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Running to Stand Still

Page 11

by J Theron

  She squealed as he grabbed for her and ran down the corridor to the kitchen. He caught her before she made it through the kitchen door and threw her over his shoulder before carrying her up the stairs to the studio. He kicked the studio door closed and dumped her on the bed before ripping her boxer shorts off, but leaving her T-shirt on.

  “Breakfast is getting cold,” Danielle exclaimed.

  “Screw breakfast,” Michael said before he pulled her closer, parting her legs with his knee. He pulled a condom from his jeans pocket and his actions were frantic as he pushed his jeans down to free himself and could not seem to get the condom on quickly enough. He lifted her hips and slammed into her without any warning. He fell forward and his mouth devoured hers as he thrust forcefully into her. He was like a man possessed. They both spiralled out of control and Danielle was vaguely aware in the back of her mind that the bed made a loud thumping noise on the wooden floor, but at that moment she could not care less.

  “You drive me insane,” he groaned.

  His face was in her neck and his words sent her over the edge. She bit back a scream as her body found its release and he groaned as he came inside her. When she stilled, he pulled out before falling next to her on the bed.

  “Holy shit! What was that?” she asked incredulously.

  “That was how I like to begin my day,” he answered with a smirk on his face.

  “I think we woke up the whole neighbourhood. What will Marie think?” she asked in mortification.

  “She’ll have to get used to it because I plan on fucking you as often and as hard as possible, whether she’s in the house or not.”

  “Can I have breakfast now?” Danielle asked pleadingly.

  “Mm. I don’t know,” he answered. “Let’s do it again.”

  She slapped him against his arm. “Okay. Food it is,” Michael said laughingly.

  They went to the hotel after breakfast and finally managed to get all her luggage. Danielle felt uncertain as she placed her suitcases in Michael’s bedroom when they got home. She looked around her and could not understand why he so rarely used it. It was beautiful with high ornate ceilings and white washed walls and most of the wall space was filled with beautiful paintings, some of which she recognised as Michael’s work.

  The wooden floor was covered with woven rugs and the floor to ceiling French doors opened onto the garden like the bathroom. He had a massive old four poster bed and it was covered with a white down duvet. She did not know what to do with her luggage and looked at it in indecision when Michael entered the room. He immediately walked towards her, put his arms around her waste from behind and pulled her close to place a gentle kiss in her neck.

  “Why are you standing here like a statue?” he asked, sounding slightly baffled.

  “I was deciding what to do with my luggage.”

  “I have lots of closet space. I don’t have a lot of clothes. Surely you’re not going to live out of your suitcases for the next six weeks.” He stepped away and walked to the massive wooden armoire in the corner of the bedroom. He opened the door and pushed his clothes aside.

  “I’m only in Avignon for two more weeks,” she replied defiantly.

  “You’re in France for another six weeks. I saw your airline ticket as we packed your suitcases. That means you’ll be in Avignon for another six weeks,” he corrected her with a determined voice.

  “I don’t like being told what to do!” She was suddenly angry and walked to the armoire to push the door shut. The door made a loud banging noise and she flinched as the sound echoed through the room. “My clothes can stay in the suitcases.” She glared at him while he watched her pensively.

  “What’s really going on, Danni? If we could be together, why would you leave?” Michael sounded perplexed.

  “I was planning on going to the French Riviera. I’ve already made reservations for a hotel in Nice.”

  “Reservations can be cancelled,” he said while watching her intently, his blue eyes pinning her to the spot.

  “I’ve paid a deposit!”

  “I’ll pay you back the stupid deposit!” He was losing his patience and she wavered.

  She sat down on the bed and looked at him with a forlorn expression on her face. “If I stay for six weeks, I won’t be able to leave, Michael. It would kill me.” She turned her head away to hide the tears in her eyes.

  He walked towards her and squatted in front of her. He touched her chin and turned her face towards him before speaking. “Then don’t leave.”

  “That’s ridiculous. My whole life is in Cape Town. Your whole life is here! This thing between us is madness!” Danielle swallowed hard before continuing, “I’m so crazily in love with you it hurts me physically to be in another room than you. How am I going to cope when we’re on different continents?”

  “You once told me you tend to overthink things. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Michael stood up and pulled her up with him. “I will take you to Nice. I haven’t been there in a while,” he said before kissing her softly on the lips. He opened the door of the armoire again and smiled at Danielle. “Please unpack. I will be in my studio.”

  He walked to the door and spoke over his shoulder as he walked out. “By the way, it’s your turn to cook dinner tonight. I expect you to earn your keep. Go to the market. It’s close by. If you don’t know where it is, ask Marie, she’ll give you directions. Call me when it’s ready.”

  “Don’t wait with bated breath,” Danielle shouted as he walked up the stairs and she grinned when she heard him chuckle.

  Danielle did go and she enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the big open air market. The variety of fresh produce was staggering and she bought much more than she actually needed. She decided to make roast lamb with rosemary and garlic. She also wanted to make roast potatoes because Michael loved it when he was a teenager. Danielle’s mother used to hide the bowel of roast potatoes if he was at their house for dinner because he would go into the kitchen and eat it before dinner started. There wouldn’t be enough for the other guests which drove Danielle’s mother crazy.

  It was long dark when the meal was finished. Danielle had not seen Michael since he went to his studio. She walked up the stairs and knocked softly on the closed door. When she did not get any response she opened the door and entered the room quietly. He was standing in front of the easel with his back towards her. He was barefoot and wearing his favourite pair of worn jeans and nothing else. His hair was tied back and the muscles of his back were rippling as he painted. He was completely immersed in what he was doing and was not aware that she had entered the room. She stared for a long time before she spoke, making her presence known.

  “Dinner’s ready. Are you hungry?” she asked while walking towards him. She placed her hands on his hips and kissed the warm skin of his back before sliding her hands around to trace her fingers up and down the muscles of his abdomen.

  “I am,” he said.

  He put down the brush and turned in her embrace. He did not touch her because his hands were full of paint. “Let’s go out later tonight. One of my friends owns a night club in the trendy part of Avignon. I feel like going.”

  “Okay. Will your friend be there?” She wondered what it would be like to meet one of his friends.

  “He’s always there. I swear he lives in that club. He’s Italian and his name is Marco. I must warn you, he’s very suave and very attractive. Woman regularly beat down his door. And I mean that literally. Don’t let him mess with your head.” He tapped his paint smeared finger on her forehead leaving a paint smear on her skin.

  “Are you jealous, Michael le Roux?”

  “When it comes to you, let’s just say I don’t share.”

  “You underestimate me,” Danielle said with mock indignation.

  Michael winked at her. “I’ve never underestimated you. It’s your cooking I’m worried about. The only thing you’ve ever cooked for me made me gag.”

bsp; “I think you’ll be surprised!” She pushed on his chest to free herself from his embrace. “I will meet you downstairs for dinner,” she said with narrowed eyes. “If you are man enough to face my cooking.”

  “For you baby I will face anything you put on my plate.” Michael was grinning at Danielle.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment! Now get your ass downstairs. The food is getting cold.”

  She shot through the door and down the stairs and the adrenaline rushed through her when she heard his footsteps behind her. She knew what would happen when he caught her and she ran fast, but not that fast.


  It was close to eleven that night when Danielle and Michael walked past the metres long queue outside the nightclub straight to the entrance where the burly bouncer was guarding the door with folded arms. He was very tall and completely bald and he reminded Danielle of Vin Diesel. The bouncer eyed the people outside the club with a frown on his face, but when he saw Michael he smiled in recognition.

  “Bonsoir mon ami! Comment ça va?” He seemed pleased to see Michael.

  “Bonsoir Francois,” Michael replied before switching to English. “Meet Danielle. She’s an old friend from South Africa.”

  “Enchanté Danielle,” Francois said as he kissed her on the cheeks.

  “Is Marco here tonight?” Michael asked.

  Francois replied in heavily accented English, “He’s inside, probably at the bar.”

  Francois stood aside to let them enter and grinned at Michael as they walked passed. Danielle looked at the sea of people as they entered and realised it must be a very popular night club. It was completely packed and they had to fight to get to the bar at the far end of the club. It was on two levels and the top level comprised of a circular gallery filled with tables and chairs where the patrons could sit and look down at the dance floor. She took a deep breath. She hardly ever went to clubs because she did not like crowded spaces, but she knew Michael wanted to be there so she forced herself to relax.

  Michael took her hand as he led her to a less crowded seating area next to the bar. It was the V.I.P. area and only certain patrons were allowed to access it. He pointed to a tall well-dressed man with very short curly hair sitting on one of the leather couches. “There’s Marco. Come, I’ll introduce you.”

  Michael nodded at the bouncer controlling entry to the seating area and walked to where Marco was sitting. He seemed deep in conversation with a beautiful blond woman in a very short red dress. Michael hesitated momentarily when he saw the woman sitting next to Marco. Danielle thought it strange but did not comment.

  Marco noticed their approach before they reached him and he rose from the couch immediately, walking in their direction. He was smiling and Danielle was slightly taken aback when she looked into his eyes. He was very attractive, with very dark eyes, a strong jaw and a nose that could only be described as aristocratic. He was studying her with interest and looked her up and down as he came to a stop in front of them.

  Danielle’s hair was loose, cascading over her shoulders and back and she was wearing a black dress. It had thin straps and a tight bodice that flared at her waist. It was on the short side but not indecent and she was wearing very high black heels, showing off her long legs. Michael himself was dressed immaculately in dark pants and a tight black button down shirt that accentuated his muscular chest.

  “Michael, who’s your beautiful companion? Where and most importantly, why have you been hiding her from me? I thought I was your best friend, or am I mistaken?” Marco spoke to Michael but he was looking at Danielle with a flirty smile on his face.

  Michael rolled his eyes and replied with an amused smile on his face, “She’s an old friend from South Africa. Meet Danielle Rousseau. Danielle, Marco Salvatore. We haven’t seen each other in ten years and we accidently ran into each other here in Avignon. I’ve invited her to stay in my house for the remainder of her stay in Avignon.”

  “Enchanté Danielle.”

  Marco leaned forward and kissed her three times on the cheeks before taking her hand and leading her to the couches where the blond woman sat quietly, watching them with interest. Marco pulled Danielle down next to him and Michael had to sit next to the woman. Michael seemed slightly uncomfortable as he turned his attention to the blond.

  “Hello Adele. I didn’t know you were back in Avignon,” he said. Adele smiled at him and sat closer.

  “I arrived yesterday. Who’s your friend?” She had a strong British accent and she smiled at Danielle when she spoke but the smile did not reach her eyes.

  “Danielle, meet Adele. Adele is a fashion model and we met through Marco. We haven’t seen each other for a while though.” Michael sounded relaxed but Danielle could tell something was amiss.

  “And how do you know each other?” Adele asked sweetly and Danielle immediately disliked her. Danielle did not trust her but could not put her finger on what it was that bothered her.

  “We’re childhood friends from South Africa,” Michael replied. Danielle waited for him to elaborate on their relationship but he did not and she looked at him intently, trying to figure out what was going on. She guessed he had a reason for being secretive but she could not work out why.

  “How quaint. What is it you do, Danielle?” Adele asked. “When you are in …..South Africa?”

  It came out as almost an insult. Adele placed her hand on Michael’s leg and squeezed his thigh as she spoke, but he shifted his leg and her hand fell to the couch. Danielle looked at her hand and had to resist the urge to push it away from his leg.

  “I’m a doctor,” Danielle said in an amicable voice. She did not want to appear childish by showing her dislike for someone she had never met before.

  “Oh? Interesting…. What kind of doctor?” Adele was still smiling but Danielle could hear the undisguised venom in her voice.

  “I’m starting my residency in cardiothoracic surgery when I get back to Cape Town.”

  “How disgusting! I don’t know how you can do something so revolting,” Adele made a face before she continued, “and in Cape Town? What could they possibly know about heart surgery in Africa?”

  Danielle wanted to slap the grimace off Adele’s face but she managed to keep her temper in check. Both Michael and Marco were watching the exchange with startled expressions, probably worried how Danielle would react to such a nasty comment.

  “You’re absolutely right, Adele. How could I possibly want to save people with coronary artery disease or heart valve disease, not to mention the occasional person with a resectable lung tumour? If I’m really unlucky I might even be expected to do a heart transplant one day, heaven forbid! I should have my head examined. Professor Christiaan Barnard who did the first ever heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town clearly had no idea what the hell he was doing.” Danielle turned to Marco who was looking at her with an amused expression on his face. “Shall we dance?” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor, ignoring Michael who was gaping at her.

  “That was quite a speech!” Marco held her tight and spoke close to her ear because the music was so loud. “I’ve never seen anyone put Adele in her place like that. She can be quite the malicious bitch if she feels threatened. She has a beautiful face and a stunning body, but she has to learn to control what comes out of her mouth. She’s used to always being the most beautiful woman in the room. Actually you should feel flattered that she deemed you enough of a threat to unleash her tongue on you.”

  Marco was smiling at her as they moved together on the dance floor and his hand was low on her back as he spoke to her. Danielle could see Michael was speaking to Adele and he did not seem to give them any notice as they were dancing. She could not suppress the jealousy that overtook her rational thought. She placed her arms around Marco’s neck in an action that she knew to be completely juvenile and pressed her body to his.

  “What’s the story with them?” Danielle asked as she glanced at Michael and Adele. She knew she
should ask Michael but she could not help herself.

  “It’s not actually any of my business, Danielle,” Marco said close to her ear.

  “I’m curious though. I can tell something’s going on between the two of them. Please tell me?” She knew she was pushing, but she was beyond the point of caring.

  Marco seemed indecisive and he was looking at her with a speculative gaze in his eyes. “Why do you want to know?”

  “I’m Michael’s friend and I’m worried about him because he has just broken up with Lucienne. I know there’s something between them and she’s definitely not a person I would like for him to be involved with.” She could feel her ears burning as she told the half-truth, but she convinced herself it was for the greater good. She was trying to figure out why Michael was being so secretive.

  Marco shrugged as he spoke. “They had an affair a while ago. I don’t know if it is still ongoing. They were both seeing other people and didn’t want it to become common knowledge. Michael would be furious if he knew I told you.”

  “He cheated on Lucienne with Adele?” she asked, unable to control the mortification that must have been written all over her face.

  He placed his index finger on his mouth indicating she should keep quiet. “Adele has broken up with her fashion designer boyfriend though and I think she has set her sights on our friend Michael there. She has a more permanent arrangement in mind. I suspect she left her boyfriend for Michael.”

  Danielle had to fight the nausea that threatened to overwhelm her. She decided she needed a drink or five. “Will you buy me a drink?” she asked as she pulled him to the bar.

  “Of course! It will be my pleasure.” Marco put his arm around her waist as they walked to the bar. “What do you want to drink?” Marco waved at the bartender and he rushed over immediately.

  The perks of drinking with the owner, Danielle mused.

  “Tequila. Keep them coming,” she said recklessly.

  She knew she was on dangerous ground, but she was thoroughly pissed off and felt like getting drunk with gorgeous Marco here. She was sitting with her back to Michael and she was glad. She was sick of seeing him with that woman. He could go to hell.


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