Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2
Page 64
sautéed with onions, bacon, and bread crumbs (à la niçoise)
brown sauces, I: 66–76
broyage suisse: see Succès, le
Brussels sprouts (choux de Bruxelles), I: 449–55
blanched (blanchis), I: 450
in butter (étuvés au beurre), I: 451
with chestnuts (aux marrons), I: 452
browned with cheese (à la milanaise), I: 453
chopped, with cream (à la crème), I: 453
creamed (étuvés à la crème), I: 452
custard mold (timbales de), I: 454
frozen, I: 454
gratinéed with cheese sauce (à la mornay, gratinés), I: 453
buffet, cold, I: 536–78
butter (beurre)
general information, I: 15–16, 22
American and French, I: 15
clarified, I: 15
creaming of, I: 100
foam, I: 16
for sauce enrichment, I: 58
and sugar (creaming of), I: 581
unsalted or sweet, I: 15
cake, yellow (le quatre quarts)
creams: see cake fillings and frostings
and flour
paste (sauce thickener), I: 58, 65, 265
roux (sauce thickener)
for brown sauces, I: 68
for white sauces, I: 56
sauces: see sauces, butter
butter(s), cold flavored (beurres), I: 99–105
anchovy (d’anchois), I: 101
crab (de crabe), I: 104; 1.1
crayfish (d’écrevisses), I: 104; 1.1
egg yolk (à l’oeuf), I: 101
garlic (d’ail), I: 101
and herbs (snail butter) (pour escargots), I: 103
herb (tarragon, etc.) (maître d’hôtel; de fines herbes; d’estragon), I: 102
lobster (de homard), I: 104; 1.1
mustard (de moutarde), I: 100
orange, I: 650
and almond, I: 651
and red wine (marchand de vins), I: 103
and white wine (bercy), I: 103
shellfish (de crustacés), I: 104; 1.1
shrimp (de crevettes), I: 104; 1.1
cabbage (chou), I: 22
red (rouge)
braised with chestnuts (à la limousine), I: 496
with duck, I: 280
soup (garbure), I: 48
leaves (feuilles de, farcies)
alternate stuffing of beef and ham
leaves, small ball-shaped (petits, farcis)
whole (farci)
cabinet pudding, I: 612
caillettes (pork and liver sausages)
cake(s) (gâteaux), I: 667–80
general information, I: 667–9
directions for filling and icing, I: 672–5
butter spongecake (biscuit au beurre), I: 669
and almond (Reine de Saba), I: 677
made from leftover cake (la charlotte africaine)
rich, light (le Glorieux)
spongecake (le Marquis), I: 679
fruit in, to keep from sinking
fruitcake (le cake)
honey cake (pain d’épices)
for layer cakes (le Génoise électrique)
meringue-almond, individual brésiliens)
meringue-nut layer (le Succès; le Progrès; la Dacquoise)
orange (à l’orange)
and almond spongecake (et aux amandes), I: 676
spongecake, I: 671
for petits fours (le Génoise électrique)
pound cake (le quatre quarts)
spice cake (pain d’épices)
spongecake with orange-butter filling, I: 672
walnut (aux noix; le Saint-André)
with apricot filling (le Saint-André aux abricots)
yellow butter (le quatre quarts)
yellow loaf, with rum, raisins, cherries (le cake)
cake fillings and frostings
general information, I: 672–5, 680–1
list and description
almond brittle, I: 583; 7.1
apricot (abricot)
filling (confit d’, en sirop), 7.1, 7.2
glaze (glaçage à l’), I: 593, 670; 7.1
butter creams (crème au beurre)
chocolate, kirsch, rum, etc., I: 680–4
custard-based (à l’anglaise)
lemon (au citron), I: 676
orange (à l’orange), I: 674
with pralin (nut brittle)
chocolate (melted chocolate and butter), I: 684; 7.1
custard, for rum cake
fondant, 7.1, 7.2
glazes, I: 593–4, 670; 7.1, 7.2
lemon-cream filling (crème au citron), I: 676; 7.1
butter-cream (crème au beurre à la meringue italienne)
decorations (meringue italienne)
with whipped cream (Chantilly meringuée)
orange-butter filling, I: 672
orange-cream filling (crème à l’orange)
red currant glaze (gelée de groseilles), I: 594
sugar icing (fondant)
walnut brittle (pralin aux noix)
cake pans
round (moules à biscuits), I: 143; app1.1
square (moules à manqué carré)
bread rounds, sautéed in butter, I: 199–200; 7.1
liver, for roast birds, I: 247
marrow for, I: 19
preparation of, I: 199
spinach and cheese, I: 472
see also appetizers; hors d’oeuvre
canard: see duck, duckling
candied fruits: see glacéed fruits
chocolate truffles (les truffes aux chocolat)
walnut and almond puffs (les croquets Denison)
caneton: see duck, duckling
caper sauce (sauce au capres), I: 65
capers in brown butter sauce, I: 99
capon, caponette (chapon), I: 235; 4.1
casserole-roasted, I: 249
caramel, I: 583–5
almond cream (plombières), I: 594
almond soufflé (île flottante), I: 622
applesauce mold (pommes normande en belle vue), I: 624
custards, I: 610–11; 7.1
to line a mold with, I: 584; 7.1
to make (syrup), I: 584; 7.1
walnut ice cream
almonds, I: 583, 617; 7.1
apples, in upside-down tart (la tarte des Demoiselles Tatin), I: 638
carrots (carottes), I: 22, 28–9, 476–80
with artichoke hearts (à la forestière), I: 478
braised (étuvées au beurre), I: 477
creamed (à la crème), I: 478
with onions and garlic (à la concierge), I: 480
glazed (glacées), I: 479
with herbs (aux fines herbes), I: 477
with scalloped potatoes, I: 525
Vichy, I: 479
casings, for sausages
cassoulet, I: 399–404
variations, I: 404
caul fat
general information
for sausage casing, 5.1, 5.2
for wrapping beef tenderloin
for wrapping veal, 3.1, 3.2
cauliflower (chou-fleur), I: 456–61
blanched (blanchi), I: 457
custard mold (timbale de), I: 461
au gratin with cheese (à la mornay, gratiné), I: 459
and tomatoes (aux tomatoes fraîches), I: 459
purée with watercress (en verdure), I: 460
soup with watercress (potage de la Fontaine Dureau)
céleri: see celery
céleri-rave: see celery root
: see celery root
celery (céleri), I: 22
braised (braisés), I: 491
cold, I: 492, 578
à la grecque, I: 538
soup, with potatoes and leeks (potage Célestine)
celery root; celeriac (céleri-rave)
braised (braisé), I: 492
cold, mustard sauce (rémoulade), I: 540
Centigrade-Fahrenheit conversions, I: 24–5
cervelles: see brains
champagnes, types to serve, I: 34
champignons: see mushrooms
Chantilly (whipped cream), I: 580; 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
with meringue, for fillings and ice cream
charcuterie chez soi
general information
see also goose, preserved; pâtés and terrines; pork, dry-salt curing; sausages
chard (blettes)
in beef sausages (tous nus)
braised with onions
with cheese sauce (gratinées)
in pork and liver sausages (caillettes)
in stuffings, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1
almond custard with chocolate (basque), I: 608
apple (aux pommes), I: 623
chocolate dessert or layer-cake from leftover cake (africaine)
chocolate (au chocolat), I: 607
with raspberries (aux framboises), I: 607
with strawberries (aux fraises), I: 605
molds for, I: 161–2; app1.1
rum-cake caramel custard, flambée (Jamaïque en flammes)
strawberry or raspberry cream (Chantilly, aux fraises ou aux framboises), I: 608
châteaubriand, I: 290–1
chaud-froid: see sauces, chaud-froid
cheese (fromage)
general information, I: 16, 22
biscuits or wafers (bouchées; galettes; baguettes), I: 196–8
for appetizers, I: 201–2; 2.1
for crêpes, I: 194
fondue, for cream horns, mille-feuilles, and croquets
Napoleons (mille-feuilles à la fondue de)
omelette, I: 135
puffed dish, from vol-au-vent insides (ramequin du juste milieu)
puffs (petits choux au), I: 181
quiches, I: 147–8
sauces: see sauces, cheese; sauces, mornay
soufflés, I: 163, 171, 173
variations, I: 173
sticks (bouchées Parmentier au), I: 198
to stuff roast pork, I: 385
in stuffings, I: 243, 251, 358, 502; 6.1, 6.2
tarts, I: 647–8
with puff pastry (feuilletée au; jalousie au)
turnovers (petits chaussons au roquefort), I: 204
cherry(ies) (cerises)
with duck, I: 278
flans (clafoutis), I: 655, 656, 658
tart (tarte aux, flambée), I: 643
chestnut(s) (marrons), I: 517–20
braised (braisés), I: 519
with Brussels sprouts, I: 452
with red cabbage, I: 496
purée, I: 518
and sausage stuffing, I: 286
chicken (poulet et poularde et volaille), I: 234–71; 4.1
general information, I: 234–40, 251–3; 4.1
to bone
breasts, I: 267
whole, I: 570
to buy
cut up (ready-cut)
defrosting, I: 235
disjointing of whole, I: 254
fryers (pans for) (sautoirs)
half-boning and stuffing
preparation for cooking
breasts, I: 267
cut up, I: 254; 4.1
to bone and stuff
for poaching
to truss, I: 237–9; 271
washing, singeing, I: 236
stock, I: 109–10, 236–7
scraps for
stuffings for, I: 243, 251; 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, app.1
to truss, I: 237–9; 4.1
types of
chart, ages and sizes, I: 235
for poaching whole
boiled (pot au feu), I: 306
boudin blanc (sausage), 4.1, 5.1
bouillabaisse, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
breasts of (suprêmes de), I: 267–71
cold in chaud-froid, I: 551–3
poached in butter, I: 268–70
with cream sauce (à blanc), I: 268
with mushrooms (aux champignons), I: 269
with paprika (Archiduc), I: 268
with vegetables (à l’écossaise), I: 269
sautéed in butter (à brun), I: 270–1
broiled with mustard (grillés à la diable), I: 265
in aspic (en gelée), 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
bouillabaisse of
breasts, I: 551–3
pieces (morvandelle)
whole (poularde en)
in lemon jelly (en escabèche), I: 554
list of other dishes, I: 576
in tarragon aspic (en gelée à l’estragon), I: 549; 4.1
coq au vin, I: 263
cut up: see chicken, breasts; chicken, fricassees; chicken, poached; chicken, sautéed
filling for
appetizers, I: 203
bouchées and vol-au-vent (garniture de volaille, financière)
boiled (pot au feu), I: 306
in lemon jelly (escabèche), I: 554
poached in wine
fricassees (fricassée de), I: 258–65
with curry (à l’indienne), I: 261
fondue with cream (fondue de, à la crème), I: 262
with paprika (au paprika), I: 262
in red wine (coq au vin), I: 263
with tarragon (à l’estragon), I: 262
with wine sauce (à l’ancienne), I: 258
giblets in stuffing, I: 243, 251
half-boned (demi-désossée)
poached (à la d’Albuféra)
stuffed, in pastry crust (en soutiengorge; en croûte)
in filling for appetizers, I: 203
in gratin, I: 157
mousse (mousseline de volaille), I: 560
liver: see liver, chicken
mousse of, I: 560
with pork and liver (de campagne)
with veal and spinach (terrine verte)
pieces: see chicken, breasts; chicken, fricassees; chicken, poached; chicken, sautéed
poached (poché), pieces
with aïoli sauce (en bourride)
in aspic (en gelée), 4.1, 4.2
chaud-froid (morvandelle)
gratinéed with cheese (mornay)
in white wine (bouillabaisse)
with cream sauce (waterzooi)
and vegetables (au vin blanc)
poached (poché), whole
general information, 4.1
casserole-poached, in wine and tarragon (à l’estragon)
half-boned, stuffed (à la d’Albuféra)
quenelles of, I: 189
roast (rôti), I: 240–9
basted with cream (à la normande), I: 243
casserole-roasted (poêlé), I: 249–53
oven-roasted, I: 240
with port wine and mushrooms (au porto), I: 245
spit-roasted (à la broche), I: 242
with stuffings, I: 243, 251
timetable, for roasting, I: 240
sausage (boudin blanc), 4.1, 5.1
sautéed (sauté), I: 254
with cream, I: 256
with herbs and garlic, I: 257
with tomato and mushroom sauce, I: 256
squab, roasted (coquelets sur canapés), I: 246
foie gras, truffles, livers, rice (d’Albuféra)
herb and giblet (à la normande), I: 243
mushroom (duxelles),
I: 251
other stuffings, 4.1, 5.1
see also list, app.1
tarragon (estragon)
in aspic, I: 549; 4.1
casserole-roasted, I: 249
fricassee, I: 262
poached with white wine, whole
whole: see chicken, half-boned; chicken, poached; chicken, roast
chipolatas (definition)
to cook
chocolate (chocolat)
butter creams, I: 680–4
and almond (Reine de Saba), I: 677
layer, from leftover cake (la charlotte africaine)
rich and light (le Glorieux)
spongecake (le Marquis), I: 679
dessert creams
almond (charlotte malakoff au), I: 607
bavarian (bavarois), I: 599
custard with almonds (charlotte basque), I: 608
plombières, I: 595
filling for cake
ice cream
burnt-almond (le Kilimanjaro)
frozen mousse molded in meringues (le Saint-Cyr)
vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce (Chantilly glacée, au)
icing (glaçage), I: 684
to melt, I: 582; see also icing for Napoleons
mousse, I: 604
frozen (le Saint-Cyr)
soufflé, I: 619
chop, how to, I: 27
chou: see cabbage
chou rouge: see cabbage, red
choucroute: see sauerkraut
chou-fleur: see cauliflower
choux (puff shells), I: 177–81
choux aspèrges: see asparagus
choux brocoli: see broccoli
choux de Bruxelles: see Brussels sprouts
chowders, fish
citrouille: see pumpkin
clafouti(s), I: 655–8
apple (aux pommes), I: 657; 7.1
rum, and raisins (normande)
blackberry or blueberry (aux mûres; aux myrtilles), I: 657
cherry, I: 655
with liqueur (à la liqueur), I: 656
or pear, with almonds (à la Bourdaloue), I: 658
pear (aux poires), I: 656, 658
plum (aux pruneaux; aux prunes), I: 657; 7.1
see also suggestions for other fruits
filling for appetizers, I: 202
juice for fish soups, I: 51
juice for fish stock, I: 115
clarification of meat stocks, I: 111
clarified butter, I: 15
coat a spoon (definition of), I: 11
cochon de lait: see pork, suckling pig
cocktail appetizers: see appetizers
for cooking, I: 32
for jellied stocks and aspics, I: 114
buffet, I: 536–78
dishes, list of, I: 576–8
see also chicken, cold; soups, cold; etc.
braised with onions
with pork and liver sausages (caillettes)
in stuffing for beef roll
compote of fruit
peaches, poached in syrup, I: 630
pears poached in red wine, I: 642; 7.1
concombres: see cucumbers