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Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)

Page 15

by Stephens, Amy

  I’m just about to doze off when she shifts underneath me. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Do we have to move?” I ask her. “You feel so incredible; your skin is so soft.”

  I slide over and allow her to get up. It’s nice knowing we have the next few mornings together to hopefully repeat the events of this one. Jennifer is taking the next few nights off since her parents are in town, and I plan to take advantage of every chance I get to be alone with her.

  I see the light turn on from underneath the bathroom door, and I lay in bed, listening to the silence that fills the apartment. How does someone like me deserve someone like her? The silence comes to an end when I hear the water turn on in the shower.

  I get up and walk to the bathroom door. Deciding not to knock, I push open the door she failed to lock behind her, and take in her reflection through the sliding shower doors.

  “What’s up, babe?” She asks me.

  “Mind if I join you?” I slide the door back slightly, startling her, and catch a glimpse of her naked body, a trail of water running over her breasts.

  She opens the door enough for me to step in beside her, and I accept her invitation. We take turns pleasing each other again. It’s amazing how much more enjoyable sex is for me early in the morning. The water begins to turn cold, so unfortunately, we have to cease our play time.

  I prepare us a light breakfast of eggs and toast, not wanting to eat too much since we are expecting a big meal this afternoon. As I’m cooking, Jennifer walks into the kitchen, her hair still damp from the shower. I am amazed at how refreshed she looks following our morning escapade. I wish that she didn’t have to work nights so we could wake up together every morning.

  She’s grinning like a kid with a new toy.

  “What?” I ask her, with mock innocence. “Why are you so happy?”

  Looking at me, I see there’s something she’s holding behind her back. “Would you like to open one of your presents early?”

  Jokingly, I make an attempt to tease her. “I don’t know. I thought I had been a bad boy this year, unless of course, that’s a bag of switches you’re holding.”

  “You don’t have a mean bone in that body of yours.” She’s quick with her response.

  “Ahh, is that what you think?”

  She pulls the wrapped box out from behind her back and hands it over to me.

  I feel bad because I only have the one gift for her; I’m not sure if I should give it to her now or wait until this afternoon when we are with her family.

  “Happy first Christmas together,” I tell her. I place the package on the table and pull her to me, kissing her briefly on her lips. When we break apart, I add, “I hope there are going to be plenty more Christmases to share with you.”

  “Awww, Brian. That’s so sweet. Here, open it.” She picks up the present from the table and passes it to me once again.

  I carefully pull back the paper from the box and see that it’s a new pair of jeans. “Thank you, baby. I really need these.”

  “I know you needed some new clothes, and I thought having an extra pair might help. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to have to work out in the cold wearing shorts.”

  Why did she have to mention my job again? Everything has been going so good this morning. I wish it would just go away. I don’t need anything ruining the next few days we have together. I must find something else soon.

  It’s Christmas morning, and I’m thankful to able to share this day with my family and Brian. Even though we’ve only been together a few weeks, he makes me so happy. I only hope my family can try to welcome him with open arms.

  Brian tries on the jeans I gave him and walks around the kitchen modeling them for me. He’s got them hung low around his waist, and if he doesn’t stop with his fancy moves, I’m going to start drooling uncontrollably. He damn sure knows how to fill out a pair of jeans. Maybe if he had a shirt on I could stop fantasizing dirty things I want to do to him.

  He walks over to the tree and pulls a small box out from underneath it. How did I not notice this box earlier? He must have had it wedged between the packages for my family. The box is neatly wrapped in gold paper and has a glittery gold bow on top. Judging from the wrapping, I know he didn’t wrap this himself.

  As he hands it over to me, I see a concerned look appear on his face. “I know it’s not much.” He pauses before continuing. “I really wanted to get you something more, but since I haven’t had much time to save up, consider this only the beginning. I hope you like it.”

  I pull off the bow and carefully slip my finger underneath the tape. Inside is a white box with a jewelry store’s named embossed in gold on the top. “Brian, you shouldn’t have.” I look up at him, surprised he would buy me jewelry so soon in our relationship.

  I’m almost afraid to lift the lid. Inside the outer box is an actual cloth lined jewelry box with a hinged lid. I slowly lift it and see a beautiful silver bracelet inside. I bring my hand up to cover my mouth, surprised by such an elegant gift.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Brian, it’s gorgeous.” I wonder if he had help picking it out. “Here, help me put it on.” I lift the bracelet from the box and hand it over to him, extending my left arm.

  He fastens the clasp, and I hold my arm out for both of us to see. “I hope you like the colored stones. They aren’t real gemstones, but someday I will replace them with the real thing.”

  “I love it. I can’t wait to show Rebecca. Let me grab my phone so I can take a picture of it to send to her.”

  I take my phone from the bedroom and return to the kitchen.

  “Come here. Be in the picture with me.” I pull him close to me and hold the bracelet up close to my face. I snap the picture and send it to Rebecca.

  Me: Look at my Christmas present from Brian.

  A few minutes go by before I hear the phone alert me to an incoming text. I pick up the phone only to see there’s no text waiting on me.

  “Hmm, that’s funny. I thought I heard the phone go off. Could that be yours?” I ask Brian as I set my phone back down on the table, disappointed.

  “I doubt it.” He quickly responds. “Who would be texting me?”

  He’s got a point, since he hasn’t mentioned sharing his number with anyone or contacting any of his friends or family back home. He picks up the phone and taps it a few times.

  “Was it yours?” I ask questioningly.

  “Wrong number, again.” He adds quickly.

  “Oh.” About that time I hear another beep, only this time it’s from mine. I instantly forget all about his mysterious text.

  Rebecca: Very nice bracelet. I’m assuming it’s from Brian. Hope you both are having a Merry Christmas.

  Me: Oh, we are. Merry Christmas to you too. What did you get?

  Rebecca: Engaged!

  Oh my goodness! I am bouncing around the kitchen, jumping up and down. “Brian, Rebecca got engaged. Greg proposed. Yeaaah!” Even though the proposal was almost eminent, I am so happy for my best friend.

  Me: OMG! What an awesome Christmas present for you.

  Rebecca: I was not expecting it at all.

  Me: Can’t wait to see your ring. Call me later tonight.

  I walk into the living room and see Brian playing around with his phone. The mysterious texts come to mind again, fleetingly. “This has got to be the best Christmas ever,” I tell him as I sit down on his lap. He quickly turns off the phone and tucks it in his pocket. He puts his arms around me and squeezes. I tell myself not to worry about the texts; I’m sure he’s telling me the truth when he says he doesn’t know who the sender is.

  We spend the afternoon with my family and everything, thank goodness, goes very smoothly this time. I am thankful for my family inviting Brian and treating him like he belongs with the Davis family. I know my relationship is still in the early stages, but we seem to be doing so well together. I am so tired when we get back to the apartment, I decide to take a nap. I know it’s probably going to m
ess with my sleep tonight, but I just need to grab a power nap. The afternoon festivities have left me I drained, not to mention, I ate entirely too much.

  Brian decides to watch television, so I shut the door to the bedroom, blocking out the noise. I set my alarm and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  After an hour, I wake up feeling so much better from my nap. I go into the living room and see Brian, sound asleep on the couch. He looks so peaceful; happy. There’s a part of me that wants to know everything about his past, but I also realize dragging up painful memories may not sit well with me or him. My lack of relationship experience might not be able to handle his previous complications and frustrations.

  I notice his cell phone sitting on the coffee table, and I’m tempted to take a peek. I’m just a little curious about those text messages. I ponder the thought, but decide against it. If he tells me he doesn’t know who they’re from, I believe him. At least until I have a better reason not to.

  I carefully cover him with the blanket. I kiss my fingertips, and, as lightly as I can without disturbing him, I touch them to his lips. My heart smiles for this man.

  New Year’s Eve is finally here. I am so excited to be celebrating the night with Rebecca and Brian at the New Year’s Eve party that Night Moves is hosting. Our favorite band will be playing, and there’s going to be a champagne toast at midnight. Rebecca is sad since she had to drop Greg at the airport earlier today, so Brian and I both promise to comfort her and try to take away her sadness tonight.

  Rebecca arrives at our apartment just shy of ten o’clock. Since we are all planning to drink tonight, we’ve agreed to take a cab back to the apartment, and Rebecca is going to spend the night on the couch. Poor baby, she’s so heartbroken her fiancé had to leave and couldn’t spend the evening with his future bride. Greg still has another six months left in the military, and has not made up his mind about reenlisting yet. If Greg stays in another term, Rebecca will more than likely move on base to be closer to him. The wedding is planned for the summer, and she’s already started looking at dresses. While I am so happy for her, I’m not looking forward to the possibility of my best friend moving away from me.

  “You look gorgeous.” I run to her and give her a great big hug. “I love those shoes.” Rebecca looks stunning in a strapless silver mini-dress with matching silver heels. There’s no way I could handle the dance floor wearing those shoes, but they are fabulous with her outfit.

  Looking over at Brian, she says, “Hope you can handle two hot babes tonight. I am in serious need of a drink.”

  Rebecca walks into the kitchen and pours herself a cup from the pitcher of margaritas I just finished making. I figured we could all use a drink or two before we head down to the club.

  “I can damn sure try.” He winks at me before taking a sip of his drink. “These are pretty dang good, baby.”

  I look down at my watch and notice it’s nearing a quarter after the hour. The cab driver should be here any second now, so I empty the pitcher of margaritas into a cup for myself and top off both of their cups. “Here’s to a fun night. Cheers!” I hold my cup up to both of theirs, and we tap them together.

  I give Brian my driver’s license and keys since I don’t want to be bothered with a purse tonight. I also hand him some money, enough to cover drinks, and to take care of the cab fare home. We walk out to the sidewalk just as the cab pulls up. Brian opens the door, and we all climb in the back seat together, laughing loudly, trying to make the most of the last bit of time we have left of this year.

  The cab driver pulls the car up to the front of the club. Music is playing loudly inside, and we can hear it the moment Brian opens the cab door. I am looking forward to a night of letting loose and having fun. Brian loops an arm through both mine and Rebecca’s and proudly escorts us to the front door. Rebecca takes care of the cover charge for both of us, and I tell her the first drink is on me.

  Walking in, I am met with a cloud of smoke. The dance floor is packed, and there’s barely enough room to walk along the perimeter to the bar. Eventually, we make our way back to the bar, and I order a round of margaritas. It is just that kind of night. The band is pumping out the hits, one continuous song after the other, and it’s almost impossible for anyone not to be having a good time tonight.

  I lean over and ask Brian if he’s ready to dance. Barely able to make out what he’s saying over the sound of the music, he shrugs his shoulders and I take it to mean he’s ready. Rebecca, while sipping on her drink, points towards the dance floor. Together, he and I find a spot to disappear into among the churning crowd. She remains on the side, laughing at the both of us.

  Brian and I move to the beat, and it doesn’t take long before we are grinding against one another, having a really great time together. I catch Rebecca’s eye and motion for her to join us. She weaves her way through the crowd and passes a drink to each of us. All three of us dance together, and it doesn’t take long before we are hot and sticky with sweat. Another margarita is definitely necessary.

  I excuse myself to go to the ladies room, telling Rebecca to stay on the dance floor with Brian to hold our spot, since we are now really close to the front of the stage. I make my way towards the back of the bar, listening to a variety of nearly drunk guys making lewd comments, trying their best to score someone tonight. I tune them out, knowing my man is on the dance floor waiting for me.

  I finally make my way inside the bathroom, and it’s actually quiet here, as long as no one opens the door. I relax for a minute in the stall, placing my head against the cool metal of the divider while I feel the effects of the alcohol dance through my body. My head is slightly spinning and I feel as though I’m floating. I am suddenly jolted back to the moment when someone knocks on the stall door. I quickly finish and glance at myself in the mirror. My eyes struggle to focus at first; I adjust my top and head back out to find Brian and Rebecca. I’m definitely drunk.

  I grab us another round of drinks, and I’m having a difficult time carrying three drinks while weaving through the large crowd of mostly inebriated people. Finally, I see Brian off in the distance, dancing with Rebecca. If you didn’t know any better, you would think they were a couple, since there is very little space between the two of them. A touch of jealousy sweeps through me, even though I know I don’t have anything to worry about. First of all, Rebecca is my best friend, and I trust her completely with anything of mine, especially my boyfriend. Secondly, Brian, I’m sure, is only trying to make sure she is having a good time, since she had such a difficult time with Greg leaving only hours ago. I quickly push all negative thoughts from my mind. Brian sees me approaching, and quickly pulls away from Rebecca to help me with the drinks that are now very close to slipping from my hands.

  “Thanks babe,” Brian tells me as he takes a sip of his margarita.

  “We thought you got lost. It’s almost time for the midnight toast.” I can barely hear Rebecca above all the noise.

  “It’s so hot in here, I figured we needed another drink.” There’s no doubt about it; I am definitely drunk. I use my free hand to fan my face while holding my drink with the other.

  The band cranks out another song, and Brian wraps his arms around both of us, careful not to spill his drink. We dance together in our little circle, Brian enjoying being in the middle. He takes turns facing me first, then turning to face Rebecca. I glide my hands over his ass. I am so drunk; I can’t believe some of the moves I am making here in a public place. Even though no one here notices or even cares, I’m usually a little more conservative.

  The song finishes and the band announces that there are only a few minutes until midnight. Brian hurries back to the bar to grab three more drinks so we’ll be able to make a midnight toast. He makes it back just in time to join in on the countdown.



  He turns towards me and places a wet, salty kiss to my lips. I’ve always heard the person you kiss at the stroke of midnight will be the pers
on you will spend the upcoming year with. I wonder if this will hold true for us.



  He faces forward again and the three of us lift our drinks towards the ceiling and scream as loud as we can.

  “One. Happy New Years!”

  The room is so loud, I can’t even hear myself.

  Brian turns towards me and kisses me, deeply and very passionately. Then, he turns to Rebecca and gives her a light peck on the cheek. I reach over to give my friend a hug, and I can see tears in the corner of her eyes.

  “Aww, baby girl, don’t cry.” I hate seeing her so sad on such a festive occasion.

  “I know. I just miss Greg so much.” Rebecca wipes at her tears before they are able to slide down her cheeks. I know the alcohol has probably intensified her emotions, too.

  The band announces they have one more song to play in the set before taking a quick break. Brian turns his cup up, draining the last of his margarita.

  “Damn, these are so good.” He tells both of us.

  I look towards him, and he notices the glassy look to my eyes. “If I have one more of these,” I raise my drink in the air, “Someone’s going to be picking me up from the floor.”

  We all walk to the side of the bar, needing a break from all the dancing we were doing earlier. Rebecca looks tired as she leans against the wall to rub the calves of her legs. “I really love these shoes, but they are killing my feet.”

  “I don’t know how you’ve lasted this long in them. I would have already pulled them off,” I tell her.

  “Are you ladies about ready to call it a night? I hate to be a party pooper, but I’m going to be doing good to make it out that door if I stay here much longer.” Brian is slurring his words now, and it’s hard to make out what he is trying to say.

  We head out the side door where there are several taxis already lined up along the curb. Rebecca says something I think is so funny, and we both burst out laughing, uncontrollably. Brian puts an arm around both of us and directs us to one of the cabs where the driver immediately opens the car door. Somehow, we make it into the back seat of the cab, stumbling, but no one falls down.


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