American Experiment
Page 339
Morgenthau, Robert, 499
Morris, Aldon, 356
Morris, Robert, 623
Morris, William, 274
Morrison, Jim, 431
Morrow, Dwight, 329
Morse, Wayne, 291, 319, 403
Morion Thiokol, 550, 583
Moscow summit meetings:
Summit I (1972), 476-9, 485, 488
Summit III (1974), 488
Moses, Bob (SNCC), 379-80, 384, 407
Moses, Robert, 552
Mossadegh, Muhammad, 255
Motion Picture Association, 608
Movement for a Democratic Society, 432
Moyers, Bill, 410
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 373, 467, 567, 569
Ms. magazine, 439, 447, 615
Muhammad, Elijah, 385-6, 388, 398, 401
Mulder, Ronald, 77
Muller, Hermann Joseph, 269
Mumford, Lewis, 274, 574
Municipal Bankruptcy Act, 72
Murphy, Frank, 59, 99, 111, 112, 114
Murray, “Alfalfa Bill,” 11
Murray, Philip, 99-100, 107, 187
Murrow, Edward R., 285, 594
Music Corporation of America (MCA), 607
Muskie, Edmund, 461, 499
Mussolini, Benito, 7, 63, 79, 105, 137, 149-50, 157-8, 162, 198, 223
Muste, A. J., 391
MX missile, 529, 537
My Lai massacre, 420
Myrdal, Gunnar, 359, 360
Nader, Ralph, 575, 641
Nagasaki, 225, 408
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 297, 617
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 579-80, 583-6
Nash, Diane, 363, 380
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 257
Nation, The, 114, 124, 409
National Abortion Rights League, 448
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 189, 321, 349-50, 357, 365, 371, 387-8, 399
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 102, 272-3
National Black Feminist Organization, 451
National Citizens Political Action Committee, 234
National Coalition of American Nuns, 458
National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, 105
National Conference for a New Politics, 443
National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, 452
National Conference on Black Power, 399
National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 408
National Council of Churches, 594
National Council of Negro Women, 371
national debt, 72, 89, 191, 633
National Emergency Council, 115
National Farmers’ Holiday Association, 65
National Football League, 611
National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities, 389, 639
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
and Administration (NRA), 27, 32-4, 37, 39-42, 62, 75, 77, 122, 213-14
Section 7(a) union provisions, 33, 46, 48, 55, 75, 96
Supreme Court invalidation of, 72, 73, 74, 89, 215
wages-and-hours provisions of, 32
nationalism, Third World, 255, 304-5
nationalization, 127, 560, 564-5
National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (1935), 75, 90, 95-5, 107
National Labor Relations Board, 112
national liberation movements, 305, 342-7, 527
Vietnam, 342, 403, 419
National Mobilization Committee (Mobe), 417
New Mobe, 423
National Organization for Women (NOW), 437-41, 443, 448, 449, 450, 454-5, 457
National Progressive League for Roosevelt, 73
National Republic (journal), 132
National Resources Planning Board, 130-1, 191, 214
National Review (journal), 627, 628
National Science Foundation, 553
national security, 154, 158, 333, 666
National Union for Social Justice, 59, 79
National War Labor Board (NWLB), 186-7, 188
National Welfare Rights Organization, 570
National Women’s Conference (1977), 452
National Women’s Party, 376, 438
National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), 439, 457-8
National Youth Administration (NYA), 104, 214, 318, 390
Nation of Islam, 385-6, 398
Native Son (Wright), 144-5
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 246, 265, 289, 488
Nazism, see fascism; Germany, Nazi
NBC (National Broadcasting Company), 60, 63, 285
Near, Holly, 451
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 338, 339-41
Neighborhood Youth Corps, 566
Nelson, Donald, 185
Neo-Expressionism, 623
Netherlands, 162, 295
Neuman, W. Russell, 611
neutrality legislation, 1930s, 154, 156
New Deal, 21, 23-7, 30-5, 37, 58, 62, 70, 107-8, 121, 238, 320, 347, 570, 629, 631, 656
banking reforms, 26, 40, 41, 75, 213
business opposition to, 41-5, 64, 71-3, 102-3; and “class war,” 41-54
blacks and, 39, 81, 358-9
Congress and, see Congress, US conservation programs, 25, 26, 40, 76, 213, 214
cultural programs, 132-41
dismantled by Reagan policies, 639
as election issue: 1936, 80-6, 91; 1938, 108-11
evaluation of, 128-31, 213-15, 648
Fair Deal as extension of, 236
farm legislation, 25, 34, 40-1, 49, 64-6, 72, 76, 81, 82, 107, 122, 213
“First,” 23-7, 30, 32, 62, 214
“fourth,” 215
industrial and labor measures, 27, 32-4, 37, 39-40, 41-2, 72, 76, 89, 95-6, 106-7, 122, 213
intellectual incongruities, 120-5, 129
job procurement, 25, 27, 34, 76, 81
misperceived as socialism, 43, 45, 102, 123, 128
mortgage and housing subsidies, 25, 26, 72, 214
problems of, 39-41, 63-6, 68, 112-13, 114-16, 125
public utilities legislation, 26, 34, 40, 76, 213-14
public works, 34, 37, 81, 214
railroad legislation, 26-7, 72, 73
relief programs, 25, 34, 37, 40, 76, 81, 134, 213-14, 568
right-wing conservative reaction to, 41-3, 45, 71-3, 105, 132
“Second,” 70, 75-8, 214
securities legislation, 25-6, 40, 122
Social Security, 75, 77, 78, 191
success prevented by American system of government, 115, 120, 125-6, 129
Supreme Court invalidations of, 72-3, 74, 82, 89-90, 91, 652
“third,” 214
youth programs, 76, 104, 214
Newfield, Jack, 414, 429
New Freedom, 122, 127
New Frontier, 374, 461, 629
Newhouse, Samuel I., 282
New Left, 393-4, 408-9, 421-2, 426, 431-2, 441-3, 455, 456, 460
Newman, Barnett, 621
New Nationalism, 127
New Republic, The (journal), 12, 140
New Right, 448, 626
Newspaper Guild, 137
newspapers, 281-3, 611-12
conformity of 1950s, 282-3
consolidation of, 282, 612
partisan political influences, 282, 614
production of, 281-2
Newsweek magazine, 110, 446, 612
Newton, Huey P., 399
Newton, Sir Isaac, 544-5
New York American, 31
New York Art Strike (1970), 622-3
New York City, 552, 578, 617-20, 634
arts and artists, 620-4, 664-5
book publishing, 615-17, 620
Federal Theatre Project, 136-8
New Yorker, The, 512
New York Herald Tribune, 93, 96, 202, 614
“New York intellectuals,” 616-17
New York magazine, 614
New York Review of Books, 409
New York Times, The,
9, 49, 237, 262, 331, 478, 497, 546, 584, 612, 614, 617, 622, 643
Book Review, 616
and Pentagon Papers, 425-6
Nicaragua, 328, 330, 633, 644
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 124-5, 205-277, 288, 292-4, 350, 401, 522, 536, 593
Nimitz, Adm. Chester, 180, 198, 201, 205, 206, 211
Nixon, E. D., 349-50
Nixon, Patricia, 473, 476, 485
Nixon, Richard M., 492-3, 624, 644, 681
anticommunism of, 230, 244, 418, 468, 480; Hiss case, 232, 468
background of, 604
character contradictions in, 465-6, 494, 508; the “new” Nixon, 417, 469, 637
Checkers speech of, 250, 252, 511
income-tax fraud allegation, 504
penchant for secrecy, 467, 471, 476, 492
post-resignation life of, 513-14
as President, 416-20, 422-6, 462, 466-88, 560-1, 625, 630, 651; China policy, 468-9, 470-5, 488; decision leaps, 559-60, 561; a disappointment to conservatives, 557, 625; domestic programs, 466-7, 479, 567; economic policy, 554-7, 561, 571; “enemies list,” 499, 504; foreign policy, 467-88, 491, 492-4, 496, 524; and the media, 472-3, 495, 510-11; and minority rights issues, 466; resignation, 488, 508-9, 558; Russian policy, 476-9, 485-8, 493; second inaugural, 484; siege mentality, 499, 503; Supreme Court appointments, 506, 652-3; and Vietnam War, 417-20, 422-6, 475-6, 478-84, 493-4
presidential candidacies: 1960, 262, 326, 331, 360, 468, 555, 637; 1968, 415-16, 555, 637; 1972. 460-1, 479, 511, 557
as Vice President, 255, 257, 313; urges A-bomb at Dien Bien Phu, 255, 342, 465; urges invasion of Cuba, 331
vice-presidential candidacy, 250, 252
and Watergate, 500-14, 593; impeachment, 503, 506-7, 511; pardon, 498, 513-14, 522, 558 (see also Watergate affair)
Nobel Prizes, 541, 572, 643
Noble, David F., 264, 551
Noble, Robert, 604
Nol, Lon, 424
nonviolence, 396, 421, 536
in civil rights movement, 352, 357, 363, 364, 366-8, 383, 400; abandoned, 386, 388, 398, 400
see also civil disobedience
Normandy, 1944
invasion of, 200-1
Norris, George W., 14, 26, 61, 73, 91, 190-1
black migration to, 315, 385
civil rights battle in, 384, 385-6, 388, 397-401
race riots, 397-8, 400
North Africa, World War II in, 180, 196-7
Allied invasion of 1943, 178, 181
North Korea, 240-2
see also Korean War
North Vietnam, 402-6, 410-11, 418-19, 422-5, 472, 475, 479-84, 488, 489, 493-4, 642
China and, 405, 472, 476, 529
Norway, Nazi invasion of, 161
NSC-68 memorandum, 222
nuclear submarines, 264, 268, 391, 478
nuclear war danger, 256, 486-7
Prevention Agreement, 1973, 485-6
nuclear weapons, 222, 239-40, 256-7, 264, 391, 477-8
China in possession of, 485
Reagan on, 643
Test Ban Treaty (1963), 390, 392
US superiority, 259, 264, 265, 333-4
US-USSR parity, 527
see also arms control; arms race; atom bomb; hydrogen bomb
Nye, Gerald P., 33, 155
occupational safety and health, 466
Ochs, Phil, 428
O’Connell, William, Cardinal, 58
O’Connor, John, 111, 118
O’Daniel, “Pappy,” 319
Odets, Clifford, 146
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 566
Office of Facts and Figures, 193
Office of Price Administration, 556, 562
Office of War Information (OWI), 193-4
off our backs (newspaper), 447
Oglesby, Carl, 421
oil, 255, 319, 329, 330-1, 574-5, 644
prices, 558, 574, 641
Okies, 49, 141-3
Okinawa, 206, 211, 224, 675
Okun, Arthur, 561
Oldenburg, Claes, 621
Oliphant, Herman, 102
Olivier, Laurence, 285
Olson, Culbert L., 604
Olson, Floyd, 48, 68
Omaha Action, 391
O’Mahoney, Joseph, 94
Omnibus Housing Act (1965), 389
O’Neill, Eugene, 624
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 559, 640
O’Neill, William L., 431
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries), 558, 574
“Open Skies” proposal, 257
Oppenheim, Dennis, 623
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 269, 270, 288-9, 290, 549
Organization of Afro-American Unity, 386
Ormandy, Eugene, 484
Orwell, George, 418
Oshinsky, David, 251
Our Bodies, Ourselves (handbook), 447
Oz, Amos, 618, 619, 620
Ozick, Cynthia, 619
Pacem in Terris (encyclical), 536
Pacific Ocean:
US bases in, 264-5
war danger in, 168, 170-1, 172-4
war in, 174-80, 196, 198, 201-2, 206, 207, 224-5; island hopping, 201, 206, 211
pacifists, 536
1930s, 154, 156
postwar, 234-5, 391-2, 408, 545-6
Paine, Thomas, 296, 634
Pakistan, 265, 340, 471
Palestine Liberation Organization, 592
Palestinians, 525
Paley, Grace, 618
Panama, 330
Panama Canal Treaty, 524-5, 526-7
American writers celebrated in, 297-8
summit plan aborted (1960), 261-2
Vietnam peace talks, 481-4
Parks, Rosa, 348-9, 351-2, 375
Parsons, Talcott, 67
Parsons, Louella, 606-7
Partisan Review (journal), 409
party system, 116-18, 125-6, 491, 646-7, 655-7
four-party actuality within, 119, 126, 236; and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8
overlapping of interests and groups, 119, 126, 320, 376
party shifts and reconstitution, 656-7
reform proposals, 648-9, 650
see also third parties
Pasadena school desegregation case, 653
“Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teachings and the U.S. Economy,” 537-8, 668-9
Patterson, James, 109
Patterson, John, 362
Patterson, Robert “Tut,” 354
Patton, Gen. George, 216
Paul VI, Pope, 484
Pauling, Linus, 392, 543
Pavese, Cesare, 298
Peace Corps, 390
peaceful coexistence, 260
peace movement, 391-2, 401, 418, 443, 460, 536, 659
self-immolations, 408
sexism protested in, 442, 443
see also anti-nuclear movement; anti-Vietnam War movement Peale, Norman Vincent, 326
Pearl Harbor, 174-6, 177, 179, 192, 304, 338
Peck, Jim, 361
Peck, George N., 154
Pegler, Westbrook, 123
Peirce, Charles, 125, 658
Peirce, Neal, 318, 558
Pells, Richard, 278
PEN International Congress (1986), 617-20
Penn Central Railroad, 555
Pentagon Papers, 425-6
Pepper, Claude, 106
Percy, Walker, 615
Perkins, Frances, 23, 28, 29, 31, 34, 83, 101, 102, 112, 114, 130, 434, 593
and strikes, 47, 99
Perón, Juan and Evita, 328
Pershing, Gen. John Joseph, 543
Persian Gulf, 644
Peru, 329, 330
Pélain, Henri Philippe, 163
Peter, Paul and Mary (rock group), 428
Phantom Public, The (Lippmann), 289
Philippines, 265
World War II: US loss of, 176-7, 178; US recapture of, 202, 206
Phillips, Clarence, 52
Phillips, Kevin, 637
Phillips, William, 154
physics, 268, 541, 544-7, 549, 553
Pickering, William, 578
Piehl, Mel, 536
Pioneer planetary probes, 582
Pittman, Key, 36, 158
Planned Parenthood-World Population, 448
planning, comprehensive national and regional, 130-1, 214-15
social, Dewey on, 121
TVA as example of, 131, 316-17
see also economic planning
plea bargaining, 517-18, 519
Plessy v. Ferguson, 314, 322
“Plumbers” operation, 499, 504
PM (newspaper), 283
Podell, Janet, 610
Podgorny, Nikolai, 477
Poland, 149, 151, 217, 404
Nazi and Soviet invasion of, 159, 160
postwar, 206, 223, 224, 257-8, 476; Solidarity, 644; Soviet domination, 210-11, 221, 226, 229; Yalta discussions on, 206-7, 208, 211
Polenberg, Richard, 193
Pollock, Jackson, 621
Poor, Henry Varnum, 133
population increase, global, 304, 329
populism, 63, 655
conservative, 626, 627-8, 629
of Father Coughlin, 58-9
of Huey Long, 59-63
pornography, 449, 534-5, 635, 654
Port Huron Statement, 393, 394, 397, 462
Postmodernism, 624
Potsdam Conference (1945), 224-5, 226
Potter, Paul, 407
poverty, 122, 539-40, 565-71, 629, 668-9
of blacks, 570-1; in South, 313-16; in urban North, 385
and crime, 516, 518, 568-9, 571
cultural view (subculture), 568-9, 571
definition of, 567-8
Depression, 19, 31, 39-41, 58, 648; New Deal programs, 25, 27, 34-5, 40-1, 76, 81; 1937-39
recession, 103-4
intellectual failure in understanding, 567-71, 668-9
1930s literature of, 141-5
of 1980s, 633, 641
reduced in wartime, 184-5, 188-9
in South, 354, 567; among blacks, 313-16; among whites, 316-18
structural/environmental view, 569, 570
Third World, 303-5, 669; India, 303, 305, 339; Latin America, 303-4, 329, 330, 336
War on (LBJ), 516, 566-7, 568
Powdermaker, Hortense, 603, 606
Powell, Lewis F., Jr., 506, 653
as exercised in foreign policy, 291-2, 496
vs. moral leadership, 512, 522
Niebuhrian realism, 125, 292-3, 522
presidential use and abuse of, 495-6, 503, 510-12
Powers, Francis Gary, 261
Powers, John A., 580-1
pragmatism, 125, 278, 292, 548, 559, 661, 671
as self-serving doctrine, 658
Pravda, 229, 491, 523
Presbyterian Church, 594
presidency, 647-8, 651, 655
executive privilege, 505-6
“imperial,” 510, 511, 646