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American Experiment

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by James Macgregor Burns

  power; balance of, 109, 117-18, 135, 225-6, 572, 598; and judicial review, 189, 193; private, and liberty, 131; in republics, 118-19, 225-6, 262; see also separation of powers

  Pownall, Thomas, 3-4

  Prague, 467

  Presbyterians, 7, 78, 257, 494-5, 497

  Prescott. William H., 478

  Philip II, 588

  President (presidency), 38, 70, 564; election of, 38, 61, 107-8, 229-30, 362, 372; strong, 346-7, 427, 598, 614-15, 619; veto power of, 38, 171, 262, 599-600; see also executive branch

  presidential elections: campaigning in, 107, 147, 265-7, 419-22; cost of, 322; issues in, 320, 322, 333, 334-6; nomination by congressional caucus, 183, 204, 210, 212, 228, 238, 265, 369, 378; and political balance, 467; slander in, 151-2, 265, 323, 342, 421; see also nominating conventions

  press, 44, 47, 50, 57, 90-1, 112-13, 243, 482, 499, 546-7, 576; freedom of, 19, 24-5, 42, 90-1, 125, 127, 130, 131, 372, 392, 511, 573; and politics, 80, 90-1, 108-9, 161, 171, 188-9, 190, 217, 223-4, 231, 246, 264, 322, 332, 358, 371, 374, 377, 421, 515; prosecutions of, under Sedition Act, 128-30, 139; see also newspapers

  Price, Richard, 26

  Priestley, Dr. Joseph 129, 164

  Princeton University, 32, 257, 337., 567

  prisons, 115, 351, 354, 356, 407, 467

  property, right of, 39-40, 350, 360, 401, 402, 433, 556; and liberty, 25, 26-7, 45, 226, 228-9, 263, 268; vs. people, 347, 348, 354, 466; and suffrage, 363-4, 365

  Prosser, Gabriel, 149-51

  Protestants, 7-8, 81, 143, 244, 373, 407, 408, 493, 498, 500, 509; evangelical, 492, 494-7, 507; see also individual denominations

  Providence, R.I., 220, 292, 302, 365

  Provoost, Samuel, 78

  Prussia, 172, 194, 213, 232

  Pryor, Roger, 606

  Public-Land Act (1800), 419

  public lands, 344, 543; as campaign issue, 320, 333, 334; speculation in, 93-5: squatters on, 426, 451, 469, 550

  public opinion, 123, 191, 253, 501; and abolitionists, 519-22

  Punch, 537

  Quakers (Friends), 24, 78, 111-17 passim, 50, 373, 412, 439, 482

  Quids, see Republican party:


  Quincy, Mass., 106, 228, 267, 430

  Quincy, Josiah, 338

  radical movements, 359-62, 365, 383-4, 412, 414, 502, 535, 589; see also reform movements

  railroads, 304, 305, 309, 373, 408, 433, 437, 450, 484, 488, 492, 511, 517, 528, 543, 556, 589; in Civil War, 602, 608, 609-10; development of, 431-3, 436; expansion of, 531-2, 536, 553, 559, 583, 593; Thoreau on, 484-5

  Raleigh Standard, 573

  Randall, James, 615

  Randolph, Edmund, 29, 30, 34-5, 38, 42, 53, 54-5, 71, 78, 88, 103-4

  Randolph, John, 143, 186, 203, 205, 209, 236, 256, 258, 259-60, 267, 270, 324, 337, 364

  Rantoul, Robert, 361

  Rapine, Mary, 451

  Rappites, 439-40

  rebellion, 143, 248-50; assistance for, 253-4; Jefferson on 19, 162; potential, 384, 438; right to, 20-1, 252; see alsorepublic: opposition in

  Red Jacket, Chief, 96-7

  reform movements, 365, 372, 383-4, 394, 397-403, 436, 438-9, 467, 505-11; failure of leadership in, 412-16; lack of collaboration among, 414-16; and literature, 481-92; power in, 415-16; see also abolitionists; radical movements

  Regulators, see Shays’s Rebellion

  religion, 143-4, 409, 476, 492-501; and education, 497-8, 506, 507-9; freedom of, 7-8, 24, 55, 69, 89-90, 113, 130, 441, 479, 493, 500, 599; on frontier, 492-7; see also individual religions and denominations

  Remington, Eliphalet, 534

  Remini, Robert, 336

  republic: checks and balances in, 17-18, 34, 118, 120, 134, 260-1, 262-3, 272, 372, 625; education in, 19, 109, 144, 501-2; experiments in government of, 21, 25-7, 28, 33-4, 63, 67, 133-4, 140, 164, 254, 260-1, 311, 597-8; judgment of American, 140-4, 197, 237, 261; leadership in, 21, 62-3, 84-5, 109, 131, 143, 144, 191, 262-3, 269, 600; military in, 215-16; opposition in, 20-1, 30, 98-9, 125-33, 134-5, 138-9, 145, 191-3; power in, 118-19, 225-6, 262; voting in, 20-1, 60; see also democracy; majority rule

  Republican party, 557, 580-1, 599, 620; in Congress, 580, 605, 606; convention and election of 1860, 593-7, 600; election of 1856, 559-62; formation of, 549, 553; issues in, 593, 595, 605; slavery issue in, 558, 559, 560-1, 566, 591, 593-7, 602, 605, 626

  Republican party (Jeffersonian), 99, 137, 173, 229-30, 322, 369, 377, 379; Alien and Sedition Acts opposed by, 127-33; in Congress, 122, 123, 136, 145, 161, 164-5, 169-72,, 183, 185-6, 202, 209, 210, 228, 235-7, 258, 322, 377, 378; in election of 1796, 107-9, 378; in election of 1800, 145-8, 151-5, 227, 230, 378; in election of 1804, 183, 227, 378; in election of 1808, 203-4, 227, 378; in election of 1812, 210, 227, 378; in election of 1816, 227, 238-9, 378; in election of 1824, 264-8, 378; in election of 1828, 322-3; in election of 1832, 331-6; factions in, 145, 154, 166, 185-6, 190-1, 202, 205, 236, 254, 258, 266, 322, 334, 377; and foreign affairs, 101-4, 121, 123, 125-6, 177, 200-1, 205-6; as majority, 164-5, 169, 183, 184, 188-9, 190-2, 229, 230, 243, 262-3; National, 323, 331, 333-6, 340-1, 347, 380, 420; Quids, 205, 208, 258, 259; state, 183, 190, 210, 265, 371, 377; view of liberty in, 109, 258; see also Jefferson, Thomas: and Republican party; Whig party

  Revere, Paul, 110

  revivalists, 492, 494-7, 500

  Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 565, 601, 613-14

  Rhode Island, 27, 31, 52, 92, 134, 216, 231, 466, 506; industry in, 288, 291-2, 293; suffrage reform in, 364-5, 392

  rice, 274, 328-9, 450, 567, 568

  Richmond, Va., 53, 197, 260; and Civil War, 608, 609, 621-2; slave uprising in, 148-51

  Richmond Enquirer, 260, 515, 605

  Ripley, Ezra, 481

  Ripley, Sophia Willard Dana, 438, 443

  Ritchie, Thomas, 260

  Rittenhouse, David, 117

  Rives, William Cabell, 345

  roads, 8, 141, 220, 236, 240-1, 276-7, 286, 299, 305, 309, 315, 331, 450

  Roane, Spencer, 260

  Robinson, Donald, 40

  Robinson, Frederick, 361

  Rogin, Michael, 338

  Roland, Charles, 613

  Roosevelt, Isaac, 56

  Roosevelt, Lydia (Mrs. Nicholas), 300

  Roosevelt, Nicholas, 299-300

  Ross, John, 453

  Rossiter, Clinton, 32, 40

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 100

  Royal Navy, see Great Britain

  Rubin, Julius, 309

  Ruffin, Edmund, 572, 606-7, 609

  Rumsey, James, 277

  rural areas, 409-10, 526-7; politics in, 47, 597, 614

  Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 34, 43, 116, 119, 79

  Rush, Richard, 246, 249, 269

  Russell, Jonathan, 232-3

  Russell, William, 618

  Russia, 4, 194, 213, 216, 232, 249-50, 438, 557, 620

  Rutledge, Edward, 43

  Rutledge, John, 26, 35, 37-8, 39

  Sacagawea, 181-2

  St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, 96

  Saint Domingue, 176; black uprising in, 49, 173-4

  St. Louis, Mo., 178, 180, 182, 352, 499, 514, 518, 617; as port city, 302, 532-3, 535

  St. Paul, Minn., 302

  Saint-Simon, Comte de, 443

  Salem, Mass., 75, 219, 221, 222, 338, 488-9

  Salem, N.C., 289-90

  Sanders, George, 536

  San Felipe Telegraph and Texas Register,

  San Francisco, Calif., 244, 471

  San Martin, Jose de, 248

  Santa Anna, Gen. Antonio Lopez de, 454-5, 462, 464

  Santa Fe Republican, 515

  Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 532

  Savannah, Ga., 277, 388, 390-1

  Say, Thomas, 441

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 343

  Schmidt, Louis, 309-10

  schools, see education

  Schouler, William, 399

  Schurz, Carl, 549, 564, 595-6

  Schuyler, Gen. Philip, 81, 433

  Schuyler, Robert, 432-3

  Scotch immigrants, 81, 126

  Scott, Dred, 575-8

  Scott, Sir Walter, 452, 477-8

  Scott, Gen. Winfield, 213, 426, 446, 461-4, 469, 475, 525, 608

  secession, 140, 201, 217, 261, 328, 598-602, 605; and election of 1860, 592-3, 596-7; and Essex Junto, 230; and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 131-2, 134, 139, 145; and ratification of Constitution, 56, 57; and slavery issue, 261, 329, 473, 591

  sectionalism, 8; economic, 86, 270, 589, 598; and foreign affairs, 103-5, 209; leaders in, 331, 565, 570; political, 86, 104, 108, 127, 135, 320, 426, 427, 466, 468-71, 598-600; and slavery issue, 242-3, 329, 333, 346, 348-9, 459, 464-75, 540, 544-54, 570, 574-8, 591-7, 599, 602; Webster-Hayne debate on, 327-30

  Sedgwick, Theodore, 20, 49, 231, 360

  Sedition Act (1798), 126-33, 138, 139, 141; see also Alien and Sedition Acts

  Seixas, Rabbi Gershom Mendes, 78, 81

  Seminole Indians, 6, 245-6, 247, 332, 452

  Senate: election to, 36-7, 61, 68, 362, 381; filibuster in, 466; Jackson censured by, 340, 346, 423; treaty ratifications in, 104, 177, 235, 248, 459; Webster-Hayne debate in, 327-30, 337; see also Congress, U.S.

  Seneca Chief (canal boat), 303-4

  Seneca Falls Convention, 401-2, 413-14

  separation of powers, 120, 216; in Constitution, 36, 45, 61, 63, 120, 134-5, 168, 261-2, 368-9, 381, 598

  Sequoyah, 453

  Sewall, Samuel, 127, 218, 229

  Seward, William H., 334, 342, 433, 509, 537, 550, 554, 565, 591, 593-6; as Secretary of State, 604, 618, 625-7

  Shakers, 352-3, 439-40

  Shattuck, Job, 14

  Shaw, Lemuel, 436

  Shawnee Indians, 6, 96-7, 207

  Shays, Daniel, 14, 19-20, 51, 61, 185, 360, 365

  Shays’s Rebellion, 13-15, 19-20, 25, 27, 33, 50-1, 61, 185, 360, 365; reactions to, 15-19, 97-8

  Shepard, Gen. William, 19

  Sherman, John, 607

  Sherman, Roger, 36, 38, 42

  Sherman, William T., 464, 610

  Shiloh Church, Battle of, 621, 623

  shipbuilding, 75

  Shippen, Dr. William, Jr., 111, 113

  Shreve, Henry M, 300

  Sidney, Sir Philip, 100

  Silliman, Benjamin, 431

  Simms, William Gilmore, 572

  Skidmore, Thomas, 360

  Slater, Samuel, 80, 291-2, 293, 310

  Slave, or The Memoirs of Archy Moore (Hildreth), 522

  slavery, 7, 80, 114, 301, 362, 383, 385-92, 409, 410-2, 438, 563, 564, abolition of, 25, 114, 142, 350, 620, 625-8; and agriculture, 274, 275, 282-5, 286, 301, 302; brutalization in, 142-3, 149, 353, 384-5, 392, 574; and Compromise of 1850, 472-5, 522, 543; and Constitution, 39-40, 366, 465, 520; Dickens’s criticism of, 352, 353; extension of, 242-3, 459, 464-70, 557, 559, 578, 586; family life under, 388-91; fugitives from, 112, 245, 353, 388, 393, 394, 469-75, passim, 519, 522, 545, 549-50, 558, 605; and liberty, 25, 40, 148-51, 263, 366, 387, 510, 520, 572-3, 587; plantation life under, 10, 142-3, 149, 150, 385-92, 567-9; population growth under, 390; and religion, 149, 150, 386-7, 391-2, 494; southern defense of, 573-4; trade in, 40, 72, 141, 221, 253, 254, 352, 384-5, 388, 390-1, 448, 468, 472-3, 568, 574, 589, 601; uprisings against, 27, 148-51, 73-4, 329, 392, 394, 568, 570, 591, 626; see also abolitionists; Missouri Compromise; sectionalism: and slavery issue; South, the

  Slidell, John, 460, 618

  Smelser, Marshall, 162-3, 166-7

  Smith, Adam, 86, 89

  Smith, Caleb B., 605

  Smith, James Morton, 132

  Smith, Jedediah, 455

  Smith, Jeremiah, 229

  Smith, Joseph, 499

  Smith, Gen. Kirby, 611

  Smith, Melancton, 56

  Smith, Robert, 205-6, 208

  Smith, Samuel, 205

  Smith, William, 111-12

  societies: democratic, 98-9; political, 137; scientific, 111; secret, 334

  society, 347, 357, 383, 438, 439; absence of conflict in (as theory), 434-5; agrarian, 7, 258, 347, 348, 415, 420, 438, 574; class distinctions in, 79, 113-16, 143, 221-2, 228-9, 348, 349, 354-7, 362, 434-5, 451, 498, 506, 510, 511; and individualism, 482, 489, 491-2; and technology, 484-5, 489-90, 491-2; urban, 78-83, 110-15, 415, see, also American national character; lower class; man; middle class; upper class; working class

  Society of the Cincinnati, 82, 98

  Sons of Liberty, 23, 49, 137, 185, 222

  Soulé, Pierre, 538-9

  South, the, 506-7, 514, 573; agriculture in, 141, 274-5, 276, 277, 282-7, 302, 309, 450-1, 529-30, 608; black Americans in, 392, 393, 409, 567-8; congressional influence of, 544-5; economic problems in, 150, 241-2, 274, 529-30, 533, 608; limitation of civil liberties in, 392, 573; politics in, 322, 325, 380, 381, 559, 560-2, 564, 576-8, 579-80, 592-3, 599; slavery issue in, 39, 242-3, 348-9, 465; solidity in, 591-2; tariff issue in, 261, 269-70, 328-9, 333, 337, 570; see also Confederate States of America; secession; sectionalism; slavery

  South America, 244, 251-2; rebellions in, 245, 248-9, 252

  South Carolina, 6, 7, 52, 92, 152, 227, 241, 261, 274, 307-9, 392, 395, 409, 529, 566-75; in Confederacy, 597, 601, 605-7, 614; ideology of liberty in, 571-3, 599; nullification proposed in, 329-30, 333, 336-7, 346, 569-70, 571; power elite of, 570-5

  South Carolina College, 567, 569

  Southwest, the, 275, 282, 287, 302, 454; see also Mexican War; Spain: Southwest possessions of

  Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., 517

  Spain, 99-100, 172-5, 179, 195, 196-7, 248, 249, 250, 254; and Cuba, 537-9; and Latin America, 244, 248-9; negotiations with Adams, 245, 247-8; possession of Floridas, 7, 173-4, 176, 207, 244-8; Southwest possessions of, 4, 5, 7, 53, 95, 107, 124, 176, 216, 244-8, 445

  Sparks, Jared, 448

  speech, freedom of, 24-5, 55, 90, 91, 372, 511, 519; threats to, 125, 131, 226, 392· 573

  Speed, Joshua, 557

  Springfield, Ill., 555, 557, 583, 587, 595-6, 603

  Springfield, Mass., 19-20, 73, 216, 220, 361, 432, 512, 515

  Springfield Republican, 512, 515

  Squatter, 313

  sovereignty, see popular sovereignty

  Stagg, John, 82

  Stanton, Edwin. 620

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 400-2, 412

  Staples, Sam, 486-7

  Stark, Gen. John, 13

  States, 68, 94; and Alien and SeditionActs, 131-3; banks, 236, 344-5; and (U.S.) Constitution, 90, 260, 262; constitutions of, 28, 60, 89, 134, 226, 261, 511; debts of, assumption of, 85; and education, 503-11; governments of, 28, 34, 45, 62-3, 74, 91, 120, 148, 439; internal improvements subsidized by, 307-9, 435, 505; and judicial review, 193, 577; militias of, 74, 201, 210, 214, 215, 236, 258, 358, 392, 446, 452, 453; ratify Constitution, 42-3, 46-59, 89-90, 104, 134, 428; and suffrage, 364; see also federalism

  states’ rights, 231, 258, 259, 345-6, 348, 372; in Confederacy, 612-14; vs. federal government, 34-5, 36, 40, 74, 135, 136, 259-60, 261, 262, 447, 563-4, 569-73, 599, 605; Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, 132-3, 139, 162, 261; and Nullification, 329-31, 333, 335, 336-7, 346, 544; and popular sovereignty, 544, 550, 577, 579-80, 584-5; and Supreme Court, 466, 469, 575-8

  steamboats, 41, 277, 296-302, 311, 433, 450; lake, 532; on Mississippi, 277, 296-7, 299-301, 532-3; monopolies in, 259, 297, 298, 299, 301, 431

  steam locomotives, 429, 431-2, 484-5, 488

  steam power, 275, 277, 287, 347, 489, 512

  Stephens, Alexander H., 549, 565, 601, 603

  Stephenson. George, 431

  Stevens, John, 277, 297, 431

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 334, 503-4, 615

  Stevenson, Andrew, 268

  Stiles, Ezra, 72

  Stockbridge, Mass., 20, 360, 413

  Stone, Barton W., 495

  Stone, Gen. Charles, 620

  Stone, Huldah, 399

  Story, Joseph. 260, 328, 339, 436

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 522, 569, 588; Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 522

  Strong, Caleb, 35

tuart, Gilbert, 112, 214

  Suffolk Bank of Boston, 296

  suffrage: broadened, 265, 364-6, 367, 374, 378, 392-3, 409, 498, 503; and equality, 362-3; limited, 21, 59, 226, 349, 350, 362-5, 377, 392, 399, 415; and women, 148, 400, 401-2

  Sumner, Charles, 545, 551-2, 554, 558,

  Supreme Court, 38-9, 70, 187-8, 193, 259, 261, 453, 466, 469, 564, 575-8; Dred Scott decision, 575-8, 582, 585, 619; and judicial review, 187-9, 193, 262, 577; under Marshall, 184-9, 193, 202, 258-60, 301, 335, 381, 436, 575; and supremacy of federal government, 259, 335

  Sutter, John Augustus, 456-7, 471, 475

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 481

  Swell, Leonard, 595

  Swift, Jonathan, 112

  Talleyrand, 121-2, 123, 124, 128, 174, 76, 195

  Tallmadge, James, 242

  Talmadge, Nathaniel P., 345

  Tammany Hall, 81-2, 108, 136, 147, 246, 303, 309, 408

  Taney, Roger B., 332, 339, 466, 575-7, 582-3, 605, 619

  Tappan, Lewis, 520

  Tariff, 84, 426; of Abominations (1828), 269-70, 320, 329; as political issue, 320, 333, 334, 336, 375, 435, 457, 599; see also industry: tariffs for; South: tariff issue in taxation: for education, 504, 505, 508, 509; property, 146, 358; and Shays’s Rebellion, 13-14, 18; on whiskey, 93, 97-9

  Taylor, John, 51, 132, 258

  Taylor, John W., 242, 268

  Taylor, Nathaniel, 497

  Taylor, Zachary, 460-2, 564; election and presidency of, 426, 469-70, 472, 473-4, 540

  technology, 484-5, 489-90, 491-2, 512, 513; see also machines

  Tecumseh, 207, 211-13, 216, 342

  telegraph, 430-1, 511, 513-14

  temperance movement, 360, 361, 400, 414, 467, 558, 599

  Tennessee, 216, 315, 360, 366-7, 496, 529-30, 602, 608, 616, 621; politics in, 173, 266, 319, 321, 341

  Terry, Eli, 290

  Texas, 472, 530, 597, 608; annexation of, 459-60, 464, 468; under Mexico, 454-5, 459-64; under Spain, 176, 246, 248, 249-50

  textile industry, 73, 75, 80, 276, 291-6, 311, 373, 396, 408-9, 437, 489; English, 200, 275, 282, 285-6, 291-2, 293, 439; labor in, 75, 89, 281, 288, 292-5, 351, 358, 395-400, 434, 589; machinery for, 282, 291-3, 295, 396, 534; paternalism in, 294-5, 396-8

  Thayer, John, 9

  theater, 79, 112, 356, 516

  Thomas, Jesse B., 242

  Thomas, Seth, 290


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