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Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia?

Page 46

by Karen Dawisha

  63. Associated Press, “Putin Offers to Replace Patriots Owner Robert Kraft’s ‘Stolen’ Super Bowl Ring,” Guardian, June 17, 2013, (accessed April 18, 2014).

  64. Kristie Macrakis, Seduced by Secrets: Inside the Stasi’s Spy-Tech World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 46.

  65. Macrakis, Seduced by Secrets.

  66. Mark Franchetti, “Agent Reveals Young Putin’s Spy Disaster,” Sunday Times (UK), March 20, 2000,!msg/alt.current-events.russia/q4Bt_9UbMcY/HpxpyXiVmEQJ.

  67. Zuchold’s Personnel Card (Kaderkarteikarte) confirms he was sworn into the Stasi on August 29, 1975, and assigned to work in Dresden. Stasi Archive, Zuchold-Personnel Card, n.d.

  68. Letter from Major Kultsch to Colonel Anders, Information zur Aussprache mit dem Genossen Maxim Samarin der sowjetischen Militäraufklärung, Dienststelle Dresden, Kamenz: BStU MfS BV Dresden 1. Stellvertr. D. LTR3 page 000054, March 15, 1989; Letter from Major General Böhm to Major General Shirokov, March 29, 1989. About the illegal recruitment among NVA reservists with radio training by an employee of the Soviet Army, Maxim Samarin, see Dresden: BStU MfS BV Dresden 1.Stellvertr. d.LTR. 3, pp. 000048-000049.

  69. Letter from Putin to Major General Böhm, Brief von Putin an Generalmajor Böhm: Über die Neuinstallation einer Telefonverbindung für möglichen FIM, Dresden: BStU MfS BV Dresden 1.Stellvertr. d.LTR. 3, September 07, 1989.

  70. Mark Franchetti, “Agent Reveals Young Putin’s Spy Disaster,” Sunday Times (UK), March 20, 2000,!msg/alt.current-events.russia/q4Bt_9UbMcY/HpxpyXiVmEQ.

  71. (Matthias Warnig’s alias) “Hans-Detleff’s statement of commitment [Verplichtungserklärung] created by the Stasi,” February 2, [19]74, Senftenberg: BStU MfS AIM 6367/75 Teil 1, p.000010, [19]74.

  72. Note to Matthias Warnig’s alias Hans-Detleff’s file, Aktenvermerk zu Matthias Warnig von Oberstleutnant Halla, BStU MfS AIM 6367/75 Teil 1, 42, November 27, 1974.

  73. Warnig-Personnel Card, Kaderkarteikarte Warnig, Matthias, geb. 26.09.1955. Bestätigung seiner Entwicklung vom IMS, zum Leutnant, zum Oberstleutnant und später zum Hauptmann. Kaderkarteikarte, Stasi Archive, BStU, MfS KKK Warnig, Matthias 26.09.1955.

  74. Warnig’s National People’s Army medal of merit in silver, Warnig’s Verdienstmedaille der Nationalen Volksarmee in Silber, Berlin: BStU, MfS-HA KuSch, Nr. 124, p. 000001, October 7, 1984.

  75. Macrakis, Seduced by Secrets, 49.

  76. Putin National People’s Army Medal in Bronze, Befehl Nr. K 114/88 Putin Verdienstmedaille der Nationalen Volksarmee in Bronze, Berlin: BStU HA KuSch 186 pages 000261 and 000296, February 8, 1988.

  77. Andreas Nölting and Arne Stuhr, “Der Präsident, die Stasi und der Banker [The president, the Stasi and the banker],”, February 23, 2005, (accessed June 7, 2012).

  78. Guy Chazan and David Crawford, “In From the Cold: A Friendship Forged in Spying Pays Dividends in Russia Today: Top Dresdner Banker’s Ties to Putin Go Back to Days When They Were Agents,” Wall Street Journal, February 23, 2005 (accessed April 26, 2012).

  79. Pitch, Pikantnaya druzhba [Piquant friendship].

  80. Chazan and Crawford. “In From the Cold.”

  81. “Report Links Putin to Dresdner,” St. Petersburg Times, March 1, 2005, (accessed June 15, 2012).

  82. “Matthias Warnig,” VTB, 2012,

  83. Chazan and Crawford, “In From the Cold.”

  84. Felshtinsky and Pribylovsky, The Corporation, 62.

  85. Chazan and Crawford, “In From the Cold”; “Report Links Putin to Dresdner”; Pitch, Pikantnaya druzhba [Piquant friendship], 171.

  86. Rachel Katz, “Ex-Finance Chief Optimistic,” St. Petersburg Times, July 8–17, 1996, (accessed June 23, 2012).

  87. Chazan and Crawford, “In From the Cold”; Richard Sakwa, The Quality of Freedom: Khodorkovsky, Putin, and the Yukos Affairs (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009); David Rothnie, “DrKW Sets Yukos Valuation at $17bn,” Financial News, October 11, 2004, (accessed January 7, 2014).

  88. Jethro Wookey, “Rusal Appoints Another New Chairman,” Metal Bulletin Daily Alerts, October 1, 2012, (accessed May 5, 2013); Rusal, “Matthias Warnig Nominated to UC RUSAL’s Board of Directors as Independent Non-Executive Director,”, May 14, 2012, (accessed June 15, 2012); “Rusal Hires ‘Former Stasi Agent’ Matthias Warnig as Chairman,” Telegraph (London), October 2, 2012, (accessed May 7, 2013).

  89. E. Grishkovets, K. Mel’nikov, and D. Belikov, “Igor Sechin podobral smenshchikov [Igor Sechin picked new candidates],” Kommersant, May 11, 2011, (accessed June 9, 2013).

  90. Vladimir Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy],” Antikompromat, n.d., (accessed May 4, 2012); Vladimir Milov and Boris Nemtsov, “Putin: What 10 Years of Putin Have Brought,”, 2010, (accessed June 15, 2012); Roman Kupchinsky, “Nord Stream, Matthias Warnig (codename ‘Arthur’) and the Gazprom Lobby,” Jamestown Foundation, June 15, 2009, (accessed March 19, 2012); “A Profile of Vladimir Putin.”, February 28, 2012. (accessed March 15, 2012); Vladimir Milov, Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, and Ol’ga Shorina, “Putin: Corruption. An Independent White Paper,”, 2011, (accessed June 8, 2013).

  91. Roman Shleynov, “Revizor iz ‘razvedochnoy partii’ [Inspector from ‘prospecting party’],” Vedomosti, February 11, 2013, (accessed March 9, 2013).

  92. Vera Surzhenko and Irina Reznik, “ ‘Vsyo ravno, skol’ko stoyat aksii’: Nikolay Tokarev, prezident Transneft [‘No matter how much the shares are worth’: Nikolay Tokarev, president of Transneft],” Vedomosti, February 18, 2008, (accessed March 7, 2013).

  93. “Nikolay Tokarev,”, August 27, 2012, (accessed August 25, 2013).

  94. Tai Adelaja, “Grand Theft Pipeline,” Russia Profile, November 18, 2010, (accessed August 25, 2013).

  95. Usol’tsev, Sosluzhivets [Colleague].

  96. Andrey Vandenko, “Ot Pervogo Litsa: Chelovek vo vseoruzhii [From the first person: An armed man],” Itogi, October 31, 2005, (accessed July 1, 2012); “Sergey Chemezov,” Novikombank Board of Directors website, n.d., (accessed June 19, 2013).

  97. Vandenko, “Ot Pervogo Litsa [From the first person]”; “Sergey Chemezov.”

  98. Vandenko, “Ot Pervogo Litsa [From the first person]”; Rahr, Putin Nach Putin, 92.

  99. Pavel Sedakov and Aleksandr Levinskiy, “ ‘Zavkhoz’ iz Drezdena: Kak Vladimir Putin soshelsya s Sergeem Chemezovym [‘Manager’ from Dresden: How Vladimir Putin became friends with Sergey Chemezov],”, May 20, 2013,
ya-s-sergeem-chemezovym (accessed June 10, 2013).

  100. Phil Berger, “Getting to the Main Event Becomes a Main Event,” New York Times, November 25, 1989, (accessed June 8, 2013).

  101. Jeff Jacobs, “It Took Musician to Bring Soviets to NHL,” Los Angeles Times, October 8, 1989, (accessed June 8, 2013).

  102. “Tinker, Tailor, Cyclist, Spy,” INRNG: The Inner Ring Cycling Blog, December 29, 2011, (accessed May 8, 2013).

  103. Marshall I. Goldman, Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the new Russia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 227.

  104. Vandenko, “Ot Pervogo Litsa [From the first person].”

  105. Vandenko, “Ot Pervogo Litsa [From the first person].”

  106. “Shkolov, Yevgeniy M.,” Kommersant, November 22, 2007, (accessed June 16, 2013); “V Kremle poyavilsya upolnomochennyy po antikorruptsionnym proverkam [The implementor of anticorruption measures appears in the Kremlin],”, June 7, 2013, (accessed June 16, 2013).

  107. “Geburtstage der sowjetischen Genossen einschliesslich Ehepartner [The birthdays of the Soviet comrades and their spouses],” BStU 42-010 09.95. MfS BV Dresden, Abt.II No. 10448, Dresden: Archiv der Aussenstelle Dresden, December 22, 1988.

  108. Putin et al., First Person, 72.

  109. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 97.

  110. “Rudolf Abel’s Liberation: Interview with KGB Gen. Yuriy Drozdev,” RIA Novosti, February 10, 2012, (accessed April 12, 2012); Yuriy Drozdov, “Interview about Rudolf Abel,” YouTube, April 20, 2012, (accessed June 22, 2013).

  111. Frank Rafalko, A Counterintelligence Reader, 4 vols. (Washington, DC: Federation of American Scientists, 2004), 4: 179.

  112. Rodric Braithwaite, Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979–1989 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 99.

  113. Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, The New Nobility: The Restoration of Russia’s Security State and the Enduring Legacy of the KGB (New York: Public Affairs, 2010), 200.

  114. Dima Beliakov, “Veterans of Russia’s Spetsnaz,” Flickr, 2012, (accessed April 12, 2012).

  115. Soldatov and Borogan. The New Nobility; Boris Volodarsky, “License to Kill,” Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2006, (accessed April 27, 2012); Konstantin Preobrazhensky, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse (Liberty, TN: St. John of Kronstadt Press, 2008).

  116. Rustam Arifdzhanov, “A gorod ne znal, chto uchen’ya idut [The town did not know that training was taking place],” Sovershenno sekretno, no. 6 (June 1, 2002), (accessed April 12, 2012).

  117. Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia: The Secret Plot to Bring Back KGB Terror (New York: Encounter Books, 2007); David Satter, Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003); Blowing Up Russia, directed by Jean-Charles Deniau and Charles Gazelle, 2002; Mark Ulensh, “On the Actual Trails?.” Russian Military and Security Media Coverage #2906, December 17, 2003, (accessed June 5, 2013).

  118. Blotskiy, Vladimir Putin, 301.

  119. Putin et al., First Person, 86–91.

  120. Kramar, “Vladimir Shirokov.”

  121. Albats, The State within a State.

  122. Yevgeniya Al’bats, “Materialy Komissii VS SSSR po rassledovaniyu obstoyatel’stv gosudarstvennogo perevorot v SSSR [Materials from the USSR Supreme Soviet Commission to Investigate the Circumstances of the Coup d’Etat in the USSR],” in Albats, The State within a State, 235.

  123. Felshtinsky and Pribylovsky, The Corporation; Knight, Spies without Cloaks; Soldatov and Borogan. The New Nobility.

  124. Drozdov and Fartyshev, Yuriy Andropov i Vladimir Putin.

  125. Bonini and D’Avanzo, “I Cekisti al Potere [The Checkists in power].”

  126. A. A. Zykov, “Part 1,” Rutube, April 10, 2010, (accessed May 31, 2013).

  127. Oleg Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov: Nam skazali, chto v otnoshenii prezidenta ugolovnoye delo ne vedetsya [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov: They told us with the president, criminal cases do not proceed].” September 6, 2011, (accessed April 24, 2012).

  128. Nataliya Gevorkyan, “Special Services: The Organs Are Strong through Their Ties to the People,” Moskovskiye Novosti, September 3–10, 1995, (accessed May 5, 2012).

  129. Anna Shcherbakova, “Interview: Mikhayl Klishin, Gendirector of Bank Rossiya,” Vedomosti, March 1, 2005, (accessed July 11, 2012).

  130. “Memorandum to the TsK KPSS from N. Kruchina re allocation of 1,500,000 rubles for the KPSS Leningradskaya obkom to invest in the Rossiia commercial bank, Reel 1.996, Opus 21(13), July 1990,” in Fond 89.

  131. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy].”

  132. “Memorandum to the TsK KPSS from N. Kruchina, Administrator of the Administration of the TsK KPSS Affairs, re the deposit of 100,000,000 rubles into the account of the Kompartbank commercial bank, Reel 1.992, Opus 11(84), February 1991.”

  133. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy].”

  134. White House Office of the Press Secretary, “Background Briefing on Ukraine by Senior Ad-ministration Officials,”, March 20, 2014, (accessed March 20, 2014).

  135. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy].”

  136. Shcherbakova, “Interview: Mikhayl Klishin.”

  137. “Chancery,” Netherlands Consulate-General in St. Petersburg, n.d., (accessed April 5, 2013).

  138. “Chancery.”

  139. Suzanna Andrews, “The Widow and the Oligarchs,” Vanity Fair, October 2009, (accessed May 8, 2012).

  140. Masha Gessen, “Dead Soul: Vladimir Putin,” Vanity Fair, October 2008, (accessed June 6, 2013).

  141. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy].”

  142. Felshtinsky and Pribylovsky, The Corporation, 62.

  143. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials, Members of the Russian Leadership’s Inner Circle, and an Entity for Involvement in the Situation in Ukraine,” March 20, 2014, (accessed March 20, 2014).

  144. Russia Report, “Twelve Who Have Putin’s Ear,” Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, October 15, 2007, (accessed May 8, 2013).

  145. Irina Reznik and Ol’ga Petrova, “Pomoshchniki ‘Rossii’ [Helpers of ‘Rossiya’],” Vedomosti, July 24, 2008, (accessed June 4, 2012).

  146. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy].”
/>   147. Elena Tofanyuk, “Zamorozhennyy Milliard na Kipre: U banka ‘Druzey Putina’ zavisli den’gi v prizis [Frozen billion in Cyprus: At the bank of ‘Putin’s friends’ they placed money in the crisis],”, June 27, 2013, (accessed August 5, 2013).

  148. Putin et al., First Person, 92.

  149. Evgenia Pismennaya and Irina Reznik, “Putin Filmmaker Says Lonely Leader Scared to Loosen Grip,” Bloomberg, August 27, 2013, (accessed August 15, 2013).

  150. Pismennaya and Reznik, “Putin Filmmaker Says Lonely Leader Scared to Loosen Grip.”

  151. Marina Litvinovich, “Fursenko, Andrey Aleksandrovich,”, 2012, (accessed June 8, 2013).

  152. Roman Shleynov, “ ‘Rossiya’ i К° [’Rossiya’ and Co.],” Novaya gazeta, May 13, 2009, (accessed July 12, 2012).

  153. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials.”

  154. “Bank Rossiya Discloses Timchenko Stake,” Interfax, March 16, 2010, (accessed May 21, 2012).

  155. “Bank Rossiya Discloses Timchenko Stake.”

  156. Reuters, “New Bank in Leningrad,” New York Times, October 15, 1990, (accessed July 11, 2012).

  157. Fiona Govan, “Russian Politician Investigated in Spain over Mafia Connections,” Daily Tele-graph (UK), October 19, 2008, (accessed October 5, 2012).

  158. American Embassy Madrid to U.S. Secretary of State, “Updates in Spain’s Investigations of Russian Mafia.”

  159. Andreu Manresa, Francisco Mercado, Juana Viudez, and Arturo Ruiz, “Un desembarco con dinero del KGB,”El País, June 14, 2008, (accessed December 15, 2012).


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