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American Experiment

Page 207

by James Macgregor Burns

  and Smith’s presidential candidacy, 502–3

  Puerto Rico, 405

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 152, 235–6

  Pullman, George M., 114, 227

  model town of, 142, 227

  Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 348

  Quay, Matthew, 234

  Quesnay, Francois, 154

  Rader, Benjamin, 528

  radio, 522–3

  rags-to-riches myth (Algerism), 143, 144-5, 159–60

  Carnegie and, 102, 161; and McKinley, 234

  Dempsey and, 532

  and economic concentration, 390

  Frick and, 224

  Irish immigrants and, 259–60

  La Follette and, 360

  and political machines (urban), 265


  Boston investors and, 87

  in Civil War, 16–17

  combinations in, 331–2

  “Erie War,” 92–3

  and farmers, 130

  in fiction, 172

  Lenin on, 410

  1930s, 555

  in Ohio, 196, 197

  regulation of, 73, 214–15, 334–5, 336

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 331–2, 334–5

  strikes against, 95–6, 175–6, 182

  transcontinental, 93–6

  westward movement promoted by, 128–9

  in World War I, 429

  see also Central Pacific; Erie; Michigan Central; Pennsylvania; Southern Pacific; trains; Union Pacific

  railroad terminals, urban, 249

  Rainford, William S., 269

  ranching vs. farming, in California, 98–9

  Rankine, Mrs. A. K., 314

  Raskob, John J., 541

  Rasputin, 408, 409

  Raymond, Henry J., 34

  Reader’s Digest (periodical), 522

  Reagan, John H., 214


  Congress and, 48–50, 53–4

  end of, 67

  evaluation of, 68–70

  failure of (blame for), 45–6

  Grant and, 58–9

  Johnson and, 45, 50–1, 55

  Lincoln vs. other Republicans on, 32, 33

  Republican leadership and, 44–5

  revenge vs. reform in, 46–7

  Reconstruction Act, 53–4

  Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 551

  “red hunts,” 469 Redlich, Fritz, 89

  “red scare,” 178, 505 Reed, James, 428, 460, 464

  Reed, John, 307, 308, 323, 324

  Reed, Thomas B., 227–8, 331

  reform movement, 266–75

  leadership of, 345–8

  and party bosses, 266, 267, 268

  women in, 270, 275–8

  Reid, Whitelaw, 198

  Reinsch, Paul, 402

  Reitman, Ben, 283

  religion and religious life:

  and election of 1928, 502–3

  Jewish, 256–7

  Protestant, 515–17

  Republican party:

  and black civil and political rights, 48–9, 52, 55, 59, 206

  blacks in, 206, 490–1

  and business, 484, 486–7, 491, 499, 503, 558

  control of Congress by: in Civil War

  period, 36–7; post-World War I, 474, 484, 487, 501; in Reconstruction period, 44, 48, 51, 59, 60

  conventions of: 1864, 32–3; 1868, 58, 194–5; 1912, 363–3; 1920, 471–3; 1924, 501

  Democrats, rivalry with, 205–6, 227–8; 1896, 233

  differences and divisions within: 1865–66, 48–9; 1870s, 1880s, 206; ca. 1909, 356–8; 1920s, 470, 492

  dominance of: 1896 on, 233; 20th century, 474, 484–5, 487–92, 503

  and farmers, 490

  and populists, 186–7

  Radical wing of, 41–4, 51–2, 59–60; and Johnson, 52–3, 54–8; and Reconstruction, 44–5, 48–9, 53–4

  see also elections and campaigns

  residences, see housing

  Ricardo, David, 155

  rich, see wealthy

  Richards, Ellen Swallow, 261

  Richmond, Mary, 270

  Richthofen, Baron Manfred von (the “Red Baron”), 436

  Rickard, “Tex,” 530

  Riis ,Jacob, 137–8, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149

  Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 439, 518

  Riordon, William L., 264


  anti-Chinese, 101

  against draft (Civil War), 14

  racial, 50

  see also strikes

  “Roaring Twenties,” 509

  Rockefeller, John D., 105–7, 198

  defends big business, 390

  early life of, 105–6

  income of, 140

  and Lloyd (H. D.), 166

  philanthropy of, 107

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 349–50

  Tarbell on, 347

  Rockne, Knute, 528–9

  Roebling, John A., 80, 110

  Rogers, John Jacob, 454

  Rogers, Will, 149, 521

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano:

  as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 411

  as Democratic party leader (1920s), 502, 553

  and election of 1932, 554–5

  nominated as Vice-President, 474

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 325–54

  and blacks, 375

  career of, 325

  character and personality of, 325–8, 352–3

  early life of, 325–8

  and election of 1912, 359–60, 361–3, 371–7 passim

  and power, 327–8, 329, 330, 341, 351, 360

  as President, 329–54; antitrust campaign of, 332–3, 349–52; assumes office (1901), 242; and domestic powers and issues, 329–36, 348–51; and election of 1904, 333–4; and environmental issues, 349; executive power and control by, 329, 352–4; foreign policy of, 336–45; increasing liberalism of, 348–9; and reform movement, 345–6; and Supreme Court, 331, 335

  and Progressive party, 371, 373, 377, 419, 420

  and Spanish-American War, 236, 338

  and Taft (W. H.), 353, 355–6, 358–9, 362–3, 371

  third term contemplated by, 359–60, 361–3

  as Vice-President, 241, 325

  and Wilson, 372–3

  and World War I, 412, 416

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 494

  Root, Elihu, 333, 344, 355, 360, 363, 372

  Rosenwald, Julius, 278

  Ross, John, 3

  Rossiter, Clinton, 156

  Rostow, Eugene, 296

  Rothafel, Samuel L., 525

  Rouge works (Ford Motor Co.), Mich., 479–80, 556

  Rough Riders, 238

  Russell, Francis, 472

  Russell, Lillian, 101


  American expeditionary force in, 453

  Bolshevik regime: publishes secret treaties, 434; recognition of (international), 453, 456

  civil war in, 432

  and World War I, 408–9

  Russian Revolution (1917), 426

  Russo-Japanese War, 341–2

  Ruth, George Herman (“Babe”), 529–30

  Rutherford, Lord Ernest, 290

  Sabine, Wallace, 290

  Sacco, Nicola, 537–8

  Sacramento, Calif., 97

  St. Mihiel (France), battle for, 436–7

  saloons, opposition to, 279

  Salvation Army, 270

  Samoa, 221

  Sandburg, Carl, 547

  San Francisco, 99–102, 250

  Chinese in, 100–1

  Irish in, 99, 259–60

  Sanger, Margaret, 123, 275, 179–80

  Sanitary Commission (U.S.), 26–7

  San Juan Hill, battle of (1898), 239

  Sargent, Fred W., 548

  Sargent, James, 81

  Sargent, John Singer, 115

  Sarnoff, David, 522–3

  Sawyer, John E., 82

  Say, Jean Baptiste, 155

  “scalawags,” 62, 63

  Schenk, Charles T., 504

sp; Schenk, Robert, 200

  Schlieffen Plan (World War I), 407

  Schneidermann, Rose, 281

  schools, see education

  Schorer, Mark, 535

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 90

  Schurz, Carl, 47, 161, 162, 207

  Schwab, Charles M., 103

  scientific innovation, see technology: innovation in

  Scopes trial (1925), 517

  Scott, Thomas, 215

  seapower, 222–3

  Sedgwick, Susan and Theodore, 86

  seismograph, 108

  Selective Service Administration, 427–8

  self-made man, see rags-to-riches myth

  Seligman, E. R. A., 302

  Sellers, William, 79

  separation of powers, 51, 54

  and impeachment, 55

  see also checks and balances

  servants, domestic, 121, 139–40

  settlement-house movement, 270, 275–6, 278, 280

  settlers, in Plains states, 128–9, 219

  Seven Arts, The (periodical), 314

  sewage treatment and disposal, 108, 253

  Sewall, Arthur, 231

  Seward, William Henry, 4, 31, 51

  and Alaska purchase, 220

  sewing machine, 108, 120


  liberation in: in Greenwich Village, 307; in 1920s, 509

  of women, 121–4;

  Woodhull on, 125–6

  Seymour, Horatio, 59, 205, 210

  Shafter, Gen. William, 238–9

  Shakers, 167

  Shannon, Fred, 134–5

  sharecroppers, 131–3

  Shaw, Anna H., 442, 444–5

  Sheppard-Towner Act (1921), 534

  Sheridan, Gen. Philip, 29, 35

  Sherman, John, 52, 198, 199

  Sherman, Lawrence, 460

  Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh, 9, 29, 34–5, 70

  Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 216–17, 332, 374, 389

  Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890), 213

  repeal of, 226, 228

  Shipping Board (World War 1), 428

  ships, naval, 222–3

  “Great White Fleet” world tour (1907–08), 344

  limitation of numbers of (1921), 493–5

  see also battleships; submarines

  Shotwell, James, 449–50, 453, 495

  Shufeldt, Comm. Robert, 221

  silverites, against gold standard, 213, 230–1

  Simpson, “Sockless” Jerry, 185, 188, 224, 228

  Sinclair, Upton, 348, 520

  Sioux Indians, 150

  Sister Carrie (Dreiser), 317–19

  skyscrapers, 251–2

  slaveholders, and freeing of slaves, 39–40 slavery: outlawed by 13th Amendment (1865), 37, 48;

  wage slavery, 132

  see also Emancipation Proclamation

  slaves, arming of (proposed, in Civil War), 29

  Sloan, John, 310, 311, 313, 314

  Smart Set, The (periodical), 314–15

  Smith, Adam, 154–5, 258

  Smith, Alfred Emanuel (“Al”), 500, 553

  in elections: 1928, 502–3; 1932, 554

  Smith, J. Allen, 299

  Smoot-Hawley Act (1930), 499, 550

  Smuts, Robert, 139

  Social Darwinism:

  businessmen and, 162

  Gompers and, 180

  popularity of, 159

  pragmatism and, 297

  Republican party and, 503

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 326, 340–1

  Spencerism, 157–8

  and workers, 173

  socialism, 173–4

  divisions within, 398, 399

  political parties of, 396–9

  suppression of, 509–10

  see also Marxist theory

  Socialist-Labor Party (SLP), 174, 396

  Socialist Party, 396–7

  and Depression, 552

  1912, 368

  1916, 421

  1924, 501

  Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 283

  Sorensen, Charles E , 483

  Sorge, Friedrich, 174

  South, the:

  black education in, 63–4

  Democratic party in: dominance of, 67, 366–7; and Hayes election (1876), 201–2; 1920s, 553; and populists, 187–8

  farmers in, 131–6

  land distribution in, 64–5

  and Reconstruction, 46–8, 53

  state governments in, 62–3

  see also black Americans: in South; Confederate States of America

  Southern Pacific Railroad, 97, 99


  and Cuba, 219, 220, 235–40

  war with (1898), 238–40

  Spanish landowners, in California, 98–9

  “speakeasies,” 531

  speculation, financial, 540–1

  Spencer, Herbert, 157–8, 161–2, 207

  sports, 527–31

  corruption in, 531

  Sprague, Frank, 250–1

  Sproat, John, 207

  Stampp, Kenneth, 47, 58, 62, 63, 69

  standardization, social:

  of suburbs, 252–3

  of workers, 258–9, 480

  standardization, technological:

  of alternating current, 108

  of gauges, 79

  metric system, 81

  of nuts, bolts, screws, 79

  Standard Oil Company (Ohio), 106–7, 33

  foreign sales by, 222

  Lenin on, 410

  as monopoly, 166

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 349–50

  Tarbell on, 347–8

  Stanford, Leland, 95–6, 100, 215, 216, 330

  Stanley, Henry M., 221

  Stanton, Edwin M., 3, 35, 53, 56

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 122, 123, 208, 442, 443, 444

  Slarr, Ellen Gates, 270, 275, 277

  states’ rights, and Reconstruction, 48, 49, 51, 53

  Statue of Liberty, 117, 146, 152–4

  dedication of, 152–3

  Stedman, Seymour, 469

  Steel, H. Wickham, 452

  Steel, Ronald, 395

  steel industry:

  Carnegie and, 103–4

  innovations in, 79–80, 381

  working conditions in, 140–1

  Steffens, Lincoln, 265, 268, 345, 347, 419, 453

  Steichcn, Edward, 310

  Steinmetz, Charles, 290

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 42, 52, 54, 57

  Stieglitz, Alfred, 310–11, 312

  stock market, 540–3

  crash of (Oct. 1929), 542–3

  Stokes, Rose Pastor, 398

  Stokes, Thomas L., 558

  Stone, Lucy, 209

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 125, 126, 217

  Strasser, Adolph, 174, 178–9, 180

  streetcars, electrified, 250–1


  in Civil War period, 19

  by coal miners, 333, 490

  in Depression, 545, 556

  Great Southwest (1886), 182

  Haymarket Massacre (1886), 177

  at Homestead steel works (1892), 224–6

  Pullman (1894), 227

  of railroad workers, 95–6, 175–6, 490

  of silk workers (1913), 323–4

  by women, 280–1

  Strong, Josiah, 340–1

  Strum, Philippa, 391, 506

  submarines, 290

  German, in World War I, 415, 416, 424, 428

  subtreasury plan for credit and currency, 187, 188, 189

  suburbs, 252–3

  subways, 251


  of blacks: black leaders and, 65; in District of Columbia, 53; election of 1868 and, 59; 15th Amendment and, 60–2; Johnson and, 46, 55; Northerners and, 59, 60; Reconstruction Act and, 53; Republicans and, 48, 55, 59: thwarting of, 65–6

  restriction of, by class (proposed), 269

  of women, 442–7; and black suffrage, 204, 208–9; and 15th Amendment, 61; and 19th Amendment, 444–7; People’s Pa
rty and, 190; political priorities and tactics on, 209, 444; Roosevelt (T.) and, 444, 445; state-by-state movement, 445; support for, among women, 262, 280, 445, 534; Wilson and, 376, 418, 444, 445, 446–7; Woodhull and, 125

  suicide (in Depression), 546

  Sullivan, Louis, 252

  Sullivan, Mark, 509, 521

  Sumner, Charles, 41–2, 52, 60, 203, 220

  and 14th Amendment, 49–50

  and Hooker (I.), 443

  and Johnson, 44, 46, 47–8

  and Reconstruction, 46, 70

  Sumner, William Graham, 158–9, 207

  Sunday, Billy, 505, 517, 518

  Sundquist. James, 205, 233

  Sun Yat-sen, 401

  Supreme Court:

  Abrams case, 504–5

  appointment of justices to: Chase (S. P.), 54; by Harding, 488; by Roosevelt (T.), 331, 335; by Taft, 488; Waite (M. R.), 200; by Wilson, 418–19

  under Chase’s leadership, 54

  and Civil Rights Act (1875), 49, 66, 203

  controversy about (20th century), 488–9

  Debs case, 504

  and 1st Amendment, 504

  and 14th Amendment, 203–4

  Gitlow case, 505

  and Interstate Commerce Commission, 215

  and motion-picture industry, 526

  1920s, 488–90, 504–6

  Schenk case, 504

  and segregation (racial), 234

  under Taft’s leadership, 489–90

  Surratt, Mary E., 56–7

  Sutherland, George, 488, 489

  sweater’s shop, 138–9

  Swift, Gustavus, 114

  Taft, Alphonso B., 198

  Taft, William Howard, 198, 206, 300, 344

  character and personality of, 357

  as Chief Justice, 488, 489–90

  and election of 1912: campaign, 371–7 passim; defeat of, 377; nomination of, 362–3; and Republican party, 356, 371

  and League of Nations, 455

  as President, 353, 355–8; foreign policy of, 401, 403; and Republican party, 356–8, 371

  and Roosevelt (T.), 353, 355–6, 358–9, 362–3, 371

  Tammany Hall political organization, 263–4, 266–7

  Tarbell, Ida, 345, 347–8


  Cleveland and, 213, 226

  contending interests and, 212

  Hoover and, 498–9, 550, 551

  investors protected by, 91

  McKinley and, 234

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 335

  Smoot-Hawley Act, 499, 550

  Taft and, 356, 358, 367–8

  Wilson and, 385, 386–7

  taxes and taxation:

  in Depression, 544

  income: 1861, 18; Knights of Labor on, 176; 1920s, 491; under Wilson, 387; during World War I, 439

  Republicans and (20th century), 491

  Taylor, Frederick W., 79


  of black children, 63, 64

  influential, at colleges, 155

  in middle America, 511

  Teapot Dome scandal, 492


  automation, 479–80, 482


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