The Oxford History of the Biblical World
Page 79
culture, 27
language, 47, 153
term, 30
Daniel and, 340
formation of, 260, 276, 302, 418, 433–34
canonical criticism, and Exodus narrative, 61–62
Caphtor (Crete), as home of Philistines, 114
Caracalla (emperor), 423
Carchemish, 37, 43, 263
battle of, 44, 262
Carites, 230
Carmel, Mount, 4, 208, 222, 287, 354
Carniero, Robert L., 203
Cave of the Treasure, 15–16
attempted by David, 198
list, in 2 Samuel 24, 185
Roman, 361
ceramics. See pottery
Chagar Bazar, 34, 37
Chalcolithic Age, 14–16, 447
Chaney, M., 204
chariots, 66, 126
of Yahweh, 157
charismatic teachers, 369–74
Chavalas, Mark W., 56
Chemosh (Moabite god), 154, 156
cherubim, 157, 198
chiefdom, 151, 177–78
chief priest. See high priest
Chosroes II (king), 443
Chrestus, 399, 401
title, 388 See also Jesus
designation, 402–03
diversity, 428–29
orthodoxy, 428
Christianity, early, 374–75
organization of, 374–75
persecution of, 379, 423–24
religious practices of, 374, 414
triumph of, 423–26
Christos, 399
Chronicler, 93, 209
Chronicles, books of, 281, 290, 302, 307
history of composition of, 281
Jerusalem bias of, 217
Judean monarchy and, 243
monarchy and, 173–74, 213
sources of, 210–12
and Jews, 436–38
in Late Antiquity, 433–35
church fathers, anti-Jewish sentiments of, 436–37
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Byzantine, 425
Chuvin, Pierre, 444
Cicero, 393
circumcision, 336, 376
significance of, during exile, 271
architecture of, in Iron Age Israel, 189
government of, 17
Levitical, 60
Philistine, 123–24
rise of, 16–18
royal, 189
cities of refuge, 216
city gate
architecture of, 188
city-states, 447, 448
in Canaan, 47–49
in Syria-Palestine, 80–83, 447108–13, 597
Claessen, Henri J. M., 203
Claudius (emperor), 363, 377–78, 398–401, 452
expelled Jews from Rome, 379
letter to Alexandrians, 398
clay tablets, as writing materials, 19
Cleopatra III, 338
Cleopatra VII, 356–57, 390
Clifford, Richard J., 23
coastal plain, of Palestine, 4, 5
codex, as manuscript form, 434
anthropoid, 119–20
Cogan, Mordechai, 242–75
Cohen, Ronald, 203
Cohen, Shaye J. D., 350, 386, 441
coins, 315
archaeology and, 12
commemorating death of Augustus, 389
Herodian, 357
inscribed with “Year 1,” 382
minted by Agrippa I, 377
minted by Agrippa II, 378
minted by Bar Kokhba, 358, 385
of Nero, 401
from Ptolemaic period, 319
Roman, 392
from Second Jewish Revolt, 422
silver, inscribed yhd, 311
Colosseum, 406–07
conquest of Canaan, 61, 77, 79
archaeology and, 94–97
conquest hypothesis, 94–97
narratives of, 93–94
pastoral-nomad hypothesis, 102–03
peasants’ revolt hypothesis, 103–04
ruralization hypothesis, 104–05
Constantine, 69, 424–26, 432, 435, 439, 452
Constantine II, 435
Constantinople, 432, 452
Constantius, 416, 426, 435–36, 439
Constitutio Antoniniana, 423
Coogan, Michael D., 3–24, 56, 88
Cook, J. M., 315
Coote, Robert B., 204, 218, 240
Coponius, 362
copper artifacts, 15–16
Council of Nicea, 391, 425
councils of the church, 434
covenant, 60, 106
ideology of, 209
Covenant Code. See Book of the Covenant
creation, and ancient Near East, 3, 19–20
Crete, Phoenicians and, 155
Crim, Keith, 130
Croesus, 283
Cross, Frank Moore, 56, 105, 129–30, 163, 213, 240, 275, 313
crucifixion, by Alexander Janneus, 337
Cumanus (Ventidius Cumanus), 378
cuneiform writing, 19
Cushan, 108
Cuspius Fadus, 377–78
Cyprus, 9, 224, 263, 280, 325, 400
Persian empire, 292
Philistines and, 117–18, 153
Cyrus Cylinder, 282, 283–84
Cyrus the Great, 273, 279, 451
and book of Ezra, 284
restoration and, 282–86, 299
and Second Isaiah, 273–74
date of composition of, 61
as pentateuchal source, 61
Dagan, 32, 50
Dalley, Stephanie, 8, 20, 22, 23
Damascus, 37, 43, 138, 152, 167, 208, 224, 263, 280, 325, 332, 354, 400
Damasus (pope), 434
territory of, 138, 167
tribe of, 91, 115, 125, 139
Dan (Tel Dan), 208
ancient sanctuary at, 213
See also Tel Dan
Daniel, book of, 311, 340–42
Greek version of, 341
Danites. See Dan, tribe of
Darius I, 278, 292–93, 294, 295, 302, 304, 451
archaeological record of, 293
death of, 304
statue of, at Susa, 285–86
Darius II, 314
Darius III Codomanus, 279, 314
darkness, plague of, 59
David, 449
anointing of, 197
and ark of the covenant, 156
and building of Temple, 198
as chief, 178
in Chronicles, 174–75
chronology of, 169
Court History of, 172
Deuteronomic History and, 171–75
and Goliath, 126, 171
high officials of, 193
house of, 166
kingdom of, 167, 183–85
administrative structure of, 195
and kingship in Israel, 169
and Mesha Stela, 175
military operations of, 193
as musician, 175
and Philistines, 127
priestly administrators of, 193–94
and Saul, 151
Succession Narrative of, 172
Davidic dynasty, 166, 303
Davies, Philip R., 204
Davies, W. D., 315, 350
Day of Atonement, 359
Dead Sea, 5, 6
Dead Sea Scrolls, 21, 338, 359
1QH (Hymn Scroll), 368
1QS (Rule of the Community), 367
4QMMT, 368
archaeology and, 15, 367
Cairo-Damascus Document (CD), 367
discovery of, at Qumran, 15
Essenes and, 345, 365
Genesis Apocryphon, 368
Greek and, 353–54
Hebrew and, 353
Psalms scroll, 368
sp; Temple Scroll, 359, 368
War Scroll, 368 See also Essenes; Qumran; Qumran community; Qumran literature
Dearman, J. Andrew, 240
Debir (Tell er-Rabud), 98
Deborah, 144–45
as judge, 135
Decalogue. See Ten Commandments
Dedan (al-’Ula), 106, 280, 289
Deir el-Balah, 120
Delaiah, 313
Delian League, 305
Delphic Oracle, 283
Demetrius I, 333–35
Demetrius II, 334–36
Demetrius III, 338
Denyen, 86, 152. See also Sea Peoples
Deuteronomic Historian (DH), 93–94, 133, 209
themes of, 133–34
Deuteronomic History, 61, 93–94, 170, 178, 196, 198, 209, 210, 213, 215, 281
disapproval of northern kings in, 217
Divided Monarchy and, 206–40
early version of, 247
Jehu and, 228–36
Jerusalem bias of, 217
monarchy and, 169–75, 210
sources of, 93–94, 210–12
Deuteronomy, book of, 60
as book of law, 260
origin of, 216
poetry in, 159–60
reform of Josiah and, 261
speeches of Moses in, 60
theological perspective of, 216
Dever, William G., 130
DH. See Deuteronomic Historian
Dhiban. See Dibon
diarchy, in restoration community, 294
Diaspora, 272, 276, 306, 308, 310, 311–12, 315, 318, 322, 344, 353, 354, 365, 384, 386 proseuche in, 360, 375–76
social intolerance in, 375
Temple and, 358
Dibon (modern Dhiban), 95, 96
Dio Cassius, 402, 404, 406, 410, 412, 413, 421, 422
Dio Chrysostom, 367
Diocletian (emperor), 423–24, 439, 452
Divided Monarchy, 206–41, 449–50
biblical sources for, 209
boundaries of, 206–07, 208
chronology of, 214–15
differing ideologies of north and south, 216–17
international relations and, 214
divorce, 302
in Late Antique Judaism, 442
Diyala River, 35, 37
Documentary Hypothesis, 61
Domar, Evsey, 104–05
Dome of the Rock, 443
domestication of plants and animals, 10
at Ain Ghazal, 10–11
Domitian (emperor), 404, 406, 407, 409–12, 452
Dor, 99, 114, 118, 127, 152, 167, 208, 280, 287, 288, 332
Dothan, Moshe, 88, 163
Dothan, Trude, 88, 163
Drusilla (daughter of Agrippa I), 377–78
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 368
Persian, 301
Dunn, James D. G., 418
Durham, John I, 89
Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad), 263
E, 28, 218
and northern kingdom, 218
as pentateuchal source, 28, 61
themes of, 218
Eannatum (ruler of Lagash), 31
Earle, Timothy K., 203
Early Bronze Age, 13, 30, 33, 447
decline of, 33–34
in Palestine, 18
urbanism in, 16–18
Eastern Mediterranean, during Roman Empire, 400
Ebenezer, battle of, 127
Ebla, 31, 32, 33, 37, 41
archives of, 31–32
Eblaite language, 32
Ecbatana (modern Hamadan), 280, 283, 286, 299, 325
Ecclesiastes, 349–50
Edict of Milan, 424
Edict of Toleration, 424
Edom, 60, 107, 138, 153–54, 208, 224, 263
in book of Obadiah, 267
and the Exodus, 60, 79
Edomite language, 153
Edomites, 280
Amorites and, 154
in Numbers, 154
religion of, 156, 288
Egeria, 424
Eglon (Tell ‘Aitun), 98
Egypt, 37
archaeology and, 18, 42
Asiatics as slaves in, 73, 74–76, 80
Dynasty 12, 41, 74
Dynasty 13, 74, 80
Dynasty 15, 74, 80
Dynasty 17, 42
Dynasty 18, 42, 43, 66, 71, 79, 80, 84
Dynasty 19, 65, 71, 74, 76, 79, 84, 85
Dynasty 20, 65, 71, 79, 85, 175
Dynasty 21, 175
Dynasty 26, 292
exiled community in, 272
First Intermediate Period, 33, 74, 447
geography of, in relation to Bible, 4–7
in Late Bronze Age, 42–46
in Middle Bronze Age, 41–42
Middle Kingdom of, 41, 80, 448
monotheism and, 111
New Kingdom of, 43, 44, 74, 79–83, 448
Old Kingdom of, 18, 33, 447
plagues in, 59, 64
Second Intermediate Period, 74, 448
sojourn in, Near Eastern parallels to, 74–76
writing and, 18
Ehrich, Robert W., 23
Ehud, 135, 139
Eichler, Barry L., 56
Ekron (Tel Miqne), 97, 114, 120, 121, 124, 127, 138, 152, 153
archaeology of, 254
El, 53–54
as name of God, 53, 213
and Ugaritic pantheon, 50
Eleazar (brother of Judah Maccabee), 333
Eleazar (grandson of Judas the Galilean), 380
Eleazar ben Jair, 384
Eleazar ben Simeon, 382–83
El Elyon, 54
Elephantine, 263, 272, 280, 291, 312, 282, 291, 308, 312
papyri, 374, 385, 386, 409, 414
as slayer of Goliath, 171
Eli, 137
Eliashib I, 296, 310
Eliashib II, 296
Elide dynasty of priests, 127
Elijah, 221–24
stories of, 247
Elioenai, 296
Elisha, 223–24, 231
stories of, 247
Elnathan, 296, 303–304
Elohim, as name of God, 28, 53, 106
Elohist source, 28, 29
See also E
El Olam, 54
El Shadday, 53–54
Emar tablets, 52–53
Emmanuel (Immanuel), 238
“Empty Quarter,” 5, 9
En-gedi, 16
sanctuary complex at, 16
En Haseva, 269
Enoch (son of Cain), 21
Enoch, First, Aramaic and, 368
Enuma Elish, 8, 20, 25, 51
Eph’al, Israel, 275
archaeology and, 100, 101
hill country of, 6
territory of, 100, 167, 208
Ephrat, E., 23
Epicureans, 365
Epipaleolithic era, 10, 447
Epiphanius, 431
Epistle of Barnabas, 433
Eridu, 17
Esarhaddon, 253, 450
Eshnunna (Tell Asmar), 35, 37
Essenes, 342–46, 367–69, 386
beliefs of, 345
Dead Sea Scrolls and, 367–69
Josephus and, 365
name of, 367
Samaritans and, 346
See also Dead Sea Scrolls; Qumran; Qumran community; Qumran literature
Esther, book of, 311, 322–23
euaggelion (good news), 394
Eucharist, 431
Euphrates River, 5, 7, 9, 37, 224, 263, 280, 325, 400
Eusebius, 381, 417, 421, 423, 424–25, 432
“Life of Constantine,” 424
Evil-merodach (Amel-marduk), 269
Execration Texts, 42
exile, Babylonian. See Babylonian exile
exile in Egypt, 272
Exodus, 58–89
analogues to, 72–76
archaeology and, 77–79
r /> biblical narrative of, 59–64
composition of, 62–63
date of, 63
historicity of, 63–66
literary and historical character of, 61–64
sources of, 70–72
chronology of, 69–70, 77–79, 87
covenant and, 59
Egypt as setting of, 64–65