Book Read Free

Fallen Desire

Page 23

by N. L. Echeverria

  “Well, I guess it can come in handy. I’m just not sure I like it.”

  He gave me a little smirk as if that pleases him. “Are you jealous? There’s nothing for you to worry about. You’re very special to me, Lindsay, and I love you. I will never let anything or anyone compromise how I feel about you. If anything were to happen between us it will be because of your decisions and it will be what you want.”

  Just the thought of not being with him makes my stomach hurt. “My feelings for you will never change. Since I met you, my life has changed tremendously, and you mean so much to me. I love you Ethan.” A look of relief and happiness pass over his face. His dark aura fills with a little more white light then I’m used to seeing in him. As the waitress brings the food to our table, it smells heavenly. Even with all the other smells of food lingering in our direction it was the meal that she brought to our table that most filled the air. This is one of the most delicious meals I’ve ever had and on top of that I’m eating in a picturesque and magical place with the person I love. Nothing can get better than this very moment. Once done eating, Ethan walks me through all the stores and we admire all the different tourist attractions and items that the stores had for sale.

  Throughout the day I had so much fun sightseeing with him but couldn’t help but notice his dark circles appearing darker under his eyes and him seeming weaker even though he managed to hold himself together. The flight back home took longer than the flight there. He must be flying slower and not using up his energy. Although it was a long time till we got back I enjoyed the time I had up in the sky with him as if there isn’t anything or anyone else in the world but us two. It felt like we were gone all day, but when we got back to my house it was still light outside. My parents are still gone, but I’m sure they will be here shortly.

  “I really had a wonderful day with you, Ethan. Thank you so much for bringing your magic into my life.”

  “Lindsay, it’s the least I can do for you. You are giving up so much for me. Look how you’re spending your summer as a seventeen year old – practicing calling on the elements and creating spells and doing magic all to save me. This isn’t something that was even your responsibility as a human girl, and yet you take it on without any questions.”

  “Oh but it is, Ethan. That is why you found me. This was meant to be, and I’m more than happy to learn as much as I can to help you. I thought I made that clear. I love you.”

  Standing on the porch at my front door with the sun just now getting ready to set makes it the most amazing moment yet. His dark eyes hold mine and suck up all of my love. Ethan gracefully caresses my cheek with his left hand while placing his other hand at the gape of my neck. He pulls my face into his and kisses my lips with passion. Instantly my body heats up with lust and desire, and my face feels like its burning.

  He doesn’t release me but pulls me in closer to him, placing both hands on my waist, and with one pull our bodies are pressed together lips still touching. I can’t take it any longer. I have to have him, all of him and now! Without moving my lips from his, I will him with all my energy to take me under his control. With his black enormous wings spread instantly behind him, he grabs me tightly still not leaving my lips and with one move we’re at my window and then inside. Moving forcefully now with his wings already away, I pull at his shirt, messaging him to take it off and he pulls it over his head instantly responding to my desires and then right away is back at my lips moving his hands on my body feeling every inch of it. His chest is ice cold, and it feels perfect pressed against my hot hands. I can’t get enough of the ridges of his rock-like abs as I rub my hand up his stomach to his chest and around his back. Not wanting to wait for him, I move away for just a second to pull my shirt off and then press up against him again. Our still tangled auras fill the room with brilliant colors of red, black and turquoise. In the mirror hanging on my wall behind him, it looks magical.

  “Don’t stop Ethan, please don’t ever stop.”

  Without a word he picks me up kissing me harder and lays me gently on my bed removing the rest of my clothes kissing each of my hip bones then up my stomach and around each breast and then again to my lips. It’s as if every piece of me has become ultrasensitive to his touch. Every movement and every embrace I can feel to my core heating me up that much more and then the touch of his chest against mine brings me back to a perfect temperature. It’s like we have become one in this very moment and I feel everything thing he feels too, it’s perfect!


  Waking up this morning, I’m in complete bliss. Ethan must have left sometime during the night because I fell asleep with him next to me. The night was absolutely amazing and even after my mom checked on me and Ethan had to hide, I was happy to be able to fall asleep with him by my side. I know now that this is how things are meant to be. Regardless of my feelings for Derrick, I’m completely and undeniably in love with Ethan. Today is going to be a day of training with Derrick, and now I don’t have to be concerned with the feelings that may come out when I’m around him because I’m now one-hundred percent sure that I want Ethan and only him. I feel so empowered after last night. It was an evening of unbelievable magic. His body fit with mine perfectly, lighting up my room with our auras and energy all around us. My body felt unimaginable pleasure that I never knew was possible. Having him inside me is something I want to repeat as now that I’ve experienced all of him it’s what I’m going to want all the time. As soon as I walk downstairs after getting ready, I see my mom and dad in the kitchen, which is unusual.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing here this morning? You not going to work today?”

  My mom gives me the look, the one that lets me know she’s going to want to talk to me. I mean we really haven’t seen much of each other since Ethan, Derrick and the magic came into my life. “Honey, we want to have a little talk with you,” she says. “You haven’t been home much and we expect you to be responsible during the summer time when you’re out of school and we’re away at work. There isn’t anyone for you to check in with, so we would like to know that you aren’t getting into any trouble while we’re at work.”

  “I’ve just been staying busy hanging out with friends and what not. I haven’t really been doing anything in particular, and I’m especially not getting myself into trouble. I think you know me better than that.”

  My mom has a look on her face that let me know she feels bad about accusing me without any proof. “The thing is, Lindsay that since we moved here and your father has been running the firm in the city, he and I have been gone most of the time and it’s more difficult for us to keep track of you. I have a feeling you have been spending time with that boy, Ethan and I just want to make sure you’re not doing anything we wouldn’t approve of.”

  Right as she says it, I know what she’s referring to and my whole face flushes red and I feel the stab in my gut. My body is on fire with embarrassment especially with what just happened last night. Silently I call on water to cool me down and ground me in this conversation so I don’t end up all flustered and stumbling over my words. “Mom, please. I really don’t want to discuss this right now. Yes, I’ve been seeing Ethan but we’re friends and I’ve also spent some time with Kim and Derrick, I’ve made a new friend, Avarie. I’m using my time this summer to make friends like you wanted me to when we moved here. This place is really growing on me and so are the people.”

  She smiles with understanding eyes and is satisfied with my answer, but I can tell that it’s most likely dad pushing this conversation even though it’s my mom talking. “I’m very glad to hear that,” she replies. “We think that maybe you should try and spend some more time with Kim, though. I ran into her the other day, and she said she has hardly seen you this summer or since you started hanging out with Ethan. We would like to see you hang out with your girlfriends a little more. Do you think you can do that for us Lindsay?”

  Feeling a little angry, as it seems that Kim has sold me out; I start to feel the temperature
heat up in my body even though I called on water to cool me. I mean, I know that she doesn’t like Ethan but that’s no reason to go blabbing her mouth to my parents. I mean we are friends. Still, I go on not revealing those emotions to my parents. “Of course, Mom. I didn’t realize I was spending so much time with Ethan I guess. I’ll give Kim a call and maybe she will want to have a sleep over or something and we can hang out the next couple of days doing girl things.” While I’m saying it, I know it isn’t true because not only do I need to see Derrick so we can practice more calling of the elements and the magic but I’m also completely unable to stay away from Ethan. He’s on my mind constantly, after last night all I want is to touch him again and smell his fresh open scent in the air. But for now I have to say what’s going to make my mom happy. Sometimes I feel like this summer has been filled with lies so far and there are probably going to be a lot more to come.

  “Good. Then it’s settled. You’re going to give it a break with Ethan for a little while?”

  “Um…Well I’ll spend some more time with Kim.” I can’t lie straight out to her face because there’s no way I’m taking a break from Ethan right now, but I can spend a little more time with Kim. Plus I want to anyways after last night I need to have a good girlfriend chat as well as let her know I do not appreciate her telling my parents we haven’t spent time together. I guess I can’t really blame her though. She probably just didn’t feel right lying to them. I can’t be mad because what happened with Ethan is too big to keep to myself even if Kim doesn’t approve.

  “I guess that will have to be good enough. The reason we’re having this discussion with you is that your father and I are going to be taking a trip for the next seven days and want to make sure that you’re okay on your own. There’s a big convention in Utah that we will be attending for his firm and we will be heading out tomorrow morning. You know how often we have to attend these things and we know how you prefer not to go.” She pauses, “It was kind of a last minute invite and instead of making you come along we thought that since you’re a responsible teenager we can trust you here on your own for a week.”

  Me all alone with no parental guidance! Oh, the time I can spend with Ethan and not just that but I can really focus on my magic as well. “I’m pretty sure that I’ve never given you any reason to not trust me. I’ll be fine on my own; if I get lonely I can just have Kim stay the night to keep me company. You guys have nothing to worry about.”

  “Then that’s settled. We won’t be going into work today since we’re going to pack and get ready to leave early in the morning tomorrow. We will be gone before you even wake up. We will, however, be in and out of the house because we do have some shopping to do for the trip.” As always, Dad is firm and chimes in once everything is settled. He always lets mom handle the conversational pieces of things.

  “Great Daddy! I’ll be out of your way then. Don’t worry about me.”

  With that, I turn on my heel with a smile and go back up to my room. I have a big day ahead of me and I need to get ready before Derrick ends up dropping by before I’m dressed. That could be a disaster.


  “She is much more powerful then I could have imagined, and there’s no way I’m going to allow her to get close to you Ethan. I know that once we were fighting on the same side but you made your choice a long time ago, and you should be punished for it, not redeemed.”

  “Derrick, leave Lindsay out of our mess. I understand the way you feel about me. Yes, I’ve done things in my past that are not forgivable, but I regret those things and I feel now that I’ve met Lindsay and the way she makes me feel about myself and my purpose here on Earth, that I am worth redeeming and so are the others that are like me. I’ll continue to stand by her side in her destiny to redeem those demons.”

  My jaw clenches as I do all I can to keep myself from taking him down right now. Seeing how weak he has become from the lack of feeding it makes me glad to see him suffer. I don’t wish to feel like this or get pleasure off others pain but he deserves it and so do the others who sided with Lucifer. The only thing stopping me is Lindsay. It would come at the risk of losing her as well as she is so connected to Ethan that I don’t know how she would deal with losing him.

  “Listen to me, I beg you. If you love Lindsay you will leave her alone. You know what you’re capable of and every second you spend with her you are putting her at risk. This isn’t the place or time for this argument. You’re weak, Ethan, and the weaker you get the stronger your desire to feed will become.”

  “NO! I would never harm Lindsay! From the moment I came into contact with her I knew I could never harm her.”

  “I’m done here. I’m expecting Lindsay soon, so please be on your way. I do not want her distracted while we’re training. Plus the sight of you is revolting. You have already ruined my day by running into me out here, and I don’t wish to continue this banter.”

  “I came to try and reason with you, but I can see that it’s not an option. I wish that you could see me for who I am and not the demon that controls me right now. I do not wish to be your enemy.”

  “I see you exactly for what you are. A monster!” No matter how much it hurts me to hate a brother of mine; there’s no way that I’ll ever see him as anything else than what he chose to be and that is a demon.

  “I’ll be on my way then. Sorry to have bothered you, Derrick.” With that he’s gone. Thank goodness too, because I need to go get Lindsay as she hasn’t shown up yet, and it’s already going on eleven in the morning. With one breath, my wings open behind me. It always feels so right to have them spread wide, like a part of me is always hiding, and when I open my wings I’m opening up and releasing all of myself. While concentrating on not letting human eyes see me, I leap into the air and feel the cold brisk air against my cheeks and it feels like I’m home. It takes only a minute or so to be at Lindsay’s window. I swoop into her room and fold in my wings carefully to not knock anything over. It is really convenient that she happens to have a large window with a bench built in for sitting. A few people could fit through this window.

  “I had a feeling you were going to show up here, so I made sure I was ready this time,” her smooth voice sounds in my ears.

  Every time I see her, it’s like I’m seeing her beauty for the first time. Her long dark straight hair is pulled into a pony tail exposing her cheekbones and wide brilliant smile that lights up her brown eyes. She’s God’s creation, and He has created beauty and perfection. With a second glance into her eyes I can see that something is different about her. I sense that she has changed in some way but everything about her looks the same?

  “Are you okay today, Lindsay?”

  “I’m perfect. Why?”

  “I don’t know. I just sense that there’s something different about you, but I don’t know what it is. You didn’t change something did you?”

  “Nope. I’m the exact same Lindsay, just happier. That’s all.”

  “Oh. I guess it’s just me than. So are you ready to get going? I want to take you somewhere else today.”

  “I’m ready, but I want to talk to you first, Derrick. I really think that we need to talk about our relationship and what it means.”

  I already know where she’s going with this, but no matter what she has feelings for me and regardless of what she thinks, those feelings will over power her will. She cannot fight what’s meant to be. “I don’t want you to worry, Lindsay. Our relationship is whatever you want it to be. Nothing more and nothing less. You make all the calls.”

  “Good. Then to be clear, we’re just friends. I know that I like you, Derrick, but I don’t want us to act on our emotions. I want us to be friends. As you know, I love Ethan, and I wish to remain faithful to that and to him.”

  I swoop in close to her grab her hand and put it in on my chest. “Feel my heart and you will see that I do not lie. I promise that our relationship will be left up to you and what you want but I also promise you that you will see the truth in E
than and our hearts will come together. I love you, Lindsay but I will respect your wishes.” Her face instantly turns red, and I can feel the heat coming off of her hand and her heartbeat speeding up. It all tells me that her body is reacting to my touch, and it pleases me. She desires me and is battling with herself to keep it under control. Without her response, I swoop her up into my arms and take off through her window and into the sky. No matter how much she denies it, I know I have her heart.


  Where he’s taking me, I don’t know, but I don’t like him when he’s all smug and a know-it-all, like he knows what’s best for me. It makes me want to scream when he touches me. I hate how my body reacts, every nerve igniting with his every touch. When he grabs me in his arms and takes into the sky, he catches me off guard; it’s easy to relax in his embrace. As I notice that we’re now back on the ground I open my eyes and look around. Noticing where we are, I feel a little uncomfortable and not exactly sure why he’s brought me here.

  “A graveyard?” I question.

  “Yes. Actually I’m hoping we can expand your powers in the way of being able to communicate with the dead. This will better help you get in touch with your abilities to deal with those that have souls, that may mean healing them or killing them, it’s up to you.” This is crazy. “One that has a soul? Do you mean like you?”

  He smirks at my question, “Actually I’m referring to the Demons, which is why you’re here. Not that I think they should be redeemed, but this is part of the training in the book, and it will help you reach your full potential.”

  “Okay. Well, where do we begin?”

  He starts to walk away, “I’ll be right back.” He says and disappears leaving a gust of wind in his wake. Within seconds he’s back with a handful of wood. Laying them in a thoughtful pile he moves back then turns to me with a smile. “Start a fire.”


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