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Page 37

by Penny Hawking

  "Well you'll see me when I come home for Christmas. But as for Andy, I'm not really talking to him." I said as I manipulated the color of the dress a little bit.

  There was silence on the other line.

  "Fleur? Ca vas?" I asked.

  "What did you do this time?" Fleur asked softly.

  "Hey!" I said defensively as I stopped photoshopping for a moment. "I didn't do anything. It was your golden boy there that was trying to act all brand new."

  "Nee-nee, I love you...but this is why momma said you can't keep a man." She said with the tone of a wise old woman.

  My mouth dropped open in shock.

  "No momma, it's Nee-nee....Okay I'm coming! Hey Nee-nee I gotta go, bisous, je t'aime." She said happily as she hung up the phone.

  Hearing nothing more on my phone I took it off my shoulder and stared at it. Did she really say what I think she said? "I can keep a man!" I yelled into the phone. The phone vibrated in my hand and I almost dropped it. It gave off a bell for a text.

  You're so stubborn. Don't you think the silent treatment is getting kinda old?

  "No." I said stubbornly as I put the phone down. "And I'm not stubborn!" I yelled to no one in particular.


  I dreaded going to school on Monday as I tried my best not to bump into Andy in any way shape of form. I was determined, I would show him, just how much I didn't need him in my life and he was the one missing out. I mean I went this far in my life without that kid, it wouldn't be hard to continue it. Not to mention being with him in the first place had never been my intention to hook up or anything. God, no, that wasn't it at all. He just looked like he had the whole world on his shoulders and I was sure it was my divine right to intercede and show him how to loosen up and enjoy. That's what I get for sticking my nosy ass self in people's business. I mean after a while I saw that he was cool, okay he was pretty cool, he managed to hold my attention longer than anybody else ever had and that's how I knew I had to have him. I guess it was particularly my fault, I mean I called it from the beginning. If I had him, it wouldn't work. But I was too selfish and too greedy and I ended up just ruining a particular good friendship because of my lust for a certain emo kid with blue eyes. I kind of hated myself and I kind of didn't. I mean I enjoyed my time with him that's for sure...yeah I wanted more but he decided to turn things around. He just threw a curveball in my life with his new found revelation to help me. Help me? I was the last person on the planet who needed help. What could he with all his lost love, cutting and death do to fix me? Nothing was wrong!

  Needless to say, it was quite easy avoiding him for the next three days, I had other friends. I sat in a different place during Dr. Mauzzio's class and some people were shocked. I was kind of surprised when Sarah asked me if we were fighting. Like damn was I always on Andy’s dick like that in class for them to know right off the bat that there was a problem. Of course it wouldn't help when I would turn around to see Andy watching me sometimes when he looked up from his cow journal. The more I ignored him and the more I secretly watched him from afar, the more intrigued at what I'd done. What was it about this skinny pale kid that had me worked up? He wasn't like any of my other exes. (Well technically he could never be an ex because we hadn't gone out but you get my drift). I kind of wish he had been because I would have known what to expect if he came begging at me feet with roses and did everything to try to please me. But no, he watched me and he nodded and he texted. That's begging from him nothing. I passed through these three days feeling like I was in some kind of bubble. Had I imagined everything, if he was supposedly trying to help me...why wasn't he approaching me?

  That's the exact question I asked myself as I rolled my eyes while reading my textbook. U.S history was just not my thing. I flipped another page, not sure if what I read was sinking in. Because Andy was constantly in the corner of my mind. I was tempted to call him and ask him what this whole help me shit speech was if he wasn't even going to attempt to try and convince me. I let out a sigh as I turned the page. Why did I care? I didn't...I just missed bothering him and talking to him. I picked up my phone. I should call him and act like nothing happened. I dropped my phone back on the couch. This wasn't even my game anymore...he fucking changed the rules.

  "Bye." Brittany said snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I looked up to see my two best friends heading out the door. I slammed my textbook as I leaned over the couch. "Hey where are you guys going? I wanna come." I said.

  Brittany and Jazmine looked at each other. I knew that look. That's the look I perfected when I didn't want anybody to come with me. My mouth dropped open. How dare they try to exclude me?

  "Actually Brittany and I have to talk." Jazmine said softly. She shrugged apologetically and opened the front door.

  "I want to talk too." I said sitting up on my knees on the couch.

  "Do you, do you really want to talk?" Brittany asked putting her hands on her hips.

  "Yes!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "I'm mediator remember? You guys have a lot of issues between you guys."

  "We do not have issues!" Jazmine said. "Anyways that's why we need to talk to. Now once you’re done being a mediating bitch, you might want to take your own advice and talk to Andy." Jazmine said smugly. Brittany grinned at her and nudged her arm in agreement.

  Traitors! I crossed my arm across my chest. "I don't talk to one guy and you guys are being bitches about it?" I asked incredulously. "Yet you guys fuck the same guy, and you're all of a sudden going out for coffee."

  "First of all I did not fuck Nico." Brittany said speaking up.

  "Secondly, this is what friends do?" Jazmine said putting her hands on her hips.

  "Fuck each other's man?" I asked smugly.

  "No talk about it." Jazmine said sticking her middle finger up at me. "Right?" she asked turning to Brittany for confirmation. She seemed a little uneasy and kind of guilty. Brittany nodded and Jazmine got her spunk back. "Besides this is not about me, it's about you." She said throwing the conversation back in my face.

  I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. You guys didn't even like the kid." I said.

  "Hey I liked him." Brittany said defensively.

  "So did I." Jazmine said. She paused for a minute as though thinking and then nodded. "Yeah, I mean after you got past his creepy look and tight ass jeans, he was okay."

  Brittany abruptly took Jazmine's arm and stopped her from talking. "Jaz, drop's not like we were shocked or anything...come on its O.J. with boys...what else would we expect?"

  Jazmine gave me a pitiful look and nodded. "True."

  Now hold up just a minute there young ladies. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked appalled at their reaction. Wait were these the two girls I called friends?

  "It means we're late for our coffee date." Brittany said loudly as she nudged Jazmine who looked as though she wanted to give me a hug. She snapped out of it quickly and nodded.

  "Yeah bye." She said waving.

  I stared at a slammed door as I tried to process what happened. I didn't do anything! Why the fuck was everybody on my back. He was the one not calling! He started this weird thinking going on right now! Get mad at him!


  I sat in the corner of the Clab as Candace chatted away about how cute the guy who passed was. I nodded slightly trying to encourage her. At least this project seemed to be a successful one. She was no longer wearing her hideous big glasses, and DEFINETLY no socks with sandals. She still needed a little work but she was ten times prettier than before. I stared at her bright eyes, her big smile and her beautiful braids. She was actually really pretty now. Alas, somebody who appreciated my work and didn't want to stab me in the back with it. You see that Andy?

  "Isn't it?" she asked as I slowly zoned back in.

  "I'm sorry what?" I asked blinking rapidly to snap back to attention.

  "I said isn't that your boyfriend?" Candace asked.

  "I don't have a boyfriend." I said pointedly.
  Candace smoothed her pink shirt. "Oh...okay I just yeah..." she trailed off and looked down. I didn't need to ask why as I could feel his presence before he even spoke.

  "Hey Ornelia." Andy said smoothly. His voice was seriously like silk. Or would it be like a flowing fountain of chocolate. Smooth alone, couldn't describe it.

  Oh so now you want to talk to me and grace me with your presence huh?

  "Hey." I said nonchalantly as I turned around. My mouth dropped open. He was wearing the light blue shirt I'd gotten him over Thanksgiving break. Oh my fuck, were his eyes even bluer than ever. He had grey ripped skinnies and some rather worn looking black Toms. He slung his black book bag over his shoulder. Seriously that thing was hanging on by a thread...literally. Those safety pins were just not cutting it. I must have been staring because he shifted uncomfortably.

  "How’ve you been?" he asked flipping his bangs out of his eyes. He did his nervous tick with the lip ring. In, out, in out of his lip. Oh I'm so dirty, my mind just wandered.

  I stood up and looked him up and down. He looked fucking handsome. The blue shirt complementing his eyes and contrasting with his black hair was wasn't him. "What are you wearing?" I asked slowly. This kid was more handsome than I'd originally thought, but the shirt was so preppy, so not Andy. What the fuck was I thinking when I got it?

  Andy shrugged at he looked down at his shirt. "I thought if you saw me in this, I could guilt you into talking to me." He admitted.

  You're the one that wasn't talking to me!

  I stared at him confused. That shit is cute. Andy that is adorable....are you fucking with my head?

  "At least it works like that in movies." He added.

  I couldn't resist a smile tugging on the corner of my lips. I shook my head. "Take it off."

  "I look gay don't I?" He asked in a knowing tone.

  I shook my head.

  "You look very handsome." Candace said speaking up. I turned to smile at her and turned back to Andy.

  "I think I wanna show Bernard and Cindy this." I said as I took out my phone. I snapped a quick picture as he groaned and saved it. Later...later I'll blackmail him with this.

  "So does this mean we're good?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  Are you serious right now? We're good? We're good?!

  I shrugged. "I don't have a problem Andy. We were always fine."

  I watched Andy look as though he was going to protest. He stared at me unwaveringly for a couple seconds too long. It was uncomfortable, but I had to hold my ground. It was tough, if any other sane person was under the scrutiny of those gorgeous eyes, they would cave.

  "Of course." He said finally looking away. Okay I lied, I looked away first, but only because I had to make sure that Candace was okay. I didn't have to worry about her, her nose was plunged inside our textbook.

  "Hey Candace you ready?" I asked surprising her. She looked up quickly.

  "Uh....yeah?" she said uncertainly. She looked in Andy's direction and even with her dark complexion you could see her blush. "Sorry what am I ready for?" she asked softly. If it was supposed to be a whisper, she failed completely.

  "We have to go watch that silent film for class." I said annoyed.

  " you want to switch it back to today? But we just said we were---" She looked confused as I felt like burying myself in the ground. She wasn't exactly the slickest most conniving person ever...great job.

  "Oh yeah!" she said standing up and nodding rapidly finally getting the hint.

  "So I guess I'll see you around." I said grabbing my purse. I feigned remorse as I shrugged in his direction.

  "I can just come with you, I'm done for the day." Andy said taking a step closer.

  I froze. Andy you are not supposed to be initiator!

  "That's great!" Candace said happily. Andy and I both turned to look at her, my look must have been more deadly than Andy's because upon looking at my face she quickly shook her head. "I'll probably be very boring." She quickly grabbed her book bag and put it on. "Sorry." She whispered to me.

  Andy shrugged not taking his eyes off me. "It's okay, I like silent films. It gives you time to think."

  I groaned and walked away from the group as they followed behind me. What are you doing?


  I sighed as I brought my drink up to my mouths. Those two were getting on my last nerves, sitting in the second row, acting buddy buddy and shit as they entertained each other. I watched as Candace laughed again. Oh come on, Andy cannot be that funny. He barely said a joke in his life. I put my drink down and sank further into my seat. This silent film would probably be more interesting to analyze if I didn't keep looking back down at them. He was sitting relaxed in his seat, feet spread, and arms clasped together in his lap as he said something else to Candace and pointed at the screen. Candace nodded heartedly and I rolled my eyes. Excuse me if I'm interfering on your precious date you two. I picked up my drink and my notebook and quietly left the small theater. I could probably concentrate more in the back room upstairs without Andy acting as a distraction to me. I didn't notice Candace stop laughing or Andy turn around to watch me.

  I was almost out the door when Candace spoke up.

  "O.J. where are you going?" she asked concerned.

  I smiled as I nodded out the door. "I'll be upstairs in the backroom watching the movie...I like the sound of the video reeling." I said. My eyes involuntarily drifted over to Andy who was watching me intensely. I quickly looked away. "Later." I said heartily as I left the section of the theater.

  I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door with the key the teacher had given us wrapped around my wrist. I let out a deep breath as I plopped down in the big swivel car and spun around. It was a little dark and gloomy in here but it was surprisingly inviting. I picked up my notebook, okay note time. I thought as I leaned back in the seat comfortably.


  "Maybe we shouldn't wake her." I heard Candace whisper in the far distance.

  Wake her? Who me? I opened one eye and tried to adjust to the blurry figures by the door. I quickly sat up in my chair, dropping my notebook on the floor. I blinked several times to focus and looked around. "Shit, did I fall asleep?" I asked dreading the answer. I leaned over to pick up my notebook. Sure enough I only had one sentence and then my writing had a trailing line of gibberish.

  Andy smirked as he leaned against the wall his hands tucked into his pockets. "Yeah drooling and everything."

  "Was not!" I said defensively as my arm instantly wiped my mouth. When I felt nothing I glared at him.

  "I have to go to work and the movie's finish." Candace said pointing to the screen. "I took notes if you want to share off me...were you almost done before you fell asleep?" she asked.

  I looked down at my paper and showed her the one line I'd written down. I smiled sheepishly. "No...I kind of fell asleep right away I guess."

  "Oh wow." Candace said softly. She reached into her book bag and took out her notebook. "Here you can just use my notes." She said helpfully.

  Candace was always helping me out. It was like she was my only private angel. I felt like a jerk for having been annoyed at her earlier in the theater. I shook my head and smiled. "It's okay, I'll watch it again. I really wanted to see it...besides I don't have to return the keys until 9." I said putting my notebook down.

  "Are you sure?" She asked. "I don't mind having you use them."

  I almost forgot Andy was in the room until he spoke up. "You should probably let her do her own work so she's not taking advantage of you." He told Candace. He took her notebook and put it back in her book bag for her.

  "I'm not taking advantage." I muttered.

  "Oh I know she's not taking advantage." Candace said quickly.

  Andy shrugged. He looked up at his watch. "It's almost 4...aren't you going to be late?"

  Candace almost jumped. "Oh my gosh yes!" she turned her focus
back on me quickly. "Are you sure?" she asked.

  I nodded.

  I was surprised when Candice turned around and hugged Andy. I swore I never saw anybody hug him before. "Thank you so much for your input." She said smiling broadly. "Oh yeah...and for the other thing too." She said quickly as she looked down shyly. She hurriedly dismissed herself.

  I swiveled my chair around and stared up curiously at Andy. "Found a new friend?" I asked.

  Andy shrugged. "She's nice." He said.

  I got up and went to the machine to start the reel over again. "What happened to your blue shirt?" I asked finally noticing that he wasn't wearing it anymore. It was replaced by a simple brown V-neck.


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