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And So She Waited

Page 7

by Shakuita Johnson

  Matt tore out of the parking lot and sped toward Raven's apartment. There was no way he was letting this shit go. Not again. He would not let her sleep with Remy Peters one more time. This had to be some sort of sick joke. He looked around for the candid camera that he was sure was recording.

  "Why the fuck does she keep leaving with that ass hat?" Matt asked. "What the hell makes him so special? I’m all she needs in this world. I'm the only one who really cares about her."

  Matt pressed his foot more firmly on the gas pedal, swerving and screeching his way as fast as he dared. He finally slid to a stop in a parking spot and jumped out the car. He raced up the stairs and to Raven's front door.

  "What just happened?" Casey asked.

  "Did Remy just leave with Raven? The same Raven he claimed to have broken up with a day ago?" Stacey countered.

  "Where's Matt? He's bound to know where Raven lives,” Casey responded. “We'll check her place first. This shit has gone on long enough. I can't believe he would just ditch us and leave with that unstable gutter rat."

  Casey was livid.

  She grabbed Stacey's hand and dragged her out the Lounge door. She spotted Matt running to his car, so she ran to hers to follow him.

  "Slow down, Casey! Let go of my wrist!" Stacey shouted.

  "No, we don’t have time to stop. Matt is getting in his car and we are going to follow him. I'm a hundred percent positive he's going to Raven's. I don't want to lose him."

  Casey pushed Stacey to the passenger side of the car and quickly made her way to the driver's side. She started the car and raced out the parking lot before Stacey could buckle herself in or close the door all the way.

  "What is wrong with you?" Stacey asked.

  "Do you want to find out what the hell Remy's up to or not? Or do you not care that he's still seeing her, probably fucking her right now?"

  Stacey stayed quite. Remy hadn't made her any promises, and who was she to make demands of him? Yeah, they had sex last night but he hadn't asked her to stay or anything else. They didn't cuddle, they barely talked, and as far as she saw it, she was just some random chick to him. He didn't seem to care who he was with at the time. For all she knew it was Raven's face he was seeing last night while he fucked her. He didn't seem too invested in their time together.

  "Are you listening to me, Stacey? Do you not like Remy anymore or do you just not care?"

  "Why do you care? It's not like you two are together. He uses you for sex and you didn't seem to care before. What makes this time any different because he left with Raven?"

  Casey thought about that question for entirely much longer than she should have. Why did she care? They had been doing this same song and dance since they were 16 and she'd known Remy practically since the day she was born. She knew how he was and it had never bothered her before. Why was this time any different? Maybe because she felt it in her soul that whatever it was he had with Raven was different. He'd never been with the same girl for as long as he'd been with Raven. Maybe a part of him did love her and he just didn't know it. Casey knew one thing for sure: Remy felt something for Raven. She didn't know exactly what to call it but he hadn't ditched her after a month like the others.

  Casey realized that the only other long-term relationship Remy had was with her—but as friends. He didn't maintain intimate relationships with females for very long, except for Raven. This had worried Casey at first—don't get her wrong; she would have been thrilled if Remy decided to settle down with one girl, even if that one girl wasn't her. But that wasn’t the feeling she got from him being with Raven. He hadn't officially introduced her as his anything and they were rarely seen in public together. He hid her from the world and to Casey that spoke volumes of how he saw her. It was like he was ashamed. So why hadn't he just broken it off?

  Casey was determined to get to the bottom of it. She made all the same sharp turns that Matt did and struggled to keep up with his erratic driving. Whatever reason Remy had for going over to Raven's couldn’t be good. The boy was extremely unstable. Casey wasn't a Psychology major but even still she could see the warning signs. He was a loaded gun ready to shoot! Matt finally skidded into a parking space, jumped out of his car, and headed up the building. That must be Raven’s place. Casey made her way to an open parking spot and stopped the car.

  Stacey turned to Casey and asked, “Before you go up there, you need to tell me why you care so goddamned much. This isn’t like you to be so jealous, Casey.”

  "I care because Remy is my best friend and his behavior isn't normal. He's never been like this with any girl. If she's the one he wants, fine, okay. I'll be thrilled. But he isn't exhibiting typical behavior and I want to know once and for all what's going on. He's never formally introduced her to any of his friends, parents, nothing. So I'm going to go up to her apartment and find out what the hell is going on. Are you coming with me or staying in the car? Your choice."

  With that Casey got out of the car and ran to the front door of the building. She heard a door slam behind her and feet pounding the pavement. She opened the building door and held it for Stacey to follow her inside. She could hear the frantic pounding on the door and the shouts and cursing coming from Matt's mouth from the stairwell above. They followed those sounds to Raven's front door.


  Matt continued to kick and slam himself full-body into the door. He wasn't leaving here until she opened this fucking door. Then he was going to kick Remy Peters’ ass. This was the last straw. Matt had all he could take of this shit. He couldn't hold his emotions in check anymore. It seemed the direct approach was the only way to go now. Small hints here and there weren't cutting it anymore. He was going to have to drag Raven kicking and screaming away from what wasn't good for her. In his heated tirade, Matt vaguely heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Whoever it was could fuck off. He wasn't leaving until he got inside this apartment. What he wanted was on the other side of the door.

  "Matthew Masterson, have you lost what's left of your fucking mind?" Casey shouted.

  What the fuck was she doing here and how did she know where Raven lived? Matt stopped assaulting Raven's door to turn around and face the threat behind him.

  "Why are you here? Most importantly, how did you know how to get here?" Matt asked quietly.

  "We followed you," Casey smirked.

  We? Matt looked behind Casey to see Stacey close behind. Just what he didn't need. These two she-demons witnessing what he had planned. He needed to find a way to get them the hell out of here.

  "You both need to leave and the next time you follow me I'll make sure to lead you to an abandoned area and rip both of your hearts out," Matt screamed.

  Casey and Stacey took a step back. He was certifiably insane. Either way, they weren't leaving. They needed to talk to Remy.

  "We aren't going anywhere. We came to see Remy," Casey said.

  "What she said," Stacey said.

  "This has nothing to do with either one of you so you need to leave. Now. If Raven wanted you to know where she lived she would have told you. Go wait for Remy at his place. He will be along shortly as he won't be staying with Raven much longer."

  "You aren't the boss of us, Matthew. You can't tell us what to do. Now step aside."

  "You touch this door and I'll rip off your hand. Stay out of my way."

  Matt turned his back on both of them and proceeded to pound and kick at the door again. He wasn't joking about knocking the door off its hinges. He would if he had to. And he would mow down anyone who got in his way.

  "Open this door, Raven! Don't make me say it again."

  Matt beat on the door for several more minutes before his give-a-fuck ran out. He stepped back a few paces, lifted his leg in the air, and kicked with all the strength he had. It took two more kicks before the frame gave way and the door swung open. He made his way inside to find Raven and Rem
y. Casey and Stacey were close behind.

  Chapter 13

  Raven didn't know how the hell the night had turned into Remy binging on beer and dragging her around like a fucking ragdoll. She was not on board with whatever the hell he thought was about to happen. She couldn't talk to him in the state he was in. He needed to sober up first and then they could figure out their relationship. She wasn't one of his whores and she wouldn't let him treat her like one. No matter how much she loved him and wanted them to be together, his behavior at the moment wasn't acceptable. He needed to see reason and right now his eyes had a fire in them that scared her. He was acting like a maniac.

  "Remy will you stop it? Slow down and let go of me," Raven said.

  She was met with complete silence so she tried again.

  "Cut the shit, Remy. Let go of my arm! You're hurting me."

  "I haven't begun to hurt you, little girl."

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? Raven had never seen this side of Remy before. Before she knew it he had ripped her shirt off with just one hand.

  "The next time I tell you to come here, you come the fuck here. Do I make myself clear, Raven?"

  "Have you lost your mind?!"

  The next thing Raven knew, Remy had his hand wrapped around her throat and was slowly squeezing the life out of her. She was going to die.

  "Wrong answer, sweetheart. Don't worry, before I leave here you'll tell me exactly what I want to hear."

  He was crazy. Raven had no clue what he was talking about. She didn't know what he wanted to hear. Just as quickly as his hand had wrapped around her throat it was gone and she was flying through the air. She landed on her bed hard and Remy wasn't far behind her. She felt the full brunt of his weight on top of her and once again she was fighting for air.

  "Get. Off. Me. Remy. Please," Raven wheezed out.

  "Oh, you don’t want me touching you now? You always complain that I don't touch you enough and now you want me to get off you. Make up your mind, Raven," Remy mocked.

  "I can't. I can't breathe."

  "Try harder."

  What did that even mean? It was like he was trying to hurt her on purpose. But why? Raven didn't understand what was going on. She had just wanted him to know how much he meant to her and it was like an animal had been unleashed. A wild, untamed beast. She didn’t like this side of Remy. She wanted the old Remy back, the one she'd first met a year and a half ago.

  "Can we just talk for a sec? I thought you wanted to talk," Raven said.

  "The time for talking has passed. Now take off the rest of your clothes or do I have to rip those off, too?"

  "Just wait, Remy. Wait a minute."

  Apparently that was the wrong answer too because he started stripping her viciously. She could feel the scrap of his nails biting into her flesh. She welcomed the pain. It was the only thing that was real. Everything else was like a nightmare. Raven stopped struggling and just let everything go. She didn't think. She didn't blink. She didn't care. She let Remy use her as he saw fit. She didn't utter a single word or complain or praise. She felt her cheeks moisten from the stinging tears that spilled down. This wasn't happening. She wasn't here and this wasn't her life.

  She felt Remy's hands graze the cuts that were still healing on her side. He touched them as if he revered them. She felt something inside her break when he bent his head and gently kissed each cut. This wasn't her life. This couldn't be real. She was dreaming and any moment now she would wake up. Then she was roughly turned over to her stomach. Her legs were pulled apart and she felt the head of Remy's cock rubbing against her entrance. Raven tried to relax her body as much as she could because she knew Remy would do nothing to ease the intrusion. He was punishing her but for what she didn't know.

  "The next time I tell you to do something you do it, do you understand me, Raven?"

  "Yes," Raven whispered.

  "This won't feel good for you. This isn't about you, do you hear me? This is about what I want, this is about me."

  Without warning Remy pushed himself completely inside Raven. She felt it in every part of her being but she didn't dare cry out. This wasn't about her; it was about Remy. She'd made him act this way. It was her fault he couldn't, wouldn't be gentle with her tonight. She would take what he gave her and she would like it. This was what she wanted, right? This was all she'd ever wanted. She felt his hands on her hips to give himself more leverage as he pounded relentlessly inside her. Still, she didn't utter a single word. This was about what he wanted and what he needed. She could wait her turn.

  Raven felt Remy’s hands slide from her hips to her arms and shoulders. This would allow him even more control of his thrusts. He would be able to go deeper. He reached his right hand down and lifted her right leg up to expose her more. He then moved his hand back to the position he'd had it in. He began to thrust faster and harder, shaking the entire bed frame as he did. She could hear his heaving and feel his sweat dripping onto her. His grunts and groans were getting longer and deeper by the second. Every time he thrust up with his hips, he pulled his hands down on her shoulders. Raven wanted to scream in pain but she could not find the breath. This wasn't about her. It was about Remy.

  She felt his teeth bite into her neck and she screamed. The pain felt good. She craved it. Longed for it. She welcomed it like an old friend. She wrapped herself in its embrace and didn't let go. If it was possible it felt as if Remy was going even faster, even deeper than before.

  "Oh my god, Remy!"

  "Don't. Say. Another. Word. Raven," Remy bit out.

  Raven bit the pillow in front of her to keep from crying out again. A tingling had started in her body. It was an engulfing shudder that threatened to consume her, to shatter her very existence. She didn't want it to end. Stars were dancing in her vision from the intense pleasure and pain she felt from each stroke of Remy's cock inside her. She closed her senses to everything but the ceaseless pounding. No, that wasn't right; it wasn't a pounding but a knocking. And there was shouting. Lots of it. But she couldn't make out any of the words. The noise was overshadowing the knocking on the bedframe on the wall.

  "Remy," Raven said.

  "Be quiet!"

  "But the knocking…"

  "…Will stop eventually."

  Raven lost herself in all that was Remy. The knocking and shouting would stop like he'd said. She stopped focusing on listening and instead surrendered to the feeling that Remy’s cock was forcing inside of her. She felt every inch of Remy as he pummeled into her. The fire had reignited itself in her and it was about to explode from inside. She was on a collision course and she couldn't seem to find the brakes. All too soon her orgasm ripped its way out and she screamed and clawed out her release. Remy was close, she could feel it in the erratic movements of his hips. The grip he had on her tightened painfully until he went still behind her and she felt every jet of his cum inside her pussy. It caused her to explode around him again. When he was done he collapsed on top of her and didn't move. He needed to move; she was getting lightheaded from his weight.

  Then she heard it again, the knocking and screaming. Who the hell was it and why were they doing it at her door? Whatever it was, she didn't have time for it.

  "What is that fucking noise?" Remy asked.

  "I don’t know."

  "Well, it's giving me a damn headache. And I'm starting to get pissed."

  "Do you want me to go see what it is?”

  "Don't you fucking move an inch. I'm not finished with you yet," Remy said as he continued to press his body down on hers.

  He couldn't possibly want to go again. She could already feel the soreness from his relentless pounding. She needed a break and a hot bath. But it's not about you it's about Remy, she repeated. Whatever Remy wanted he would get. If he said he wasn’t finished, then that's what he meant. Raven listened as the pounding grew louder, then stopped completely. She listened as three more powerful crashes cracked the doorframe and then blew the door off its hinges. What in the name of a
ll that was holy was going on out there?!


  Oh my god! This wasn't happening. This was so not fucking happening. Why was Matt here? What the hell was he thinking?

  "Remy, are you in here?" Casey’s voice called out.

  No, not her too!

  "Remy, it's Stacey."

  For the first time in her life Raven was pissed at Remy. It was bad enough he was fucking everything under the sun behind her back, but now his two bitches were at her place. This was unacceptable.

  "Get off me, Remy," Raven said.


  "I said get the fuck off me!"

  Raven lifted herself up, rolled back and shot off the bed. She grabbed her robe and stomped her way into the living room. She was about to lose her shit all over Stacey Nickels and Casey Summers. How dare they come into her home? If it was the last thing she ever did, she was going to make them sorry that they even knew her fucking name, let alone Remy Peters. He was hers and she wasn't giving him up without a fight.

  "Raven, come back here!" Remy shouted.

  Chapter 14

  "Matthew Masterson, have you lost your fucking mind? I know you didn't just kick down my front door. Just who in the hell do you think you are?" Raven screamed.

  She was furious. She couldn't believe the gall of this guy. She was tired of him thinking he could control her and tell her what to do. He wasn't her fucking daddy. Hell, her daddy didn't even tell her what to do.


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