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American Experiment

Page 204

by James Macgregor Burns

  Chaplin, Charlie, 525, 526

  Chase, Salmon Portland, 4, 18, 31, 32, 89

  as Chief Justice, 54, 198

  Château-Thierry (France), battle of, 433, 434

  Chattanooga (Tenn.), battle of, 12

  checks and balances:

  and black suffrage, 69

  and “compact majority,” 499, 503

  and impeachment, 55

  Radical Republicans and, 51, 54

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 352

  and Treaty of Versailles ratification, 468

  Chesnut, Mary, 12, 30

  Cheyenne Indians, 149–50


  black population of, 136, 247

  housing in, 253

  Hull-House, 270, 275–6

  industrialization of, 248

  Italian immigrants and padroni in, 258

  plan to re-design, 271

  Pullman’s model city near, 141–2, 227

  stockyards in, 111

  upper classes in, 113–14, 119

  World’s Columbian Exposition (1893) at, 271, 287

  Chickamauga (Ga.), battle of, 12

  Child, Lydia Maria, 62, 217


  in labor force: and school attendance, 512; Supreme Court and, 489; wages of, 140; Wilson and, 418, 419

  urban conditions of, 137–9

  China, and U.S., 400–2, 405, 495

  trade relations, 498

  Chinese immigrants: ca. 1900, 247

  as railroad builders, 94; strike for pay increase, 95–6

  in San Francisco, 100–1

  Choate, Joseph, 269

  Christie, Howard Chandler, 439

  churches, Protestant, 515–17

  and Smith’s presidential candidacy, 502–3

  Churchill, Winston, 288

  Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, 408

  Cigarmakers International Union, 174, 178


  beautification of, 271

  buildings and architecture in, 251–2

  conditions in, 255–62; for blacks, 147–8; for immigrants, 247; progressives and, 245–6; reform efforts and, 266–75; upward mobility, 259; for working class, 136–41

  elites of, 113–19

  industrialization of, 247–9; implacability of, 271–2, 274, 289; specialized, 248

  leadership in, 263–9, 272–4

  migration to, from rural areas, 136–7, 149, 197, 247, 431

  of Ohio, 196–7

  parks and recreational areas in, 254

  party bosses in, 263–5

  population growth of, 247

  reformers and, 266–75

  transport in, 250–1

  turn of the century, 249–55

  water supply for, 253–4

  City Beautiful movement, 271

  Civil Rights Act (1866), 49

  Civil Rights Act (1875), 66, 203

  Civil War, 6–36 passim

  battles, see battles, of Civil War

  cost of, 17–18

  economic conditions and development

  in, 15–16, 17–18, 19–20

  end of, 34–6

  naval aspects of, 9, 29, 34

  soldiers’ life in, 21–8; camp life, 23–4; food, 23; prisoners, 27–8; wounded, 25

  strategy, military and economic:

  Northern, 6–7, 12; Southern, 7, 11 transport in, 16–17

  war supplies and production in, 15–16

  Claflin, Victoria, see Woodhull, Victoria Claflin

  Clark, Champ (James Beauchamp), 369, 446

  classes (social) and class system, 111–51

  Aristotle on, 142

  and democracy, 192

  disparity among, 140, 142–3

  farmers, 127–36

  fortified by industrial cities, 262

  middle, 142–3; women of, 119–27

  relations among, 141; in Bellamy’s Equality, 165–6

  in sports, 527–8

  upper, 113–19

  war between, feared, 224

  working, see workers

  Clayton Antitrust Act, 389

  Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 337

  “Cleburne demands,” 190

  Clemenceau, Georges, 450–1, 456

  Clemens, Samuel Langhome, see Twain, Mark

  Cleveland, Ohio, 196, 197, 273–4

  Cleveland, Grover:

  death of (1908), 367

  economic conservatism of, 206

  as President: economic policy, 226, 228; election of (1892), 210–11; foreign policy of, 221; and tariff reduction, 213, 226

  Cleveland, Henry W. S., 254

  coal industry, 78, 333, 490

  Cochran, Thomas C, 87

  Coletta, Paolo, 414

  college students (1920s), 513–15

  Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 271, 287

  combinations, industrial, 106–7, 390, 481

  see also antitrust movement; monopoly

  Committee on Public Information, 439

  “Commonweal Army of Christ,” 226

  Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 75, 90, 174, 259, 308

  Communist Party, 501, 552, 557

  communitarianism, 167, 173

  “compact” majority, see majority, compact


  American faith in, 216, 217

  Brandeis on, 392

  vs. combination (Rockefeller on), 106–7

  industrialists and, 162

  Marx on, 82

  see also antitrust movement; monopoly

  Comstock, Anthony, 126, 288–9

  “Comstock” law (1873), 123

  concentration of power:

  economic: Brandeis on, 392; as challenge to democracy, 389–95, 532–8; Croly on, 393; Progressive Party on, 374; Roosevelt (T.) and, 331–3, 349–52; Wilson and, 389–91

  political: Founding Fathers and, 487–8, 499; Republican (20th century), 487–91, 499, 503, 558; in Supreme Court, 506

  Confederate Army, 14–15, 22–23, 29

  surrender of, 35, 36

  Confederate Congress, 14, 18

  Confederate States of America:

  amnesty and oaths for, 46, 65, 70

  cost of war to, 17

  defeat and dissolution of, 34–6

  economic conditions in, 15–16, 17–18

  foreign recognition of, 31–2

  military strategy of, 7, 11

  morale of, 12, 22–3, 29

  war production in, 16

  Conference for Progressive Political Action (CPPA), 500

  Congressional Government (Wilson), 386

  Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, 445

  Conkling, Roscoe, 204

  conscription, military:

  in Civil War, 14–15, 23

  in World War 1, 427–8

  Constitution (U.S.), 44, 299–301

  see also Amendments to U.S. Constitution

  consumers and consumerism, 281

  Conwell, Russell, 159

  Cooke, Jay, 88–9, 198

  Coolidge, Calvin:

  character and personality of, 485, 492

  and Lindbergh, 510

  nominated as Vice-President, 473

  as President: accession, 492; and business, 487; economic policy of, 491

  Cooper, John Milton, 422

  Cooper, Peter, 208

  Cooper, Thomas, 82

  cooperatives, agricultural, 183, 188–9

  “Copperheads,” 8, 33

  copper mining, 86–7

  corruption, 265, 266–7, 268

  in sports, 531

  Cortelyou, George, 350

  cotton, 131, 133, 134–5

  courts, military, 49, 54

  cowhands, 148–9

  Cox, Jacob, 198

  Cox, James, 469, 473–4, 553

  Coxey, Jacob, 226

  Crédit Mobilier scandal, 93

  Creel, George, 439, 448–9

  crime (1920s), 531, 549

  Crocker, Charles, 95–6

  Croly, Herbert, 392–3, 419

  Cromwell, William, 338, 339

  crop lien system, 135–6, 181, 189

  Crozier, Gen. William, 427

  Cuba, 219, 220, 403

  war of independence, 235–40

  Cubism, 311, 312

  Cumbler, John, 137

  Curie, Marie, 290


  Civil War period, 18

  1870s, 213–14

  1890s, 228

  populists and (subtreasury plan), 187, 188, 189

  Custer, George Armstrong, 218–19

  Czolgosz, Leon, 241

  Dallek, Robert, 343

  Dana, Charles A., 169

  Dana, Richard Henry, 32

  Daniels, Josephus, 385

  Darrow, Clarence, 276, 517

  Darwin, Charles, 157

  Darwinism, Social:

  businessmen and, 162

  Gompers and, 180

  popularity of, 159

  pragmatism and, 297

  Republican party and, 503

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 326, 340–1

  Spencerism, 157–8

  and workers, 173

  Daugherty, Harry, 471, 472–3, 490, 491–2, 493

  Davenport, Thomas, 83

  David, Henry, 178

  Davis, Allen, 277

  Davis, David, 175, 201

  Davis, Jefferson, 29

  Adams (C. F.) on, vs. Lincoln, 32

  on Confederacy, 12, 36

  Johnson and, 52

  military strategy of, 7

  Davis, John W., 500, 553

  Dawes, Charles, 491, 497

  Dawes Act (1887), 217

  Debs, Eugene, 227, 283, 332, 397

  as presidential candidate: 1904, 368; 1912, 368, 370–1, 372, 374, 377, 383

  tried for sedition, 440–1; Supreme Court on, 504

  Declaration of Independence, 173

  De Leon, Daniel, 173, 283, 396, 397

  Delmonico’s (restaurant), 90, 161–2, 211

  del Ray, Joaquin, 239


  Adams (H.) on, 192

  Brandeis on, 392

  and economic concentration, 391, 392

  industrial, 392, 421

  Weyl on, 394

  Whitman (W.) on, 192

  Wilson vs. Roosevelt on, 373–4

  Democracy (Adams), 169, 192, 194

  Democracy, the, see Democratic party Democratic party:

  conservatism (economic) of, 206

  conventions of: 1864, 33; 1896, 229–31; 1912, 369–70; 1916, 420; 1920, 473–4; 1924, 499–500; 1932, 554–5

  differences and divisions within: 19th century, 206–7; 20th century, 366–8, 500; in Depression, 553–4

  Republican rivalry, 205–6, 227–8, 233

  in South: dominance of, 67, 366–7; andHayes election (1876), 201–2; 1920s, 553; and populists, 187–8

  weakness of, as “loyal opposition,” 503, 534, 553–4

  see also elections and campaigns

  Dempsey, Jack, 530, 531, 532

  Depcw, Chauncey, 358


  post-Civil War, 74–5

  1893, 226

  “Great,” 543–7, 555–7; measures in response to, 547–55

  deserters (in Civil War), 8, 15, 29

  Destler, Chester, 166

  Detroit, Mich., 272–3

  Devlin, Lord, 412, 425, 426

  Dewey, Comm. George, 238

  Diggins, Jack, 536

  Diggs, Annie, 185

  Dingell tariff bill (1897), 234

  diplomatic corps, strengthening of, 222

  disarmament, 493–5

  distribution of wealth, 140, 142–3, 192

  Dix, Dorothea, 27

  Dobriansky, Lev, 304

  domestic science, 121, 261

  domestic servants, 121, 139–40

  Dominican Republic, 403, 498

  Donahue, Peter, 259–60

  Donald, David, 32, 206

  Donnelly, Ignatius, 167, 189, 241

  Dooley, Mr., 222, 287, 330, 345, 354, 363

  Doolittle. James R., 51

  Dos Passos, John, 536–7, 538, 552

  Douglass, Frederick, 208, 234

  draft, military:

  in Civil War: Confederate, 14–15, 23; Union, 14-15

  in World War I, 427–8

  Dreiser, Theodore, 316–19, 322–3

  Drew, Daniel, 91–2

  Dreyfus Affair, 450

  drugs, labeling of, 348

  Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 285, 522

  Dunne, Finley Peter (Mr. Dooley), 222, 287, 330, 345, 354, 363

  Durant, Thomas C, 96

  Duryea, Charles and Frank, 290

  Eads, Capt. James, 80–1, 103

  Eakins, Thomas, 309

  Early, Gen. Jubal A., 28

  Eastman, George, 81

  Eastman, Max, 313–14

  Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, An (Beard), 299–301

  economic power, concentrated:

  Brandeis on, 392

  as challenge to democracy, 389–95, 532–8

  Croly on, 393

  Progressive party on, 374

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 331–3, 349–52

  Wilson and, 389–91

  economic situation and conditions:

  1850s, 20, 73, 74

  Civil War period, 15–16, 17–18, 19–20

  late 1860s, 73–5

  1893, 226

  in World War I, 428–31

  1920s, 540–1; see also depressions: “Great”

  Edgerton, John E., 548–9

  Edison, Thomas Alva, 82, 84–5, 108–9, 198, 251


  for blacks, 63–4, 68, 133–4

  business and, 513

  1920s, 511–15

  and technological innovation, 82

  eight-hour workday:

  campaign for, 176, 177, 178

  for railroad workers, 421, 429

  Ekirch, Roger, 387

  elections and campaigns, congressional:

  1866, 49, 51

  1868, 59

  1874, 67

  1878, 208

  1888–94, 227–8

  1890, 186

  1918, 454

  1924, 501

  1930, 551

  elections and campaigns, presidential:

  1864, 303

  1868, 58–9, 194–5

  1872, 207

  1876, 67, 200, 201–2

  1884, 210–11, 224

  1892, 190, 225–6

  1896, 229–33, 367

  1900, 241

  1904, 338–4, 368

  1908, 367, 368

  1912, 359–63, 370–7

  1916, 419–21

  1920, 470–4

  1924, 499–501

  1928, 487, 502–3

  1932, 554–5, 558

  elections and campaigns, state:

  1890, 186

  1892, 190

  electricity, 82, 83, 289

  alternating current standardized, 108

  Elements of Political Economy (Wayland), 155

  elevated transit lines (“els”), 250

  elevator, electric, 108, 251

  elite classes, 113–19

  Ellis, L. Ethan, 492

  Elmer Gantry (Lewis), 536

  Emancipation Proclamation (1863), 8, 21–2, 34

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 17–18

  on individual liberty, 153

  on the West, 96–7

  Emery, Sarah, 185

  employment, see children: in labor force; unemployment; women: in labor force

  Enforcement Act (1870), 66

  Engels, Friedrich, 75–6

  Communist Manifesto, 75, 90, 174, 259, 308

  German Ideology, The, 75, 260

  and IWW, 174

  England, see Great Britain

  Equality (Bellamy), 164–6

  Erdman Act (1898), 234, 488–9

  Erie Railroad, 91–3

nage Act (1917), 440

  ethnic/racial caste system, 145–51; see also classes (social) and class system

  Evarts, William M., 57, 161

  Everett, Edward, 4, 5

  family size, 122–3

  Faraday, Michael, 83

  Far East, 221, 495

  see also China; Japan; Korea; Philippines

  Farley, James A., 554

  farmers, 127–36

  in Depression, 543–4

  Harding Administration and, 490

  indebtedness of, 129, 130, 543

  political organizations of, 180–91, 209

  radio and, 523

  southern; 131–6; black, 131–4; white, 134–6

  western, 129–31, 181

  wives of, 127–8

  see also agriculture

  Farmers’ Alliance, 182–4; see also National Farmers’ Alliance and Cooperative Union

  farm machinery, 81, 129

  farm prices, stabilization of, 490

  Farragut, Adm. David, 34, 51

  fashions, for women, 287, 289

  Fass, Paula, 513

  Federal Reserve system, 387–8, 391, 418

  Federal Trade Commission, 391, 418

  Federal Trade Commission Act (1914), 389

  Federation of Women’s Clubs, 262

  Field, Marshall, 114

  Field, Stephen J., 204

  Filler, Louis, 347–8

  films, 524–7

  Fish, Hamilton, 220

  Fisk, James, 92, 93

  Fiske.John, 161, 162, 295

  Fitzgerald, Annie, 280

  Fitzgerald, Francis Scott, 483, 537

  Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 385

  five-day workweek, 144

  Flagg, James Montgomery, 439

  Flexner, Eleanor, 445

  Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 323, 324

  Flynt, Josiah, 345

  Foch, Gen. Ferdinand, 433, 437

  Foner, Philip, 236


  labeling of, 348

  shortages of, after World War I, 469

  in World War 1, 414, 428

  football, 528–9

  Foraker, Joseph B., 206, 237

  Forbes, John Murray, 87

  Ford, Ford Madox, 318

  Ford, Henry, 418, 480–4, 544

  character and personality of, 483

  control by, 480–2

  on vagabonds, 557

  and Wilson, 483

  and workers, 481–2

  foreign affairs:

  corporations and, 222

  late 19th century, 219–22

  in Lincoln Administration, 31–2

  in McKinley Administration, 236–41

  1920s, 492–6; economic aspects, 496–9

  in Roosevelt (T.) Administration, 336–45

  in Wilson Administration, 399–406, 418

  see also League of Nations; World War I; and specific countries

  Foster, William Z., 552

  Founding Fathers, see Framers of Constitution

  Fourier, Charles, 173

  Fourteenth Amendment, 49, 50, 53, 60, 303–4, 505

  Framers of Constitution, 204, 301

  and protection of minority rights, 487–8, 499, 503, 504


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