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Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia?

Page 47

by Karen Dawisha

  160. Luis Gomez, “La Audiencia dicta orden de captura para un diputado del partido de Putin [The National Court seeks warrant for Putin party deputy],” El País, October 19, 2008, (accessed June 8, 2013; Francisco Mercado, “Apresados en España los jefes de la principal organización mafiosa rusa [Bosses arrested in Spain’s main Russian mafia organization],” El País, June 14, 2008, (accessed June 8, 2012); Luis Gomez, “¿Vuelven los rusos poco recomendables? [Do unsavory Russians return?],” El País, February 1, 2013, (accessed June 15, 2013).

  161. Milov et al., “Putin: Corruption.”

  162. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Ukraine Related Designations,” April 28, 2014,

  163. Peter Hobson, “Sanctioned Bank Rossiya to Service $36B in Domestic Electricity Market,” Moscow Times, April 14, 2014, (accessed April 18, 2014).

  164. Vadim Nesvizhskiy, “Staryye druz’ya [Old friends],” Segodnya, January 10, 2001, (accessed July 16, 2012).

  165. Russia Report, “Twelve Who Have Putin’s Ear.”

  166. Vladimir Sungorkin and Viktor Baranets, “Interview with Sergey Ivanov,” Komsomol’skaya Pravda, March 4, 2013, (accessed May 1, 2013).

  167. Henry Plater-Zyberk, “The Russian Decisionmakers in the Chechen Conflict,” 2000, (accessed May 9, 2013).

  168. “Vladimir Strzhalkovskiy,” Russia Monitor, 2001, (accessed May 9, 2013).

  169. Nadia Popova, “Norilsk Nickel Chooses Strzhalkovsky as New CEO,” St. Petersburg Times, August 12, 2008, (accessed August 28, 2013).

  170. Andrew E. Kramer, “Mining Executive Receives Payout of $100 Million, Russia’s Largest Ever,” New York Times, December 17, 2012, (accessed August 28, 2013).

  171. Peter Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010: What Does It Reveal about the Nature and Direction of the Putin Regime?,” unpublished ms., October 1, 2012, 7.

  172. Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010,” 12.

  173. Matt Bivens and Jen Tracy, “Profile: Putin’s Patronage Lifts Ex-Dissident Persecutor,” Moscow Times, February 24, 2000, (accessed April 19, 2014).

  174. Bivens and Tracy, “Profile: Putin’s Patronage.”

  175. Nesvizhskiy, “Staryye druz’ya [Old friends].”

  176. Vladimir Kovalyev, “Dark Rumors Surround City FSB Shuffle,” St. Petersburg Times, January 12, 2001, (accessed June 7, 2013).

  177. Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin.

  178. Leonid Nikitinskiy, “Litso vlasti: Svyaznoy s proshlym [A person of power: Consistent with the past],” Novaya gazeta, March 28, 2005, (accessed January 17, 2013).

  179. Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010,” 8.

  180. Felshtinsky and Pribylovsky, The Corporation, 227.

  181. Marina Litvinovich, “Murov, Yevgeniy Alekseyevich,”, 2012, (accessed March 7, 2013).

  182. Afsati Dzhusoyti and Aleksey Dospekhov, “General Murov prinimaet komandovaniye rossiyskim boksom [General Murov takes command of Russian boxing],”Kommersant. June 9, 2007, (accessed February 26, 2013).

  183. Donald N. Jensen, “Putin’s ‘Praetorian Guard,’ ” Institute of Modern Russia, October 10, 2013, (accessed October 11, 2013).

  184. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Ukraine Related Designations,” April 28, 2014,

  185. “Poema bez geroyev [Poem without heroes],” Kommersant, July 8, 1995, (accessed June 5, 2012).

  186. Roman Shleynov, “Ptentsy gnezda Petrova [Chicks in Petrov’s nest],” Novaya gazeta, November 2, 2009, (accessed July 18, 2012).

  187. A.A. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4,” YouTube, July 17, 2013, (accessed July 25, 2013).

  188. Nabi Abdullaev, “Interior Minister Disbands RUBOP,” St. Petersburg Times, August 14, 2001, (accessed April 7, 2014).

  189. Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010,” 9; Yuriy Felshtinskiy and Vladimir Pribylovskiy, Korporatsiya: Rossiya i KGB vo vremena Putina [Corporation: Russia and the KGB in Putin’s time] (Moscow: Terra—Knizhnyi klub, 2010), 263.

  190. Viktor Kostyukovskiy, “Roman Tsepov ‘pomogal khot’ chertu’: Kto pomog emu umeret’? [Roman Tsepov even helped the devil: Who helped him die?],” Russkiy kur’er, September 27, 2004, (accessed February 22, 2013).

  191. Nikitinskiy, “Litso vlasti [A Person of Power].”

  192. Nikitinskiy, “Litso vlasti [A Person of Power].”

  193. Andrey Petrov, “Skol’ko stoit Gubernator [How much does a governorship cost?],” Russkiy Kur’er, September 21, 2004, (accessed February 22, 2013).

  194. Andrey Konstantinov and Igor’ Shusharin, Banditskiy Peterburg: Dokumental’nye ocherki [Bandit Petersburg: Documentary study]. vol. 2 (St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004), 191.

  195. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, June 5, 1996, (accessed February 20, 2013).

  196. Petrov, “Skol’ko stoit Gubernator [How much does a governorship cost?].”

  197. Petrov, “Skol’ko stoit Gubernator [How much does a governorship cost?].”

  198. Petrov, “Skol’ko stoit Gubernator [How much does a governorship cost?].”

  199. Petrov, “Skol’ko stoit Gubernator [How much does a governorship cost?].”

  200. Igor’ Korol’kov, “Yadovitaya ataka [Toxic attack],” Moskovskiye novosti, March 18, 2005, (accessed March 6, 2013).

  201. Kostyukovskiy, “Roman Tsepov ‘pomogal khot’ chertu’ [Roman Tsepov even helped the devil].”

  202. Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010,” 15–17.

  203. Nabi Abdullaev, “Interior Minister Disbands RUBOP,” St. Petersburg Times, August 14, 2001, (accessed April 7, 2014).

  204. Andrey Tsyganov, “Otravlen okhrannik Smol’nogo [The poisoned guard of Smolny],” Kom-mersant, September 25, 2004, (accessed February 20, 2013).

  205. Charles Gurin, “Roman Tsepov, R.I.P.,” Jamestown Foundation, September 26, 2004. (accessed February 21, 2013).

  206. Nikitinskiy, “Litso vlasti [A Person of Power].”

  207. Arkadi Vaksburg, Toxic P
olitics: The Secret History of the Kremlin’s Poison Laboratory, translated by Paul McGregor (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011), 185–87.

  208. Drozdov and Fartyshev, Yuriy Andropov i Vladimir Putin, 104.

  209. Matt Bivens, “A Wonkish, Wary Debut,” Moscow Times, March 4, 2000, (accessed May 8, 2012).

  210. Yevgenia Albats, “Who Is Putin?,” Frontline, 2000, (accessed January 14, 2013).

  211. John Pepper, Russian Tide: Procter & Gamble Enters Russia (Cincinnati, OH: Procter & Gamble, 2012), 23.

  212. Y. Gilinskiy, “Organised Crime: The Russian and World Perspective,” in Kauko Aromaa, ed., The Baltic Region: Insights in Crime and Crime Control (Oslo: Pax Forlag, 1997), 168–82.

  213. Cullison et al., “In Putin’s Past, Glimpses of Russia’s Hardline Future.”

  214. V. S. Sokolov, “Otchet o rezul’tatakh proverki zakonnosti prodazhi Rossiyskim fondom federal’nogo imyshchestva v 1994 gody paketa aktsiy Kotlasskogo tsellyulozno-bumazhnogo kombinata zakrytomu aktsionernomu obshchestvu ‘Ilim Palp Enterprayz,’ ” [Report on the results of verifying the legality of the 1994 sale from the Russian federal property fund of stakes in the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill Joint Stock company to the closed stock company Ilim Pulp Enterprise], Byulleten Schetnoy Palat [Bulletin of the Accounting Chamber], April 7, 2000, (accessed June 15, 2012).

  215. Sokolov, “Otchet” [Report]

  216. Victor Yasmann and Donald Jensen, “Putin’s Choice: A Profile of Dmitry Medvedev,” Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, March 25, 2008, (accessed June 18, 2012).

  217. Nikolay Svanidze and Marina Svanidze, Medvedev (St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2008), 173; Daniel Treisman, The Return: Russia’s Journey from Gorbachev to Putin (New York: Free Press, 2011), 132–34.

  218. Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov].”

  219. Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 347.

  220. Putin et al., First Person.

  221. Yuri Zarakhovich, “Inside the Yukos Endgame,” Time, August 22, 2004,,9171,685965,00.html (accessed September 8, 2012).

  222. Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 324.

  223. Marina Litvinovich, “Zubkov, Viktor Alekseyevich,”, 2012, (accessed June 16, 2013); Max Delany, “An Inside Track to President Putin’s Kremlin,” St. Petersburg Times, October 2, 2007, (accessed June 12, 2012).

  224. Roman Shleynov, “V teni prezidenta [In the shadow of the president],” Novaya gazeta, September 17, 2007, (accessed July 31, 2013).

  225. Yuriy Mikhaylov, Delo Shutova: Politiko-kriminal’naya khronika Sankt-Peterburga [The Shutov affair: A political-criminal chronicle of St. Petersburg] (St. Petersburg: Izdatel’skiy dom ‘Operativnoye prikrytiye,’ 2005) 252-55.

  226. Anatoly Medetsky, “Siloviki’s Pyramid of Power Revealed,” St. Petersburg Times, January 20, 2004, (accessed June 5, 2013).

  227. Andrey Piontkovsky, “Who Is in the Minority?,” Moscow Times, September 5, 2005, (accessed Decem-ber 9, 2013).

  228. Medetsky, “Siloviki’s Pyramid of Power Revealed”; “Viktor Ivanov Biography,” Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, n.d., (accessed April 26, 2012).

  229. “Kto takoy Naryshkin [Who is Naryshkin],”, February 15, 2007, (accessed October 5, 2013).

  230. Miriam Elder, “Discreet with a Deceptively Shy Grin,” Moscow Times, October 26, 2007, (accessed December 8, 2013); “Sergey Naryshkin,” Moscow Times, n.d., (accessed June 15, 2012).

  231. RIA-Novosti, “Medvedev Loses Another Official,” Vedomosti, December 24, 2012, (accessed June 16, 2013); “The Friends of Vladimir,” BusinessWeek, December 3, 2000, (accessed June 16, 2013).

  232. “Sergey Naryshkin.”

  233. Aleksey Alekseyevich Mukhin, Nevskiy-Lubyanka-Kreml’: Proyekt 2008 [Nevsky-Lubyanka-Kremlin: Project 2008] (Moscow: Tsentr politicheskoy informatsii, 2005), 194.

  234. “Prominent Russians: Dmitriy Kozak,” Russian Television Russiapedia, n.d., (accessed June 15, 2012).

  235. Oleg Sukhov, “From Olympics to Crimea, Putin Loyalist Kozak Entrusted with Kremlin Mega-Projects,” Moscow Times, March 28, 2014, (accessed March 29, 2014).

  236. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Ukraine Related Designations,” April 28, 2014,

  237. “Vladimir Kozhin,”, n.d., (accessed June 16, 2012).

  238. Oleg Lur’ye, “VIP-Infitsirovannyye: Zavkhoz vlasti i ego vesyolyy barabanshchik [VIP-infected: The superintendent of power and his happy drummer],” Novaya gazeta, December 10, 2001, (accessed June 16, 2012).

  239. Andrey Kamakin, “Kolybel’ Konstitutsii [Cradle of the Constitution],” Itogi, December 3, 2007, (accessed June 16, 2012).

  240. Roman Anin, “Upravleniye ‘del’tsov’ prezidenta [The administration of ‘hustlers’ of the president],” Novaya gazeta, May 28, 2012, (accessed June 17, 2012).

  241. Pavel Korobov and Oleg Kashin, “Interview with Vladimir Kozhin: ‘Vot chego-chego, a kontrolyorov u nas khvataet’ [’We have enough inspectors there’],” Kommersant, April 20, 2011, (accessed June 22, 2013).

  242. Vladimir Voronov, “Bol’shiye podryady [Large contracts],” Sovershenno sekretno, August 1, 2010, (accessed January 2, 2014).

  243. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials.”

  244. Vladimir Pribylovskiy, “Shamalov, Nikolay Terent’evich,” Antikompromat, n.d., (accessed January 26, 2012).

  245. “Company News,” Kommersant, November 21, 1992, (accessed May 23, 2013).

  246. Kolesnikov, “Interview with Masha Gessen et al.”

  247. David Ignatius, “Sergey Kolesnikov’s Tale of Palatial Corruption, Russian Style,” Washington Post, December 23, 2010, (accessed December 24, 2010).

  248. “Vladimir Churov Biography,” Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation, n.d., (accessed May 4, 2012).

  249. Marina Sal’ye, “Moy otvet Putinu [My answer to Putin],” Radio Liberty, January 7, 2012, (accessed April 13, 2012).

  250. Yegor Mostovshchikov and Konstantin Novikov, “Zolotoy vypusk [Gold edition],” New Times, May 31, 2010, (accessed September 15, 2012).

  251. Olesia Yakhno, “Noch’ chekista [Night of a Checkist],”, November 9, 2007, (accessed March 4, 2013).

2. Masha Lipman, “Heckling Russia’s J. Edgar Hoover,” New Yorker, November 30, 2013, (accessed April 3, 2014).

  253. Andrew E. Kramer, “Putin Aide Said to Hold Secret Assets in Europe,” New York Times, July 26, 2012, (accessed March 8, 2013).

  254. Howard Amos, “Russian Official Made Death Threats to Journalist in Forest, Claims Newspaper,” Guardian, June 13, 2012, (accessed April 8, 2014).

  255. “A Student Tells Bastrykin ‘You’re a Criminal!,’ ” YouTube, n.d., (accessed April 5, 2014); Marie Jégo, “Alexandre Bastrykine Sifflé à La Sorbonne [Aleksandr Bastrykin is hissed at the Sorbonne],” Le Monde, November 21, 2013, (accessed April 8, 2014).

  256. Boris Nemtsov and Leonid Martynyuk, “Nezavisimyy Ekspertnyy doklad: Zimnyaya olimpiada v subtropikakh [Independent expert report: The Winter Olympics in the subtropics],”, 2013, (accessed June 23, 2013).

  257. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials.”

  258. Catherine Belton, “Rotenberg Defends His Rising Fortune,” Financial Times, November 12, 2012, (accessed March 8, 2013).

  259. Roman Shleynov, “Druzya Prem’era [Friends of the premier],” Novaya gazeta, December 23, 2009, (accessed May 7, 2011).

  260. Shleynov, “Druzya Prem’era [Friends of the premier].”

  261. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials.”

  262. Nemtsov and Martynyuk, “Nezavisimyy Ekspertnyy doklad [Independent expert report].”


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