Surrender to Me (I Surrender Trilogy Book 2)
Page 14
I continue my spying, and am grateful I am hidden in this huge booth behind a tall pot plant. I lean further onto the edge of the seat so I can get a better view.
“Here you go miss,” the waitress says, placing my latte in front of me, giving me yet another strange look.
Giving her a sheepish smile, I shuffle over into my seat, totally aware that I look like a stalker.
“Do you know them?” she asks, nodding her head towards Jasper and his mom.
“Yes,” I smile. “How long have they been here?”
“About an hour,” she shrugs. “It's nice that young man has company for once. He's usually in here alone.”
“He is?” I ask shocked.
“Yes. He actually always requests this booth,” she says while looking down at the booth I'm sitting at. My heart warms instantly.
“What does he order?” I ask casually, trying not to sound like a crazy person.
The middle aged waitress scratches her head with her pen, as if trying to recall his order. “If I remember correctly, he orders black coffee and the Whole Wheat and Honey Pancakes with whipped butter and…”
“Maple syrup,” I finish off.
He orders my favorite. I would order those pancakes without fail, every time we came here. But why, why would he do that? I cover my hand over my mouth shocked.
“Is that bad?” she asks when she notices my reaction.
I shake my head. “No, it's really really good. It means he still cares.”
The waitress smiles warmly. “I’ll never understand you young folk,” and she pats my shoulder before walking off.
If I thought I was confused earlier, now I am totally puzzled.
Talk about mind fuck of the century.
Still trying to decipher what the hell all this means, I fail to notice Jasper and his mom stand up, ready to leave, until they are walking towards my table. He pulls his wallet out from his back pocket, and I suddenly don’t feel so hidden, but very exposed, as this flimsy pot plant may as well be invisible with him walking towards me!
I begin to panic.
I hide behind the only thing I can. The menu.
My head is buried deep into it, and my nose is inches away from rubbing against the laminate. I know I look ridiculous, but it's the best I can come up with, considering what I have to work with.
I lower the menu an inch, and observe Jasper looking awfully amused at this situation.
“Hi,” I squeak.
“Are you hiding behind a menu?” he chuckles.
I lower it onto my lap. “No, of course not,” I scoff, totally busted.
He looks at me unbelieving. “I think you were. You really need to come up with better hiding spots,” he laughs quietly, and I know he is referring to the incident when he caught me hiding in the fridge.
I blush at the memory.
Jasper’s mom clears her throat.
“Oh sorry mom, this is my friend Ava.”
Promptly standing, I extend my hand, but she looks down her nose at me, curling her lip in distaste. But she quickly smiles when Jasper shuffles uncomfortably next to her.
“Nice to meet you Ava,” she says while shaking my hand lightly.
I feel her instant dislike for me, and she confirms it when she wipes the hand I just shook on her pants.
I stare at her hand, and then peer down at me.
Okay, I might look a little casual in my short denim shorts and faded grey ‘Save The Whales’ tee, but I was not anticipating meeting my ex-boyfriend’s mom.
I look at Jasper who seems to have the total opposite reaction to his mom, as I witness him checking out my legs.
“We better go,” Jasper’s mom says as she too witnesses her son’s approval of me.
Jasper smiles when I widen my eyes to tell him to stop ogling me in front of his mom.
“Are you coming to Little Sisters tonight? We're playing a show,” he says after he’s done checking me out.
I nod, surprised he would invite me. “Yeah sure, I'd love to.”
“Okay, see you tonight,” he smiles, and surprises me by giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.
I watch them leave and am unaware of the hand I have pressed to my cheek, until my waitress saunters past, with a coffee pot in hand.
“I think he likes you.”
I stroke my hand over my recently kissed cheek and smile.
“I think so too.”
“Are you sure you want to come? It's just a bunch of us hanging out, watching Lucas’ band.” And Jasper’s, I silently add.
“Of course I do,” Harper replies as he turns towards me while buttoning up his white linen shirt.
He leaves the top two buttons undone, and he knows he looks good. His ripped chest would stir up feelings of lust and longing amongst many women, and I would be lying if I didn’t confess that I do find him attractive, but now, because of this situation, I barely conjure up a response to seeing his flesh on display. And that’s because I am sitting on our huge bed, nervously twisting my hands in my lap, wishing tonight was one of those nights where Harper had to work.
As he slips into charcoal pleated pants and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt, I suddenly feel nauseous. He is actually coming, and I really need to come up with a plan of action quick smart. Without a doubt, Harper will know something is up with Jasper and I, and that thought brings about another steady spell of nausea. I cover my mouth and swallow nervously.
Harper slips on his silver Rolex, raising an inquisitive brow. “Are you okay? You’ve been so jumpy these past few days.”
I nod immediately. “I’m fine.”
How would he know? This is the first time I have had a proper conversation with him in days.
I subconsciously begin twirling a bracelet I haven’t worn since the day Jasper broke my heart. Today however, is the first day I have felt like I won’t breakdown by having it anywhere near me. Peering down at the silver charm bracelet Jasper gave me last Christmas, I smile, and I don’t know why, but today I feel different about this piece of jewellery. I have treasured it since the day I received it, and nothing will ever compare to it. I finger the bird charm, and will never forget the feeling of being given something so beautiful.
Harper looks at me strangely as he walks into the bathroom, and he quickly re-enters the room with the biggest bunch of roses I have ever seen. These roses I’m convinced are a hybrid breed, as they are humongous!
Harper sits on the bed, placing them into my lap, while kissing my temple softly. “I thought these would cheer you up. And it’s also to apologize for putting work before you.”
I toy with the soft petals, and instead of his gesture cheering me up, it has the opposite effect. I should be overjoyed that my fiancée has just given me the world’s biggest bunch of Roses known to mankind, but I’m not. I liked the purple Hyacinths better; they were not an obnoxious flower like these red Roses. They were heartfelt, and they showed me he cared.
“Don’t you like them?” he asks.
I instantly feel guilty for being so ungrateful and shake my head, my high ponytail swinging with the motion. “Of course I do, I love them. Thank you.”
“Then why do you look like I’ve just given you Carnations?” Harper jokes.
Looking into his blue eyes, I remember how kind he was when I was mourning Jasper. “I was just thinking about the time you gave me the bunch of purple Hyacinths.”
I witness a change in Harper’s expression, one I can’t make sense of, but it doesn’t look good.
“What about them? You can’t tell me those flowers compare to these,” he says, while flicking his fingers towards the bunch in my lap.
I loved those purple Hyacinths, and I cringe when he refers to them so cheaply. “I just thought you would give me another bunch of them, seeing as you were saying sorry,” I reply sheepishly, not wanting to appear unappreciative.
“What does that have to do with saying sorry?” Harper asks,
and there is a sharp tone in his voice.
Scrunching up my face, I push tendrils of my hair behind my ear. Was it just a coincidence he got me those flowers in Singapore? Did he not know the meaning of them after all?
“Nevermind, thank you,” I smile, giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
Hopping off the bed, I walk over to the bedside table to grab my bag, and I have a niggling feeling as I place the flowers on the dresser that something is off. But I really don’t have the time or energy to deal with it right now.
“Do you think we could cab it tonight?”
Harper hasn’t gotten off the bed, and he still has that damn indecipherable look on his face.
“Yeah sure, that’s fine,” he answers blankly.
Placing a palm on my cocked hip, I reply, “Really? Gee, that was easy.”
“That’s what our relationship should be Ava- easy.”
He rises and pulls his sports blazer off the back of a chair.
I cringe as our relationship is anything but.
Ignoring his comment, I quickly grab my black cardigan. “Okay, let’s go then.”
Harper looks at my clothes like they have just slapped both his cheeks.
He clears his throat. “You’re wearing that?”
Looking down at my navy Converse, blue ripped jeans and tight white ‘Little Sisters V neck t-shirt, I reply, “Yeah, what’s wrong with my clothes?”
I am so sick of people commenting on my attire, as I can’t please anyone with my fashion choices lately. Although this current outfit is one I feel most defensive about, because this is what I like. This is me, not the other ostentatious garments I’ve been wearing. V was right, and I just needed that kick in the butt to snap me out of my Chanel coma.
“What about all the other things I bought you?”
I slip on my silver onyx ring that is sitting on the bedside table. “I don’t feel like wearing them.”
Harper fixes his perfect collar and snaps, “So you prefer your appearance to resemble a homeless person?”
There it is- that condescending tone that grates on my nerves, and pisses me off. Harper can be kind, but he can also be cruel. And when that side shines, it overshadows any kindness he has shown in the past.
Suddenly the old Ava, the fiery, opinionated Ava takes over.
I’ve missed her.
“Well, if you couldn’t bear to be in the presence of someone who doesn’t live up to your fashion standards, then stay here.”
Wow, I feel myself smile for the first time in forever.
I pick up the snobbish flowers and throw them at Harper who catches them, his mouth agape at my outburst.
“FYI, I liked the purple Hyacinths better,” and I storm out the door.
Entering the lift, I realize I have a new addition to my outfit. And that is a smile. A full genuine smile.
And that is something I haven’t worn in a long, long time.
With that thought, an even bigger smile spreads across my lips until my cheeks hurt.
But this time, this pain is something I welcome and embrace with both hands.
To say I am on edge is the understatement of the century, but taking a deep breath, I walk into Little Sister’s without vomiting. I don’t even get carded like I usually do, which is surprising, because due to these light freckles and big brown eyes, I look underage. But I am proud to admit, the security remembered me and ushered me straight through.
This place used to be my second home, and taking my first few steps inside, it feels like I never left.
Everything is still the same. The scuffed dance floor is still scuffed, and the huge neon bar is still filled with many thirsty patrons, waiting impatiently for their drinks. And of course, the bar staff still look like they have raided their little sister’s closets.
The place is packed, and with so many people squished inside, I have no hope of finding V.
Or so I though.
Feeling a set of tiny arms grab me from behind, I am suddenly lifted me off the ground.
“Ahhh!” I giggle while whacking at V’s hands. “Put me down before you drop me, or give yourself a hernia.”
She obliges, and I spin around to give my best friend a big hug.
“It is you,” she smirks. “I saw someone that looked like my old best friend, but I wasn’t sure if it was her.”
I poke my tongue out at her while she pulls me in for another hug.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispers, and I understand the double meaning behind it.
V looks beautiful, as usual, in her black and white polka dot knee length halter dress with thin red belt. She has applied a deep red shade of lipstick that complements her ebony hair, which is fastened into a side bun with a red bow. She is glowing because her beau is at her side.
Lucas gives me a quick smile and I attempt to sidestep him, because the last time we hugged, I was squished under his huge biceps, struggling to breathe. Unfortunately I am too late, and he squashes me to his chest. I awkwardly pat his back, and can’t help but note the comparison of this scenario to when I first met him. How things have changed since then.
“Hey Ava,” he muffles into my hair.
As I glance at V, who is standing behind Lucas, looking mighty satisfied at my embarrassment, I suddenly have an idea. Chuckling to myself, I reach down to give Lucas’ butt a firm squeeze. I feel him tense under my hand, which just makes me squeeze harder. This is payback for him totally sabotaging me the other night.
“Hey Lucas. Wow, have you been working out?”
He suddenly lets me go and I witness him blush a beet red, while V snorts in laughter, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Okay, I get it. I am sorry and I will never go along with V’s devious ploys ever again. Gee, you and her are evil, evil women,” Lucas says smiling, his palms lifted in surrender.
V is still cackling away, dabbing the corner of her eyes with the tips of her pointer fingers. “Oh God Ava, I have a stitch, that performance earns you a drink.”
“Lead the way bestie. If I knew feeling up your fiancée would get me free drinks, I would have done it months ago.”
V takes a hold of my hand and drags me over to the bar, still giggling.
We are waiting in line when Paramore’s All I Wanted, comes blaring over the speakers. I love this song and start humming away, totally unaware of my surroundings. However, as soon as the chorus starts, my body experiences a rush of pure excitement, and I know the reason for it.
The reason being Jasper White.
I spin around to my side, but V is nowhere in sight, Jasper however, has taken her place. He reaches down with steady hands and fingers the charm bracelet around my wrist, while I instantly shiver, feeling his hands on me. Looking at me with an unreadable gaze, I open my mouth, hoping something intelligent or at least coherent will pass through my lips. But he silences me by pulling me towards him, wrapping his strong arms around me and crushing me to his chest.
I don’t know what to do, so I hug him back. I hug him harder than I have ever hugged him before. I desperately cling to him, and I never want to let him go. There is no need to utter a single word, because our actions speak a million.
Only when we hear a throat clearing, do we break apart, but Jasper keeps a firm hand around my waist.
We approach the bar and Jasper asks me, “Tequila Sunrise?”
I nod, giving him a small smile, absolutely euphoric he remembers what I like to drink. The bartender hands Jasper our drinks, while leaning down a little too low to expose her bountiful bust. I wince as I have almost forgotten what it is like to be around Jasper and other women. But as usual, he seems totally oblivious, or maybe he just doesn’t care.
Reaching into my purse to pay, Jasper stops me by swatting away my hand, while giving the leering bartender a twenty.
As we stroll over to a vacant table, I take a sip of my drink and close my eyes, savoring the taste. Of late, due to the posh restaurants, I have been dining upo
n expensive wines, but after this one sip, I will never go back to them.
Opening my eyes, I blush when I witness Jasper and his dimple looking at me affectionately.
“What?” I ask, wiping my nose and mouth, in case I have anything on my face.
Jasper shakes his head, laughing lightly. “Nothing, I was just admiring the view.”
I scrunch up my nose confused, then his comment dawns on me. He’s enjoying the view? Is he enjoying me?
Holy shit! I down the tequila in one huge gulp, barely holding back a cough.
I nervously twirl the end of my ponytail, and then begin spinning my onyx ring as I can’t sit still, because the look in Jasper’s eyes is leaving me breathless.
As I start playing with my silver bracelets, Jasper put his palm on mine to stop my fidgeting. I slowly peer up at him, and he stares at me openly, while toying with the scar on his bottom lip.
Holy freakin’ hell, I have seriously just combusted. With his cerulean eyes observing me closely, and his bow lips pressed together, I am going to throw myself at him.
“Hi Ava,” he smiles with two dimples clearly on display.
I look at him confused. “Hi Jasper,” I reply.
“Where have you been?” he asks.
“Um here?” I reply, phrasing my response as a question, as I am unsure what he means.
He scratches his chiseled jaw, his fingers grazing over his dark stubble. “No you haven’t,” he smiles when he reads my confusion.
Raising an eyebrow, I come to the conclusion that Jasper is drunk because he is making zero sense.
But he clarifies as he leans forward on his elbows, our faces inches apart. “The Ava I fell in love with hasn’t been here, she’s been missing. But this Ava,” he says, while running his fingertips down my cheek, over my chin and coming to rest at the hollow in my neck. “This Ava is the real Ava.”
Gulping, I take small quick breaths, before I pass out. My cheeks and neck are a bright crimson, but I don’t care, because in this moment, all that matters is Jasper.
“I like this, Ava. I like this Ava a lot.” He smirks, and I don’t fail to recognize his words as ones he spoke to me months and months ago.