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Who Moved My Blackberry?

Page 3

by Lucy Kellaway

  I’m smiling at you,


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Jake Lukes

  Jake—I’ve just seen the itemized bill for your mobile. Your mother is on a total bender. EXPLANATION PLEASE.


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace

  Hi Graham—You are bloody lucky that you’ve got daughters. Jake seems to have been doing phone sex on his mobile. When we were his age Penthouse was good enough for us.

  Drink? I need a large one.


  Text Message to Jenny. Sent 07:43

  What do u mean, where am I?? Am having v quick drink w Graham, and then on my way home pronto. Is that a prob? M x

  Text message to Jenny. Sent 07:45

  How was I supposed to know that? It wasn’t in my calendar. M x

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Sylvia Woods

  WHY WASN’T MY SON’S SCHOOL PLAY IN MY CALENDAR??? I was meant to be there this evening seeing him star in Romeo and Juliet, and am now in a lot of trouble with the ladywife. I gave you a list with all his school fixtures on it. What did you do with it?


  Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld


  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  One of the most important things I am going to teach you on this course is how to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

  I will show you how to stop thinking about obstacles and problems, and start seeing them as opportunities to improve yourself. Let’s start today. Tell me about a stumbling block, and I’ll show you how to transform it!

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora

  Frankly, it’s occurred to me that one of my biggest stumbling blocks may be my PA Sylvia. She’s been with me for two years, but simply doesn’t see the point of going the extra mile. Instead she loses things, has cocked up my calendar arrangements and had the nerve to say that I never gave her the dates. I’ve given her a bit of a pep talk, but no effect.


  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  You are a great leader. Great leaders have great followers, and it may be that Sylvia isn’t a great follower. But you need to ask yourself: Is she ready to change? Is she ready to get rid of her limiting beliefs? You need to take the time and work through these issues with her.

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Sylvia Woods

  Hi, Sylvia

  I’ve been mulling over what happened last week and I suggest we turn you into a stepping stone. I believe that you need to ask yourself some pretty big questions: Do I want to change? Am I ready to get rid of my limiting beliefs?

  Shall we discuss over breakfast tomorrow?


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Sylvia Woods

  What did you want to see me about? Can’t it wait? I’m writing what may be a career changing memo … M

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Barry Malone

  Hi Barry

  Let me introduce myself. I’m Martin Lukes and I’m Marketing Director in London. I just wanted to touch base, first of all to say hi, and also to say how very inspirational I find our new Peak Performance Permanently culture. It has always struck me that what matters is winning—not just now but going forward. You may be interested to know that I am actually going through something similar with my coach on an individual level. The best, I passionately believe, is only an entry ticket!

  All my very bestest


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Sylvia Woods

  You want to QUIT? But you can’t when there’s so much on! I’ll get you a pay raise.


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Faith Preston


  Sylvia’s threatening to resign, which is obviously highly inconvenient. I think she’s at 20k—can you up it to 20.5k effective at once?


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Faith Preston

  I see. So what did she say about me? Sylvia and I have had our differences at first but recently we’ve had an excellent working relationship. And I’m always very appreciative whenever she makes a special effort—which, to be perfectly honest, doesn’t happen every day. I’ve already given her a massive coaching pep talk. Maybe a box of chocs would do the trick.

  All my very bestest



  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Phyllis Lukes

  Dear Mum

  Many thanks for your message which I got yesterday—in fact I got six of them!! You only need to press the send button once! How are you? Have you been getting out in this cold weather at all?

  Boys are both really well. Max was brilliant as Juliet in the school play—looked quite convincing as a girl! Jake beavering away at his GCSEs. Otherwise not much is happening on the family front, Jens is a bit tired and hacked off with her job—but has decided to redo the kitchen (again!). She’s fed up with the stainless steel and we’re getting something more authentic. But for now it means total chaos chez nous!

  Fraid we’re not going to be able to get up to see you at the weekend. Hope you don’t mind. I’ve been invited to play golf at Wentworth, which is too good to turn down!

  Sorry to hear that the shelves I put up last time have come down. As I said to you at the time, you didn’t have the right plaster screws, and that wall isn’t really suitable. I’ll sort something out next time I come.

  Your loving son



  From: Cindy Czarnikow

  To: All Staff

  Hi everyone!

  I am phenomenally excited to announce that today we are inviting all of you, the people of our global family, to choose A&B’s new name via an on line jamming session, led by Christo Weinberg, our brilliant UK brand ambassador. This is going to be a high-engagement, high-energy, all-employee process. We have chosen a competition because we want to make sure our new name is not just best of breed but uniquely fits our culture.

  Does this mean that the work with Beyond the Box has been wasted? Far from it. We have learned a lot from the process, but now feel it is time to move on.

  Some co-colleagues have asked me what the winning name will be like. That’s up to you!! But I hope it will be global, proactive, hypercreative and caring.

  There are some phenomenally exciting prizes including a workshop in circus skills, and a free feng shui makeover of your master bedroom.

  I’m smiling at you


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Cindy Czarnikow

  Cindy—Can I just correct something in your message? Christo is not our brand ambassador. As director of marketing that role falls to me. As you know, from a hierarchical point of view, I don’t mind about these things—I only mention it because it is best to avoid confusion where possible. I’ve been mentoring Christo since the beginning of the year, and would be delighted to help keep him on track with this new assignment!

  All my very bestest



  From: Christo Weinberg

  To: All Staff


  There are unbelievable riffs coming out of this process! I’m forwarding to you some of the on line jamming session. Really mellow! Keep it coming!

  I’d like to kick things off by suggesting “a and b global.” It is a win win name. Modern, traditional and global … (Keith Buxton, UK chairman)

  I’m comfortable with it. It clears my two hurdles—it underlines our commitment to diversity, and is passionately caring. (Faith Preston, Director fo
r People)

  Re: a and b global, it takes a long time to say (5 syllables), it involves too many key strokes. (Roger Wright, Finance Director)

  How’s about “a.b. global”? It’s funkier than Keith’s suggestion and shorter, authoritative, and has instant impact. (Christo Weinberg, marketing manager)

  Thank you Christo! I buy into that! That sure has made my pulse race. (Cindy Czarnikow, Leader of Rebrand)

  I feel this debate goes to the very heart of what we are trying to do as a company. Let me suggest an alternative: a-b global. The hyphen has more heart than a full stop. It shows that we can move quickly and that we are unerring in our attention to detail. (Martin Lukes)

  The hyphen has no place in the company history. (Roger Wright)

  This discussion is ongoing. Please continue to add riffs of your own.

  Keep it mellow!

  Christo Weinberg

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Sylvia Woods

  Sylvia—If you are determined to leave us, I can’t stop you.


  PS I found that list of school dates at the bottom of my briefcase. All forgiven! Mea culpa!!!

  From: Cindy Czarnikow

  To: All Staff


  This is an exciting day! The Rebrand Steering Committee, in conjunction with Barry, have considered two sensational options: a.b. global, and a-b global, and I would like to give you a heads up that we have decided the name best aligned with our PPP values is a-b global. When the designers have worked on a logo we will be ready to start rolling it out!

  I’m smiling at you!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Barry Malone

  Hi Barry

  I’m delighted that you like a-b global—you may not be aware that I am actually the man behind the hyphen! As my coach says, sweat the small stuff—the devil’s in the detail!

  All my very bestest



  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Rebrand Steering Committee

  I’ve seen the roughs of our new logo from the design team and the designers have put the name under a square root sign, which, though innovative, represents a cultural dissonance with our core values.

  I suggest that we build on the success of the hyphen by having a circumflex over the a and an umlaut over the o, so that the name would appear: a-b glöbâl. This is an exhilarating option that would provide a feelgood factor for our stakeholders globally.

  All my very bestest


  From: Roger Wright

  To: Rebrand Steering Committee

  Hi! Although I am not myself a student of modern languages, I understand that the umlaut suggested by Martin Lukes would make the word pronounced “gloerbal,” which does not work in any language. The circumflex is now obsolete in France and as a forward-looking company, we are not seeking association with the past.

  Roger Wright

  Finance Director

  From: Cindy Czarnikow

  To: Rebrand Steering Committee

  I love Martin’s solution! I think it’s really cool! I think these accents will encourage our global stakeholders to want to love, and live, our brand!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora!

  Sorry I haven’t been in touch. This rebrand project is seriously eating into my time! Things are getting better with Cindy—she is finally buying into my charisma! Christo is getting a bit big for his boots. As his mentor, I should probably try to gently take him down a peg or two …

  I’ve had some enormous wins on Rebrand—and now looks like the final name will have three vital components supplied by yours truly—a hyphen and two accents. Must dash—will e-mail at greater length when (if) things aren’t so hectic!!

  22.5 percent better than my very bestest


  PS Thanks for sending me audiotape of Why Men Lie and Women Cry, started listening in the car, though Jens objected!


  From: Barry Malone

  To: All Staff

  Hi everyone!

  A&B is starting the New Year way ahead of the curve. We have chosen a sensational new name for ourselves—a-b glöbâl—we have harnessed our own dreams and sustained and renewed ourselves from within.

  Our rebranding process has been a case study in how to make it happen. It demonstrates how a close-knit team—led by Cindy Czarnikow, ably assisted by Christo Weinberg—has brought about a best of breed outcome. It has shown just what can be done within our community when we are all reading from the same road map.

  I would like to offer heartfelt thanks to Cindy, who will be coming back to Atlanta a month early in her new role of Chief Morale Evangelist!

  Have a phenomenal week,

  I love you all


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keith Buxton

  Hi Keith

  Just seen your message re the progress on Project Eat Well! I have done some interesting preliminary work on this project, though due to my increasing interest in Project Rebrand I have not had the resources to devote to it. However, Eat Well will become top of mind for me going forward.

  Bestest, Martin

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora!

  Here is my first report card for the month of January.


  Basically I have taken control of the rebranding platform. I contributed the bulk of the winning name.

  I have put myself on the map with Barry Malone.

  I have managed to get rid of a PA who was blocking my energy, leaving the path open to a better partnership going forward.

  I have seen Cindy off to Atlanta. We had our ups and downs but I think she has a greater respect for myself going forward.

  There have been some ongoing issues at home with my son Jake. I have made a good start with applying coaching techniques to him, but there is some way to go.

  Project Eat Well has been a tough learning experience. My strategy is to assume that Keith will eventually forget about it … In future I’ll think twice before mentioning the canteen’s offering again!

  22.5 percent better than my bestest

  Martin Lukes

  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  Congratulations on completing the first month! You’ve had some great wins.

  Before we wrap up for January, can we just take a minute to make a commitment to each other? I find this really helps build trust between us. Can you sign your commitment, date it, and return it to me?


  I, Pandora will

  Believe in you totally, and be your #1 Fan!

  Consistently feed your self belief so that it will grow and flourish.

  Help you define a plan of action to achieve your goals and desires, and keep you on track to achieve them.

  I, Martin Lukes, agree to demonstrate my commitment to myself and to the coaching relationship by

  1) Carrying out the challenges and assignments that my coach sets for me—without delay.

  2) Choosing to adopt a more enthusiastic, optimistic perception on my life from this moment onwards.

  3) Spending a minimum of 35 minutes a day in silent contemplation of the day’s goals and learnings.


  Pandora Barry Martin Lukes



  My DNA


  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Welcome to month two of the CoachworX! Executive Bronze Program.

  Last month you thought long and hard about where you are now. And that’
s not a bad place, is it Martin? This month we are going to dig a little deeper. We are going to find out about your values and your essential DNA. Let’s start with an exercise! I want you to imagine that you are a number, a building and an animal. Which animal, building and number would you be? Don’t think too long about this, Martin. I want to know what first comes into your head.

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Fascinating questions, Pandora. I will answer as soon as I get a window.

  I’m actually feeling a bit rough this morning—had a couple of drinks last night as today is my first day on the wagon.

  Did I tell you I always go on the wagon in February? It’s an interesting fact to flag up about myself—as it speaks volumes both for my self-control, and for my desire to stand out from the crowd. I know a lot of people do it in January, but I believe that if you can find your own niche in life, you get noticed. February is also the shortest month!!


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