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American Experiment

Page 338

by James Macgregor Burns

  presidential candidacy of, 323-6, 331, 413, 468, 512, 555

  as Senator, 313, 323, 339

  Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, 59, 89, 160, 309-10, 311, 312, 324

  Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Jr., 310, 311

  Kennedy, Patrick, 309

  Kennedy, Patrick Joseph, 309-10

  Kennedy, Robert F., 251, 461, 530, 593, 678

  assassination of, 414, 460

  and civil rights issue, 360, 362-3, 365-6, 369-70, 374

  in Cuban missile crisis, 334-5

  Johnson and, 325, 402, 413

  as presidential candidate, 412-13, 414, 426

  and programs for the poor, 566, 569

  Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, 309, 312

  Kennedy Administration, 389

  Kennedy family, 309

  Kent, Rockwell, 134

  Kent State University tragedy, 425

  Kenyon, Dorothy, 440

  Kerouac, Jack, 394

  Kerr, Clark, 396-7

  Kesey, Ken, 430

  Kevles, Daniel J., 549

  Key, V. O., Jr., 354, 593

  Keynes, John Maynard, 130, 131, 561, 677

  Keynesianism, 102, 103, 130, 561-2, 570-1

  wartime, 215, 561

  Keyserling, Leon, 287

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 241, 259-62, 265-6, 288, 335-6, 340, 362

  on capitalism, 301-2

  in Cuban missile crisis, 333-5

  at Vienna summit, 332-3, 335

  visit to US, 260-1, 301-2

  Kilpatrick, James J., 627

  Kilrain, Jack, 307

  Kim Il Sung, 240-1

  King, Coretta Scott, 326, 350, 359, 360, 367, 372

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 349-52, 356, 357-8, 362-4, 366-9, 375, 381, 382-4, 461-2, 571, 593, 661, 672, 678

  assassination of, 413, 414, 460

  intellectual acumen of, 350, 461, 571

  jailing of, 326, 359, 364, 367-8, 382

  Kennedy brothers and, 326, 360, 363

  “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 367-8

  1963 Washington Freedom Rally, 371-2

  and Peace Movement, 401, 407, 409

  King, Martin Luther, Sr., 350, 360

  King, Mary, 442

  Kingston Frio, 428

  Kinsey, Alfred, 436, 533-4

  Kirk, Grayson, 413-14

  Kirkendall, Richard, 238

  Kissinger, Henry, 417-18, 422, 424, 468, 470-7, 479-87, 492-4, 523

  and China, 470-5, 625

  and Russia, 476-7, 485-7

  in Vietnam peace talks, 480-4

  Klehr, Harvey, 85

  Klein, Joe, 142

  Kleindienst, Richard, 501, 505

  Knights of Labor, 45

  Knopf, Alfred A., 593

  Knowland newspapers, 46

  Knox, Frank, 83, 163, 169, 175

  Knudsen, William, 98, 575

  Kobler, John, 284

  Koch, Edward, 635

  Koestler, Arthur, 277, 295

  Kopkind, Andrew, 432

  Koppes, Clayton R., 578

  Korea, 240-1

  see also North Korea; South Korea

  Korean War, 241-3, 247, 250, 255, 418, 497, 527

  as consequence of mutual US-Soviet misperceptions, 241-2, 254, 260, 262

  Kostelanetz, Richard, 616-17

  Kosygin, Aleksei, 477

  Kramer, Hilton, 622

  Kristol, Irving, 628

  Kuchel, Thomas H., 376

  Ku Klux Klan, 45, 353, 354, 361, 367, 369, 384, 386

  Kunstler, William, 520

  labor, 27, 33, 45-57, 96-100, 165, 213, 637

  and antiwar movement, 408

  on the assembly line, 271-2

  and automation, 273, 274

  and civil rights movement, 371, 377

  Fair Deal measures for, 236

  cool to left radicalism, 52-3

  labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

  participation in management, 565, 578

  Southern California, 50, 603

  as special interest group, 107

  wartime, 184, 186-9, 453

  women, 188, 453, 457

  see also farm labor; strikes; unions Ladd, Everett Carll, 657

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 447

  La Follette, Philip, 68, 111, 114

  La Follette, Robert, Sr., 14, 46, 68, 236, 416, 656

  La Follette, Robert, Jr., 14, 68, 73, 94, 108, 117, 244

  Laird, Melvin, 467

  laissez-faire, 42, 560-1

  Landon, Alfred M., 83, 84-5, 119, 126, 165

  Langdon, Samuel, 532

  Laning, Edward, 133

  Laos, 342, 343, 418

  Larson, Sheila, 599

  Lasch, Christopher, 599

  Lash, Joseph P., 9

  Lasswell, Harold D., 7, 593

  Latin America, 265, 328-32

  Alliance for Progress, 328, 331, 336

  poverty in, 303-4, 329, 330, 336

  US interventionism in, 328, 330-2, 524

  see also Central America; Monroe Doctrine

  Lawrence, David, 107


  decline, 660-3, 671-2, 680-1

  group-oriented participatory, in

  movement politics, 358, 384, 395-6, 443-4, 455-6

  see also intellectual leadership; moral leadership

  League for Industrial Democracy, 392, 408

  League of Nations, 10, 150, 152, 157, 170, 490, 545

  League of Universal Brotherhood, 536

  League of Women Voters, 433, 438, 659

  Leahy, Adm. William, 206, 208

  Leavitt, Helen, 573

  Lebanon, 255, 525

  Lee, Herbert, 380

  Leff, Mark, 77

  left wing, 51-4, 122-3, 408-9, 625-6, 628-32, 661-2

  in elections: 1936, 84-5; 1972, 460-2

  FDR and, 41, 42, 45, 70, 74, 117-18, 120

  intellectuals, 394, 409, 462, 565, 625, 629-32

  labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

  see also liberalism; New Left; socialism

  LeHand, “Missy,” 3

  Lehman, Herbert, 21, 111, 287

  Lekachman, Robert, 561

  LeMay, Curtis E., 415

  Lemke, William, 84, 85, 87

  Lend-Lease program, 168-9, 496, 555

  Lenin, Vladimir I., 51-2, 221, 565, 642

  Leninism, Third World, 305, 336, 343, 421

  Lennon, John, 432

  Leo XIII, Pope, 57

  Leonard, “Sugar Ray,” 609

  Lerner, Max, 265, 269, 279, 282, 408, 533-4, 627

  lesbianism, 450-1

  Lessing, Doris, 454

  Leuchtenburg, William E., 213

  Levine, Meldon E., 532

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 624

  Lewis, John (SNCC organizer), 361, 371

  Lewis, John L. (labor leader), 33, 46, 55-6, 82, 107, 165, 187-8, 191, 661

  and sit-down strikes of 1930s, 97-100

  Lewis, Oscar, 569

  Lewis, Sinclair, 137, 297

  liberalism, liberals, 347, 371, 390, 408, 454, 625-6, 629-32, 652

  accomplishments of, 629-30

  coalitions across party lines, 70, 109

  definition of freedom by, 666, 672

  Democrats, 13, 15, 64, 73-4, 87, 109, 118-19, 319, 320, 322, 324, 326, 359, 389-90, 414, 466, 625, 629-30, 661-2; FDR, 5, 10, 13, 45, 73, 77-8, 111, 118-20; JFK, 374; in 1972 election, 460-2

  divisions of 1980s among, 630-1

  economic (Keynesian), 562

  exhaustion of agenda of, 626, 630-2

  intellectual weaknesses of, 120-4, 461-2, 531, 630, 679-80

  labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

  of Niebuhr, 293-4

  Republicans, 70, 87, 109, 119, 466, 636

  views on crime, 516, 519

  liberation movements, 305, 342-4, 527

  libertarianism, 88, 534, 627-9, 667, 671

  liberty, individual, 88, 120-4, 131, 231, 266-7, 275, 296, 393, 6
35, 665-7

  and equality, 125, 267, 637, 679-80; as competing values, 631, 679

  feminist definitions of, 454

  positive vs. negative, 121, 124, 666-7

  right-wing definition of, 42, 123, 667, 672

  Western tradition and sources of, 539-40

  see also freedom; individualism

  Liberty ships, 183-4

  Libya, 574

  Lichtenstein, Roy, 621

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 500-1, 513

  Life magazine, 276, 284, 427, 441, 579, 614

  Lilienthal, David, 593

  Lincoln, Abraham, 33, 87, 88, 196, 212, 213, 218, 251, 337, 348, 657, 666

  shadow of, in civil rights struggle, 358, 371, 374, 376

  Lindbergh, Charles A., 160, 165, 169

  Lin Piao, 405, 475

  Lippmann, Walter, 12, 19, 55, 123, 131, 190, 205, 283, 288-90, 291, 294, 593

  and FDR, 20-1, 41

  internationalism of, 165

  and Johnson, 407, 412

  on Nixon, 417

  and Truman Doctrine, 234, 289

  writings, 289-90

  Lipsky, Richard, 610

  Literary Digest, 55

  literature, 141-6, 296-301, 615-20, 624

  see also writers, writing

  Little Rock, Ark., 322, 352

  Litvinov, Maxim, 159, 178

  Liuzzo, Viola, 384

  Living Newspaper, FTP, 137

  Livingston, Mary, 193-4

  Lloyd George, David, 90

  Lockheed bailout, 578

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 236, 246, 248

  defeat by Kennedy, 312-13

  Loeb, William, Jr., 377

  Logsdon, John M., 585, 586

  Lombard, Carole, 166


  Council of Foreign Ministers meetings, 226

  Economic Conference (1933), 35-6, 153

  Polish exile government, 206-7, 224

  Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 279-80

  Long, Breckinridge, 90

  Long, Huey, 15-16, 20, 59-63, 70, 73, 78, 80, 84, 319

  Long, Russell, 319

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 251

  Look magazine, 284, 454, 614

  Lorde, Audre, 451, 453

  Lorre, Peter, 194

  Los Angeles, 602-3, 608

  race riots: 1943, 189; 1965 (Watts), 397-8

  Los Angeles Times, 398, 602, 608, 612

  Lou, Trent, 657

  Louis, Joe, 609

  Lowell, Robert, 409

  Lowndes County Freedom Organization, 386

  loyalty program, 230-1, 239

  Lubin, Isador, 287

  Lublin government, 206-7

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 243

  Luce, Henry, 165, 276-7, 284, 593

  Luce magazines, 243, 276, 284, 563

  Lukas, J. Anthony, 500, 506

  Luker, Kristin, 448

  lunch counter sit-ins, 356-7, 366

  Luther, Martin, 600

  Lynd, Staughton, 407

  Lyttle, Bradford, 391-2

  McAdoo, William G., 11-12

  McAlister, Elizabeth, 537

  MacArthur, Douglas, 16, 203

  in Korea, 241-2, 243

  in World War II, 176, 198, 201, 205, 206, 225

  McCarthy, Eugene, 412, 414, 530

  McCarthy, Joseph R., 230, 244-6, 249-50, 251-3, 258, 296, 313

  McCarthyism, 246, 296, 301, 313, 324, 391, 393, 395, 549

  McCloy, John, 412

  Maccoby, Michael, 550, 671

  McCord, James, 500-1

  McCormack, John, 389

  McCormick, Robert R., 31, 154, 165

  MacDonald, Allan J., 583

  Macdonald, Cynthia, 618

  McDonald, David J., 287

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 36

  Macdonald, Stuart, 543

  MacDougall, Curtis, 283

  MacDougall, Malcolm, 613

  McElvaine, Robert, 660

  McGill, Ralph, 353

  McGovern, George, 415, 458, 461, 479, 481-2, 511, 530, 557

  McGrory, Mary, 373

  machine tool industry, 268

  McKinley, William, 374

  MacKinnon, Catherine, 535

  McKissick, Floyd, 387

  MacLeish, Archibald, 193, 289

  McMahon, Audrey, 135

  McNamara, Robert, 333, 343, 403, 408, 409, 410, 411, 425-6, 573, 577

  McNary-Haugen bill (1927), 16, 64

  McPherson, Aimee Semple, 603

  McReynolds, James C, 72, 89, 92

  McWilliams, Carey, 602

  Madison, James, 633, 634, 646, 648

  magazines, 284, 612, 614-15

  black culture and politics, 399

  feminist, 447

  Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 500-1, 503, 510, 512-13

  Mailer, Norman, 297, 300, 409, 617-18, 620

  majority rule, 42, 88

  Malamud, Bernard, 620

  Malcolm X, 385-6, 388, 398, 399, 462

  Malraux, André, 277

  Manchester, William, 413

  Manchester Union leader, 377

  Manchuria, 170, 208, 225, 226, 240, 470

  Manion, Clarence, 627

  Mann, Thomas, 605

  Mannheim, Karl, 275

  Mansfield, Mike, 291, 389

  Mantle, Burns, 136

  Mao Tse-tung, 240, 241, 260, 337, 405, 454, 469, 470, 472, 473-4

  Marcuse, Herbert, 275-6, 281, 599

  Markham, Edwin, 304

  Marlowe, Christopher, 132

  Marsh, Reginald, 133, 138

  Marshall, George C., 233, 240, 249-50, 593

  Army Chief of Staff, 174, 178, 180, 206

  Marshall, John, 88, 646, 651-2

  Marshall Plan, 233, 235, 239, 265, 283, 295, 347, 496, 555

  Marx, Groucho, 310

  Marx, Karl, 269, 274, 275, 281, 350, 461, 564-5, 567

  Marxism, 221, 277, 296, 454, 564-5, 616, 631

  New Left, 409, 421

  Niebuhr and, 292-3

  Third World, 305, 336, 341, 343, 419

  view of capitalism not valid for US, 48

  Maslow, Abraham, 436, 455

  Mass Culture, 622, 624

  massive retaliation, policy of, 254, 286

  materialism, 274, 275, 350, 431

  New Left rejection of, 393

  Mattachine Society, 450

  Matthews, J. B., 252

  Mauldin, Bill, 195

  Maurois, André, 298

  Maverick, Maury, 110-11

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 542, 547

  Mayer, Louis B., 605

  May-Johnson bill, 548, 549

  Mazlish, Bruce, 466

  Medea, Andrea, 449

  media, 281-5, 611-15, 646

  coverage of feminists by, 441, 446

  in election campaigns, 312, 324, 613

  manipulation of, 246

  Nixon and, 472-3, 495, 510-11

  presidential use of, 495

  as talent drain, 615

  see also magazines; newspapers; press; radio; television

  Medicare, 389

  medicine, 541, 543

  Mediterranean, World War II in, 196-8

  Meese, Edwin, III, 654

  Melville, Herman, 299, 673-4

  Mencken, Henry L., 12, 17, 60, 99, 145

  Mendel, Gregor, 269

  Mendès-France, Pierre, 405

  Menjou, Adolphe, 231

  Mercer, Lucy, 9, 212

  Mercury, Project, 579-81, 582

  Meredith, James, 365, 370, 386-7, 398, 400

  Merelman, Richard M., 597, 599

  Merriam, Frank, 69

  Merton, Robert K., 275

  Mesta, Perle, 251

  Methodist churches, 355, 594

  Mexican-Americans, 306

  Mexican American Women’s Association, 452

  Mexico, 329-30

  Meyer, Frank S., 627

  middle class, 57, 278-9, 286

  black, 314, 316

  women, 436, 453, 459

ddle East, 265, 486-8, 526-7

  Carter policy and Camp David, 525-6

  Eisenhower policy, 255, 257

  Six-Day War (1967), 486

  Soviet policy, 265, 284-7, 488, 526-7

  Yom Kippur War (1973), 487

  Midway, battle of, 179-80, 182

  migrant farm workers, 40, 49, 81, 141, 269, 315

  migration, of poor peoples, 305-6

  US blacks, 315, 385

  military-industrial complex warning, 262

  Mill, John Stuart, 600

  Miller, Arthur, 297, 300-1, 624

  Miller, David, 408

  Miller, Jim, 421

  Millet, Jean François, 304

  Millett, Kate, 444-5, 450, 456

  Mills, C. Wright, 394

  Minimalism, 621, 623

  minimum wage, 107, 559, 570, 639

  state laws, 95

  for women, 82

  mining industry, 187-8, 264

  Minneapolis, 1934

  strike, 47-8

  minority rights, 88

  Miranda doctrine, 654

  Miss America Pageant, 445-6

  “missile gap,” 333-4

  missiles, ballistic, 264, 334, 478, 529, 537

  ICBMs, 259, 335, 478, 579

  Mississippi, civil rights struggle in, 365

  black voter registration, 378-80, 382

  Freedom Democratic Party (1964), 380-2

  “Freedom Summer,” 380, 384, 395

  Mitchell, John, 479, 500-1, 513

  Mitsuo, Fuchida, 174

  Modernism, 623

  “Mohawk Valley formula,” 100

  Moley, Raymond, 13, 14, 17, 28, 35-6, 64, 74, 83, 110, 154

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 159, 206, 208, 211, 226, 260, 405

  Mondale, Walter, 641

  Mondrian, Piet, 621

  monetarism, 562, 564

  monetary policy, 35, 36, 72, 555

  Monroe Doctrine, 150, 154, 172, 332

  Montgomery bus boycott, 348-52

  Montgomery Improvement Association, 350-1

  Monthly Review, 564

  Montoya, Joseph, 503-4

  Moody, Anne, 372

  moon landings, Apollo program, 581-2, 584-5

  moral leadership, 293-4, 512, 522, 672

  of FDR, 323-4, 648; exception, 218-19

  JFK’s development of, 360, 374-5

  Moral Majority, 627-8

  Moreno, Luisa, 603

  Morgan, Robin, 446

  Morgan family and capitalism, 39-40, 60, 155

  Morgenthau, Hans, 287, 288, 291-2, 294, 402, 499, 547-8, 551

  Morgenthau, Henry, 28, 36, 45, 72, 101-2, 104, 112, 114, 133, 191, 214, 216, 219

  internment of Japanese, 190


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