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Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)

Page 14

by Stephens, Amy

  I finally break the silence. “Where are Mark and Dale?” I ask, referring to my brothers.

  My mom is the first to speak. “They should be here any minute. Mark helped us earlier with setting up camper in the yard. He was waiting on Tiffany to get ready, then should be heading this way.”

  “It’s sad that Mark and Dale both live here, yet I hardly ever see them. I guess if I worked normal daytime hours, I would be able to see them more.” I tell my parents, trying to make conversation.

  “How’s work going?” My dad asks me.

  “It’s the same, except we seem to be having more guests now than we’ve ever had before. In fact, there are many nights where all the rooms are filled; it sure makes the bosses happy.”

  Every time I look at my mom, she’s staring at Brian, and I get the feeling she’s not very pleased with something about him. I try to steer the conversation away from us and ask about their travels. “Sometime this week, I will come over so you can show me all the pictures you’ve been taking.”

  I wish my parents had Facebook, so they could keep us updated with their photos and travels, but I am just happy my dad has finally learned to text. That’s progress; I will work on Facebook later.

  My brothers and their wives finally arrive, and I make more introductions. Everyone makes small talk, and finally we order our food. Brian attempts to talk with my brothers, mostly about football and who is going to the playoffs, and, surprisingly, my dad contributes very little to the conversation. I just knew he and Brian would connect since they both enjoy sports so much.

  I am thankful when the food arrives because the night is quickly becoming very awkward, to say the least. I regret not ordering a drink to settle my nerves, but now, I just want to finish the meal and leave the restaurant as quickly as possible. My family eats in silence. The waitress returns to collect the empty plates and to offer dessert, but I politely decline. Brian doesn’t even bother to answer. His silence concerns me, but I figure he must be feeling the same strange vibe that I am.

  My dad takes care of the bill, and we all walk outside of the restaurant. We finalize the plans for Christmas day, agreeing to meet at Dale’s house at noon.

  “Brian, will you be joining us or do you have plans with your own family?” My mother questions Brian, and I don’t know if I should be happy or not.

  “Yes ma’am. I would love to join your family. Thank you for inviting me.” Brian wasn’t expecting that at all.

  My mother’s expression doesn’t show it, but I don’t know if she was really expecting him to accept her offer, or if she was just offering to be nice.

  Not wanting to make the situation any more awkward, I give everyone a hug, and Brian and I make our way to the car.

  I am hesitant to say anything on our way back to the apartment. When I can’t take the silence any more, I tell him, “I’m so sorry for my parents’ behavior.”

  “You don’t have to apologize for them. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with our living arrangements, and how quickly we’ve progressed.” He suggests.

  “I know, but still, they acted rude. They usually aren’t that way.” I make excuses for them, all the while wondering if it’s going to be any better when we are all together again on Christmas day.

  I check my phone, and see I have a missed call from Rebecca. I listen to her voicemail, and she wants me to accompany her tomorrow to finish her Christmas shopping before Greg gets to town.

  I mention it to Brian, and he says he’s fine with it. He tells me there are some games on TV he would like to see, and to have a good time with my best friend.

  We stop and pick out a rental movie before heading home. Brian’s mood appears somewhat better despite the way my parents snubbed him. I realize I’m really tired myself, and tell him I’m going to call it an early night. We can always watch the movie in the morning. I hear one of our phones chirp, indicating a message. I glance at my phone, but see it’s not mine.

  “Was that your phone?” I ask, surprised to hear he’s given his number out to people already.

  He glances down at his phone and opens the text. He shuts it back and doesn’t say anything.

  “Well…?” I’m being nosy, I know, but he is acting so strangely.

  “Well what?” He looks at me. “I don’t know who it is. Must be the wrong number.” I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or what, but did his mood change again following the text?

  I change into my pajamas and fall sound asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Sometime in the early morning hours, I feel Brian crawl in the bed. I tell myself he must have fallen asleep on the couch. I used to do that all the time, except I would just stay on the couch instead of coming to bed. I roll over and put my arm around him. I really love having him here with me and like where our relationship is headed.

  The next morning, I leave Brian asleep in the bed while I get ready to meet Rebecca. She texts me letting me know she will be by to pick me up within the hour. I finish getting ready and decide to wait for her outside on the steps. I don’t want to risk waking Brian while he is sleeping so soundly. I’m about to close the door behind me when I hear his phone beep again.

  I finally wake up after noon the next day, and curse myself for sleeping so long. I look over at my phone and see there are a couple of texts I’ve missed.

  Unknown name: I really enjoyed talking to you last night.

  Unknown name: Call me when you are alone.

  Jennifer: Out with Rebecca. Hope you got plenty of rest. Be home later tonight. Luv you.

  Did I read that right? Did she just tell me she loves me? I’m not sure what to think about those little words. And dang it, I got more of those texts from the unknown sender. I have no idea who they are from; they must be for the person who previously had this phone number. Even though they don’t mean anything to me, it’s still aggravating having to constantly delete them.

  I turn on the TV in the living room and catch an update of the latest scores. Getting comfortable on the couch, I don’t move until halftime. I’m getting hungry, so I go to the kitchen and make a few sandwiches.

  Jennifer is gone most of the day, and I’m glad she got to spend the day with Rebecca. Rebecca’s boyfriend is arriving home on Monday, and I figure she will spend most of her time with him since he’s only home for two weeks.

  From my spot on the couch I hear a noise outside the door, and Jennifer walks in, arms loaded down with shopping bags.

  “What did you buy? The entire store?” I tease her. She looks funny standing there holding everything, so I stand up to give her a hand.

  “I got some really good deals, and I think I am officially finished with everything.” She looks exhausted.

  She and I have not really discussed buying gifts for each other. I know she said the cell phone was her gift to me, but I have, since then, seen a few small packages with my name on them appear under the tree. I don’t have much money left anymore, so I need to figure out what I’m going to get her. Christmas is in a few days, and time is running out.

  The next morning, I get up, just like I have done for the past few weeks, and pretend to get ready for work. I dress in my work uniform, and cringe at my reflection in the mirror. I hate knowing I have to wear this damn thing out because I don’t have the guts to just tell her the truth.

  I kiss her goodbye and walk out to my car. Every day, I’ve been doing the same thing I did before Jennifer invited me to move in with her. I’ve taken in a few matinee movies, rode over to the next town, and taken lots of naps. I’ve even gone as far as rubbing dirt on my clothes to give them a “hard working” appearance. But mostly, I play games on my phone until I can take no more or my battery runs too low.

  I’m running out of options, and I know I must confess to her soon. My conscience is eating me alive. All I am doing is wasting gas, money on junk food, and time that I should be using to look for a new job. If I could actually find another job, it would probably make it easier to explain to
her, especially if I could find one that offered a little more money.

  I did ask around at a few places, but everyone is fully staffed right now. Most of the seasonal workers will become unemployed just like me immediately following the holidays. Temporary work sucks.

  I drive down to the mall and walk into a few stores, trying to get an idea of what I want to get Jennifer for Christmas. As I pass the jewelry store, I glance at one of the counters near the entrance. I know I don’t have enough money for anything in here, but it doesn’t hurt to look. I see a really pretty bracelet in the case that reminds me of Jennifer. It’s white gold with a unique style to it. I would love to be able to give this to her.

  A sales lady walks over to see if I need any assistance. I ask to see the bracelet, and it’s even more beautiful out of the glass case. I take a quick glance at the price ticket, shocked at the amount it costs. I pass it back to the lady explaining it’s a little more than I can afford right now. Okay, it’s a great deal more, but I don’t want to look like a jackass to her.

  “Is there something else I can show you, sir?” I know she’s probably used to dealing with customers who have a hard time making up their minds.

  “Do you have anything similar, just maybe a little cheaper? I love the design but it’s more than I can afford right now.”

  We walk towards another case, and she points out a few more styles. “This bracelet here is very similar to the one up front, except it’s sterling silver, and the stones are simulated. Would you like to see it?”

  She hands me the bracelet, and I hold it in my hands letting the light capture it. “The stones really do look real,” I tell her.

  “It certainly is a nice piece. And, I can give you a really good deal on it.” She looks over at me and smiles, hoping to convince me to make the purchase.

  She does some figuring on her calculator and turns it around to show me her selling price. It’s definitely a better deal than the first bracelet, but I’m still left a little shy of having enough to cover the cost.

  She notices my hesitation. “It’s very pretty, and I think she would really like it. Is there any way you can hold it for me?”

  “I’ll tell you what I can do. I can take off another ten percent. Will that put it more in your price range?” The sales lady is really trying to make this sale.

  I stare at the bracelet a few more seconds. I know this would look very pretty on Jennifer’s arm, and I want to get it for her so bad; I just simply don’t have that much cash.

  I stand here, holding the bracelet, listening to it scream Jennifer’s name. “Can you give me a few minutes to make a phone call?” I ask her.

  “Sure, I will put it back at the register. Just let me know what you decide.”

  I walk towards the front of the store and look out into the mall. People are walking in all directions, loaded down with bags, pulling tired children behind them. An idea suddenly pops in my mind. I pull out my cell phone and look through the contacts that Jennifer programmed for me. There are only a few names to scroll through, and I tap my finger to Rebecca’s name.

  It rings a few times before a male voice answers. At first I think I’ve dialed the wrong number. “Hello?” I hear the person on the other end say again.

  “Uh, yeah, hi, I’m trying to get in touch with Rebecca. I must have dialed the wrong number.” I’m about to hang up when I hear him tell me to hang on.

  “Brian?” I hear Rebecca on the other end. “Is everything okay?” Jennifer must have given her my number since she knew who was calling her.

  “Yes. Hey, sorry to bother you. I completely forgot you were going to pick up Greg today.”

  “That’s okay. We got in from the airport around noon. We’ve just been sharing stories and catching up. What’s going on?”

  I’m a little hesitant at first, but then decide I might as well ask her. At this point, what do I have to lose? “I’m down at the mall, trying to find Jennifer a Christmas present. I actually found a bracelet I think she will love.”

  “Ohhh. Going to surprise her, huh?” Rebecca has no idea.

  “Well, I would love to, but you see, I don’t quite have enough to cover the full amount. I really hate to ask you this, but do you think you could loan me a little bit, and we can work out a payment arrangement? The sales lady has dropped it to a really good price, and I’m afraid if I don’t get it now, it will more than likely be gone later on today.”

  The phone goes silent for a few seconds, and I start to think we’ve been disconnected. Then, I hear her make a slight coughing sound, like she’s trying to clear her throat. “Just tell me how much you need.”

  I give her an amount, making sure to leave myself with a little spending money after I contribute a few dollars in to the cost.

  “You know, I’m really not into loaning anyone money. I just feel like it’s a set up for something to go wrong in the future.” She pauses for a moment, and I’m about to give up hope. “But because I love Jennifer like a sister, I’m going to go against my better judgment. I’ll loan you the money.”

  “Rebecca, you are the best. I can never thank you enough.” I really am thankful she’s agreeing to help me out.

  “I’ll need to run by the ATM, so meet me out in front of the mall in about fifteen minutes.”

  The sales lady wraps the bracelet for me, and I’m anxious to see the look on Jennifer’s face when she opens it on Christmas morning. I know the bracelet isn’t much when it comes to the value, but I’ve never given anyone jewelry before. This is a big step for me.

  When I get back to the apartment, I decide to leave the bracelet in the car underneath the seat until she leaves for work tonight. I will then sneak it under the tree and see how long it takes her to discover it.

  As I walk in the door, I smell something delicious. Suddenly, I feel really bad about pretending to be at work all day when I‘ve actually done nothing. Nothing at all. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. Each day it gets harder and harder to put on this uniform and come home pretending to have had a long, hard day. I’ve got to come clean with her before I drive myself crazy. I just don’t know how she’s going to react, especially since she’s been so understanding of my past.

  I change out of my work clothes and meet her in the kitchen. She gives me a hug, keeping her arms wrapped around my neck longer than necessary. “I missed you today.”

  “I missed you too, baby.”

  “I met up with mom today and helped her with some last minute Christmas shopping. Looks like we are going to have a late lunch Christmas Day and we’ll exchange gifts that afternoon.” Just the mention of gifts puts a sparkle in her eye. I swear, she reminds me of a little kid that can barely contain her excitement Christmas morning, while waiting for the rest of the family to wake up.

  I think back to the bracelet hidden underneath my car seat. I really hope she likes it.

  Christmas Day finally arrives; it’s been such a relief to be home the last few days. I told Jennifer I was off until after New Year’s Day because Jared claimed business would be a little slower. I take advantage of saying this by adding how much I would enjoy having a better job that has dependable hours and better pay. Unfortunately, she doesn’t comment one way or the other, so I still don’t know how this will all play out.

  We are still in bed, and I roll over and place my arm around her, pulling her close to me. “Have I told you lately how much I really appreciate you taking me in and loving me?” I throw in that “L” word just to see how she reacts.

  She turns to face me and traces her finger along my jawline. “How about you let me show you just how much I love you being here with me.” There’s that “L” word again, this time coming from her.

  I slide her t-shirt off, and she tosses it to the floor. I reach down to grab her ass and feel nothing but nakedness. Somehow, she was able to remove her panties without my knowing it.

  “Merry Christmas, baby.” She whispers.

  I feel chills run down my bac
k as she lightly glides her fingers from my shoulders, down my back, and stops at the boxers that I am still wearing. Hooking her finger in the waistband, she moves from the back towards the front. I’m instantly hard, ready for her to touch something else. I thrust my hips towards her, indicating to her that I want her to touch me more.

  She picks up on my hint and together, we slide my underwear down to my feet. I slip my finger between her legs, and she opens them further for me, exposing herself. She is dripping wet for me already. I’m amazed how easily she is turned on.

  Rubbing back and forth, I insert two fingers, and she lets a pleasurable moan escape her mouth. I know she’s ready for more by the way her hips rise up from the bed. I climb on top of her, and within seconds, I’m sliding in and out of her, but then I realize that I’m not wearing a condom.

  “Baby, hold on a second. I need to get something from the bathroom.” I try to pull out, but she holds onto my butt cheeks and pulls me in deeper.

  “Please, don’t stop. I need to feel you. I’m so close already.” She’s into this, hot and heavy.

  And before I have a chance to mention the condom again, she’s breathing heavy, lifting up from the bed, and meeting me, thrust for thrust. It doesn’t take long before I’m coming too, and I swear she climaxes twice before we are finished. The sex with her is out of this world.

  I prop my head on her chest between both breasts, listening to her heart race, then gradually slowing down to a normal beat. We lay there for a few moments not saying anything. She runs her fingers through my hair, applying light pressure with her fingertips on my scalp, and I am amazed at how this feels. I have never had anyone do this to me before.


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