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Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1)

Page 15

by Melinda Michelle

  “Hey baby.”

  “Hi ma.”

  The rest of the gang came in and everybody said their hellos with kisses, hugs and handshakes as they began to catch up. Blake’s penetrating blue eyes locked on hers.

  He left Amber to come over and hug her. With a conscious restraint he didn’t kiss her nose and made sure to give her a side hug. She and Amber gave each other an amicable wave and nod.

  Jasmine walked over to Frank who was sitting down talking to her father. She spoke and kissed her dad on the cheek. Frank shocked her as he stood up and gave her a huge hug.

  He said, “It’s good to see you.”

  Still in shock she smiled and said, “It’s good to see you too.”

  Justin excused himself, “Why don’t I give you two a minute to catch up.”

  Jasmine took a seat.

  Frank asked, “How are you?”

  “I’m really good and you?”

  “I get stronger every day.”

  “That’s great Frank.”

  “I’m so grateful for what you’ve given me. I hope you know the depth of what you made possible.”

  She smiled, “I’m starting to realize the depth of what God made possible.”

  He smiled, “Blake told me about how you came to decide to donate your kidney.”

  He saw the surprise pass through her.

  “Yeah, me and my kid find all sorts of things to talk about these days.”

  She laughed.

  “I’ve been going to church all my life and I think I missed the point. What you did for me forced me to take a hard look at myself. Now when I attend church I take a different perspective with me. I’m working on my relationship with God and any day now I will be ready to really clear my conscience.”

  She reached for his hand and smiled.

  “That is nourishment for my soul Frank.”

  On the other side of the yard Blake and Amber were sitting on the wooden swing. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off his father and Jasmine. He was bursting with pride and joy. All his life he had waited for them to find common ground. Even though they weren’t as close it still mattered to him that the two of them have a relationship.

  Amber was battling a temper. She didn’t mean to dwell on it but she was scared she was going to lose him. The way his demeanor changed did not escape her the moment he saw Jasmine. She knew he missed her. It wasn’t that she couldn’t sympathize but there just had to be a line. Every time Jasmine was around she was beyond irritated and she couldn’t keep herself from voicing her frustrations.

  Amber asked, “So are you going to stare at her the entire time?”

  His temper flashed quick and hot. There was nothing he could do to stop it.

  “Amber, are you kidding me? You need to just back off okay. Don’t you get it? This isn’t about you. I have waited my entire life for my dad and my best friend to even be in the same room without apocalyptic tension. Can’t you understand what this means to me?”

  She rolled her eyes. That pissed him off even more.

  “That’s just it Blake I don’t understand because you don’t share anything with me. Don’t you get it? There are places inside your heart I can’t have because she has them. You have no intention of giving them to me, ever.”

  He went on the defensive because he couldn’t deny she was right.

  “You can go to hell Amber. I have done every ridiculous thing you asked to try and make you feel secure about this relationship. I have practically moved out of my own house and you’re still not grateful. I don’t spend any time with her and you’re still not happy. You need to understand the reality that she will never be completely out of my life. You can’t just erase her.”

  She let her temper match his. Her fear wouldn’t let her feel secure.

  “Well, I guess you can only choose me when she’s not around.”

  His face got very sober as he said, “I didn’t have to choose. Jasmine gracefully bowed out.”

  The look of shock on her face told him his words hit the spot. He stood and walked away from her. He knew what he was implying, but he didn’t care. It was the truth after all. Jasmine had removed herself from the equation giving Amber a false understanding of his choice. Lately he could feel himself starting to resent her and her complete disregard for his feelings.

  Why should anyone have to apologize because they were fortunate to have one person in their life that loved and accepted them for who they were with no questions and no judgments? Giving her up was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He was beginning to feel like he would either fail as Jasmine’s friend or Amber’s man.

  He was starting to realize there was no way he could do both. He was becoming quite uneasy about the one he was willing to let fail if given the choice. He now understood that it wasn’t just Amber. Any woman he was with he would be right back where he started.

  The awareness hit him hard in the gut that the only way he could be happy in a relationship and keep Jasmine in his life was for Jasmine to be the woman in that relationship. The problem with this line of thinking though was that he didn’t see Jasmine like that. He never could. He headed up to his room to get his temper in check.

  Jasmine didn’t miss the heated exchange between Blake and Amber even though she was talking to both of their parents about their remodeling. Blake had gone in the house. She wanted desperately to go after him but she knew she couldn’t. She wanted to slap the piss out of Amber. What more could the girl possibly want? She was tired of seeing Blake always unhappy.

  Lisa hadn’t missed the exchange either.

  She turned to Jasmine, “Sweetie, why don’t you go in the house and bring me a blanket out of the hall closet. It’s starting to get a little chilly out here.”

  Jasmine stared at her blankly because it was not chilly outside.

  Lisa said, “You should take your time and see all the changes I’ve made since the last time you were here. I’m gonna go and talk to Amber. I don’t want her to feel unwelcomed.”

  Lisa winked at Jasmine. Jasmine grinned and excused herself as Lisa got up to run interference. Vanessa shook her head, but before she could speak Justin placed his hand over hers and shook his. Frank remained neutral but his wife’s conspiratorial plans were not lost on him.

  When she walked into the living room she saw him sitting on the top step looking quite upset.

  She asked, “Hey, did you forget your room is downstairs?”

  He looked up and smiled. He didn’t want to be angry or confused anymore. He would put it all aside for another day and enjoy being with his friend.

  “Yeah I did. What you came in here to remind me?”

  She walked up and sat on the step below him.

  “As a matter of fact I did.”

  “Well aren’t you my saving grace.”

  “What on earth would you ever do without me?”

  “I don’t want to find out.” He asked, “So I see you’ve got a new best friend in the Jessup family huh?”

  She grinned, “As a matter of fact I do and you know he’s easier on the eyes than you are.”

  “Really, because some people would say he looks just like me.”

  “Oh I beg to differ. He has those distinguished gray sideburns and all that wisdom in his blue eyes that you’re not quite old enough to have yet.”

  He pulled one of her curls and laughed.

  “Jaz, it was amazing to see the two of you laughing and hugging each other.”

  Her smile lit up his heart.

  “I know right. It felt amazing. Your dad’s actually a pretty cool guy. Who knew?”

  They laughed.

  “So, why didn’t Derrick come?”

  “Because he’s out of town and mad that I did.”

  “Let’s just not go there today.”

  “I’m with you there bestie.”

  “Just so you know, I’m coming back home tonight.”

  She couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “Really? How
does Amber feel about that?”

  “It’s not going to matter, but I haven’t told her yet.”

  “You haven’t told me what,” Amber said from the bottom of the steps.

  Jasmine had to check that quick temper of hers and let Blake handle his own affairs. Jasmine stood up to leave but he grabbed her hand.

  “You don’t have to leave Jaz. We’re just sitting on the steps catching up.”

  He looked at Amber, “I haven’t told you yet that I’m moving back home. I think it will do us some good to have a little space.”

  Her eyes shot right to Jasmine but Blake responded before she could.

  “This has nothing to do with her Amber. It’s a decision that I made all by myself. If you want to blame someone, you can blame yourself. Jasmine didn’t even know. How could she when I’m not allowed to talk to her.”

  She sent him a nasty glare.

  “Looks like you’re making up for lost time.”

  “Looks like.”

  Jasmine was about to slap both of them. She wasn’t a pawn to be used.

  “Blake can we talk in private please,” Amber pleaded.

  “I really don’t want to talk right now.”

  She wanted to scream but remembered where she was.

  “Fine. I’m leaving. Tell your parents goodbye. I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”

  He didn’t respond.

  The moment she grabbed her purse and was out the door Jasmine pounced on him.

  “Don’t you ever do that again Blake! I am not a tool to be used to put your woman in check.”

  He frowned, “I’m sorry Jaz. She’s really pushing buttons I didn’t know I had. Nothing can get under her skin quite like you. I won’t ever do it again I promise.”

  She hit him on the back of his head.


  “That’s what you get.”

  He asked, “So can I have a hug? I mean it’s been a month.”

  She rolled her eyes but opened her arms as he filled them. She squeezed him hard after she realized how much she missed him. He pulled back and kissed her nose. She smiled up at him.

  He smiled too, “Come on, let’s go get some food.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her down the stairs.

  Chapter 27: Eyes Wide Shut

  A couple months had passed. They were all falling back into their normal lives. Jasmine walked into the house excited about her new look. She had never felt so beautiful and so sexy in her life. She couldn’t wait to show herself off to her friends. Maybe now she could have an identity independent of her wild natural curls. She needed a change.

  When she left the salon she went to her favorite boutique and picked up a red dress. Her day was great but she was glad to be home. No one seemed to be buzzing about in the common area so she headed upstairs to her room to shower and dress for her big anniversary dinner with Derrick. She couldn’t believe it had been three years.

  After she showered and dressed she started applying her make-up. She took extra care because she wanted everything to be perfect. She added false eyelashes and dark smoky eyes. She put on red lipstick to make her full lips pop and then added on a shiny coat to top off the look that would keep Derrick drooling.

  She barely recognized herself. She had gone from the big kinky curls of her natural hair all over the place to a short close cropped straightened style. It was sort of reminiscent of a Halle Berry cut. It brought out so much more of her face than she was used to seeing but she loved it.

  She examined herself in her full length mirror and admired the way she looked. She put on her shimmering gold pumps, picked up her gold clutch and headed down the stairs. She had just enough time to model her new look for her roommates and then be ready to walk out the door because Derrick was nothing if not prompt.

  As she glided down the stairs, Lucy, Damon, Carmen and Ahmed were sitting at the table playing a game of spades. Lucy saw her first and let out a whistle.

  She said, “Well my, my, my, aren’t we the bell of the ball. I’m dangerous with a pair of scissors.”

  “You sure are Lucy,” Jasmine agreed.

  Everybody looked up and gasped.

  Damon said, “Girl, what the heck did you do to all your hair? You know a brotha’s got the hots for your wild curls!”

  She laughed, “Boy hush. It was time for a change.”

  Carmen said, “I could never cut all my hair off but it definitely looks good on you.”

  Jasmine smiled, “Thanks hun,” and kissed Carmen on the cheek.

  Ahmed said, “I think you’re pretty too. Do I get one?”

  She rolled her eyes but kissed him on the lips. His blush made her giggle.

  Damon said, “Dang girl you’re hot, I would try to holla fa sho.”

  Ahmed said, “Yeah I would too but I probably would embarrass myself by the time the dress hit the floor.”

  Everybody laughed and Jasmine threw the card box at him.

  Blake came downstairs. Obviously he had been sleeping. He was rubbing his eyes into focus when he saw her. His mouth dropped open as he just stared at her.

  “Jasmine, what did you do?”

  She frowned slightly, “Ah B, what you don’t like it?”

  That was not exactly the problem, he loved it. She looked so different. Without all her big curly hair taking the focus off her face he could see how truly beautiful she was. Her eyes were so big and brown and her skin was practically glowing. As his eyes skimmed the length of her the red knee-length dress practically molded to her body. Oh my God, was she always that curvy? Her small waist made her curves that much more defined. She had never shown them like that before. Did he like curves? Her hips were begging his hands to be wrapped around them.

  When he focused on those full, shiny, pouting red lips his body betrayed him. For the first time in 25 years he saw Jasmine as a woman. Not his best friend who happened to be a woman. Not just any woman though. The most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. He could feel his nature respond to his thoughts and the blood draining from his face. He had never been more embarrassed in his entire life. What the hell was he in Oz? Since when did Jasmine give him a woody? He grabbed his stomach like a sudden case of the runs had just transpired.

  He mumbled, “You look fine,” and ran back up the stairs.

  Jasmine and the other girls looked innocently puzzled as Jasmine headed up the stairs behind him. When she left the room Damon and Ahmed fell out in hysterical laughter.

  Lucy and Carmen just stared at them.

  After they regained their composure, they both asked, “What?”

  Ahmed said, “He totally just boinged!”

  Damon laughed even harder. It took Lucy a second and Carmen a second longer to catch his drift.

  Carmen said, “No way, not even.”

  Damon said, “Oh yeah he did and I’m guessing that is the very first time Jasmine was ever the cause of one.”

  He was now wiping tears from his eyes.

  Lucy asked, “Are you guys serious?”

  Damon said, “Oh yeah. We know that look. Now don’t get me wrong, Jasmine is a pretty girl but she has never looked more let’s say, grown up, than she did tonight. She obviously caught Blake off guard. He is used to seeing her in his sweats or jeans and a t-shirt.”

  Ahmed said, “This moment has forever changed the way he’s going to see his best friend. Poor bastard is going to be in purgatory.”

  “So much for not being attracted to her,” Damon laughed. He had no sympathy.


  Jasmine knocked on Blake’s door.

  “Hey love, you okay in there? What happened?”

  Blake was sitting on his bed trying to think of every non-sexual thing to get himself back under control.

  He yelled back, “Nothing, just my stomach. Thought I was gonna hurl. I must’ve eaten something bad.”

  She said, “Well can I come in?”

  He yelled quickly and sharply, “No. I’m fine.”

  If she came in his bedroom he would be all over her. She was a little taken aback. Normally she would just barge in anyway but it was something in his tone that made her hesitate.

  “Well okay. I will bring you back some Pepto or something. Feel better okay.”

  He said, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

  “Okay, good night.”

  “Have fun on your big date Jaz,” he said trying to sound normal.

  She struggled against going in because something was definitely off. Since when does Blake push her away? Yeah, they had been on chill mode for the last few months but not ice mode. She heard the doorbell and realized this would have to wait.

  “Bye Blake.”

  She went downstairs to see Derrick looking beyond handsome in his gray pinstripe suit. His mahogany skin and dark eyes sparkled. She smiled that million watt smile and nodded her approval.

  He looked up at her and smiled back, “Wow baby, you cut all your hair off!”

  “Yeah, I did. You like it?”

  “I love it actually. This style is more appropriate for that dress.”

  She didn’t know how to take that but let it go because she was in such a good mood. He smiled as he pulled her into his well-defined arms and kissed her passionately. Her head swam. She had to refocus when he broke the kiss. She almost forgot where she was.

  Damon said, “Okay people, get a room.”

  Derrick smiled and wrapped Jasmine in his arms, “Okay, we’re out of here. Good night.”

  They all said, “Good night.”


  When Jasmine got home from her date her thoughts were in so many places. Not at all the happy place she was before she left. She thought this night would be magical, but it turned out to be tragic. She knew that Derrick had something special planned.

  In all her life when she dreamed of the moment a man proposed to her she never thought for one second that it would come with an ultimatum. She did not take too kindly to that ultimatum.


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