Secret Life
Page 19
The ancillary experiences usually come after the primary experiences, but it is not necessary for secondary experiences to have taken place beforehand.
The Breathing Pool
In one common ancillary procedure, the aliens bring the abductee into a room with a large tank or even a small “swimming pool” in it. The aliens tell her to get into the tank. The liquid is clear and at first glance looks like water, but it is not water. The abductee is told to submerge herself in the liquid and stay there. She may be scared that she will drown, but the aliens reassure her that she will be all right. She gets in over her head and then is told to breathe. She finds that she is able to breathe normally even though her head is under “water.” After a short time she is told to get out. Sometimes the aliens dry her off, but most of the time they do not. The purpose of the pool procedure is unknown.
James Austino had a breathing pool procedure in 1988. During his hypnotic regression he described seeing an adolescent offspring wearing a white smock and helping the aliens. James found himself looking at a large, oval pool of water, and the adolescent urged him to get into it.
It’s like, “We’ve got to go in the water.” I’m like, “No, no, no….” She says, “It’s not so bad,” that’s the impression I get. And then she gets in. The water’s green.
Yeah, it’s almost like it’s luminescent. When I look at her, you can see the silhouette of her body. She’s just standing in it.
In the water?
And she says, “Come on, it’s not so bad.” Okay. Does she just jump in herself first?
She just kind of eases herself in.
When she says, “We have to go into the water,” does she use specifically that word?
No, but that’s the impression I’m getting.
So now you see her in there, is her hair getting wet?
No, she’s standing in it. That’s why she’s not sinking.
Oh, I see. How far into the water is she?
About up to her chest.
Is her dress straight down, or is it sort of floating out?
It’s kind of floating a little bit, but not straight out. And I just jump in.
And then you just go straight down past her?
Oh, you don’t.
I’m in and I look at her, like, “Okay, I’m in.” And I look back, and the five or so things look pleased.
And then she comes over to me and says, “Just lay back, and just relax.” That’s when I sit back down. That’s when I feel like I’m going down.
But you’re not being supported by anything, then?
Mm-mmm. I just sink down to the bottom, and I start to breathe.
How far is it down to the bottom?
About four, five feet.
So it’s not a very deep tank, then?
No, it’s about four feet. And I start to breathe, that’s the neat thing.
Now, when you look at the sides of this thing, can you see the walls? Is it transparent?
It’s just walls. It’s pretty big, though. I see her getting out, because I see her legs leaving.
How does she get out? Does she go over to the side and pull herself out?
She pulls herself out. That’s when I start to feel blacking out and stuff.
Did you taste the stuff?
No. It makes you numb, though. It feels body-temperature, too.
Okay. So you go down, you’re about four or five feet down.
You feel numb, and then you’re sort of blacking out a little bit.
But I’m breathing, which is really strange.
Yes, it sounds strange. What happens next, then?
I hear sounds under water, like mechanical sounds.
You mean, like something is going on while you’re in there?
Can you look around and see what’s up?
Yeah, they’re just sounds. It’s light in here, but there are no lights. I’m just kind of floating, though.
Are you actually touching the bottom, though?
A little bit. I’m moving around, though.
Can you look up? Are they up there looking down at you?
Yeah, a couple of them are.
Do you see the girl up there?
Okay, what happens next, then?
I feel like it’s time to come out. So I push myself up.
Can you kind of swim up in some way?
Mm-hmm. I paddle myself up a little bit, and I get up along the walls and I stand up. There’s like two of them kneeling down.
On the edge of the pools, you mean?
Why are they kneeling down?
To grab my arms.
Is it hard to get out of there?
The water feels slimy almost, now. When I come out it’s still on my body, it doesn’t run off like water. You have to take your hands and slop it off.
So it doesn’t have the same…
It sounds like you’re saying it’s almost viscous.
Yeah. I get out of the water. And they just kind of walk me into another room.
(James Austino, 23, 1988)
Cures and Specialized Internal Procedures
In extremely rare cases, the aliens will undertake a cure of some ailment troubling the abductee. This is not in any way related to the contactee Space Brother concepts of benevolent aliens coming to Earth to cure cancer. Rather, in special circumstances it appears that the aliens feel obliged to preserve the specimen for their own purposes. As one abductee said, “It’s equipment maintenance.”
At least two abductees have reported that their cases of pneumonia were cured during their abductions. Lynn Miller feels certain that the aliens were responsible for curing her diphtheria. Lynn’s Mennonite background precluded her from getting vaccinations, and when she was six years old she became desperately ill. Even though the physician had told her mother that the disease could be fatal, her religious beliefs did not allow Lynn to be taken to the hospital. She steadily deteriorated over a two-week period, and the doctor came daily to do what he could. Finally the physician told her mother he did not expect Lynn to live through the night.
That night Lynn experienced an abduction, during which the aliens told her that they were going to cure her. They passed a portable, rodlike device around her body and then made her stand in a vertical cylindrical machine that had a small window. The aliens sat in chairs and watched as a blue light slowly came down toward her from the top of the machine. When the light was about eight inches from her it began to go back up. It reached its highest point and shut off. The Beings then told her to get out. They informed her in a matter-of-fact manner that she was now cured and “cleansed.” They then performed other procedures on her and took her back home.
The next morning her mother was astounded to find Lynn playing on the floor. She cheerily told her mother that she felt fine. Her mother ordered her into bed at once and called the doctor. Her temperature was normal. The astonished and puzzled physician told Lynn to stay in bed for another week, but she wanted to get up that day and play more. Her diphtheria seemed to be completely gone.
Sometimes an abductee reports that the aliens appear to be doing surgery on her, either at the base of her rib cage, near her gall bladder, or behind her eye. This is often a fairly long procedure involving several Beings. The abductee feels no pain during the operation; when it is over, no scar is evident. It is not clear what the aliens are trying to accomplish with this procedure.
In another procedure a tube is inserted into the abductee’s mouth and then down her throat and at the same time a catheter is introduced into her urethra, as if the aliens were flushing out her digestive system. After a while the aliens remove the two tubes at the same time. Sometimes the aliens force the abductee to drink a liquid or pour it down her throat, which might result in vomiting. At other times the aliens wait a while aft
er the ingestion of the liquid and then take a urine sample. One woman woke up at night and felt a powerful urge to eat something, even though she was not hungry. An abduction followed in which the aliens examined her intestines and required her to regurgitate her food. With other abductees, the aliens inject a needle into the person’s head to remove either fluid or tissue; one abductee was told that they were removing “just a few” brain cells. The reasons for all these procedures are unclear.
Pain Threshold
Some of the most distressing of the ancillary experiences are those that elicit physical pain. Creating pain might enable the aliens to examine the neural pathways in a human that allow for the transmission and perception of pain. One man has been the victim of numerous pain experiments ever since he was a child. The aliens touch various parts of his body with a special tool that causes excruciating and unremitting localized pain. Sometimes they place a metallic plate around sections of his body. When energized, the plate creates agonizing pain wherever it touches his body. The pain grows in intensity until the man mentally screams for them to stop—but to no avail. During the pain procedures, an alien stares deeply into his eyes. In one of Steve Thompson—s abductions, the aliens placed a machine on his head that caused such unbearable pain that he lost consciousness. After the procedure, a Being told him, “It had to be done.”
I have received extremely bizarre accounts from two abductees who describe “Proto-Beings” in the process of manufacture. One abductee was fitted on several different occasions with “suits” that covered different parts of her body, as if molds were being made. Then on other occasions she saw obviously manufactured Beings who looked like rough imprints of humans—tall, with featureless faces. The aliens were in control of these “robots.” The figures had wires attached to their “proto” backs and heads that seemed instrumental in making them walk and move like humans. Until more is known about this, these reports remain as tantalizing hints about possible other aspects of the abduction scenario.
Media Displays
Media displays are different from other mental-visual procedures because they do not involve staring by the aliens. They can be presented in a large room with “screens,” or played out as an objective reality in the abductee’s mind, as in the envisioning procedures. The purpose of these displays is unknown, but one abductee had the feeling that they might have something to do with making her more psychologically receptive to the aliens’ reproductive procedures.
For Karen Morgan, media presentations began when she was nine years old. She was made to observe a screen from a table she was lying on just after the examination. Later, when she was grown, she was taken into a special media room with other people. The room is large and circular, with Small Beings standing at regularly spaced intervals watching the abductees. Groups of five to ten naked humans are made to stand in roped-off areas within the room. They are compelled to look up, and a series of “screens” appear toward the top of the wall around the room. The lights darken and the show begins.
The actual pictures are always puzzling and sometimes very difficult to remember. Usually they are moving pictures of beautiful and idyllic landscapes. A majestic mountain might appear in one scene, while another might show a flowing river, a hawklike bird, fields of grain, and so forth. The scenes are always sunny, cloudless, devoid of rain, snow, or any other inclement weather. Abductees do not report seeing any cities or evidence of civilization or of artificiality. No humans or aliens are depicted in the media displays.
The entire scene has a slightly unreal quality to it. The colors are a little “off,” not quite natural. A voice then enters the abductee’s mind. Karen describes this as a “telepathic public address system,” assuming that the rest of the humans in the room are hearing the same thing as she is. The voice starts out by saying “Behold!” or something like that.
Although Karen finds it difficult to recall, she gets the impression that the scenes being shown to her are of a wonderful new world that the aliens are, in some way, developing. This is a beautiful place that will some day become very important for all people. She also has the distinct impression that this place is connected with the babies. Sometimes she thinks that the place is another planet, and sometimes she thinks that the planet is Earth, after alien intervention—and this scares her.
On three occasions between April and June 1987, Karen was taken to a display room where she was forced to observe idyllic scenes. In April she also felt certain that the room that she was being led into with the other humans had something to do with babies.
They’re going to show us something…. It’s, I saw a light, and it’s, the light’s going to show us something. They’re going to show us an image or something but I’m so bored and pissed off that I just want to get this over with…. They’re showing us a place. I don’t know if it’s on a projector or what.
You mean a geographic location?
Is this inside, or outside?
Okay, let me describe it…. I think it’s meant to look like it’s outside. And it’s a place, it’s a place. I can’t see the place.
This is an outside scene?
Yeah. I think the impression we’re meant to have is, “This is where we’re taking the babies.” I think this is the impression they’re trying to give us. But what is the light? I can’t see it. Why can’t I see it? I can’t…
Is this a city scene?
No, it looks more parklike.
Is there grass.
… It’s green and brown and blue, maybe there’s a stream in it, maybe not. It’s meant to look very idyllic, but still symmetrical.… I think the deal is that we’re supposed to believe that that’s where they’re taking the kids, or that’s what we’re helping them prepare the kids for…
Are you just observing this in your mind’s eye, or are you actually looking at this through your eyes?
No one’s touched me. I think we’re all seeing this, kind of. I think. I could be wrong.
Does it have an Earthly quality to it, as opposed to an alien quality?
Definitely Earthlike….
Now, as you look at this scene, is this a static scene, or is this a changing scene?
No, it’s a panorama. It holds on one thing, then it kind of goes around, I don’t like this because they know that this is what I think is beautiful. Maybe everybody is seeing something different. And I know that they never show you anything unless they’re trying to manipulate you, so I’m trying to stay detached from it. It’s… I can see it better. There’s fir trees. There’s a river. We’ve moved from sort of where the trees were and the grass. Now there’s a river, there’s a canyon, it’s like the Colorado River. It’s cut into the ground. It’s moving fast, but not so fast that it’s scary. I mean, you could still raft on it. And there’s a beautiful fir tree standing next to it. It’s not exactly like our aerial photos. This is different. I don’t want to look at it, because I know if I look at it then they’ll be able to do something to me. So I’m trying not to look at it.
Are you trying not to look at it by averting your eyes, or by… ?
I can’t avert my eyes. I don’t know why. No, I’m looking at it with my eyes open, but I’m thinking, “I will not be involved in this.”