them….

  The demonic god turned around and as he left the scene, he thought, There are definitely a few more old gods in front waiting to ambush them but they probably won't succeed as well.

  Now, Zhong Yue and the others were not far away from the Bi An Precipice but all in a sudden, a sinister
looking demonic god charged out from the dark with relentless power that pushed away a moon sized planet towards the path of the teleportal ray.

  Obviously, this demonic god was trying make them crash into the planet by pushing the planet into their path.

  And with the speed they were travelling now, they would definitely be killed in the crash!

  “These gods in the Prison Realm are really….” murmured Bai Canghai.

  “What a great plan there. You have to get used to this, killing, slaughtering, robbing, stealing and whatever acts that go against the moral are very normal here but I suppose you will all get used to these in no time.” Bi said with a smile.

  Hong long—-

  After a loud noise, they plummeted into a hole right through the planet without showing any signs of stopping.

  This scared the demonic god and prompted him to take a look at the planet; he realized that the core of the planet was destroyed and he thought as his heart dumped, It’s Bi and An! How impressive, this is something even I can’t do. They indeed live up to their names! I better not try to offend them in the future….

  Zhong Yue also had a serious expression on his face; the brothers’ strengths were beyond his expectations; he could destroy net of the first demonic god they encountered, but he was sure that he couldn't open up a hole in a planet.

  But the brothers did so effortlessly!

  On their way there, they were ambushed a few times again; there were gods that cast an array on their path; some used their soul weapons that came in various forms such as rapid river, blood ocean. They wanted to rob Zhong Yue and his companions but they were all repelled by Bi and An.

  Moments later, they arrived at Bi An Precipice.

  Zhong Yue looked around and realized that the Bi An Precipice was not just a planet but a few planets merged together. From afar, it looked like an extraordinarily huge planet that floated in the galaxy, surrounding the sun.

  The scene was marvelous and he saw colourful clouds floating in the air, and on the mountains there were even oceans that reflected the sunlight brightly.

  “Amazing.” Old Man Six Paths said softly.

  Bi and An then said, “This is our humble abode. A place we built after we were reborn hundreds of times.”

  “Now, shall we?” said the brothers again.

  Chapter 626: Distant Cousin |

  The teleportation ray flashed by, and when Zhong Yue and the others touched the ground moments later, they found themselves situated on a precipice grander than any they had ever seen.

  Divine birds streaked across the sky, and divine beasts galloped on the grasslands. The spiritual energy in the place was even a hundred times denser than on the twin planets!

  They were standing on the summit of the Bi An Precipice; there was a grand palace a distance away from them with many towers and palaces stacked over one another. From afar, the whole palace looked like a horse-dragon with its head rising high up in the sky.

  “There are nice treasures in the palace!”

  In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, Xin Huo looked at the Bi An Precipice through his divine eyes and said solemnly, “Amazing, there are at least a hundred emperor-level divine weapons guarding the palace! This little Bi An Precipice, why does it have such strong defences?”

  Zhong Yue was shocked. For even someone like Xin Huo to notice, then just how strong would the defences need to be?

  Over a hundred emperor-level divine weapons, what are they guarding against? Zhong Yue couldn’t help but to wonder.

  Then, an old granny tottered her way toward them, she bowed and said, “Masters, you are back.”

  Bi and An nodded together, they said, “They are our guests, Granny Shan should treat them well.”

  The old granny’s eyes opened a slit and bright rays flashed across her greyish pupil as she glanced over them; seconds later, her eyes returned to normal and she said, “Dear guests, please follow me.”

  Zhong Yue and the others were shocked. Granny Shan looked no different to any other commoners out there, but the light in her eyes was no lie. But she was just too old, so old that even Zhong Yue and the others could sense the life force leaking from her body like water flowing through a sieve.

  Her days were coming to an end, all of her cultivation base and power, psyche and arcane energy were slowly collapsing . Not much time was left for her to live, perhaps, only a few years at most.

  “This Granny Shan is a Deity Overlord.” Old Man Six Paths conducted his voice to them and said, “I am very clear of such a strong aura, it can only come from a Deity Overlord. Hmmm, I can still remember the taste of those like her, incredibly delicious, but also extremely hard to digest.”

  Shi Buyi heard him and was shocked greatly, Just exactly who is this old guy? He’s even devoured a Deity Overlord’s corpse?

  Zhong Yue calmed himself, if Granny Shan was a Deity Overlord and was only just guarding Bi and An’s home, then exactly were these two brothers?

  Granny Shan led them into the palace, while Bi and An exchanged a look and said with a smile, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, my fellow friends, you may stay for a few days. Please excuse us as we still have matters to attend to. We shall further discuss our plans a few days later.”

  Zhong Yue cleared his throat and said, “Senior martial brothers, you still haven’t told us how to avoid Realm Lord’s inspection…”

  The two brothers laughed in unison, “Junior martial brother, please be patient for a little longer!”

  Granny Shan was expressionless, her voice was cold and hoarse as she said, “Dear guests, this way please.”

  Zhong Yue and the others followed her, along the way, Granny Shan assigned them each a palace of their own. These palaces were all well-equipped, there were the bedroom, cultivation room, alchemy room, a leisure garden and many other facilities.

  After Granny Shan left, Zhong Yue and the others gathered together. They sat down in the lotus position but did not say a word, instead it was their psyche that were reverberating around as they communicated through mental transmissions.

  “This Granny Shan is dying, she won’t live for long.” Old Man Six Paths said, “But to have such a strong Deity Overlord as the guardian of their home, those two are no ordinary cultivators.”

  Shi Buyi nodded, “Master Zhong, they seem to value you a lot. They only addressed us due out of politeness but called you their junior martial brother instead. It is you they were always talking to. Do you know them?”

  Zhong Yue shook his head, “The furthest I have been before this is the Kun Lun Realm and the Returning Ruins; if I have never been here, how would I know them?”

  “Then they must be seeking something from you, there must be some underlying reason for this!” Jun Sixie concluded decisively.

  Zhong Yue answered mutedly, “We shall see soon.”

  Suddenly, Qiu Jin’er said, “Senior martial brother, I just sensed a spot that is particularly dense in spiritual energy that would also make it easier for us to attain the Dao. It is the best place to cultivate and fix the flaws in our cultivation from the Ancestral Star. We will experience a great leap in power if we can cultivate there!”

  “Is there really such a place?”

  They were all surprised and overjoyed, Qiu Jin’er held the Innate Wood Spirit Body, her sensitivity toward spiritual energy was higher than others’. If she said there was such a place, then it was probably true.

  The Dao in the Prison Realm was complete, although it may feel like a norm to the living beings here, for Ancestral Star cultivators like themselves, they would see incredible benefits in cultivating here!

  Zhong Yue stood up and said while smiling, “Then, let’s go and have a look!”

  He couldn’t wait any longer, the Six Paths Fruit was already in his Dao Yi Realm, hovering above the Pan Gu God while the Pan Gu God gleaned and attained the knowledge within the divine fruit.

  If he was able to find a good location to cultivate, he would be able to attain many more
insights in the Six Paths!

  Just as they walked out of the palace, Granny Shan suddenly walked out of the void in front of them, she asked indifferently, “Dear guests, where are you heading to?”

  Zhong Yue clasped his hands and replied politely, “Granny, we are planning to tour ourselves around for a good location to study, I wonder if you can let us through?”

  “There are many forbidden areas in the masters’ Bi An Precipice, as long as you don’t intrude into those places, I can bring you around.” Granny Shan replied.

  “Thank you.” Zhong Yue then furtively glanced over at Qiu Jin’er, and the young lady led the way toward the location she was referring to.

  Soon, they walked out of the palace and reached the precipice. Suddenly, Qiu Jin’er took a sharp turn and flew down to the bottom of the precipice.

  However, there was a strange force that pulled them toward the summit of the precipice, causing them to hover above the ground as they flew further.

  They traveled thousands of miles and finally reached a vast ocean; there were many marvelous sea creatures unheard of shuttling and playing in the waters. Some were leaping in and out of the sea surface, some dove into the deepest region of the ocean, some were casually floating while some were simply cultivating.

  Shi Buyi couldn’t help himself and huge lion head grew out from his neck, he gnawed on a mountainous octopus and swallowed it.

  “Ahh, its taste, its texture, how delicious! And it is even better than any other medicinal pellets I have ever eaten!” Shi Buyi praised.

  But Granny Shan suddenly gave a cold snort, “There will be no second time.”

  Shi Buyi was just planning to consume a second one, and quickly stopped when he heard that.

  Qiu Jin’er was still flying. Another hour flashed by, and the tip of a giant golden flower bud slowly rose above the horizon. Then, they saw many golden flower buds floating on the ocean surface.

  These flower buds were at least 30,000 feet tall, their petals wide and huge with sharp tips through the firmament. The spiritual energy gathered at the tip of the flower buds and formed into auspicious clouds around them.


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